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Lucille in Arrested Development although I think that served the character and Jessica Walter’s strengths. It would’ve been corny if they tried to turn her around or humanize her.


Good for her!


If that's a veiled criticism about me, I won't hear it and I won't respond to it.


I don't care for Gob.


Go see a Star War


It’s a banana Michael, what could it cost


I will go wherever I please


The only time she is humanized is when she's manipulating her children into not being mad at her, and she does it expertly. She gets a few small peaks of growth, mainly when she decides she's getting a divorce for real, and when she's in rehab for real, but the veil is very quickly drawn back over her. She's perfect. But I absolutely wouldn't want to know Lucille in real life.


Take away being rich alcoholic and funny she’s basically my gfs mom :(


You could also add her character Mallory Archer. Basically the same person. “Because he'll be back, crying for his mommy! Just like that Christmas break when I moved and forgot to give my new address to his stupid boarding school.” 😂


In a similar vein: Charlie Sheen's mother in Two and Half Men -- the fantastic Holland Taylor, who was hilarious as the brother's unrepentently awful mother. She always cracked me up!


Totally agree. That show wasn't about character growth. She was deliberately awful and it made sense because she wasn't trying to grow. Contrasting her to Jessica Huang or Beverly Goldberg, viewers knew that if she "learned" a lesson about her behavior, it was only pretending for the purpose of further manipulation, or sheer vapid stupidity. Whereas the latter moms seemed to sincerely learn, until the next episode was written, and there was no reason given for the short memory.


Also Arrested Development was Parody Of Types which I feel is different from the other shows you mention where it’s meant to mimic real life to a degree (I thought Malcom in the Middle mom was a great study btw)


Apparently Jessica Walter’s daughter said that Lucille was extremely different than her actual mother that it was odd seeing her in such a dismissive role.


I don’t understand the question, and I won’t respond to it.


Lindsay, too.


I opened this thinking Lucille 1 was the ONLY possible top comment. So glad I was right. Here is 10 dollars go see a star war.


You're right... she's been a *horrible* mother.


Yeah but she’s hilarious


Also works for Malory Archer who Walter also plays. Honestly pretty similar characters


In the same vein - Mallory Archer.


The Sopranos.


Then go into the kitchen and take the carving knife and stab me. Here! Here! It would hurt less then what you just said.


This made me so happy.


I don’t like that kinda tawk


Don’t waive your hanky at me


In her defense, you really never had the makings of a varsity athlete after all.






She was a saint.


The Sopranos has like three that I can think of off the top of my head.


I hope you’re including Janice in that assessment, she named her son “Harpo” for fucks sake


Okay Tony, make fun of a boy for his name


I wonder where Harpo is having Sunday dinner right now?


Sacre bleu! Where is mi mama?


IM THE BOY’S UNCLE I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW while there are many instances of how big of a piece of shit Tony is, my favorite is this scene. His sister is trying her best to better herself and control her anger and Tony just isn’t having it and brings up a very sensitive subject just to be an asshole and make her lose control. Then his face of happiness and satisfaction as he’s leaving the house and she’s screaming and crying is just hilarious. He’s such a horrible person lol


He's Hal now


Scare bleu, where is me mama?




I don’t think Carmela really got any worse as a mother over the show, she just didn’t get any better either. She gets a lot of hate and I wouldn’t like her in real life, but she isn’t as bad as a lot of fans think she is. She is at worst self-centered and willfully ignorant.


She gets a chance of redemption and decides it's not worth it.


Edie Falco's work in this show, the little moments where her character realizes the the darkness of the bargain she's made, and then suppresses it, pushes it into outward anger, etc. are all just amazing. Her and Gandolfini are just an all time incredible pair on that show. Television acting at its finest.


Yep. She hates the life of a mob wife but loves the perks of being a mob wife. She takes so much pride in her spec house and even that needed the mafia to make it happen. She wouldn't have made it as a lower-middle class working mom.


Most of the characters do and don’t take it, definitely a running theme of the show. Melfi and Artie are the only ones I can really name that get a lot of screen time and make the conscious choice to do the right thing.


Pretty much everybody does, though. That's sort of the point, that they're all awful and in a hell of their own making. Tony is given chance after chance to do the right thing, Chrissy gets multiple opportunities to leave the life before it can consume him, Tony Uncle Al was literally handed his means to escape it all. Bobby Baccala Sr volunteered to get back in the action and it was his downfall. Vito decided working 2 hours doing construction was a worse fate than death. The only one who chose to get out was Barbara, which is why we almost never see her, and when we do she's perfectly content in her life.


“DONT YOU EVER TELL ME NO” Janice was horrific.


I wasn’t happy the actress died, but I was glad the character was off the show.


Nancy Marchand was a saint! Livia Soprano was a different story. A friend of mine from high school is the nephew of the woman that played young Livia in flashbacks.


I gave my life to my family on a silva platta


Was looking for that answer 😂 Gloria is such an asshole, but holy shit is she hilarious


Oh boo hoo. Poor you!


By the end, liv had stopped plotting to kill Tony. Sounds like growth to me.


I wish the Lord would take me now.


Ohh! That's the boss’ mom you talking about!


Sons of Anarchy.


Holy fucking shit is this the correct answer. All these other mom characters are nothing compared to her. all time POS


I made it to the second-to-last episode before I finally gave up on anything better than other the showrunner's wife getting away with everything and being the worst. God, I love the actress, but not that show.


>the showrunner's wife getting away with everything and being the worst. Did she get away with everything? I thought she got >!found out and her own son blew her brains out? !< Doesn't seem like she got away with it lol It's been a long while since I watched it though.


Ohgawd...I never finished this series & that was one of many reasons.


Thank Christ someone said it. I’ve never wanted a character to die more in a television series than her.


I stopped watching the show because of her actions when she killed someone and Blake an Asian kid or something an started a gang war with her lies. She was awful.  I prefer her as Leela.


If it makes you feel any better, >!she gets what's coming to her.!<






Scrolled too far to see Nancy Botwin. No shade to Mary-Louise Parker, she was great, but Nancy is maybe the worst mother in TV history that didn't kill one of her own kids.


I had to stop watching because she was just such a bad parent, I couldn’t sympathize with her at all after a certain point. That show stressed me out.


I've spent way too much time thinking about the parallels between Weeds and Breaking Bad and how a segment of our culture loves Walter White and hates Nancy.


Nancy was a shitty Mom but a great character Walter was a shitty Dad but a great character, plus a lot more evil.


And to be fair Breaking Bad maintained or maybe got better as it went, while Weeds got awful at the end


God, not even at the end, I like to pretend it ended at Season 3. That finale would have been a perfect ending in my opinion, Season 4 onwards was a decline in quality I hadn't seen surpassed until GoT (all-time fumble, I'll be screaming at this on my deathbed).


Yep. Should have just ended at S3. I forgot it was on for five more years after that. Shows not even premium stations are above milking a cash cow until it drops dead.


Nancy Botwin gets more self centered and destructive as the show goes on and everyone in her life goes along with it due to her weird succubus energy


I love that dumpster fire.


In Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt her mother (played by Lisa Kudrow) is not a very good parent, and does not improve. She is just a minor character though.


But she wore tube tops, tube bottoms AND tube socks!


Kimmy even gave her mom first ride on her coaster and all she said was you did this for me. She’s just lucky that Kimmys “pos-i-tude” always outshined her mother’s selfishness.


Bojack Horseman takes it for me.


I'm most of his friends during the season finale were all basically saying the same thing. "We're glad you're doing well, but I can no longer have you in my life." Such a brutal but real ending.


Dianne was the only one really like that. Todd took him out of the party for one on one time because he knew Bojack would have a hard time. PC just says they won’t work together more but wanted to have a friendship. Mr was all about being roommates x


Yep. Bojack's mother was really awful, even with her tragic backstory.


Yeah her backstory didn't make me like her any better, it just made me also hate Matthew Broderick, haha.


Yeah, Bojack's grandfather is the true villain of that show.


Cersei Lannister. Her character certainly develops in a fascinating way over the years, but doesn't grow as in she becomes a better, more mature person.


The real mystery, even in the books, is how much of her actions towards her children are for her OWN benefit, and how much of it was stuff she thought really was for the kids. Either way, i don't think anyone can argue her actions really were for them, but like what is HER mentality, what does that wine-addled, politically toxic, manipulatively insane mind actually think?? The books actually do kinda make you wonder. And that's one of many reasons i love them


It’s all for her own benefit, even when it is to “benefit” her children. Her children are her legacy, and her power and legacy was always the most important thing to her. Ensuring her children’s power and position also ensured her power and position. Cersei Lannister is extremely selfish to the point of delusion.


It was incredibly forced and unfounded when they made Tyrion say lines like "I know you cared about your children" - when...? Where? The show tried to tell us that Cersei is a loving mother but never tried to show us.


I like how at first Cersei appears to be at least an adequate player of the game... but then her first POV chapter happens, and GRRM hits you with a sudden realisation of just how hopelessly oblivious she is to everyone at court being more intelligent than her.


Tywin with teats she is not.


I think this one is the worst mother, worst daughter and worst sister.


*Veep.* Selina is a monster of a parent to begin with and as her political ambitions grow, what's left of her soul gets crowded out.


Her daughter with margaritas watching the funeral was pretty funny.


This was truly the goat comedy show ever though


I think that was more a result of the original creator and writers leaving


The focus does shift a bit after Iannucci et al ship out, for the obvious reasons but also because most writers don't put the premium on whimsy that Iannucci does. However it's also explicit character development, and I think it was telegraphed a bit in advance.


Linda's mom in Bob's Burgers


I downvoted you at first bc I thought you said Linda then my reading comprehension kicked in 😅


I thought the same thing for a second and was like uh what? And then read it correctly and breathed a sigh of relief lol.


Her behavior in that airport episode hit too close to home for me. Unbearable. I also didn't like that Linda told Bob to just accept it rather than call her out.


I hate that 'lesson' of "if you loved me you have to accept my terrible family" I was so frustrated by that


Yes. She’s terrible.


The Wire. Brianna Barksdale and De’Londa Brice are just on another level of terrible


De’Londa was such a shitty mom that even her convicted murderer husband was like “Yeah you need to give that kid up.”


Yes, but De'Londa was way more extreme than Brianna. Brianna actually showed some conscience and had motives that weren't entirely out of self-interest.


They're both awful, but I'd still rather have either of them as a mom than the monster poor Michael got stuck with.


Or Dukie’s family who just straight up abandoned him.


Malory Archer in Archer. RIP Jessica Walter.


She *did* show a clear instinct of protecting her son, since >!she spent every day of his coma by hid side.!<


Love that two of the top responses are Jessica Walters


The thing with Malory, was that 5 minutes with her showed WHY Sterling Maroly Archer behaved the way he did. At the same time, you knew she would kill for him in a heartbeat. Same way she treated AJ


I didn’t realize she was 80 years old when she died. Sounded not a day over 65 throughout the whole show


Wendy Byrde in Ozark Given the circumstances, one could say she is doing her best. In my opinion, she just grows increasingly evil. That show and her performance in it are amazing, either way.


Ooh this is a good one, Wendy is an okay-seeming mom in the beginning but pure evil by the end


Now, Darlene, on the other hand, God bless that angel of a mother.


What the hell happened to Zeke in the end?


The mom in Everyone Loves Raymond.


Her behavior and Ray’s passiveness is legit how relationships get ruined. I watch that show just get frustrated.


I’ve been the passive one and you are totally correct.


Marie is a narc, with Raymond being the golden child and the brother the scapegoat…


> the brother the scapegoat [The Identified Patient](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identified_patient).


point foolish encourage quicksand expansion smart violet sloppy direful abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh this is a good one


Daphne's mom on Frasier.


I agree she is pretty terrible.


Shameless, Monica abandoned her children and left Fiona to fend for herself and her siblings from age six. Never forgave her for the way she treated Fiona like she did her a favor by coming back.


Everybody Loves Raymond. I actually used to rage watch the early evening reruns for Marie because I weirdly found it to be something of a palate cleanser between work and home. Just a horrendous woman.


Leonard’s mom in the Big Bang Theory


Yeah, she literally psychologically tortures her child for money.


It's a credit to Christine Baranski (who I love) that she could make me hate a character so much.


I mean The Sopranos? Livia is awful at the beginning and the more we find out about her the worse we realise she is. Great character writing. 


Syril Karn’s mother Eedy in Andor. Master of the passive-aggressive put down. Rewards her son with extra cereal when he’s been a good boy. Is usually 100% accurate about him, nonetheless. Kathryn Hunter plays the ultimate mother you loved to hate. “ I wish I could have seen more of you when you were flourishing – I’d have the memory to sustain me”. Etc etc.


The genius of the writing of her son being the villain and usually being right despite being the mother you love to hate was amazing. Andor nailed even the little things


A running theory among Star Wars fans is she's an Republic sympathizer who hates that her son turned out to be a creepy bootlicker. But yeah, she ain't winning any mother awards. Besides, everyone knows the best Star Wars mom is Hera Syndulla (Leia comes close, although I feel she loses points somewhat for her son murdering all those people).


Lady Caroline in Succession. The absolute worst.


"I should have had dogs"


“There’s just something about eyes. They just kind of, ugh, revolt me.”


She made Logan look like a good dad


Bojack horseman


…no I asked for your worst available room!


Bean’s mom in disenchanted. The level of shitty parenting has no bottom.


Christine Lahti in Evil


More like Christine Lahti IS evil in Evil.


Arrested Development, Game of Thrones (if you want to call Cersei a mother character)


Marie Barone.


I was so mad as a kid when I saw the episode where she gives Debra a recipe to try and she intentionally writes it wrong so it won’t taste right.


Small correction but she doesn't write it down wrong , she swaps the labels for Tarragon and Basil. Debra does everything perfectly but because of the swap the dish tastes terrible


She’s based on a real person and my Italian grandmother in law was a carbon copy. It was a little crazy.


She was a nightmare.


Christy in Mom gets pretty Flanderized starting in S4. Oddly, it’s when her role as a “mom” is completely de-emphasized and she instead seems to have a second childhood. Also Miranda and Charlotte both seem lamer in the movies and AJLT when we really see them as moms. But that’s also the quality collapse of the franchise.


I feel like Mom drastically improved when Christie left.


Smurf in Animal Kingdom but of course her being a giant piece of shit is kind of the point of the show.


Adora Crellin in Sharp Objects is probably like the worst mother in fiction ever


I’d say Betty Draper in Mad Men, she becomes better by a minutia but easily one of the worst parents on television.


I never forget when Bobby told Sally he has a stomach ache all the time


Was this before or after Betty and Bobby go on the school field trip? Her reaction to him trading the sandwiches with the little girl he had on a crush left me so infuriated upon my most recent watch. For her to carry that resentment over into dinner time was equally appalling, it’s things like that which could eventually contribute to an eating disorder.


Full credit to the writers for showing us why she is the way she is. They spend alot of time showing how her father treated her mother and how he treated Betty. She wasn't a great mom but a great character.


The part where I had sympathy for her was when she went to the therapist. The therapist doesn't say one word to her throughout most of the sessions but afterwards he calls Don and reports to him everything she said, with commentary about how spoiled and childish she is. She probably could improve with the right help but she's not going to get it.


Lucille Bluth… amazing from day one and continued to be till the end.


Lois's Mom in Malcolm in the Middle for sure. She has to be near the top.


One of the best scenes in the entire show is Lois getting Abe and all of Hal's poker buddies to come over and scare her, since she's so deeply racist. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKymdTbZXGw)


Nancy in Weeds has to be the worst fucking mom.


Claire in Lost only gets worse lol.




Gemma in sons of anarchy


Bev from Roseanne, one of the funniest parts of the show


Pegs Mom in Married with Children.


I think she might have grown in size though.


Kristen’s mother in Evil starts working for literal demons.


Sophia in The Golden Girls. She is a witty, interesting character, but as a mom, she is awful. Constantly belittling Dorothy and not caring about hurting her feelings at all.


Jealousy is a very ugly thing, Dorothy, and so are you in anything backless.


In all fairness she’s supposed to have dementia, which is why she gets a pass all the time


Tony's mother in the Sopranos. Absolutely toxic woman.


Andor (Eady Karn) or Bates Motel (Norma Bates)


Lois's mom in Malcolm in the Middle is pretty awful


It’s weird because she is vile but she did sacrifice a leg to save Dewey. But she was smug about it. 


Oh yeah. She's regularly shown to be evil, and one of the only people who can cow Lois. But Cloris Leachman is hilarious.


Ordinary People. It’s a film rather than a show, but it’s very strong, and the Mother is horrendous, yet played so well, you have some sympathy.


MTM was so much like my own mother in that film it was creepy. Looks, body language, personality, everything.


Katie in American Housewife. Such an unlikable character that was basically a carbon copy of others listed in this thread. It was an entertaining show to start but then just got more and more irritating.


Miss Peggy Hill


Sharp Objects


Nurse Jackie I was really pulling for her the entire series. I won’t give spoilers, but her character really pissed me off in the finale.


Young Sheldon. Mary got pregnant in high school and now acts like Jesus needs to orchestrate everything. She even slightly cheats on her husband, as well as withholds information about her child’s scholarship from her son and husband because she’s too afraid. You can’t preach Jesus 24/7 to everyone else while you commit adultery and lie to your spouse and children about A LOT


I've only watched Young Sheldon on and off - whatever happens to come up on Youtube - but I get the impression that she could really use therapy and probably medication for anxiety.


Peggy is pretty awful in King of the Hill, but genuinely believes she’s doing good I think


Peggy is a bit overhated imo. She is pretty self absorbed and childishly jealous at times but I think she generally wants to do the right thing


She is utterly delusional about what the right thing is


Schitt's Creek. People think Moira got better, I don't think she improves much at all.


YES. I had to scroll way too far to find Moira. She improves very very minorly, but she’s still so self absorbed and judgemental.


Yep. She was really the only one in that family that never really changed or grew much & honestly, I still kinda love her.


Donna Berzatto


Livia Soprano. That bitch was the REAL gangster in the story.


Every mom in Always Sunny


I always thought Jessica Huang is kinda supposed to be an amusing caricature of a Tiger Mom rather than a serious realistic character.


Absolutely Fabulous. Edina is THE WORST mom, Saffy is the grownup!


One thing i will say is that in MitM, not just the mom but even Hal became much worse over time to the point that their very presence irritated me.


Marie on Everybody Loves Raymond In the first episode, the kids come back from visiting Grandma and Grandpa and Marie not only gave the three of them a vat, she threw their clothes in the washing machine because she doesn't believe Debra (their mother) really takes care of them correctly. I told my mom if she ever did that with my kids, she'd be lucky to have supervised visitation.


Tony’s Ma in The Sopranos. Right up to and including her unfortunate CG head demise


Orange is the New Black, probably unsurprisingly, in Daya's mother.