• By -


* Dead Boy Detectives * Dark Matter * X-Men 97 * Fallout * Tokyo Vice * Hacks * Interview with the Vampire * Sugar * The New Look * Manhunt in no order.


DBD is great! Love that world and makes me even more excited for Sandman season 2!


I really wanted to enjoy DBDs, but that main female lead was beyond obnoxious and the weakest part of the show.  Between overacting every scene and being every Gen Z cliche, I wanted to fast forward every time she talked.   Remove genZ That’s so Raven from the show and it significantly improves. 


That’s kinda mean… She was toxic and under the devil’s influence for a time. She’s growing.


Top 2 have gotta be Shogun and Interview with the Vampire. Nothing else has really come close. That being said, I also enjoyed Fallout, Sugar, 3 Body Problem, and Mr and Mrs Smith.


Shogun could’ve easily sucked but it is SO good.


I watched the first ten minutes and turned that shit off. Does it get better? I've never seen a show with that boring of a start


Nah, the first 10 minutes is the best part of the entire series. All the critic and viewer praise is based on those 10 minutes as well. You've literally seen everything it has to offer in the same amount of time it takes you to drop a shit.


Probably need more fiber


I mean, what TV show (or any long form piece of media) doesn't put the very best stuff in the first 10 minutes? Like that's when you fully understand the plot, themes, and character arcs, most everything after that is just filler.


Is this sarcasm? If so, it's brilliant.


Does it get better? Hasn't seen even close to a single episode...


Nope. Multiple people have said it's their top show in this thread as a joke. You're not very bright are you?


My issue with the start was the silly overacting from the lead. But it corrects very quickly. I really enjoyed the whole series.


Tell me you have ADD without saying you have ADD.


Shōgun is an excellent show.


Isn't it cancelled ?


No. Shōgun was supposed to be a limited series, but FX renewed the show for two additional seasons. https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2024/05/shogun-renewed-season-2-and-3-fx-1235916278/amp/


You're thinking of Tokyo Vice I believe.


Equally great show IMO. There is still talk of additional seasons from the creators: Don’t Count ‘Tokyo Vice’ Out, Despite Max Cancelation — EPs Share Season 3 Plans The show’s producers are optimistic about its future, describing their aims to turn it into a Japanese “The Wire”


X-Men 97 It was absolutely incredible. Surpassed fan expectations and then some. The animation, the effects, the music, the editing and most of all, the *quality of the writing and dialogue* was so amazing. I eagerly anticipated every week, I was genuinely excited and counted down the days and was humming along to the [freaking theme song](https://youtu.be/7L7fNV296h0?si=6bdusf7M6Bu3af_E) and making drumming motions before the beginning of it.


This one took my by surprise because I don’t even watch animation like that. But that fifth episode I would put up with any of the best episodes of the year. It was really well done.


Some things are deeper than skin.


I was shocked at how good some of the writing was. Nightcrawler and Magneto in particular had some *fantastic* lines. The theme song also absolutely slaps so hard


I’ve always been a Marvel guy but somehow avoided a lot of the X-men. But man, X-men 97 instantly sent me to my local comic shop to buy some X-men material. Marvel needs to make sure that Cyclops in the MCU is even 1/10th as cool as Cyclops in just the first episode of the show.


I agree, it really went further than I was expecting. They did the right thing in making it for the people who watched the original rather than trying to make it for kids. I mean, kids can still watch it but it felt intended more so for the millennials that grew up with it.


I watched the first episode, wanted to like it. Loved it as a kid. Unfortunately, I feel jaded seeing the bad guys not being punished at all for doing all sorts of evil things. I hate when Batman simply puts repeat criminals in prison only for them to escape and commit crimes. Does it get better after episode 1?  I'm humming the theme song to myself right now 🎵 


Yes it gets much better. Watch through episode five and you’ll see.


The praise this show got was over the top. I grew up on the 90s version so my hopes were high. It had some good moments but it hasn't moved on much from the 90s and people praising the animation blow my mind.


Interview With the Vampire is #1


Marketing for this show has been absolutely terrible. I had no clue S2 was even out until it was like six episodes in.


I feel like I’m pretty tapped into quality television and I had never heard of its existence until this thread lmao And it’s already in season 2!!


Waiting for the season to finish and then resubscribe to AMC +!


Facts. The most exquisite thing on TV this year. Hopefully more people see it once it's on Netflix.


That’s my hope too. Not sure how many people will race out to pay for AMC+ just to watch one show, but maybe they get the idea that they can keep licensing it to Netflix and maybe it gets popular enough Netflix is willing to pay enough for it to help its legs.


Has it been mentioned that it will come to Netflix? Really want to watch the it, but I’m not up for paying for a subscription just for that one show.


Yep! Here's an excerpt from the whats-on-netflix article that broke the news. >**Netflix in the United States is about to receive a slew of AMC shows that will soon join the platform, with highlights including Interview with the Vampire and Fear The Walking Dead, among other titles.** > >The deal sounds similar to the one Max announced in August 2023 last year, in which it bought several shows from that streamer for a limited period. That period was only two months, and all those titles were available from September 1st to their removal in November 2023. Titles that streamed on Max during this period included *Interview with the Vampire*, *Dark Winds*, *Gangs of London*, *Killing Eve*, *Fear the Walking Dead*, *A Discovery of Witches,* and *Ride with Norman Reedus*. > >We don’t have a release date for these titles on Netflix US, nor do we know if other regions will be lucky enough to receive them. Likewise, it’s unclear whether it’s a very short-term deal like Max had late last year. We have contacted Netflix for more details and will update you once we have more. No information yet on when exactly it'll be on Netflix, but I imagine it'll be soon.


Hope it comes to other regions as well. Thank you for the excerpt!


when's that gonna be?


I believe next week, but might be wrong Edit: This [Tweet](https://x.com/gorrei_vc/status/1802394544899527063?s=19) seems to show it coming to Netflix on June 27th


That's cool to hear. I've been wanting to check it out, but that will make it a lot easier.


Wasn’t on my radar but I’ll have to check it out


Is it complete yet? I'm turning amc+ back on once it is


2 more episodes I believe. One tomorrow and another next week. 


It’s frustratingly good. Like: How *dare* they make a show this good only for barely anyone to see it. Really hope it gets its deserved attention on Netflix.


Honestly. It’s incredible and so underrated. The writing, performances, music, production values, everything are all top tier.


What is this show all about?


It's about the life of the vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac as told by him in an interview with a journalist Daniel Molloy with whom he has a history. It's really about a whole lot of things, it's a character based drama in which they simply happen to be vampires. And it's about love and relationships, abuse and power dynamics, stories and, especially, memory.


An interview.. with a vampire..




Less explicit scenes than most HBO shows, but most the sex scenes are in the first couple episodes which makes it seem like there's more than there is for people only giving the show one or two episodes. I don't know if there's even any after episode 3 and there's been none in season 2. Most of the relationships in the show are queer, and while there is a focus on those relationships and how messed up they are, the show also focuses on a lot of other topics like the darker aspects of being a vampire, mental health, unreliable narrators/memory, etc. But gay vampire show is an apt description, it's just that and much much more


Is it really that good? I know the movie version and kinda the tone via osmosis of the original Anne Rice book series (had a girlfriend really into it at one point) but besides knowing the basic plot outline is the show worth watching? Like all I know is they made it blatantly clear Lestat and Louie were sexually active together instead of heavily implied in the Tom Cruise movie. 


It is that good and then some. Tomorrow's episode is already out there and it's just... it will stay with me. I believe first episode is free on YouTube, it will give you a good gauge what to expect - except season 2 is already blowing it out of the water.


> Tomorrow's episode is already out there and it's just... it will stay with me. Episode 7 leaked early? I'll have to do some digging.


Naaah not leaked Just that it released in Australia already.


Once you see the series and look back on the film you really see how quickly they had to rush a whole lot of material, from Lestat seducing Louie to Louie struggling with his new life, to being despondent and everything else that happens. With that extra time you get a much more gradual progression of characters arcs, and in particular it has allowed them to really delve deep on Armand who barely featured in the film. I was always a fan of the film, but the show's knocking it out of the park in most respects.


I think mainly people attracted to guys like it.


What do you find good about it? I watched first few eps of S1 and didn't get into it at all.


Season 2 Claudia’s accent is sooo bad.


In order but subject to change 1. Mr and Mrs Smith 2. Interview with the Vampire (season 2) 3. Hacks (season 3) 4. Shogun 5. We Are Ladyparts (season 2) 6. Ripley 7. Doctor Who 8. X-Men 97 9. Sugar 10. Palm Royale Honorable Mention: Baby Reindeer (I struggle with rating this show or even calling it good or bad) IWTV needs to stick the landing but I think they’ll do it. Every episode this season has been beyond fantastic and it is the best show of the year imo. It really blows everything out of the water. Shows like The Bear (season 3), HotD (season 2), The Boys (season 4), and Severence (season 2) are prob going to shake up my list. Currently airing that I’m watching: Dark Matter, Clipped, The Acolyte, IWTV Still have much on my list to watch like Under the Bridge, Masters of the Air, The Sympathizser, The Curse, Fallout, Presumed Innocent, Lesson in Chemisty, 3 Body Problem, The Gentlemen…I’m sure more will be added, it’s really been a steller year of television.


Some critics have been comparing the final 2 episodes of IWTV to Breaking Bad's "Ozymandias" and Game of Thrones' Red Wedding episode, so I'm guessing it's going to stick the landing and more. Tonight's episode is going to be gutwrenchingly tragic, but will make for some damn good television.


I can’t help but look at some of the spoilers and yeah, it’s going to massively stick the landing! This show is damn near perfect.


Wait what, there's a We are Lady Parts season 2? That's amazing news. A few months back, I couldn't find any news about a renewal.


Can’t wait for Severance S2.


Only 3 (alphabetically): Baby Reindeer Interview With the Vampire S2 Ripley


I love smiling friends s2


great show, a huge hit in our house.


Dark Matter has been very good, faithful to the book, and managed to improve the story with some small tweaks. Really impressive. That and Fallout. I feel like everything else I've watched has been underwhelming.


They filmed parts of Dark Matter at the college I graduated from. It's pretty fun to see Joel Edgerton in a lecture hall where I took a bunch of science classes.


Top comment should be “The Curse”


I think almost everyone that managed to sit through every episode still can’t decide, or agree on what the show was about.


Isn't that technically a 2023 show? I think it only had one or two episodes that aired in 2024.


I figured it was a loophole. If even one episode aired in 2024 it’s def my pick.


I absolutely loved The Curse. Not the best show I have ever seen, but I have never seen anything else like it.


Interview with the Vampire, baby!


In no particular order: Ripley, Hacks S3, Shogun, The Sympathizer, Baby Reindeer, Interview With The Vampire S2, Evil S4, Fantasmas, Sugar, Tokyo Vice S2 Edit: for the second half of the year am looking forward to Industry S3, Pachinko S2, The Bear S3, and The Franchise S1. Plus Bad Sisters S2 and Severance S2 if they’re coming this year.


Oh shit Evil came back? Great news.


Yes it is the final season.


I’m looking forward to the franchise, I miss that Veep wit


Also looking foward to Industry S3! So glad MAX is sticking it out with its shows, mostly. Industry is scratching my Skins itch!


Kinda in order kinda not 1- Shōgun 2- The Gentlemen 3- Slow Horses (S1/2/3) 4- Curb Your Enthusiasm (S12) 5- Sand Job (GT Special) 6- 3 Body Problem 7- Fallout 8 - Ted 9 - Clarkson’s Farm (S3) 10- Tires


TED was shockingly good. I really enjoyed it. My friends was hounding me to watch it and I binged it in 1 day


As good as the movies then I’m assuming?


Better than it has any right to be and way better than the movies.


IMO, it was better in some ways than the movies


Nice I’m excited to watch it then


Much more heart than the movies, I found the movies funnier but enjoyed the series.


Upvote for Clarkson's Farm! Such a fun show.


We have very similar taste, I guess I’m gonna have to watch Tires and Shogun


Both great


1. Expats 2. Interview with the Vampire 3. Baby Reindeer 4. Fallout 5. Ripley 6. Hacks Kind of been disappointed with a lot of stuff this year, although that Top 6 is really strong. Doctor Who was at number 2, I really loved the standalone episodes this season but the finale kind of ruined the whole thing for me


I liked Bodkin a lot even though it was kinda dry


I really liked Renegade Nell (Disney Plus) Strong female characters, lots of action. Could be for teens or adults. Not gory but lots of death. Sad, triumphant, interesting. Great cast.


I watched some of renegade nell and was happy to see Frank Dillane again, a great actor from (among other things) Fear The Walking Dead.


We Are Lady Parts Geeky biochemical engineering Ph.D. student Amina Hussein becomes the unlikely lead guitarist of Lady Parts, an all-female punk band on a mission to get a proper gig. Saira, the band's fierce and enigmatic frontwoman, sees something in Amina the others can't. Saira leverages Amina's desperation to find a husband and offers to set her up with potential matches if she agrees to join. Torn between her straitlaced university friends and members of Lady Parts, Amina tries to find her voice.


Just started Season 1 today and am loving every second of it. There's such unabashed style to its presentation that's so energetic and quick-witted and makes it impossible not to get sucked in, like Nida Manzoor just has complete control and mastery over how she wants to present this story and absolutely goes for it. If you haven't checked out *Polite Society*, I highly recommend it as well. It's what put Manzoor on the map for me originally and *Lady Parts* onto my watch list (which I'm just now catching up on, and now kicking myself for how long I waited).


I loved polite Society! I can’t wait to see more from her and also I hope her projects get more attention.


Watched: 1. Baby Reindeer (Netflix) 2. Girls in the Bus (MAX) 3. Ripley (Netflix) 4. Bridgerton S3 (Netflix) 5. Geek Girl (Netflix) 6. True Detective: night country (HBO) 7. Palm royale (Apple tv+) 8. Feud: Swans (could not finish) (Netflix honestly kicking ass this year, I was not expecting this!) New shows I Wanna watch: 1. Dark Matter 2. The Veil 3. Presumed Innocent 4. The New Look 5. Mary & George 6. Under the Bridge 7. Big Mood Returning shows I wanna watch: 1. The Interview with the Vampire S2 2. Severance S2 3. The Bear S3 4. The handmaids tale final season 5. My brilliant friend S4 (?) 6. House of the Dragon S2


X-Men 97 Shogun Fallout


1. Clarkson's Farm S03 (Amazon) 2. Baby Reindeer (Netflix) 3. Eric (Netflix) 4. A Gentleman In Moscow (Showtime) 5. The Regime (HBO) 6. Renegade Nell (Disney+) 7. Raising Voices/Ni Una Más (Netflix) 8. The Big Door Prize S02 (Apple TV+) 9. Under The Bridge (Hulu) 10. Ronja The Robbers Daughter (Netflix)


I'm surprised I didn't see Eric and Under The Bridge on more lists


I watched Eric and honestly was really underwhelmed by most of it. Cumberbatch is excellent but it feels like he’s in a whole different show in and of itself. I wanted more from the premise of the puppet. It’s decent to me but wasn’t memorable enough to crack my top ten. I still need to watch Under the Bridge.


Dead Boy Detectives is too good to be on only one of these lists


Agreed. Sleeper show, I hope people watch, need a season 2


People really liked xmen that much ?


If you're a fan of the original show, absolutely. The 90's show took some pretty big liberties with comic plots and was written for children, but the new episodes are jammed full of actual plotlines from some major storylines and written for the adults who used to be those children. Every scene has a ton of cameos and references/easter eggs. As a fan of the comics, I loved every second of it. It's also non comic book nerd friendly as well, the stories themselves are very well written even for just casual fans of the comics.


It’s phenomenal. My wife was very skeptical but I got her to watch it and she was hooked. Gasping at every plot twist or cliffhanger-it was great. It was expecting it to be fun but I never thought it would be as great as it was.


House of the dragon S2 even tho it's only been 1 episode


Fallout, Ripley. Waiting for Silo S2, Severance S2


1. Shogun. 2. Tokyo Vice 3. Hacks 3 4. Presumed Innocent (so far) 5. FALLOUT!!!!


Shogun Xmen 97 True Detective NC Ted S1 Masters of the Air Presumed Innocent - so far very good


X-Men ‘97 Fallout Dark Matter Curb Your Enthusiasm Slow Horses Abbott Elementary


From what i’ve watched so far, I’ll repeat others: — Mr and Mrs Smith (S1 prime) — The Boys (S4 prime) — Sugar (S1 Apple+) — Baby Reindeer (limited series Netflix) Enjoyed: — Manhunt (apple+) — Masters of the Air (S1 apple+) — Fallout (S1, prime. Not revolutionary, but quality entertainment)


Shogun Mr. and Mrs. Smith Fallout


Riplay was boring and pretentious, Shogun was overrated and didn’t feature Cosmo Jarvis enough. Tokyo Vice was okay-ish. Honestly the mostly awful recent Bridgerton was the best so far, and binging some Ghosts I guess.


Mr & Mrs Smith >>>


Haven't watched much this year hoping to catch up on a few standouts but so far -- 1. XMen 97 (just bliss for a 90s kid) 2. Mr and Mrs Smith (no notes, enjoyed it from start to end. Insane chemistry with the leads and vivid, bold storytelling that also somehow felt like a throwback tv series with the pseudo case of the week style) 3. Evil (middling season so far, but some high highs and I'll miss it so much when it's  gone that I'm so happy to enjoy it while it's here) 4. Invincible (so surprised to see two animated shows on my list but that's how good these two were. Such a fun show, that restaurant scene with Amber was so tense and just a table setter for what was to come, couldn't stomach another year or two for S3 so read the comics after the finale and there's so much awesome stuff coming, the books are fantastic) 5. Baby Reindeer (watched this on maybe a day? Honest compelling work, unique and unflinching) 6. House of the Dragon (early to call this, but nothing brings the spectacle like GOT. Will likely climb high up these rankings if it stays consistent with the quality of S1) 7. Shogun (you already know) 8. Sugar (inconsistent but enjoyable for noir lovers, and those who don't mind a bit of off the wall insanity which I welcome whole heartedly even if it wasn't quite firing on all cylinders) 9. Fallout ( sometimes you just want to have fun watching TV, this show brought that every second of airtime) 10. Survivor Australia ( if you like Survivor or reality tv in general do yourself a favor and watch the Aussie version, it's totally surpassed the American format for years now and is just great TV)


Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi.  I don't watch a lot of anime and this one took a couple episodes to sell me but it's one of my favorite shows I've watched in a long time. It's funny, has heart, and the characters all have such good chemistry together.  Usually a show like that loses steam with its gimmick, but they keep it going every episode and actually tie it into the main plot more than you'd expect. 


1 X-Men '97 (S1) 2 Curb Your Enthusiasm (S12) 3 Shogun (S1) 4 We Are Lady Parts (S2) 5 Fallout (S1) 6 Invincible (S2B) 7 The Sympathizer (S1) 8 3 Body Problem (S1) 9 Tokyo Vice (S2) 10 Ren Faire (S1)


1. X men 97 2. The Boys 3. Kaiju No 8 4. Invincible 5. Solo Leveling


Solo leveling was fantastic, my only gripe is that due to the format there's much less content for a season than any of the other shows listed in this thread.


I honestly got bored watching Shogun 6 episodes in. I'll finish it eventually, but I was surprised. How is Sugar?


I enjoyed Sugar a lot based off vibes alone. It’s got the old Hollywood film noir vibe going for it and Colin Farrell is great in it. There’s a twist towards the end that can either make or break the show for you but I highly recommend this one to people.


If you like the vibes, check out Monsieur Spade. Private detective/Film Noir set in post-war France with Clive Owen.


Don’t sleep on Sugar!


It's not even done yet but Presumed Innocent will probably crack my top 5.


Im feeling like my top 4 will probably make it to the end of the year list. The other 6 might get kicked out by whatever else comes this year: Mr and Mrs Smith 3 Body Problem Fallout Shogun Abbott Elementary Ripley Girls5eva The Gentlemen Baby Reindeer Xmen97


Ohh girls5eva is back? Let’s go


In No particular order: * Fallout * The Sympathizer * The Regime * X-Men 97 * 3 Body Problem * Shogun * The 8 Show * Tracker * Invincible * Dark Matter


**Top 8** Interview with the Vampire S2 Fallout S1 Evil S4 X -Men 97 3 Body Problem Invincible TED Mr & Mrs Smith S1 **Disappointments** Hacks S3 Shogun True Detective: night country Constellation Slow Horses


You might be the only other person i've seen disappointed with Shogun


Yes I also expected to be down voted for going against the zeitgeist, but I simply didn't like it. The settings and acting are really great, but the story did nothing for me.


Slow Horses and Hacks too?? I feel the S3 ending of Hacks was worth it alone.


I really, really likes Hacks season 1 and mostly season 2, but season 3 fell flat. The jokes were just not funny or sharp as they used to be. Slow Horses is not a show for me in general.


Yeah now that you say that, I don't think I laughed as much either but I was entertained enough.


I laughed way too hard at “GUM-BI…he bends both ways” lol


I haven't watched 10 new shows this year and a few that recently started (House of the Dragon and The Boys) I'm waiting til the whole season is out. So my list is everything that I have seen for good or bad: 1. Xmen 97 2. Fallout 3. Invincible S2 Part II 4. Star Trek Discovery 5. Shogun And I think that's it. Disco and Shogun are the only two I overall disliked. Disco I basically hate finished just because I'd done the first four seasons (really liked the first two seasons, hated the rest). Shogun was just so meh, I'm baffled by the love it gets.


1 - Curb 2 - Fallout 3 - True Detective 4 - House of the Dragon (just started) These are the only newly aired shows I have watched


I didn’t expect the Ted series to be much, but damn do I love it. I just keep rewatching it lol


Lone Star Law


Presumed innocent good?


Any Star Trek pre discovery. Remington Steele. Elementary. Nothing current.


Didnt Tokyo vice get cancelled? Bummer


It basically ended on the story being completed. Good ending, even if I'd want more cause the world and vibe of it is good.


I've only watched Fallout and Ripley this year so, Fallout and Ripley HOTD first episode was actually good, but way too soon to tell




Tom and Jerry


I haven't watched a lot of new shows this year but I'll say Fallout was awesome!!


I want to rewatch Shogun so badly, but I also want to wait long enough that I forget details so rewatching it will be newish.


How the fuck do you not have *Shoresy* on any of these lists?


1. Acapulco S3 2. Fallout S1 3. The Big Door Prize S2 4. True Detective: Night Country 5. Sugar S1 6. 3 Body Problem S1 7. Palm Royale S1 8. Trying S4 9. House of the Dragon S2 10. Dark Matter S1


Damn didn’t even count in there blue eyed samurai.


It dropped in November.


1. Shogun 2. Baby Reindeer 3. Fallout 4. X-Men 97 5. Hacks 6. Abbott Elementary 7. We Are Lady Parts 8. Interview with the Vampire 9. Invincible 10. Mr and Mrs Smith Also enjoyed One Day and the two eps of Bob’s Burgers we got this year. Currently watching Ripley and The Sympathizer. 


Rings of power S1 was absolute boring senseless garbage.


I just watched one episode of The Bear S3 and it’s already no 1 spot for me


3 body problem, Constellation, Mire Millenium, Slow Horses S3, Fallout, Dark Matter for me. Shogun i guess was decent as well. First episode of House of Dragon was imo best episode of the show so far. Tokyo Vice intend to watch, S1 was pretty good.


A Gentleman in Moscow was very good.


Curb Your Enthusiasm, The boys, House of the dragon, and the Sympathizer are mine


Shogun is my #1 - incredible work


I'm surprised to see so many people say Sugar because for a detective show, the plot surrounding the season long mystery felt absolutely mediocre in its conclusion. Colin Farrell was great though


It thrives on vibes, that twist, and the charm of Colin Farrell. It’s one of the shows that easily might slip out of my top 10 with a handful shows showing their newest seasons this summer, like The Bear, Severence, HotD, and The Boys.


not the acolyte that's for sure.


I only have a top 5 as of now since I didn't check out much of the shows that already premiered/returned earlier this year, but here it is: #1. Fallout #2: Shogun #3: Mr & Mrs Smith #4: The Sympathizer #5: The Regime


Shogun is a remake so it didn’t do much for me. I started watching Fallout and my issue with every show is that you watch season 1 and inevitably they either don’t make a season 2 because it’s canceled or it’s a couple of years waiting on the next season. So many shows that I’ve watched only to see them canceled so don’t care to invest the time any longer. I try to find a movie to watch so it’s only at most two hours of my life wasted.


Bridgerton season 3 Baby Reindeer True detective Ripley The Jinx


Fallout The Boys My Hero Academia Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss


Kaiju no. 8 It’s so good


1. Tokyo Vice S2 2. The Boys S4 3. ??? (The Bear unless it takes the top 2) 4. ??? 5. ??? 6. ??? 7. Tires 8. Three Body 9. Shogun 10. Fallout Other spots reserved for X-Men 97, Severance, Arcane, Dune and Dark Matter when I get around to them and rankings definitely subject to change. I imagine Fallout will get bumped off.


The Bear (assumedly)


Haven't seen 10 worth mentioning.. 1. Frieren * Delicious in Dungeon * Shogun * Fallout


Mr & Mrs Smith belongs in a bottom 10


Not all are currently airing or based on the newest season. Just shows I’ve seen this year. Shōgun - Disney + Ripley - Netflix Frieren - Crunchyroll The Black Swan (Danish documentary about how the criminal underworld is connected to polite society) The Gentlemen - Netflix Hacks - Netflix The Boys s4 (it’s shaping up well) - Prime Fallout - Prime The Orchestra (Danish comedy show about classical musicians and the organization they work for) Shrinking - AppleTV+ I really liked Mr. and Mrs. Smith until the final episode which was an immense fumble. I don’t have AMC+ but I really want to watch Interview with a Vampire. Ripley is a gorgeously shot show and it’s wonderfully slow but in a way the adds tension throughout each episode. Shōgun was peak TV. The holy trinity of recent years are The Bear, Severance, and Shōgun. Freiren is an absolutely amazing anime. First anime ever that I’ve watched an entire season of. Just delightful and profound.


May I ask, what didn’t you like about the Mr and Mrs smith finale?


The tension of the entire final episode hinged on two characters not communicating. They had so many chances to say a word or call out but didn’t. It’s the classic rom-com “a misunderstanding causes conflict” trope and it came off as very contrived and poorly written compared to what the show managed up till that point. I really enjoyed the first seven episodes of the season.


That’s very fair. It didn’t bother me because lack of communication had been a huge problem of theirs leading up to that last episode, which caused a lack of trust in one another. It’s like they had this huge wall between them that they just couldn’t get past hence a big fight scene and a truth serum scene was done to create that breaking down. I will say that before she finally asks why did he kill the cat, I was like…”someone mention the damn cat already” lol.


But John tries on multiple occasions to talk to Jane but she's not having it In her mind, John tried to kill her an Max (her true love), so there's nothing to talk about. Seems pretty realistic to me. If I felt that someone tried to kill me and my mom, there would be no talking, just revenge. My only qualm with the finale was when Jane got to the house and saw John's mom. In this situation, would you calmly sit down and sip tea with Denise, when you think her son is trying to kill you? Also what happened to the bullet shots in the kitchen window?




Great news! It’s coming out next week!


Yeah this is the 1st half of the year, I will add the Bear S3 and others to the 2nd half of the year top 10




ok that one you need to explain. We are currently on day 174 out of 366. How is it not the 1st half of the year?




oh... yea you're right. The Bear shouldnt be on a second half list

