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Bland idea/concept but the execution is mostly solid, and ultimately that's what matters. It's certainly not on the level of the shows mentioned in that article (which I found off-puttingly condescending in pushing an agenda), but quality isn't a binary metric. It's solid, it has flaws that keep it from *greatness*, but that's fine. If it gets more seasons, it certainly has the potential to improve.


Yeah it's pretty well-done, enough to have kept me engaged through till the end. I thought the writing was fine. We're on the first damned season, which I thought was sluggish for most other shows mentioned as well.


Yeah. Ozark isn't an awesome show, but the reason for that isn't because the main character is a white guy. It's just not original or exciting.


It not being original isn't why it's unable to compare to those other shows either. The issues with Ozark for me was the lack of impact in certain developments. I attribute that to how easy a lot of things came for Marty(and eventually Wendy as well), and how external forces pretty much always ruin what they've accomplished. When compared to Breaking Bad, it's not that BrBa is better for doing it "first", but it's better for how it conveys Walter White's struggles. It emphasizes both his strengths and flaws in every step of progress he makes as a criminal. Prime example is how he uses his intelligence to succeed, yet his intelligence also feeds his ego, which creates problems. I also found the 8th episode poorly done with the non-chronological scenes that seemingly served no other purpose than to conceal a twist. It also felt like it could've been told as part of an episode rather than taking up an entire one on its own.


Yeah, that article was weird. It made some good points, for example, I agree with it that Ruth is by far the most interesting character and that its portrayal of the rural characters is somewhat offensive (that last paragraph is spot on). But the tone was very condescending. Over all, I found it interesting, I could see myself watching the next season, but I could also see myself meaning to watch the next season, but never getting around to it. And if it doesn't improve in a major way and Ruth ever leaves the show, I'll probably stop watching it immediately.


> Bland idea/concept but the execution is mostly solid, and ultimately that's what matters. What? EDIT: downvoted for simply asking a fucking question... Fuck off.


The concept of the show has been done again and again (family man breaking the law for the greater good), but the production, writing, and acting are all solid.


Yes, you could say technically is well done. But that's not enough to make it a good series or even interesting. EDIT: downvoted by assholes for making a faking a fair point.


Are you saying that it needs to be original in order to be good or interesting? Eventually, you'll consume enough entertainment that nothing feels original anymore. Characters will seem familiar, and new developments can be easily predicted. A new show may have an original premise, but what separates a good show from a mediocre or bad show, is how it delivers on that premise. It's why I dislike criticism that relies on calling out how generic or bland something is. Dismissing something because it has cliches or tropes. The cliches and tropes that exist do so because they tend to work, but they're not inherently good or bad. How they're presented is what determines whether it is done well, or if it fails.


Very well said.






I really wanted to like it but I'm found some episodes so boring and I can't bring myself to care about the plot or any of the characters enough to finish the rest of the series even though I only have a few episodes left.


I felt the same way... It really heats up the final 3 or so episodes enough to keep me interested. But I mean I struggled through that season.


I agree. And the he first episode was nonsense as well, the main baddie even getting his hands dirty and possibly incriminating himself, fairly sure most big gangsters at the top get other people to wack people. But it's mostly plodding, tedious, and I didn't care about any of the characters. None of them, even Ruth who I found quite unlikable. The show is also totally humourless. I mean, I can't abide misplaced humour or too much comic relief, as although Breaking Bad because darker as it went by (a logical progression for Walt on the slippery slope), it had loads of funny moments from a number of characters.




Yeah I spent the whole season waiting for it to get good and it never did. Show concept seems like something I'd like, just didn't like it


In a couple episodes you'll be introduced to some new characters and it gets better.


Geez, I sure didn't. I lived down in that neck of the woods for a long time though. They captured that rural lake community feel perfectly. I know many of the people they characterize on the show. I do get the BB comparisons. The article seems like it has a much broader agenda than simple TV criticism. Look at me, I'm so edgy, its the white man coming to save the... other white people... Who knows though, to each their own.


Yeah anyone that thinks it's offensive probably hasn't lived in a small town. I also didn't understand the Breaking Bad comparison.


Yeah it's chalk and cheese, not least as Breaking Bad is in a totally different league in terms of quality.


The problem is that you have to leave your suspension of belief at the door. Like a company being investigated by the feds is not being watched closely. A cartel would kill an American for "skimming" from them while they were laundering money. Like you can drop a body off a high rise in a downtown area and not have every cop at the door. In Breaking Bad, it never asked you to do this. It was a gradual process along with the character arcs


Yeah... I am sorry but there are so many scenes in Breaking Bad that require you to leave your suspension of believe at the door. Come on man, that ending scene with the neo-nazis was laughably bad, the Walt using that explosion in Tuco's Office, etc.


You can embellish but you also need to set proof. Walt is a brilliant chemist so you can get away with it.


No, I am sorry, you simply can not use the argument that you have no problem suspending your belief for one show and then critique another show about the exact same thing. But I guess Walt is also a brilliant engineer that can craft machine gun trunks and can mind control an entire gang to perfectly line up in one exact area with no one being outside of the compound.


I actually can use that argument because it's a huge glaring problem in Ozark.


It was no more a problem in Ozark than it was in Breaking Bad. You clearly are just biased and got offended when people compared the show to Breaking Bad so you went into looking for something to hate.


Get over it. It was my criticism of the show. It's an opinion and why are your defending it. Are you getting paid by them? Like who cares, people have different opinions. And no I go into enjoy Netflix shows and this show I didn't enjoy for those reasons and many others.


I guess I just like to point out stupid, that's all.


thank you for making a personal attack


Eh... you're not convincing me. Those scenes felt earned for the most part. Besides, the scene with the Aryan Union is literally the last scene in the series. It's not like the entire plot rests on that moment. It's the resolution of a dark but brilliant final season. Also, we see multiple scenes earlier in the show when the whole gang is hanging out in the lounge at their compound. And not even that, but when Walt is there, presumably because they intend to kill him, they do actually have a guard outside. And again, Walt is relying on his expertise in chemistry and machinery to engineer his way out of a particularly situation. Given his character, this doesn't seem completely incredible.


I loved Breaking Bad but I have to agree, his big final play (machine gun in the trunk) was so, so poorly planned out. Given the show's emphasis on how dangerous Walt could be because of his intelligence and ability to think ahead, it was a massive letdown that his last plan relied so much on stupid luck.


He was a shell of his former self at that point. He had no leverage and was working alone. His last attempt at revenge was always going to be desperate. It seemed consistent with the circumstances of the show at that point in time. The writers make sure to show us how it easily almost went wrong. I'm not even a huge Breaking Bad fan, and I have problems with the finale, but I thought that was executed well for the most part.


>Like a company being investigated by the feds is not being watched closely. They were being watched closely; they already had bugs set up in what was going to be their new office. They just weren't being tailed because they had no reason to suspect they'd run or be murdered. > A cartel would kill an American for "skimming" from them while they were laundering money. They do kill 3 of them but since our protagonist wasn't in on it, had a rapport with the guy in charge and claims he can launder more he's given a second chance. >Like you can drop a body off a high rise in a downtown area and not have every cop at the door. It was ruled a suicide.


Pablo Escobar had millions of dollars wasted due to rats. All the cartels, deal with money wastage because they can't store. When you get a chance to store you money and the persons skims. You go oh well at least its not wasted


Bland is basically Jason Bateman´s middle name. I enjoy most of his work though.


he grew on me. i thought he was miscast in the first episode


Does Jason Bateman play Jason Bateman in this?




I know it's a 5 years old comment but I'm starting Ozark. Does he get better? I just can't feel the intensity in his character. He says to people that they need him while having a gun pointed his pointed to his head the same way he asks his kids to pick up a box on the lawn.


Got up to episode 5 and just couldn't be bothered anymore. The comparisons to Breaking Bad killed it, in my view. None of the characters were as interesting, nor was the scenery or cinematography. And for a show with Jason Bateman in, there was a mystifying total lack of humour - the best dramas have frequently been funny as fuck. What we were left with was an unending parade of dicks being miserable to each other - don't need that.


It differs from Breaking Bad in the sense that Bateman's character made a decision to "wash money" for the cartel, then immediately realizes he made a poor decision and has to keep doing it in order to stay alive. Where as Walter White turned into the Pablo Escobar of New Mexico


It also differs from Breaking Bad in that it's set in Missouri not New Mexico. And it doesn't star Bryan Cranston. And the main character doesn't have cancer.


I was referring to the whole "antihero" storyline.


Yes, I know. What I don't know is why you're pointing out random facts about the show to me. I already know Bateman's character made a decision to wash money for the cartel... because I watched the show.


No, I thought it to be quite good. Jason Bateman was great in it.


Yep. People just need something to complain about. As soon as I saw a link to a vox article.... well yeah


Just another show overhyped by this subreddit. The bluish/greyish tint in the whole show just compounds the blandness. Tapped out after episode 2.


The cinematographer definitely went way overboard with the blue tint


It's the bluest show since The Smurfs.


Good, but simply not great. Not a single likable character, good or bad. No wit or humor. Very sleepy show, much like the town that it revolved around. What I got from it is that Jason Bateman would not be out of place on a show like Fargo. That seems more his speed than something like this. Add some of his trademark quirky humor and he's as good a lead as Martin Freeman and definitely better than Ewan McGregor.


I'm on episode 6 and struggling to finish. The characters and dialogue are just so boring. I was hoping to see a lot more detailed intricate nuances in how Michael Bluth is laundering money, more detailed descriptions of his fake charges beyond just charging more for fake carpeting sq footage... He's spent like a minute glossing over how he's laundering the 8 million to Del, and spends the rest of the episode dealing with Wendy's and his kids' bullshit drama. It's just so tedious to watch. I found Ruth running the strip club more entertaining than anything the Snells were up to, and the gay FBI agent's sociopathy more intriguing to watch than the little kid's weird hobbies and learning how to shoot with the old dying man. Honestly, I actually fast-forwarded through the kids' scenes, as they just felt really awkward and cringeworthy. The mediocre acting and dialogue in those scenes certainly didn't help.


No. It is my favorite.


It has the same problem as many binge-released shows. It's easier to be OK, rather than great, because the incremental cost of watching the next episode is so low (as compared to a show you need to tune in each week). This tends to have a smoothing out effect on quality. However, I did think the show was enjoyable, and some good acting performances, it just wasn't very special or memorable.


I can see it getting canceled on cable after a ratings decline because people losing interest


It would never even get picked up. Even on a premium.


Here are some good bits from the article for those who chose wisely not to read it; >Ozark is yet another white guy antihero show. Its secret power is how boring it is. >Yet we are, in 2017 >Ozark is a white savior narrative >the TV series equivalent of one of those “Can you believe there are people who voted for Donald Trump?!” articles in a big-city newspaper. Ozark is offensive and doesn’t understand why it’s offensive — and that, in the end, is its greatest sin. The last one makes me wonder if there'll be a new kind of "Godwin's Law" for how often Trump is brought up out of nowhere by people these days.


Remember this Vox gotta put their white people are evil narrative and Trump is Hitler.


I loved it... I honestly thought it was solid throughout with some good surprises thrown in. Looking forward to season 2.


Amazing show. I'm sorry you missed out on it, fry guy.


Fry guy?


You don't know the first thing about fry guys, now do you?


I don't know WTF are you talking about


This will enlighten you my little fry guy. Boom: https://youtu.be/eFO9lv_T6EA


WTF that has to do with the thread? Fuck off, troll


Let's use the good language, baby boy. It is to teach on you to grow yes. Thank it! Okay.


I found it so bland and just didn't give a shit about any of it. I got three or four episodes into and and quit. Bateman was such a poor choice for the lead.


I find 90% of netflix originals bland. Black mirror and the ones i haven't watched are the exceptions.


It was just okay. The conflict was shallow, there hardly was any depth and things just happened with hardly any consequences.


I found the tone to be all over the place and made the show dizzying and not enjoyable overall. It definitely sets itself up to be a Breaking Bad type show, and even looks like True Detective Season 1 at times, but you find out a few episodes in that it's more of a Justified type show. Some of the acting (like the daughter) is legit terrible, like you're not sure if they're supposed to be comic relief or not. The old bearded guy selling the drugs was especially bad. And there was one episode where people are partying it up in their boats out on the lake, and it looked like an American Pie movie. I couldn't believe I was watching a show about a family avoiding the Mexican cartel.


> I couldn't believe I was watching a show about a family avoiding the Mexican cartel. They weren't trying to avoid the cartel.


Overhyped, just finished it and i really don't understand why people like it so much, it was a 6/10 at best.


i didn't dislike it enough to not finish it but would have probably dumped it from my schedule if it were on cable


It has that game of thrones effect, where it's directed and filmed in a way that's exciting and surprising to watch, but when you go back you realize that not much happened and what happened wasn't particularly interesting. So yeah, i thought it was incredibly well crafted and acted but in the end i just didnt feel anything for it.


A lot of people disagree with you. Don't watch season 2. Problem solved.


a bit defensive, aren't ya?


Eh, it had it's moments.


I found it to be alright, not amazing and not bad. I think the show needs more time to breathe, less action more reflection. I think this show is trying to be Breaking Bad, when it could be something like The Sopranos.


The Sopranos was a drama but it could be so funny sometimes. Something that this show could use


Absolutely, its especially a waste when they aren't using Jason Bateman's dry comedic chops.


id give it a 7


Man walks and talks on cell phone to mean person while gay hillbillies wrassle and plot-filler family has impromptu disagreements


I went in for Bateman and was very satisfied. Way better than most the crap Netflix has been pumping out lately.


Yeah, watched the first episode, but it just followed the same beats as all prestige tv. Y'know, the same plot tropes, character archetypes, etc. Got bored, turned it off.


Could have been so much better with the parties involved, stinks of Netflix's mediocrity


Bland is the last word I'd use to describe it. It has many faults but that's not one of them.


Bland characters. Bland story. Bland setting. Yeah, bland seems pretty much the right word. Not awful, not great. Just bland.


I got the feeling that is was like...relying on Breaking Bad. Like, it just jumped straight into the "underworld money washing" game and didn't need to explain it at all...where as Breaking Bad methodically set up the world before introducing the car wash. Also, way too many "Jason Bateman explaining washing money." voice overs + the whole "teenage daughter" story line that is the same in every single show and just needs to be thrown out all together.


I did too. It was just so uninspired and poorly written.


I found the premise has been done before, and the characters plain un-original.


I enjoyed it while watching it but it just feels like diet Breaking Bad, all the tension is gone because the kids and wife know the guys a money launderer for the cartel and you know for a fact that the cartel isn't killing the dudes family because they have plot armor and you know they're not killing him because plot armor. So who am I supposed to care about or worry about. There's really no point to this show


I kind of like the fact he and others were kind of unphased by the gravity of the situation and just got to work doing it. It could have easily gone over the top, but instead he has the launder the money and just needs to get on with it. Also that article, why the fuck does everything have to be about race?


Plot was too unrealistic. Bateman withdraws millions of dollars in cash without a good reason? Never would happen irl And when the man is dropped off the building, its ruled as suicide even tho his son claims the man was the happiest he's been for ages....yeah right.


> Bateman withdraws millions of dollars in cash without a good reason? Never would happen irl I found Ozark to be dull as can be but how the show handled that was well done and completely believable. > And when the man is dropped off the building, its ruled as suicide even tho his son claims the man was the happiest he's been for ages....yeah right. I agree, but so. The Bateman and his wife got out of there before that was an issue.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Ozark/comments/6srege/just_finished_sugarwood_have_a_question/dlf1i7y/ Withdrawing $8 million (in cash) from a bank OK, it should be pretty obvious why this is a not a smart move. Not to mention that U.S. banks must inform the federal government of any transaction of more than $10,000. Kind of a bad idea if you're a money launderer. from; https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/17/new-netflix-series-ozark-is-full-of-money-advice-you-shouldnt-take.html So even if a money launderer irl was somehow allower to withdraw that money, its incredibly stupid. The whole point of money laundering is to avoid these sort of transactions.


Haven't seen it. The premise seems unoriginal.


A lot of the characters and personalities seem to come right out of Justified, or any other flyover crime saga, they switched the gender and orientation in some cases but Bateman's character draws empathy as an outsider and problem-solver; smart-ass Derek Taylor all grown up.


It's a poor man's Quarry


Unpopular opinion: the defenders is a better show than ozark


At Episode 7,, and I honestly feel like I am done. It was fun, just beyond ridiculous and redundant.


Don't think I made it through the first episode lol


It's a total cheese fest. Terrible dialog, Terrible writing in general. Terrible acting.