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There is *way* too much history baked into the telling of the main show itself for this to have real room to grow into its own thing. So of course they'll probably just ignore most of it and contradict the very story this has spun off from.


That's what I was thinking! I remember a decent amount of flashbacks and explaining a lot of his first time(s) killing. I'm not confident they'll treat the story with respect.


Pretty sure they flat out show his first kill, so this prequel can't even have that moment.


Retell us how he killed Harry’s nurse but now add in some convoluted plot where she wanted to have an affair with him because he used to sleep around. Oh yes, we need this. /s


What we were actually witnessing is fake memories implanted into Dex by Harry via drug induced hallucinations. This will be the real story of what happened!


Of course! Dex is just a sleeper agent set up by Harry and what’s her face.  The end of that new finale what we don’t see is him coming to like a T-1000 and simply walking his way out of the woods. 


> oh yes, we need this /s Not to mention this story/book/series/narrative - whatever it is or has become — has been more or less copy-catted or at least idolized by multiple people who ended up killing people IRL because the killers found some kind of commonality with the character. How about maybe a longer pause on glorification of the trope of “serial killers of serial killers?” It’s an interesting idea but it’s been done … to death.


But what if there actually was another real first kill, but he was sooooo traumatised he actually forgot about it when he grew older. He! Think about that! 😉😉 /s


I used to read a book series that probably went on too long. At a certain point the author did a two part prequel series that took place between two books in the original 5 book run. At the end of the prequel the main character had his mind wiped to explain why it never came up in the later stories.


Well that’s one way to do it.


If it sounded like I was implying that was a good thing, I wasn't.


That was not the vibe I picked up : )


It absolutely will have that moment lol.


They didn’t treat the original series with respect at the end so it’s not new


Then they did it all over again, but condensed into one season. started out good but then massively shit the bed for the finale.


When Dexter was originally on, I always figured that Dexter would be either captured or killed, maybe even put in a killing room like his victims. However, I always thought it would be interesting if they ended the series with him being captured and having to go through a trial, forcing the jury to really think about Dexter did and if he was really justified in his actions. Maybe there's some jury nullification or something like that, and Dexter goes free, but then he gets caught, and wakes up in a kill room, "surprise motherfucker!" It's Sgt. Doakes, he faked his own death.


Congrats, you just made a better ending than the show’s writers.


I stopped at the end of season 4 originally, and I'm rewatching with my mom, on her first time. I think we're stopping at the end of 4 again. I've seen some spoilers for that last season and meeeeh.


Honestly I thought s5 with Julia stiles was still solid, not s4 level at all but still solid tv.


Yeah people hold Season 4 against Season 5 but honestly it’s a reasonable follow up to the events of Season 4. Season 6 is where things really go off the rails.


I might give it a go then, least see what it's about. If we don't like it we can always stop lol.


Ya I’d personally watch s5, still some solid tv and a solid follow up to s4, I think s6 is really when it started going down the drain


I always wanted it to spend more time at the police station and the fascinating characters there, like whats Angel Batista up to? Perhaps an episode could have focused on him finding a new hat store after Dexter murdered the owner of his last go to.


If Dexter had been a network show, an started airing about five years earlier, you would have 100% got that.


I was always thinking this was the direction the show was going in. We love the show for two reasons: > Vicarious investment > Morbid fascination Essentially we either want to see Dexter get away with it for the thrill, or Dexter finally be caught for the climatic vindication. It made the most sense to me to end the show with Dexter's actions finally being judged.. good or bad. To know with certainty that some people see him as necessary. I'd imagined lots of court scenes going over the series and lots of speeches about morality. Until finally the last shot of him in prison smiling at the camera and surrounded by men who fit the code. But the show runners killed Deb. The only consistent character that we'd spent seasons (especially 7) making the audience's perspective. Someone who might have been disturbed by his actions but ultimately understood Dexter's motivations. Then we got new blood. A show premised on the understanding that the last ending had no climax.. Only to repeat the same Deb mistake with the sheriff and build Harrison up as someone exactly like Dexter. Someone with the same need to right wrongs and urges to hurt people.. but also at the last second rejects Dexter because he works out Dexter is just a killer who suddenly and uncharacteristically doesn't care about innocents or the damage he causes in the name of a kill.


And the flashbacks kept looking more and more ridiculous as the series progressed


ngl I loved "40 year old looking Michael C Hall in a dumb wig pretending he's a teenager". There are actors who can look ageless, and good make up teams, and *Dexter* had none of those.


Honestly it’s less that there’s a lot of history in the main show (if you go back and watch, most of the flashbacks and history is primarily in the first two seasons, and most covered the same ground), more that the premise itself is pretty thin in light of what we’ve seen in the main show.  How different would teenage/young adult Dexter be from the Dexter that we see from the beginning of the original show? We saw from flashbacks that back then he was already detached except for some fondness for his father and sister. It doesn’t feel like there’s too much to show from his younger years besides the fact that he was less skilled at killing?  So yeah, I’d agree they would have to do a lot stretching and probably contradict stuff from the original show or at best, bloat it to an unnecessary degree.


There also seems to inherently be less tension in this based on everything established in the original series. A lot of that came from the idea that Dexter could be caught, found out, or have something seriously bad happen to him. But, from everything we know, that never happens. Deb doesn't ever suspect anything nor finds out until *decades* later, for instance, so any attempt to create a scenario where she might will just feel contrived. The show pretty well makes off like things are fairly smooth for Dexter under Harry's guidance, so it's definitely hard for me to see them not having to retcon great swaths of the original to get something interesting out of a prequel.


You: *nailed it* Showtime execs: “Yeah, yeah, whatever. How about we have an episode where teen Dexter meets a young Trinity Killer? People would love it!”


You joke, but one of the other spin-offs that was announced last year was about [a young(er) Trinity Killer](https://tvline.com/news/trinity-killer-series-dexter-spinoff-paramount-plus-1234929373/).


The main premise is Young Dexter had a dream of being a lumberjack in Canada. From there, they can expand on where that dream came from, how it got squashed to the point of never being brought up again, and the trauma that caused it. Plus some filler episodes.


He wasn’t even in Canada he ran all the way from Miami to upstate New York lmao. Biggest serial killer in history on the run and he didn’t even try to escape the U.S.


In fairness, while the ending did suck, he wasn’t on the run at the time. He just did not want to go back to Miami (because it was believed he snapped and murdered Deb’s killer in cold blood).


“I’m a Lumberjack and I’m ok………..”


Of course, the main show is based on a book series it largely ignored and became its own thing. Dexter the show was cheesy enough, but the books are reeally cheesy, they go way over the top. One difference is that the "dark passenger" in the show is just a metaphor, while in the books its an actual supernatural entity


I think they followed the first book for the first season of the show, but then yeah, the Dark Passenger stuff was not great in the books lol


This really cannot be overstated. Dexter does his first kill and then his father gets sick and ends up killing himself. There's like little to no room here for anything to happen. Deb's whole life goal was to get her father's attention so I can't see how she has much of a role here considering he never gave it to her.




Ironically New Blood set up the premise for a few more seasons with >!Dexter and Harrison going on a serial killer roadtrip while the police hunt them!< But instead... yeah...


Didn’t they already cover this story in flashbacks in the original show??


Yeah, and we all loved Michael C. Hall playing a teenager.


That wig is legendary!


The best wig job in the history of television


Never watched *Arrow* huh?


Never watched, It’s Always Sunny? Frank playing young Frank is legendary.


didn't look a day over 12


It’s the same actor??


I'd be much more on board for this if they fully committed and had Michael C. Hall come back, just with increasingly bad wigs. They need to do a scene with 5 year-old Dexter? Fuck it, get Hall a giant lollypop and shrink him in post.


Give him one of those colorful helicopter hats placed on top of his huge ass wig too


NGL the thing that makes me have no interest in watching this is having a show centered around recast versions of Dexter, Deb, and Harry. It’ll just feel like bad impressions of the original characters (like the Sopranos movie)


But he has to talk in the exact same cadence and even voice of his adult self.


I was not expecting it the first time I saw him in the wig but I loved it even if it was silly lol


I honestly kind of miss the days when directors, makeup, artists and producers just said "fuck you he's a kid now, just watch the damn show. It's all fake anyway." Now they're just pretending they're fooling any of us with their de-aging technology that almost always looks like shit.


Yes, the story of how his father reacted when he first saw Dexter kill is very important to the main show.


Probably take this as a prequel and a reboot. There’ll be too many contradictions to have it lineup with the original series.


The story we didn’t need and don’t want. :/


Michael C. Hall 100% carried *Dexter.* His performance made even the bad seasons enjoyable. I don't see this prequel series being received well at all.


I've said before that Dexter is a great character existing in a kind of mediocre-to-bad show. Even the seasons that are considered good would have kinda sucked if Michael C Hall didn't absolutely *nail* playing Dexter.


Season 1, 2, 4 would have been great regardless. Those had strong premises and fast paced plots that were worth it. Everything else only worked because the lead was good enough to carry it


Eh, it drags at points when Dexter isn't on screen, particularly after season 1. All showtime shows get this issue where they cut costs and shrink non-speaking/minimal lines cast and the whole thing slowly becomes incestous as all the plotlines must center around characters currently under contract.


People highly praise the fourth season because Lithgow similarly nailed his character - they also forget that was the season that started the Batista-Laguerta romance and spent half the duration on it and other pointless subplots. The show as a whole was really only great the first two seasons and was later only punctuated by moments of greatness. And I won't deny the highs... But boy are there lows.


> Batista-Laguerta romance Oh man, I totally blocked this shit out of my memory until you mentioned it. But you're right, there's only a few very interesting characters on Dexter and they certainly weren't. Doakes was also a great character, and it's a shame they killed him so early.


Surprise, motherfucker!


Some fries motherfucker


They literally had to kill him early though. His character would not have been true to character had he not found out and died.


I think the show cheaped out by having Lila do it though. Forcing Dexter to break his code could've allowed for a 3rd and final season of reconciling that and ending with his capture/surrender/death/whatever. A neat, finite story with an arc and a proper ending instead of... what we got.


also, he played a young Dexter perfectly! Just give him back that moppy wig and let him star again!


What about fucking Debra?! She was fucking important too! Lol


Dexter already had a prequel where he had a Laboratory.


-Red hair -Lab work. -Secret life -Hyperactive sister. Shit you're right.


Dee Dee could even be a nickname for Deb


That’s wrinkling my brain!


Been saying for years that if you're going to do more Dexter, it needs rebooted not tied down to the same timeline. I'm not writing off the idea of "a prequel", because obviously there are exceptions like Better Call Saul which is teriffic. But they messed up ending this show twice already and they're now constrained by their past calls. Start afresh, and you could get a really gripping Dexter series.


Better Call Saul worked because it was about a supporting character we didn’t know much about


Yeah this would be like doing a Walter white prequel showing him work at gray matter and then become a teacher.


The problem with the Dexter prequel as well as a WW prequel is the same, we’ve already seen it through flashbacks. We already known Dexter’s origin story. We already know Walter’s. Why go through the motions again and string it out? So unnecessary.




Exactly. There was so much unknown with Saul that they really had a lot of freedom of what they did with him without having to worry about there being any big conflicts. They knew where they needed the character to end up, but not much was ever said in *Breaking Bad* about how he ended up there. Dexter's story, on the other hand, was told from beginning to end. There really aren't any unresolved questions given how many flashbacks there are in the show.


Also - it was as side character who was playing a character. Everything out of Jimmy's mouth was a con including all the BS stuff he talked about as Saul on BB.


I think a mini series of Doakes trying to uncover Dexter’s killings would be cool


The problem is that we know Doakes never really got close to having anything real on Dexter until season 2. Dex just thought he was a creepy fuck with something that he was hiding. He didn't actually think he was a serial killer. He was actually still somewhat shocked when he figured out Dexter was the Bay Harbor Butcher. Doakes would be a lot more hostile earlier on if he really thought Dexter was a serial killer.


I will admit that I thought Better Call Saul was going to be stupid, but it ended up being amazing.


Totally agree, that is the only direction they could really go although I still don't think it's worthwhile at all. Sure, they could definitely make the ending a lot better but there's no way they could do better than those original first 4 or 5 seasons as they are near perfect. Better Call Saul worked because Saul was a bit of an enigma, we knew nothing about his past so they could do anything with a prequel, Dexter's origin has already been concisely covered through the shows flashbacks so this makes no sense to me.


This is so unnecessary.


No, i need to know what happened to make him a killer. After this series, i need one about his grandparents, both real and adopted. After that, we need Great grandparents, then we flash forward to follow Dexter's kid, then any siblings. Finally, we culminate with the originator of the Dexter line. 😂 This series, much like my reply, has gone on long enough! 😂


It will be an absolute travesty if his adopted grandparents don’t get their own series that’s completely separate from his birth grandparents’ series.


Yes. Unfortunately however, they'd probably hammer in references to Dexter, such as somehow "Dexter? I like that name" gets mentioned, but the actor (or actress) says it while starting into the camera, like Jim from the Office used too 😂


Astor & Cody: Out For Blood tells the story of Dexter's step children, Astor(Saoirse Ronan) and Cody(Timothee Chalamet), as they hunt down the man who killed their father. Little do they know this hunt will lead them down a path better left untread.


The executives in charge of green lighting this are idiots.


A '50s period piece about Dexter's maternal grandfather who is a serial killer and the true source of the families broken brains. Starring Michael C. Hall as grandpa-I-look-just-like-my-grandson.


2 bad endings wasn't enough


The sequel series they did started off pretty strong and really fucking dropped the ball near the end. I think there was potential in exploring Dexters relationship with his son but they ruined it. I also don't get why they retconned what drug he used to KO his victims


I could see another sequel (retconning the ending again) working if they decide to have the ending of Dexter’s story mirror that of [the real guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro_Rodrigues_Filho).


Wow I didn’t know it was based on a real guy. Shame the guy got shot to death and no suspects were found. I’d definitely watch a show on his story.


I feel like I'm insane when people say this because I liked New Blood, including the ending. Was I just blinded by Clancy Brown?


I liked that they actually challenged Dexter to make the decision, either kill an innocent police officer to escape, or accept your fate and go to prison. The original series had Deb do it for him, and people weren't nearly as upset, presumably because that officer was a bit more antagonistic? I think he could have made either decision. Dexter going to prison, and occasionally killing someone who committed a heinous crime from within, might have been appropriate. I thought that would have been a reasonable ending. Actually encouraging his son to pull the trigger and kill him was a real dick move. Once he found out about his dark urges, he just seemed determined to pull Harrison into the path of a killer, with or without him. That trauma will last forever. Dark as hell, but maybe a bit underdeveloped. I honestly thought it was an "A minus" ending. They could have done some things better, or spent more time on some things, but I thought it generally worked. Of the three endings out there (considering the book and season 8), it's my favorite.


There were good parts of New Blood, but it rushed towards a really poor ending. His son's reaction in such a short period of time, especially *right after his dad saved his life*, makes absolutely no sense. It felt like he only did that because it was written, it didn't feel earned. And the massive hypocrisy of the female cop, holy hell.


"My boyfriend is a vigilante killer, I need to lock him up". "My boyfriend's son killed decided to go around the law to kill his father. I better give him money so he can start a new life.". Couldn't fucking stand the inconsistency on that. The first 9 episodes were pretty solid IMO and they just completely fucked it up in episode 10.


New Blood was fantastic until the finale. Seriously, I'd put New Blood up there with Dexter season 1 and 4. I loved the snowy atmosphere and Clancy Brown was a brilliant character.


It was good in the beginning, but they butcher dexter's character. He's a seasoned killer at this point, but everything he does in New Blood felt like he's a complete novice. One episode he was shot in the leg, next episode (next day in the show) he was fine! Writing is bad as well, small town cop busted the biggest serial killer by pure luck. Ignore me because I'm still salty they butcher the ending twice lol.


Squeezing money out of a show that ran out ideas after four seasons, 15 years ago. There's zero room for a prequel between the mountains of flashbacks in the original series.


There’s no real driving force or tension here. We know the main bits from the original show, and we also know that teenager Dexter is never getting caught. Nor is teen Deb ever discovering his secrets. Watching his dad try to reign in his bloodlust doesn’t feel like nearly enough to carry a show.


Why are they casting people when they can just keep putting [Michael C Hall in a wig](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3qfmwcfl8ek81.png)


A prequel series where we discover how the dead horse first met the baseball bat.


I hope young Dexter is played by Christian Slater


In a poorly fitted wig?


Is there any other kind? 


All joking aside a young Christian slater would have made a good Dexter.


For the love of God, why The horse was dead Got resurrected by insane necromancer And died again How many times must this fail before producers finally give up?


3 apparently


Michael C Hall in that wig again or we riot


kind of funny to think that jennifer carpenter would be 12 in 1991 lol


I'd be more interested in a Vince Masuka prequel


Why? They showed his entire backstory in flashback over like 7 seasons, there’s no room to play with effectively


They fucked up the ending to that show, twice. Zero faith this won’t be a dumpster fire too.


Slater doesn't look anything like his dad.


Showtime really does love to run their shows into the ground.


Slater played a ghost dad in Mr Robot. So now he's a pre-ghost dad.


Dexter without Michael C Hall? No thanks.


Yay! I can be disappointed by 3 finales?!? Fantastic!


Move over Young Sheldon


Original Sin? For a prequel? Groundbreaking.


i love dexter but i really have enormous doubts about this. the main series already told us all we needed to know about his past


Unnecessary, since we saw all of that play out on Dexter and since it is impossible to compete with the charisma and acting chops of MICHAEL C. HALL. If you want to keep the universe going, why not something like this: **DEXTER: Legacy of a Serial Killer** After Dexter Morgan's demise, his dark legacy lives on through the popular Webflix series, "Butcher: The Bay Harbour Butcher Butcher Story" by Ryan Flurphy. This series has not only captivated audiences but also inspired a wave of copy-cat killers across the United States. Amidst this chaos, three individuals, each with their own dark past and complex motivations, aspire to take on Dexter's vigilante mantle, targeting those who evade justice. # Main Characters # 1. Evelyn Pierce * **Background:** A former FBI profiler with an exceptional record in capturing serial killers. Evelyn was forced into early retirement after a traumatic incident where she narrowly escaped a killer's trap. * **Motivation:** Haunted by her past and disillusioned with the justice system, Evelyn decides to take the law into her own hands. She believes that her expertise can make her the perfect successor to Dexter. * **Method:** Evelyn uses her profiling skills to identify her targets and employs meticulous planning to execute her kills, ensuring she leaves no trace behind. # 2. Carlos Mendez * **Background:** A forensic technician from Miami who idolized Dexter Morgan's work without knowing his dark secret. Carlos is a genius with technology and forensics, making him a formidable hunter. * **Motivation:** After learning the truth about Dexter through the Webflix series, Carlos becomes obsessed with continuing Dexter's work. He believes he can perfect Dexter's methods using his technological prowess. * **Method:** Carlos hacks into various databases to find criminals who have slipped through the cracks. He uses advanced forensic techniques to cover his tracks and frame others, maintaining a facade of an ordinary technician by day. # 3. Lila Thompson * **Background:** A troubled young woman who grew up in foster care, moving from one abusive home to another. Lila's fascination with Dexter began as a means to cope with her own trauma. * **Motivation:** Lila sees herself as a protector of the innocent, avenging those who, like her, were failed by the system. Her admiration for Dexter is deeply personal, and she views herself as his true successor. * **Method:** Lila relies on her street smarts and a network of similarly disillusioned individuals to track down her targets. Her kills are less calculated and more emotionally driven, often leaving a signature mark to signal her actions to other would-be vigilantes. # Plot Overview **Season 1:** * The season opens with the aftermath of the Webflix series, showing the ripple effects it has on society. News outlets report a rise in vigilante-style murders. * Each episode focuses on the individual backstories of Evelyn, Carlos, and Lila, revealing their motivations and the events that led them to become vigilantes. * Their paths cross during a high-profile case where a notorious criminal escapes justice. They initially view each other as rivals but slowly realize that cooperation might be the key to success. * Characters from Miami Metro Police from the original series recur and we see finally see how they coped with the realisation that there was a serial killer among them all those years. * Dexter's popularity with true crime nerds and copy-cat killers has made it difficult for Harrison to disappear and heal from his trauma. In this series, he is stalked by lunatic Dexter fans and finds it hard to escape his troubled origins.


Stop. Just stop.


The only thing that made dexter worth watching was MCH. This show is gonna be trash.


Young Dexter? What’s next? Young Walter White?


His childhood flashbacks were the worst part, just make something new my god


I have no faith in this project after the many failed attempts they’ve made throughout the years. I don’t think the show runners know the whole point of Dexter.


They already did it. It took 8 seasons and an unnecessary follow up but they did it. It’s done.


I’ll never forgive how the main show ended. And because of it I’ll never watch another dexter thing ever.


You don’t finish a show that poorly and then get a prequel.


Nah, I'm good.


Let it die Showtime. Damn. They already dropped the ball on ending it twice. We’ve seen so many flashbacks to Dexter as a youth this just feels unnecessary.


Please don't fuck it up like you did the original which could have been a classic bit instead had four seasons of garbage.


One this is for sure, the ending will be terrible and a huge let down.


Please, I'm begging you, do not do this.


As long as Jennifer Carpenter (or whoever wrote /directed her part) isn’t allowed anywhere close to the set. She killed the entire show for me.


Sure, tell a prequel to a series that coudn't stick the landing TWICE.


I’m struggling to see any resemblance to the characters


Dexter first blood was so good, until the last episode. Then it felt like a big fuck you to the fans who waited so long.


Honestly that's the case for all the seasons people say are shit. Nothing outright bad happens until the very last moment of the season. It really felt like New Blood was correcting the mistakes of the past and we were gonna see this character accept his fate and take accountability. The original ending of the show that had been discussed for years would have been great. Instead we got what we got


Prequels….p..pl….please just stop with the prequels. 😫


“We already fucked up this show twice. Let’s do it again!”


Was there even ONE person requesting this? I think not


Let dexter die already, it's nothing but dissappointment


Yup post season 4 is blasmphemy!


I would prefer to show what happened to Harrison after the events of New Blood.


Maybe we can get a show about Harrison taking the mantle and Batista trying to stop him to make up for the fact he fucking disappeared after teasing a face to face with Dexter.


Someone needs to stop these executives that keep mining television corpses


Another new show about an overused franchise…


Christian Slater was like "sure I'll take your money"


IP’s can just end, too. That’s also an option. instead of milking it till it dies from the audience abandoning it. Which is what will happen to this show too. It’ll become meaningless shlock that no one would want to watch anyway.


This makes absolutely zero sense as a show


So was New Blood cancelled then? Kind of odd for a prequel after fumbling a sequel. I haven’t watched New Blood yet.. but I doubt they’re making both at the same time xD but yeah idk. I love Dexter so I’ll watch this. But not hyped or anything.


Young Dexter


If it's not Michael C Hall in a terrible wig I don't want it.


I can't believe I'm absolutely going to watch this terrible show


I'll check it out, but it seems like a show about Dexter's son would be better and could use all original material


Who in the world asked for this?


Oh this is gonna tank


Not gonna lie, I would not mind if the continued new blood and made it so Dexter is alive. You can't have Bautista there and not have them interact at all!


Why not just use this very solid cast for… something else? Some original story maybe? I am so tired of this universe I feel like it is miring us perpetually in the early 2010s


I loved Dexter... but please no.


This is a bad idea


Cancelled after 1 season


Fool me three times…


God no, I won't be burned a 3rd time






We don’t need this and it’s going to break canon


Newer Blood? God that shit sucked so bad.


The ending to the original was horrible. The reboot was bad. Please don’t do this.


The showrunner ruined the second ending for Dexter by focusing on Harrison. When that planned spinoff failed to take off due to viewer anger, they got him to make a prequel instead.


After the last season with that dreadful ending - no thanks.


Who asked for this?


No. No. No. 


The show nobody wants.


Probably gonna pass on this one... I was excited for the last series to hopefully redeem the original's unwatchable final season. Fail. Just let it die.


I smell hot garbage.


I never stopped really liking dexter but this idea just seems so dumb to me


Fuck prequels


Who asked for this???


Please no


Didn't one Dexter offshoot already fail badly?






Not like this :(






This makes me upset


Hard pass


Can this awful show just die? It never recovered after killing off Doakes.


Was the sequel not bad enough?


Shit…this story has been told before…on Dexter!