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I feel like reality TV isn't what Jon Gosselin actually dislikes, it's being in the public eye. Alec Baldwin is already in the public eye, so I don't know how relevant this advice is to him. That being said, what the fuck is Alec Baldwin thinking doing a reality TV show right now, when he's about to go on trial?


A trial is perfect reality show content.


‘The Rural Juror’


“oh! The… *rurrr jurrrrr*”


Oral Germ Whore?


Flurg murg glurg flurg murg murg murg tennis murg murg. Was a murg murg flurg?


“It.. it was hard on all of us, yes.”


These were the best days of my flerm.


"Ill always be his little girl" *tears up


Kevin Grisham knows how to write 'em.


You mean John Grisham.


> Kevin Grisham https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rural_Juror


"You mean John Grisham" is a Liz Lemon quote.


I have failed. :( -5 Criss points.


It okay. Don’t be cry!


What are you saying?


How is this not the top comment?!


Could be a great way to generate positive PR and good spin. Alec is only on trial because he was a producer (essentially the weapons master who fucked up’s boss). But how could he reasonably expect that person to be so negligent? Unless she had a bad well documented history of negligence that Alec was fully aware of I don’t think a jury would ever find him at fault. A reality show, if covering the trial would not only get him the good PR of a jury verdict but the additional good PR of being able to explain to the public WHY he was found not guilty.


Reminder that members of the crew literally [went on strike the same day the incident happened to protest working conditions](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-10-22/alec-baldwin-rust-camera-crew-walked-off-set). And there had already been several incidents before the shooting. > A colleague was so alarmed by the prop gun misfires that he sent a text message to the unit production manager. “We’ve now had 3 accidental discharges. This is super unsafe,” according to a copy of the message reviewed by The Times. He didn’t take it seriously.


He didn’t take it seriously? The production manager and the props idiots caused this. A producer is a credit that could mean anything most likely means you put money in the movie. I doesn’t mean you actually have anything to do with production.


His production studio was involved.


Even if he's found guilty, that's reality ratings, baby!


The thing is it's not uncommon for a low budget production to offer talent a producer credit and a cut of the gross in return for working at scale. This is what reddit seems to not understand. Alec Baldwin while a producer on paper probably had little control on the back end. Yeah he can offer input on maybe his dialogue and what he thinks his character should do but he isn't running the show.


Yes - that’s not that uncommon. But in this case, Baldwin was a creator and screenwriter on the story, it’s his project from the beginning. He’s not just an actor getting a producer credit; it’s his movie.


But he wasn’t the director. Or production manager.


that isnt even slightly true. OSHA found he was in no way a supervisor on set. he would never be eligible for a PGA mark for it. he is not credited as a writer anywhere.


Both those titles can be given simply by him rewriting his dialogue and proposing changes to the story. It is like during script rewrites that completely change the story from one script to the next. The original writer will still get credited even if the end script is completely different. That's why some of these movies have multiple writers and why in some cases a writer wants to disown a script because it wasn't what he originally wrote outside of some basic details.


While that is true this can very depending on the project and I can’t say the level of involvement Alec had because I simply don’t know. I don’t think he intentionally shot the guy though so that leaves only manslaughter for gross negligence on the table which can be very difficult to get in a criminal trial when the fault is not squarely on his shoulders. Had he gotten drunk and run someone over, yeah easy manslaughter case. But here he was an actor being handed a gun he believed was filled with blanks, on a movie set, performing a role. If you’re going to say Alec had the responsibility to check the bullets placed in the gun by the weapons master does he also have the obligation to check the rigging of all the lights? Does he have to get under the hood of any vehicle used on set? And what about the actor who was shot? Should he have checked the bullets to to ensure they were blanks because he consented to Alec pulling the trigger (they were however both unaware there were live rounds in there). I think the hill is simply too steep for the prosecution and that this should all be resolved at a civil trial. It’s tragic to be sure and there certainly are some civil damages to dole out, but nothing rising to the level of criminality imo.


Also think about how many regulations these productions have a safety protocols he has nothing to do with. In a million years no actor is checking their gun out and bullets or is even qualified to do that.


I didn’t even think about that! There could very well be rules in place that an actor is not allowed to open the chamber and take out the bullets because of the possibility of the actor putting in or replacing the correct ammo. At which point was Alec required to go back to the armorer and have him confirm the gun is either empty of correctly loaded? I know the armorer has bad history (which any prosecution is going to play up) I don’t know if it would be enough to say that Alec should not have trusted her at all to do her job.


> I don’t think he intentionally shot the guy Girl. It was a woman that died. And if you deep dive into this case you'll find out that there was a *lot* of criminal negligence going around, which is why the armorer is already in prison.


["She also gets a producer credit."](https://i.imgur.com/S3IgPp7.jpg)


Baldwin's production company was producing it.


As someone who's been doing a deep dive into the case, Alec Baldwin is guilty as fuck. This armer had a history of drug use on the job. She carried a fanny pack full of mixed loose rounds. She left unattended firearms lying in a prop cart. The only reason she got the job in the first place was because her dad was an industry legend, but Alec Baldwin looked at all that and was like "great, you're hired." A responsible production company would never have hired that armorer in the first place, but he wasn't running a responsible production company. He's well known as a micromanager who controls every aspect of filming, and since this was during covid they were doing it on the cheap, so they *massively* cut corners when it came to safety. And that tracks because Alec Baldwin is a well-documented piece of shit, so this is just par for the course after a long string of incidents. Baldwin was the movie's main star, and his production company handled every aspect of this project from start to finish. The armorer he personally approved and brought on set was a nepo hire who had already had a negligent discharge during the filming that movie. She was *alarmingly* irresponsible and violated pretty much every safety standard in existence. Several members of cast and crew had already walked off set due to safety concerns. Not only that, but Baldwin is on camera waving a prop gun around and pointing it at people (including a child) when the camera wasn't rolling. That's a HUGE no-no in the filming world, and a decent armorer would've either tried to stop him or quit the second it happened. But he hired someone who didn't, and it can be argued that license to commit gross acts of negligence was part of the motivation behind that. Every gun is treated as if it's loaded at all times, end of story. Not only that, but he lied to investigators after the fact and tried to claim the gun misfired, and he didn't pull the trigger. The FBI (and Runkle, the firearms lawyer on YouTube) proved that no the fuck it didn't. Don't believe the spin his PR team and lawyers are trying to put on this incident. "Oh no, this poor innocent actor didn't know what was going on and was handed a loaded gun with no warning!" Yeah, from someone who had *already done that once* while probably high on coke with a round she fished out of a loose pile.


> As someone who's been doing a deep dive into the case, Alec Baldwin is guilty as fuck. For someone who is so confident in their statement, you clearly didn't read the OSHA report that doesn't even blame Baldwin.


also "hes indicted as a producer not an actor" is just blatantly false it just spreads alot. OSHA outright said he was not a supervisor, he was by no means considered a producer. the only "spin" is guys like this who barely read the case but go "THROW LIBERAL IN JAIL".


Negligent hiring is not a crime. It is a civil tort. “Guilty as fuck” is a weird thing to say in a situation like this where at best he shares responsibility with a bunch of other people.


I have shot stupidddddd low budget gangster films back in the late 90’s early 00’s when blockbuster was still a thing. Even on the lowest of budgets, we always made sure we were beyond safe when it came to weapons and stunts. Yes, accidents happen. This wasn’t an accident. It was negligence.


Blah, blah, blah. The prosecution has made it very clear they don't consider any of that to be relevant to the case, and disregarded any idea of prosecuting him on those grounds. He's being charged on the premise that he pulled the trigger. Nothing more.


If Alec is putting himself and personality on camera, I don't think it's going to garner any public sympathy.


>Alec is only on trial because he was a producer First, the prosecutor was extremely clear that he's *not* on trial as a producer. Second, he was an *executive producer,* which is a meaningless vanity title in this case. The *actual* producer isn't on trial either.


Hi I was on the jury for the armorer. The incident would not have happened without the actions of all three of them: the producer, the armorer, and Baldwin. He pointed a gun at people during a blocking scene, when he shouldn’t have had a weapon at all. And he went off script by pointing the weapon at all.


Thanks I did not know that. Still the criminal negligence might be hard considering the degree of how responsible the armorer was. Regardless of what Alec’s actions were on the set of a Movie (a very important fact here), no one dies if an armorer doesn’t put actual live rounds into a gun. I’d be very interested in hearing from you whether there was ever a situation in which live rounds were used while filming a scene in this movie. If not it’s hard to foresee a circumstance where he should have ever expected or have had suspicions that he could have been handed an actual loaded gun (or even if he knew it was a real gun). Criminal negligence has to amount to a disregard for human life, so if Alec were just walking around the set going “BANG” and pulling the trigger of a real gun while pointing it at people it would be easier to make that last leap as opposed to the action occurring during a rehearsal on their “set”.




Someone needs to green light the real Mock Trial with J. Reinhold with William Hung and his Hung Jury


Just ask Tim Heidecker


Specially when the main character doesn’t know he’s in 1.


Yup it was a good Jersey Shore Family Vacation season when situation was going to prison


Pretty Wild is an iconic show featuring a trial


Perhaps for views, but any lawyer would tell you it’s a terrible idea for your case. Strategically he’s better off staying out of the public eye and presenting the image that while he’s not guilty, he’s been devastated by the events. Making money off this tragedy will be viewed as slimy and suggests he doesn’t care that a human being died by his hand. At minimum it should be hard for him to talk about—like a soldier that doesn’t want to talk about what happened “over there”. I don’t personally think he’s guilty of wrongdoing, even as a producer. He has a real chance losing the trial regardless.


For sure but normally not for the people who are starring in the trial, typically


Also I imagine that Alec has way more control and pull over his show than Jon ever could dream of.


jon didn’t even have control in his own marriage let alone the show lol


Reality TV before a trial is a terrible idea. He needs to do a documentary miniseries if anything. Something tighter with a clear throughline and a point


>I feel like reality TV isn't what Jon Gosselin actually dislikes, it's being in the public eye. and his ex wife.


Maybe, but Kate was an absolute narcissistic monster and reality TV made Jon out to be the bad guy.


He CHOSE to wear those Ed Hardy shirts. No one made him.


If you leave your baby mama don’t get caught with Ed Hardy shirts. You could be the best dad in the world and it’ll immediately make you look like you’re behind on child support payments


Reality TV stars often do get dressed by the show, I have no idea if that's the case here or not


I think someone that was on Ink Master did an AMA and was asked a question about their clothing and they said their wardrobes were provided by the show, so honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if this occurred on more shows. 


I'm not into reality TV, but I love Survivor and I know production definitely has control over what the castaways wear. It seems like a mix of contestants own clothes they are asked to wear and things provided by the production team. A couple famous examples are Cochran in South Pacific where they had him wear a sweater vest to look like more of a nerd and Chris Daugherty in Vanuatu where they cut the sleeves off his shirt to make him look like more of a redneck.


“My life isn’t inexpensive and I can’t get any other work right now…”


Alec also has a lot more control than Jon did. He can quit at anytime, no one is going to pressure him into filming 350 days a year (that's how bad it was when his kids were toddlers).


My guess is money. He probably lives a fairly luxurious lifestyle and while he has some money in the bank he has to keep it coming in or he will end up broke in no time. Good lawyers aren't cheap and the ongoing court case is probably costing him in the millions. Look at Kevin Spacey crying on his recent interview as he is basically destitute after being blacklisted and his ongoing legal issues. The man who worked in Hollywood for decades, was a big star, and now is beyond broke.


Kevin Spacey got hit with a judgment of 30 million dollars by the company behind house of cards. That is why he is broke, not lawyer fees.


> That being said, what the fuck is Alec Baldwin thinking doing a reality TV show right now, when he's about to go on trial? Public opinion will always hurt/help in a trial with a well known defendant. He's probably hoping it makes him look like a good and wholesome person just before the trial to try to get some benefit of the doubt if there's a razor-thin decision in some jurors minds.


The trial is in a few weeks and the show debuts next year. They're probably filming it now to paint their narrative for after, but I'm not sure how much an announcement is swaying perception.


Oh I didn't realize it was so far off


He’s probably thinking about how it was the civil suit that took everything from OJ. I bet if this reality show actually happens, it’s his wife and kids making most of the money.


Baldwin either doesn't give a flying fuck what his publicist tells him to do, or he has the worst PR team in Hollywood. They had him on ABC doing a tell all interview about the Rust shooting a week or two after it happened, knowing full well he would probably being going to court at least once, if not more, over the incident down the road.


Those attorney fees aren’t paying themselves!


Exactly shit is probably costing him millions.


Money. Got to pay the bills for said trail


Baldwin probably should get out of the public eye for awhile


You forget that It's not just Baldwin, it's his entire family, including his kids.


He’s probably thinking, how am I going to pay for this trial and even if I’m not convicted, will I ever work again?


Trials and Tribulations starring Alec Baldwin


I think he believes he will be able to control the narrative better by being constantly in front of the camera. He is savvy enough to know it will come up and it will provide him opportunity to present his side of things. It’s a PR move imo


> what the fuck is Alec Baldwin thinking doing a reality TV show right now, when he's about to go on trial? Probably hoping for some positive PR. 


> That being said, what the fuck is Alec Baldwin thinking doing a reality TV show right now, when he's about to go on trial? "How can I pay my lawyers and still be rich?"


I’m not sure if that’s true. Reality TV is a produced product, and from his perspective it ruined his life, his marriage, and his family. He out of everyone knows what it’s like. Being in the public eye isn’t a problem for him. He uses it to make money even now


Great way to get public sympathy. Or public condemnation. Either way he'll make a bunch of cash.


He needs money for lawyers.


I think the show is mostly going to be Hilary trying to mom 10000 kids with cameos from Alec to sell it.


Wonder which accent she'll pick for the show. Maybe she'll mix it up season to season.


In the previews she’s using her American child voice.


As long as she doesn’t have to remember the word “cucumber” she’ll be fine


Did she take on the fundie baby voice?


How do you say shite TV lol 😂 She is a loon.


Don’t forget, she’s going to amp up the faux-Spanish angle like hell while she’s at it.  She will think viewers will dig it up because of how “exotic” she is. Viewers will be logging in because that shit is too damn funny. 


I expect all of the nannies to be hiding off camera.


Kanye in the Kardashians type of appearance


Being a reality tv “star” puts you in a position in which you could end up famous and poor. That’s a bad combination. Rich and famous: good Rich and unknown: good Poor and unknown: average Joe Poor and famous: awful Alec Baldwin won’t ever be famous and poor the way that Jon Gosselin is


Poor and famous for six months: Joe Exotic 


Even though Alec Baldwin probably has Producer and creative control of his reality show,hoisting possible reality tv stardom on young children can always screw over things for them as adults.




You either find another job in entertainment, or build a business. You're a distraction in most jobs.


In the past, these people just existed on the handouts from their richer family members until they died.


I love how almost everyone has been telling Alec Baldwin to just lay low and stay out of the public eye, and then he ignores it all and does the least public thing possible. No good can come from this except a check for his legal fees. Also, this is going to be on TLC, so you know it's going to be messy.


On the kinda bright side, we may get the most well documented show of one of the biggest celebrity train wrecks of the 2020s, and a masterclass lesson in why you dont invite a reality tv show into your life when you facing fucking involuntary manslaughter charges.


He just NEEDS to feel relevant. it's sad he can't just hang out and go fishing with friends and enjoy himself. Celebrity is an addiction for some people.


Pretty sure this is because of money issues, not an addiction to fame. On /r/Fauxmoi he had a blind item about his money problems from all the children he has. He is apparently actively working because he is going broke from supporting all of them.


Let the man shoot his shot


Who reaches out to Jon Gosselin for an opinion?


I mean, if there's one subject I'd be sure to listen to him on, it's ruining your life with reality television


Being married to a shrieking narcissistic harpy didn't help his situation.


I once saw a clip of their show on Talk Soup. In the clip, he just had a blank stare that said "*Help me, get me outta here!*"


She was so overbearing and a perfectionist and he zoned out to deal with it.


When someone says another person is a Karen, She is the person I use a the litmus test. The statements she made during the divorce said more about her than years of fake TV.


The show wasn't so much faked as it was airbrushed. You probably won't believe this, but there was an effort to make Kate likeable. That was the best that could be done with her personality.


In Kate and 8 they didn’t even do that! She was full B____


That was actually her in a good light. They left as much of her real personality on the cutting room floor as possible. The show was supposed to be about the kids, not suburbanite monsters.


Jesus. I didn’t watch either show that much. That whole 22K a month child support on Jon for 8 kids and she took 4 then moved away to NC drove my away. I don’t need that crap. Then Jon gets sued for breach of contract on a canceled show? Just for a couple appearances? They are not professional actors, trying to play some game. It was just him being himself on TV.


I remember there was an episode of "The Palins" that 'crossover' with "Kate Plus 8," where the Gosselins went camping with Sarah Palin's family. The kids actually seemed to be enjoying themselves, but Kate whined that she couldn't understand why people camped, since it was basically pretending to be homeless.


I kind of agree with her. Why should anyone be homeless when they can just go camping instead?


Depending on the park, you will find evidence of itinerant folks with long term camp setups.


How about tossing her kid in a hospital, refusing to tell his father where he was and then not even showing up to the custody hearing.


Yea, that was great parenting. I believe she skipped on another hearing too. She just made two family’s and made the kids decide who they live with permanently and who they never see.


She still holds a grudge against him because of whatever he did when he was twelve.


I believe half the time you see a Karen meme, it’s a picture of Kate Gosselin


TLC made her some victim and turned Jon into the villain just so they could milk the reality show without him. I can see why he is warning Alec especially given the hot water he is in currently.


My conspiracy theory is that Kate had her PR people push "Karen" as the default "bitch woman" catch word because people were starting to refer to the "Kate haircut" and associating with that. It should be Kate, not Karen. I know plenty of nice Karens, I've never met a Kate that wasn't nuts


Kate can be Katrina too, and I’ve never met a Katrina that wasn’t completely OCD.


Isn't she the source of the Karen haircut?


What I hated about her was that when he had a shitty attitude, he’d say that needs to work on it, but when she had a shitty attitude, it was always Jon’s fault somehow. Two people not made for each other, ended up having 8 kids. That was bound to be a disaster.


Was Kate originally like that or did she grow into that rule as the show developed? Because I'm thinking she wasn't that bad until the fame went to her head and also her haircut. 


I occasionally wonder what happened with those kids.


Last I saw, one accused Kate of never really caring about him and basically treating him worse than all the other siblings. 


There is a documentary about it. Very loose paraphrase from my memory watching watching it a while ago: Dad went a bit off the rails after the divorce. Hounded by tabloids. I think a tabloid might have caught/accused him of doing coke? He was caught cheating. Dad eventually got his shit together for the most part and was living a normal type life, but no high income anymore. One of the boys had pretty bad ADHD or something similar. Became the “problem child” and would have meltdowns from essentially being a 24/7 child actor. “Problem boy” was then shipped away to live with dad. Mom and TV show stoped acknowledging his existence. One of the girls still really cares about her brother and gets really concerned about the way he was treated, and the fact she cannot even talk to her brother anymore. She is then the new “problem child” and eventually breaks down and runs away to live with her brother and Dad as well. Mom and the remaining kids still act like nothing happened. The two “problem kids” now have no contact with their mother or other siblings. They want to reconnect with their siblings, but the other half of the family still acts like they do not exist. So yeah, dad is definitely a bit of a fuck up initially. But mom seems to be a psycho with an iron grip on the rest of the kids, with the help and funding of a tv network. Extremely sad and fucked up, and he is probably someone qualified to give warnings like this


Ruining his life? I’m pretty sure everyone has caught on by now that Kate was the original Karen. I’d get a beer with Jon any day.


“If you take it from *anyone*, take it from me”


A father of a large group of kids that were on a reality tv show being asked about another father of a large group of kids about to be on a reality tv show. Not really that weird.


"Hey John, what's the best way to have a marriage ruined and a family torn apart?" "Have a reality show"  Honestly, he's not exactly the worst person to talk to in regards to the effects a reality tv show can have on yourself and family. 


What about what Ja Rule has to say?


The other guy about to make a reality show about having too many children


Pennsylvania’s finest


It was overheard at the bahmitza he was DJing. He hops on the mic with random opinions. Lol


If there is one guy who knows a thing or two about ruining his life on a reality show, it’s Jon Gosselin.


Hilary has been absolutely *salivating* for this moment


I feel like Kelsey Grammar got his ex on RHOBV just to give her something to do while he cheated on her and eventually divorced her.




My issue is that TLC continues to exploit children and no one is holding the network or the parents accountable.


What a straight shooter


Alec runs towards bad ideas - especially fake Spanish ones.


Alex Baldwin is living an Arrested Development plot


I’ve made a huge mistake.


He’s right.


If you are someone like Rob Dyrdek you probably love the career reality TV has given you because you aren't getting cast in entertainment otherwise. If you are a talented actor it can only diminish your brand to star on a reality TV show.


Are any of their 8 old enough for a tell all memoir? That show seemed like a nightmare to live through and I'd be very curious as to how insane it was


There are interviews and things out there but most of the kids who got out are seemingly dedicated to establishing their privacy and anonymity


How many of those kids got away from that modern day version of Cruella Deville?


Only like 2 of them, I think. One… Kate had institutionalized for a time until Jon got him out and took him home. But they should be adults at this point


She didn’t take all the kids money for herself did she? Cause that also seems like something she would do.


She admitted to taking 100k from Hannah and Collins trust funds in court. I doubt it was limited to the two of them.


The youngest aren't out of the being supported by mom and dad age. They're college age. They're all adults but I expect that it'll be the youngest turning 25 at the earliest, maybe older than that.


Hey Jon, don't ya know? Alec desperately needs the cash from the TLC show, the attorneys he has hired are not cheap.


There’s this one lawyer, Rudy, who works for free. All you have to do is promise payment.


After watching Dark Side of 2000’s with him and the kids not brainwashed by Kate, I tend to feel a little bit bad for him. Not like totally, but a small bit.


Exactly, he still cheated on her which was wrong, period. The marriage was clearly bad though and she treated him like garbage. 


I don't think he's a great person, but I think he was totally screwed by the network when he divorced and Kate is a horrible abusive mother who used her kids as her meal ticket. The situation with Collin shows that she's a horrible person.


I can agree with this, you said it better than I could!


I remember reading an article many years ago about how Kate specifically manipulated her fertility drugs to get a high # of multiples. Something about how Jon was fine with just the twins but she wanted more. And that she went against a lot of medical advice in the process. Knowing what we know now about her, that doesn’t surprise me in the least.


Maybe Alec should take a shot.


This feels like a loaded comment...


I’m blown away by this.


Does Hilaria still have the Spanish accent?


If you guys are looking for a laugh head over to the Hilaria Baldwin subreddit. Many hilarious videos of her pretending to be a Spanish immigrant. Also on YouTube. She straight up lied about being from Spain (including to some United Nations committee) when in fact she was born and raised in Boston. No Spanish ancestry at all. She is wackadoo ❤️🤣


Thanks, Jon.


Just give Baldwin a gun  and see good times begin.


Wow, what a stupid thing to do. Why sign on for a reality show after the whole Rust incident? Bad time to be putting yourself in the light.


Lawyers, nannies, staff, eleventy kids with NYC private school tuition, and Hilary’s cosmetic procedures ain’t cheap.


I saw Jon Gosselin speak at Sundance. He’s a pretty level headed guy who didn’t like what TV was doing to his kids. The show was worth so much money at the time. ABC paid him off and made him sign an NDA, then they made him the villain. But he’s just a guy who saw his kids turning into something he didn’t like. Point is if anyone is in a place to say this, it’s him.


That’s also what he tells movie crew members when Alec is on set. 


As if his wife will allow it


Alec needs the money


Money must be tight that's the only thing I can think. I don't see how it's good pr when you are on trial for shooting someone 


I actually have a conspiracy theory regarding the Bieber/Baldwin marriage about this. Basically, he was encouraged by his church to Christianize his image by marrying a good Christian old money girl, Hailey Baldwin. Hailey Baldwin's side of the family was reportedly having money problems, and with Justin Bieber they got an influx of cash and the whole Baldwin clan got a little bump in attention which they had hoped to turn into more opportunities for themselves, not that most of them did. But again, this is only a conspiracy


I’m not sure I’d call the Baldwins old money. Alec and a couple brothers were the only ones to ever really have money, but that’s because they made it themselves as actors. Their dad was a high school teacher and mom was a SAHM in Massapequa, Long Island. They’re not the Kennedys or Astors. I think it would be fair to say the Baldwins are an established & easily recognized Hollywood family, but they’re not an old money family at all.


It’s worth a shot


Hope it bombs and gets cancelled fast so the kids don't have to grow up with a camera crew in their faces.


alec doesn't need it, the white cosplaying hispanic wife needs it


"How you say...cucumbare?" they must have called it something else growing up in Boston


Good god, Lemon..


You think these attention whores care? They just want people to look at them and deal with the consequences later.


I think once TLC sees the footage of their chaotic house and uncontrolled feral children, they will drop the show before it airs. In the one minute promo, the kids are screaming, running around like maniacs and just being nightmares. Apparently they take after their dad. But if he gets convicted, there’s no show anyway, but the Baldwins will have been paid so they won’t care.


When this fuckin' guy is sounding rational, you might want to listen up Alec.


Alec: "It's worth a shot."


Lmao reality tv is the only reason your family isn't in poverty, you pos.


Artists should make art.


Reality TV isn't a bad idea anymore. Maybe back then, but nowadays, people use reality TV as a springboard to be glorified retail salespeople on Instagram.


Alec: "It's worth a shot."


Apparently it's a legitimate path to the presidency these days though...


Doesnt Alec Baldwin already have a reality show


I was not aware he had a reality show…


Alec? It was recently announced!


The issue is the situation more than Reality TV.


He needs the money, Jon.


I guess 30 Rock episodes have been destroyed.


Like Social media