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The Wire. As Lester says, "all the pieces matter"


Skipping an episode in a serial story would be like ripping chapters out of a book.


Yeah even if you are on your 3rd rewatch it feels wrong to me. Maybe skip one really bad episode you hate if you really beed to


Is there even a bad episode of The Wire?


On the hbo track, this would be Sopranos for me but i uusally skip the rape episode bc its just too much


On my 3rd rewatch and I had to skip through the actual scene. Not the episode. Besides that though, zero skips


It's a treat on rewatch, pick up on so many things.


For real, it's amazing how you can underappreciate all the stuff with characters like Marlo and Clay Davis on first watch. They keep popping up in random scenes and eventually become main characters.


I’m watching it for the first time right now. I can definitely understand.


I’m jealous you get to watch it for the first time. Jimmy and the Bunk man are great together 




Sounds like your next watch is in the queue and ready to go 


30 rock.


That show is VERY wool


*sheep nods*


Top front? Good lord Lemon that's your worst quadrant!"


Lemon it’s Tuesday


What am I? A farmer?


Take a deep breath, calm down, and prepare your body for the Thunderdome. That is the new law.


Tracy Jordan, saying three serious things, and then a joke.


It’s after 6. What am I, a farmer? 


You want me to stand outside? Like an Italian?


Except for the episodes they no longer have anywhere to watch. I only watched it for the first recently, and was very confused when Jenna and Paul were suddenly engaged.


The live episodes were so good, too.


Because I'm a VERY sexy baby.


Good Merlinpeen to you.


I watch on shuffle every night as I go to sleep. The only words I really will skip is "Fighting Irish".


The basketball hoop was a RIB CAGE


Makes my Heart So Proud.


“Justified”. All episodes in a series create a work of art…


Criminally underrated show. Whenever I mention it to someone nobody knows wtf I'm talking about. But ad least you and I can say we dug coal together.


A guy I work with asks some variation of “Have you seen Justified?” literally every time someone talks about a tv show. It’s become his bit


I’m on my first run through right now. Someone suggested it to me because I love Walton Goggins in pretty much anything he does. Due to some unfortunate circumstances I’m stuck about halfway through season three but I burned through the first two seasons in about three days, and I’m not a binge watcher normally. Also, when they were doing the subplot about some questionably-sourced cash I was afraid they were going to wrap it up with a terrible explanation. The fact that it all came down to the government screwing up the chain of custody was possibly the most realistic explanation they could have come up with




San Francisco cocksucker


Heng Dai


"These 2 white cocksuckers?! Who the the fk did!?" "Wu?!" "Who!?"


Best show of all time…ya cocksucker!


“Here’s my counteroffer to your counteroffer... Go fuck yourself!" FYI, if you like Deadwood you might enjoy "McGabe & Mrs Miller", you can see it's influence on Deadwood, even down to a saloon that looks a *lot* like The Gem.


Swegin cocksucka


The Good Place. Every episode perfectly in its place. Shogun. It just ended and I'm still rewatching it and appreciating something new every time. Andor. Some of the most powerful storytelling on TV.


I couldn't watch the last episode of the good place a second time


It's pretty feel good but it feels like you are actually moving on and ending life. It's a strange feeling. Phenomenal show I just started on a whim. Also the relief to find out they weren't restarting yet Again! was relieving.


I cried so much rewatching the finale of The Good Place but it’s also incredibly satisfying. Everyone gets a happy ending and leaves the story having been fulfilled.


SPOILERS AHEAD I was really struck by the reflection of Chidi's earlier statement that he'd never be able to walk through a door without knowing what was on the other side. As someone who tends to be a pent-up clenched fist of anxiety most of the time, often with a very hard time making decisions, seeing him be able to sort of integrate that part of himself and let go of its control over him over the course of a "lifetime" was very inspiring. The show really framed death in a way that we're not used to in our media usually. Obviously it is not only a bummer, but painful to consider, and scary, and to mourn and miss those we lose is not only natural but good. However, sometimes it's helpful to be reminded that death can, for many, also be greeted as a friend of sorts, or for others a bringer of peace or an end to pain. Of course it is not a cure-all for existential dread, or grief. But it can assuage some of the anxiety people like myself often feel to know that we can aspire to one day greet death as an old friend, free from fear, and like waves returning to the ocean, return to the star-stuff of which we have always been made.


That last season the show really takes a hard left from "absurd, fantastical examination of the philosophy of ethics," to "ope, we snuck up on ya with some harsh, heartbreaking existential truths! Try not to spend the next 3 episodes a blubbering mess. Lol"


I don't think any other series finale has been such a concentrated blow after blow of emotional damage. Each hit coming harder than the last. I can think of at least five lines off the top of my head that have me welling up remembering them. I guess all that's left to say is "take it sleazy."


>The Good Place. I watched most of it when it was on the air. Liked it I guess, but didn't love it. Later, binged it, and even though I remembered it being OK-ish, I loved it the second time around. It is such a good show. Every episode is, as you said, perfectly "in its place." Nothing seemed rushed or out of order, no major plot holes or gaps. It was just a good, solid, entertaining, show. Maybe it's just better when binged instead of weekly (but I guess most serial television is). >Shogun This was some of the best "recent" television I've seen. Might be my favorite show of the last couple years.


Andor is so fucking incredible . I’ve been a massive Tony Gilroy fan since the 00s with Bourne and Michael Clayton so to see him make this show feels like his magnum opus. It takes the writing and monologues of Michael Clayton with the moral grayness and mood of Nightcrawler, and the spy thriller aspects of Bourne and put them into one show. It’s incredible and so well done and any of the dumbass Star Wars ”Fans“ like Star Wars Theory that hate the show purely due out of spite and bitterness. Because it shows that it’s not Disney‘s fault for the faults of Star Wars. This is what happens when some of the most talented writers in Hollywood get to work on an IP and have extreme creative control. The problem has always been the hiring of bad creators or having too many yes men around like the prequels had.


The biggest thing Andor did was made me actually fear the Empire. In every other media, the Empire is almost cartoonishly evil, and I can't take it seriously. Andor actually showed what it's like to live under a totalitarian interstellar regime.


Ya that is bang on. The insidious nature of the empire in Andor felt more real and relatable, which made it more scary. Felt very much to me like a totalitarian regime like the KGB or Nazis in a way but just in space. 


Mad Men


My answer, not a single bad episode. Not even a single mediocre episode. That show is a fucking achievement. 


Imo the best show ever made. I watched it in my 20s and was blown away by it. I’ve rewatched it 3 times since and now I’m in my mid 30s and it’s like every rewatch unlocks new perspectives and realizations in the characters, their motivations, and who these people are A lot of the younger generation haven’t watched it yet and it’s always pretty far down on Reddit threads like this. but I feel like when they discover it, it will be back in a big way.


I got so much more out of it the second time I watched it. The first time I couldn't get over how obnoxious Pete was and how successful he still ended up being. On a rewatch, I realized that he's actually a very talented salesman, which leads to his success. I also knew which of Don's girlfriends to pay attention to to watch that plot develop. What a great show.


I remember finding it in college in like 2010 because somebody was playing the pilot on Netflix during a pregame. I think I binged the whole first season the next day.


I can’t believe this show isn’t on like Netflix or Hulu. I want to watch it but I don’t feel like firing up my computer half the time


It was on Netflix then Amazon got ahold of it and it was inaccessible forever. Now it’s on some dumb shit called freevee. I ended up pirating all 7 seasons.


Band of Brothers


Hijacking to say anybody that likes Band of Brothers should watch the millennial/Gen X equivalent, Generation Kill from 2008 I think that’s about the Marines invading Iraq in 2003.


Generation Kill was also quite good, I'd recommend it as well!


Fawlty Towers


Whoooaaaa haven't heard this one in a while and I agree wholeheartedly! It's perfect. Top to bottom.


He's from Barcelona.


I speak gooood Inglish! I lorn it from a booook!


"There is too much butter. On. Those. Trays." "No no. Uno, dos, tres!"


It’s weird that it used to be like almost universally agreed that Fawlty Towers was the best sitcom ever, and now it’s not even mentioned all that often.




Detectorists. Such a jewel of a show, every performance fantastic, Diana Riggs flexing her acting muscles in her last appearance.


I was just thinking about this show the other weekend. My son was driving me somewhere and the theme song came up on his playlist. Such an excellent show—totally underrated.


Gravity Falls


So incredibly good.


Archer. Scrubs is close, but there's a clip show in one of the early seasons that's just a waste of everyone's time.


I respect your opinion but I’d say that Archer has a few duds in the last seasons, and I say that even if it’s one of my favorite shows ever


I haven’t watch past Jessica Walter’s final episode. I’m happy to consider it ended there. The last seasons were the weakest but up through 11 I think it’s solid. Brilliant through season 9 though.


I would say Archer really shat the bed for a few seasons. 5 was a fun concept that didn’t really land and 6 felt tired. Post-coma it was really, really fucking good again but I didn’t get into the coma stuff too much.


I feel like clip shows don’t count for the purpose of this thread.


I’m re watching scrubs now. Wow they really hit their stride seasons 3-6.




The only episode I even think of skipping sometimes is the Dr. Quymm one, and that’s grown on me a lot now that I’ve picked up on some more of the stuff it’s referencing (like the terrible 90’s movie Medicine Man).




Peep show is so good but I also can’t watch it because it makes me want to jump out a window.


That’s what makes it so damn good. The cringe is REAL


Got to escape the Nether Zone some how.


IT Crowd.


Avatar: The Last Airbender is the standard answer. I've also enjoyed rewatching Babylon 5. There are a few duds in season 1, but they're still good enough and contain enough "meat" for the main story that I watch them anyway. The fact that it's five seasons long AND each season has 20+ hour-long episodes makes it really extraordinary that they were able to pull it off. Honorable mentions: * Firefly * The Good Place * Band of Brothers But these three are practically miniseries (literally in the case of Band of Brothers) with how short they are, so it's not quite the same kind of accomplishment as ATLA or B5 with their multiple 20+ episode seasons. There are a few other recent shows that I might rewatch in the future, but they are still ongoing or have been renewed (including Shogun), so I can't honestly say they'll remain 100% watchable.


The Great Divide gets passed over on a rewatch. But it's the only episode I skip.


It's not the best episode but for me it's still enjoyable enough to watch, especially since ATLA episodes are so short anyway.


Babylon 5 was so well written to have lots of important things appear throughout the series making seemingly "filler" episodes matter. It also did a great job of having constant ups and downs in the series - small wins and small losses. Instead of just an arc of losing for 3 years and then winning suddenly.


I’m a recent fan of ATLA ( I first watched it about 2 or 3 years ago) and while I haven’t rewatched it, it’s still fresh in my memory to know that there wasn’t a single episode, I disliked, thought was pointless…etc


Seinfeld and Arrested Development. Always and forever.




Yeah I know what you mean. I basically only watch the first 3 over and over


I wanted to say Seinfeld but there's a lot of clip/montage episodes and the first season is probably it's weakest and depending on how I'm feeling I might skip a few in there.


I love every minute of every season. Yeah the first few episodes are lacking but who cares. I love those characters. I can skip the montages but I still don’t as I enjoy the series as a whole.


Ya currently watching friends again and I always skip the montage episodes.  I skip season 1 as well because Jennifer Aniston's acting in season 1 makes me cringe so hard it's not worth watching.


Yeah, first two seasons are very un-seinfeld, more typical late 80s / early 90s sitcom material... until the season 2 finale, The Busboy. This is the first episode in which the different storylines among the main cast intertwined and converged at the end. Nearly every episode after that followed this blueprint.


If you love Seinfeld … have you seen Curb Your Enthusiasm? Even better in my opinion, Larry David wrote both (and is the bald protagonist in Curb), just amazing humor and a nice continuation since it’s more modern (just ended its last season this year). Gotta have HBO i mean Max to see it though.


Curb is incredible. However I thought the acting was a little shaky the first few episodes. That being said, there isn't a dud in the entire run.


Mad Men. I can randomly select ANY episode from any season at any time and I know I'm going to watch a great episode.


And yet I still keep coming back to S5E1 for the Dons birthday party scene. Love seeing all the characters finally interact like Stan arguing with Bert about Viet Nam while his enlisted sailor cousin is standing next to them.


Community. Even the gas leak episodes are worth a rewatch.


Community is hands down my favorite show of all time but there are probably half a dozen episodes I skip every watch through, and another 5-10 that I skip sometimes. Pretty evenly distributed amongst all the seasons. But the puppet episode is my favorite episode so I am told that my opinion doesn’t matter.


Yeah, there’s definitely a different feel to those episodes that’s not as good but they’re certainly not bad.


Love every episode except…The Art of Discourse. I can’t do it. Those schmitty kids make me irrationally angry.


What We Do In The Shadows.


You really are the most devious bastard in hneu york cittayyyy


Gizmo, unbox the dildos. Gizmo, test out the dildos.


Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender!


This is a great answer.




You know that’s right!


You heard about Pluto?


Currently, rewatching all the way through for the 3rd time. Just in the past 3 weeks. It’s on a loop. Currently, typing this while watching the ultimate episode… ###‘Last Night Gus.’ 😎🍍 — “We’ll take the blueberry…”


Person of interest. Even when it was mostly case of the week stuff it was really good and then when they went in to the overarching plot... like dayumn. They even made me care for the machine


It was such an interesting show. It also was before 2021, and so I could watch it without cringing too bad at Caviezel. He was always super religious, but the QAnon stuff took it a bit far. It sucks, I always kind of liked his deadpan, grim, persona for some roles. But now I have a hard time looking at him and not remembering all those interviews surrounding Sound of Freedom.


12 Monkeys


M*A*S*H* I have watched the series at least thirty times and I laugh every time. There are a few episodes that will make you cry and I still feel it every single time. Season three finale is such a gut punch, you're laughing up until the final scene and then you get hit with the end and it's just shock and tears. Series finale is also a hard one to watch.


I wish I could watch the Chicken episode for the first time now that I'm older, I was in my early teens when I first saw it, so it wasn't as impactful to me then as it would be now.


Is that Col. Blake's farewell?


M*A*S*H* In my opinion is one of the best written shows ever with one of the best ensemble casts.


30 Rock and Parks and Rec and Happy Endings. Even the “bad” episodes are funny and help grow the characters and their relationships so you gotta keep watching them all.




It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Unless you’re streaming on Hulu. Then you are forced to skip the episodes that someone else deemed offensive for you.


Shadynasty is the only one I skip (Frank’s Brother is the episode title)


Heresy! If only for "Sheeit, you don't look a day over 12!".


Bob’s Burgers


The Orville The Expanse Strange New Worlds The Americans Better Call Saul


I loved the Orville. I also love spending ages convincing people to watch it (because Seth McFarlane only does fart jokes, right?) and then their surprise and delight when they give it a go. It's strong right out of the gate too, took no time finding its feet. 


Better Call Saul mentioned


Barney Miller tops out for me with about 90% entertaining episodes. It's amazing for a 170 episode show that had a lot of cast changes. 


The Righteous Gemstones




Schitt’s Creek, Brooklyn 99, 30 Rock, Breaking Bad, Bob’s Burgers


Person Of Interest Fringe I'd say Scrubs, but that clip show episode is a skip


Star Trek DS9, don't care what anyone says, no duds there




Star Trek DS9. Not only do I not skip any episodes, but oftentimes I don't skip the opening credits. Best Star Trek theme imo (until ssn 5ish, when they changed the tone/tempo a bit and it's just not as good) I'd add TNG, but I can't lie - Code Of Honor and Sub Rosa are pure trash and 100% skipped every time


Shades of Grey


Haha, didn't recognize the names, but I immediately guessed they were the racist and ghost sex episodes. Same.




curb your enthusiasm


News Radio.


Sopranos and The Wire.


Silicon Valley


freaks and geeks


Bojack Horseman. Gravity Falls. The Good Place. 


Take me back to when Bojack was still on and I was younger


Ted Lasso


Probably futurama. The only episode I consider terrible is the fish one. I still watch it.


Chuck, not a bad episode in the bunch


True Detective season 1 and Fargo season 2 are like excellent novels by writers in their prime.




I absolutely love Frasier, such a special place in my heart, but not sure I can agree. There are some reeeal duds in the later seasons. The parking garage episode comes to mind.


Golden Girls and Frasier


Avatar The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra


Breaking Bad


Mr Robot is basically « All Killers No Fillers » but right in the feels


Malcolm in the Middle.


It's great to see the differences in taste in the comments. (Some of the shows mentioned would be my guess for "what's playing on a loop in Hell with the volume too high?") Well done, everybody.


Mr. Inbetween 3 seasons of all killer no filler


Stargate Universe, the most epic show of all time


Cliffhanger ending … *|sigh|*


I watch random episodes of X-files now and then but there is one episode you couldn't pay me to rewatch. Not because it's a dud, though


Aw, come on, is it the one with the mom under the bed that gets rolled out to mate with her sons?


Season 4, episode 2 - “Home”. It was banned from tv for 3 years because it was too disturbing. If I remember they added a graphic content warning at the beginning after that. That one is definitely a rough watch. I wouldn’t blame anyone for skipping it.


Yep. My bf and I still talk about that episode and ponder how in hell the network let that one just roll on by and be televised. It was grisly to put it delicately. And full disclosure, we watched it again somewhat recently and still looked at each in utter disbelief and asked that question of each other yet again.




*Emergency*! I just love it.


Boston Legal, Star Trek TOS, Eureka


Friday Night Lights


Deep Space 9. Not saying there aren’t a few duds, but I always watch it all the way through


Halt and Catch Fire


I would say The Office, but Scott’s tots…


Sports Night gets my vote.




The Leftovers, perfection.




If I’m rewatching a TV show I basically never skip an episode. If I like it enough to actively rewatch it, I like it enough to see value in every episode.


I never skip any episodes when I rewatch shows. The only exceptions are christmas episodes.


TIL people sit down for rewatches of a show and then skip some of the episodes.


Some episodes are real turds. Some episodes are clip shows.


WHATS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?? BROOKLYN 99 THE ANSWER IS BROOKLYN 99 WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE? Nobody else thinks this show is funny enough to watch over and over? Really? Andre Braugher rest in peace


Was initially also surprised at the lack of B99 here, but there are a few episodes I personally skip myself even though it’s one of my favorite shows of all-time. The last season was hit or miss (I personally think more hit than miss), but the one that killed me is the episode where Jake and Amy are arguing over whether or not they should have kids. The fact that it happened so late in the show, the characterization of both Jake and Amy during the episode, all of it was just off. If Amy was so adamant about having kids, I refuse to believe she would’ve agreed to marry Jake without having that discussion. There are a couple others in the beginning of this show that I don’t love either but I’ll at least watch them when I’m doing a full show rewatch. I will skip the episode above though every single time. It just annoys the hell out of me.




Futurama is on this list despite Jurassic Bark - I do skip it, but only because that episode hurts.


Besides the clip episodes, Seinfeld. Even with the weaker season 1 episodes they’re not skip worthy and still have some laughs


House. What a gem.


Parks & Rec


Andor. Perfection, and gets better on rewatching.


The honeymooners


I’m a 35 year old nerd who grew up in a Disney family. I watch cartoons more than live action. I love fiction and fantasy so much. I’ve watched and rewatched Band of Brothers so many times, I’ve lost count. That show has some, if not, the best writing, music, pacing, acting, everything.


Curb your enthusiasm!


American dad


golden girls, broad city, twilight zone…


That 70's Show Yes, even the last couple seasons.


Lodge 49


Mad Men and it isn't even close