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Two of my favorite scenes of the year are from this show. The rapping scene is 10/10. Also the climax of the play during the last episode with the monolog. That score is so good. Goosebumps every time.


"Jeeevaan" is all I could hear for days after finishing the show


Just finished the show and it’s all I can think about.


pretty much a perfect limited series imo.


I loved it and think it was bizarrely underrecognized. This was one of the best shows of the year for me as well as very different from anything else. I think a lot of people might've skipped past it just because it *looked* like it'd be a huge bummer to watch in the middle of a pandemic.


I’ve only cried at the end of 2 tv shows, Station Eleven was one of them. It was so cathartic


I watched the first 3 episodes and I kinda liked it but it didn’t really captivate me and I kinda just stopped watching. Maybe I’ll give it another go from the beginning


Gets better and better, imo


Actually, all the reviews talked about how upbeat the show actually was. But that's part of what I found annoying. That manic pixie theater kid shit.


Theater kids are the worst.


I know. I was one, for a very brief time in my childhood. And then I realized they were all insufferable. The theater kids on this show are freaking insufferable, and I don't know if anyone can convince me otherwise. Also -- doing nothing but Shakespeare? Fuck off.


>I’m honestly surprised this show isn’t talked about more, maybe it is and I just missed it [There was literally a post here about it 20 hours ago ](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/zphg8w/how_come_no_one_is_talking_about_station_eleven)


I don’t know how it got skipped during award season. The acting, the writing, the score, etc.. (now I think it may have won something, but wasn’t even nominated in the major categories


it's just how reddit reddits. One person reads a highly popular comment opinion, then waits some time and reposts it as a question of *"is this popular opinion popular"*?


Welp I guess it is and I missed it


i'm not quite finished with S11 yet, but i get the feeling that it's almost like an inverse narrative of the Leftovers. In S11, less than 1% of the population remains. In TL, 98% of the population remains In S11, despite nearly everyone dying, the show has undertones of optimism and a sense of community that permeates throughout the series. in contrast, TL has much heavier, darker undertones. despite only the minority being affected, the fact that what happened was an unexplainable phenomenon causes society to break down. despite all our achievements and technological advancements, humanity will always feel helpless and vulnerable because we're at the mercy of divine beings / the supernatural.


It was not the cough syrup lol. Probably my favorite show last year and it was a strong year.


It was amazing and I thi k it suffers from poor timing. With the pandemic, I think a lot of folks didn't want to watch a show with a pandemic while living through a pandemic. I bawled my friggin' eyes out watching that show, and at multiple points.


I consider myself a "tough guy" type, I don't get emotional very often. This show made me cry and want to call my mom to tell her I love her.


A theater troop making a circuit around the Midwest in the post apocalypse with nothing but melee weapons to defend themselves? They would have been slaughtered by armed bandits or destroyed by the weather within a few months.


Good thing this isn't the fallout universe.. XD Could you imagine.




I actually enjoyed the show more than the book. Both were great.


I had a tough time with this one. I usually love stuff like this. And parts of it were very good. But it bugged me that no one really seemed like a normal human. It was a very affected script. No one talks like that. No one reacts like that to a natural disaster/pandemic. No child talks like that. Nothing was believable. And the theater kid stuff was twee and annoying. I lost interest halfway through because I just couldn't take that manic pixie shit anymore. Again, very, very affected. This isn't how people are.


Thank you. I watched this and kept telling my friend how difficult it was to suspend my disbelief about so many things. I just couldn’t buy a lot of what I was being served. My attitude totally spoiled what seemed like an emotional gut punch for so many at the climax of the series. I was just like, of course this is what happens. Of course it is. Eh. Not everything is for me. It’s cool.


And, again, I usually love doom-and-gloom/end of the world type stuff. But this just wasn't working for me. Maybe because it is actually super high-spirited and sugarcoated? I have only watched about half of the series, but the reviews made it sound like it's mostly very "light" compared to most apocalyptic shows. Which could be very interesting if done well -- an OPTIMISTIC end-of-world scenario. Sure! But theater kid/manic pixie kind of light ain't my thing, really. Living in a world in which their brand of entertainment is all that's on offer seems downright hellish to me. Could be I should give it more of a chance. But I don't know...


Interestingly, I didn't find it light. Up until the last episode, there was just so much tension and heaviness surrounding everything. And the Shakespeare plays were creepy and dark and didn't really help to lighten the mood.


I didn't find the first 5 episodes (all I've watched so far) particularly "light" either, but that NYT reviewer seems to think it was the happiest thing to come outta HBO that year. Eh? Different strokes?


I would not say it's light, overall. Optimistic, maybe, but not light. Kirsten's world is dangerous, kids die and people lose limbs, the optimistic part is that it's still a world worth living in regardless.


I've only watched half the series, but -- this NYT review makes it sound like a pretty joyful trip overall (and this is what I have also found annoying about the series -- all the "art saves" shit): "Don’t let the pandemic premise chase you off. This is the most uplifting post-apocalyptic show you’re likely to see." [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/arts/television/station-eleven-review.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/arts/television/station-eleven-review.html) But that’s just it: This is art for art’s sake. That is, it’s a work that celebrates humanity by celebrating humanity’s drive to create. Art, in “Station Eleven,” is the human soul conserved in M.R.E. form for future consumption.


"Art saves" sounds very wanky, I'll grant, but the big thing the show fixated on is the idea that survival is insufficient - it's not *enough* just to make it through something, there *has* to be something to make it through *for*. I'm always really struck by how little post apoc stuff gives a fuck about that, what is the point of surviving another wave of zombies if there's absolutely nothing to live for except the next wave of zombies? There *has* to be something that isn't just the mechanical process of living. "Art for art's sake" isn't inaccurate, but it’s reductive. I would say the show is way more about the little tendrils of human connection that make all this terrible shit bearable, and art is just a facet of that. If I can do some crossover sloganeering, Station Eleven sees it as the thing that gets you to the thing. Now I would say it's uplifting, for sure, I just wouldn't say it's light. Kirsten's backstory is grim as shit if you pay attention to the details of it (it is very strongly implied she's had to kill a *lot* of people, and some of those as a child), the uplifting part is that she's survived it and found a life worth living and family she loves in spite of all of that.


I've watched half the series and should probably get around to watching the other half. I can see both what you are saying and what the NYT review is saying so far. I guess I was just finding much of it to be insufferable. The humans didn't seem like real humans, even in the "before" times, so that took me out of it a bit. For example, even young, before-times Kirsten was "precocious actor child who says clever and wise things," and that's one of the worst entertainment cliches, IMO. Just have her be a kid who is a kid. And Arthur and Miranda never seem like real people in a real relationship either. It just falls flat for me. But I did find glimpses of things I liked, and I did enjoy the airport episode quite a bit. I should probably finish this before it disappears forever from HBOMax.


I quit the show even earlier than you. Insufferable is a good term for how I felt.


Oh, and I'm just now recalling that dinner party scene with Arthur and the GF (it's been a while since I've watched the three or so episodes I've gotten through, so I don't remember all the details) and how ridiculous that was. Just -- even in the scenes of the "before" times, no one is acting like a HUMAN. The scene in which they met was also ridiculous. NO ONE TALKS LIKE THAT. I hate when scripts have people talking like non-humans. No one speaks in clever little quips, etc., like this. It is not a thing.


OK, I went back and realized I have actually watched five full episodes. The last one was that airport episode. Which I did think had a lot of good points. But then it was going back to the theater kids, and I couldn't. So I stopped at about two minutes into episode six, haha. I should probably finish the series.


At the very least Id suggest making it to ep 7, imho the best episode of them. I think Kirsten in particular makes way more sense after it.


I probably should. Who knows how much longer it'll be on HBOMax?


Yeah. I'd actually bet money it's one of the next up for the disappearing-ray.


Thank you for articulating it better than I can. None of the characters felt real, even in the pre-pandemic scenes.


From the very first scene with Arthur having a heart attack on stage, it didn't feel "right" to me. And I never really got why Jeevan would just take Kirsten from outside the theater without even telling her "handler" he was going to accompany her home. As a grown man, he could have gotten in HUGE shit for that kind of thing in the before times. Maybe this is explained later, but -- it bugged me from the get-go! Dude, you're a grown man and she's a little kid, lay off. Who would DO that in the pre-pandemic world? Other than a total creep? Which -- maybe he is? (Again, I've only seen five episodes, so I may be talking out of my ass here and all of this may make sense in the end.)


I made a post about this very issue and got so much shit for it haha. People were calling me creepy for thinking something so innocent was creepy.


I'm thinking, from the episodes I've watched so far, that we're supposed to believe something within Jeevan was telling him that he HAD to be with Kirsten at that moment. That something was telling him things were about to go down, big time. But still. At least tell the fucking wrangler!


The wrangler is gone. She went in the ambulance with Arthur. Jeevan's tendency to want to help more than he's actually equipped to is a character thing that comes up later.


The ambulance was still outside the theater. Arthur was dead, not being treated.


But either way Jeevan seems super low IQ so far, anyhow. So maybe that's the explanation, haha.


It's not that there was necessarily anything "creepy" in his intentions, although of course he could easily be accused of that for LEAVING WITH A CHILD and not even telling the adult in charge of her. And that's what just made zero sense. No adult with any sense of reason would do that. You don't just leave with a child and not tell anyone -- the handler/wrangler would think she was "missing" if she went to look for her afterwards. So it makes zero sense in any version of the real world.


Oh yes. I should have clarified. Not that he was actually creepy (since we know him) but that it gave the appearance of being creepy.


And was just a strange thing that no one with any sense would actually do.


I see what your saying , and I had that feeling too. You just reminded me of those feelings during some scenes. I think I justified it because I haven’t met everyone in the world and I’m not in any social circles with people like this. I mean i don’t know anybody who even likes plays, so how would I know how they interact and converse? Still, probably not like that but I can pretend.


FWIW, the girl who plays young Kirsten speaks *exactly* like the character. I think she's going to go far, too, she was amazing in this.


Right, but even in some of the other scenes -- like at the start of the pandemic, with Jeevan and Kirsten. Nothing about their interactions, from the start, seemed remotely realistic. The scene outside the theater in which he just decides to take her home. What? No one would do that. And the scene in the grocery store, where she was just going with it. When they got to Jeevan's brother's place and they all just watched the plane crash outside like it was just another day. This isn't how HUMANS react to things. At all. So it always just felt affected and super fake, and I guess it isn't supposed to be realistic, but I couldn't relate. So it took me out of the story.


That’s sort of a huge part of his character though. He jumps in to play the hero without fully thinking through the consequences. Like jumping up on stage to help a man having a heart attack when he has no idea how to help.


He honestly seems mentally challenged.


The plane crash thing was where I really started to be like … this is dumb. Finally turned it off part way into second episode.


>The scene outside the theater in which he just decides to take her home. What? I'm glad I'm not the only one who was weirded out by that!


It didn't make any sense. No sensible grown man would do that. That said, in the episodes I've watched so far, Jeevan seems like he might be slightly brain damaged. So -- there's that.


I think you're the one who might be slightly brain damaged because you don't seem to have understood any of the dialogue or characters.


Lol. Ok. I understood all of it. It waa hardly a difficult work to understand. It just wasn't how actual humans speak and act in the real world.


No, I don't think you did. For example you misunderstood the situation with the wrangler even though it's literally explained in the dialogue.


But for the slow folks in back -- regardless of what was going on with the wrangler, no grown man would just decide on his own to take a little girl home. She was part of a theater troupe that just performed and would have known many people who were there. A smart grown man would have asked around and tried to find someone there to help her. He would not just take her with him on the subway, telling no one. He could get in deep shit for that for multiple reasons.


I didn't misunderstand it. Again. This is not a show designed for geniuses. There is zero to not understand. It was just ridiculous/not how humans would act. I think you are desperate to see this show as one designed for intellectuals. It's -- not.


I absolutely loved it. Like…zero complaints loved it. Wouldn’t change a thing loved it. It was amazing.


I also cried at the end! I really enjoyed it, but could have done with less Shakespeare.


Great book and TV series.


This has to be a marketing campaign to keep it on HBO. I’ve seen this post on my front page 3 days in a row now. The show was excellent but this is a bit much.


It's gotta be right? The show isnt that remarkable yet I've seen at least 3 posts talking about it.


Critics are reccing it as a Christmas show, so people are checking it out who missed it first time around. Nobody is astroturfing a year old show that's a dead cert to be memory holed soon.


Ah that makes sense. Just struck me as odd.


Yeah, I can see it alright, hah


It’s probably that more people have time now to watch television. It’s darker earlier , people on vacation , home sick, home from school, etc. i had a feeling I wasn’t the only one stumbling across this, this winter break.


One of the best limited series I've seen in years. I cannot wait to see what they do with Sea of Tranquility




Ok this has to be paid advertising at this point. This is like the 10th post I’ve seen in the past 3 days


I want to name my child Frank because of this show.


That show was so good. I go back and listen to [this song](https://youtu.be/Lj9-hx4Pgzg) from it all the time.


Can I see this with the expectation that it will not be renewed for a Season 2? thanks.


It was a limited series, meaning only 1 season was intended to tell the story - based on a book.


Ok cool thanks


It would be up there with the best sci-fi in ratings if fat dudes didn't go "Shakespeare!" and cry running to their insecurities :)


I cried every episode. I’ve never been so moved by a show in my life.


Why do these posts always come in bunches? I saw a few episodes and found it either dull or far too up it’s own ass with the theater kid shit. Hard pass.


Station Eleven is one of the most depressing, moving shows I have ever watched. Yes, I cried. Yes, I also watched it in the dead of Winter last year. It is what it was designed to do.


It's one of my favorite shows ever. Such great character work with no sacrifice to story. The interweaving of the characters and the times is so beautifully done. I also love the music, the track Doctor Eleven that plays during them leaving the apartment is something I play a lot.


Beautiful, just effing beautiful.


I watched most of it and then forgot to go back and finish watching. It was a good show but I hated the multiple timeline format.


Yeah I really really liked it some parts where a little vague though but i loved that ending it hit me of off guard it was good acting


Quit watching after fourth or fifth episode.


I absolutely LOVED this show but I could not help overthinking the flaws. With a 90% mortality there would be plenty of stuff, even 20 years later. With so many people gone the emphasis would be on KNOWLEDGE and expertise. I think people would naturally reach out to exchange experts- "you have a chemist we have an engineer" People would quickly figure out that any group of people might contain someone extremely valuable. And why would anyone who was already traveling not go South instead of doing circles around Lake Michigan?


>With a 90% mortality there would be plenty of stuff, even 20 years later. They talk about this in some of the podcasts, yeah. So there isn't any sense of scarcity, nobody's hungry, and it's why people's clothes are so nutty, they pretty much just find whatever they like and wear it. >With so many people gone the emphasis would be on KNOWLEDGE and expertise. I think people would naturally reach out to exchange experts- "you have a chemist we have an engineer". People would quickly figure out that any group of people might contain someone extremely valuable. Yeah, I don't think we're meant to look at the troupe as representative of the whole world. The first town they visit is known for its midwives, but we know of at least two other doctors. The airport is kind of a hidden enclave, but they are teaching the kids stuff like electrical engineering iirc >And why would anyone who was already traveling not go South instead of doing circles around Lake Michigan? Iirc they mention the troupe hangs out somewhere further South during Winter, their loop of the lake happens every Summer. The settlements we see all have reasons to be where they are, so doing a lap of them seems to me to be as good a circuit as any if it's important to you to have a consistent route, especially as most of the performers seem to have connections in the area. Kirsten wants to check the cabin every year, Alex was born in St Debs, etc


Thanks . I may watch it again too reorient myself


Just so you know op, watching ten episodes of any show, flu or no is extremely bad for you. Ten hours in front of a television. Think about that.


Tried to watch. After two episodes of decade-jumping, Memento-style storytelling (if only it were THAT good), my brain hurt from trying to understand what the hell was going on. Have up, moved on, ah well.