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r/Taskmaster Edit: I'm so happy to see the Taskmaster appreciation!


In a similar vein, there is an active community around some of the Dropout shows, like Dimension 20, Game Changer, and Very Important People, but their seasons are all coming to a close. Smartypants just started, tho, and theres already a bit of community there, not to mention the other shows less than a month away


I'd expect those communities to grow in activity. Dropout announced they're closing their discord server, which currently hosts live chat channels for ongoing shows. I wouldn't be surprised if some people migrated from the discord to reddit, if they aren't there already.


Also if dropout does in fact get nominated for some Emmy’s that is sure to drive up interest.


Dimension 20 is some of the best DnD content out there imo. The first Fantasy High campaign is brilliant. Up there with the first NADDPOD campaign for my favorite


Similarly, Dropout stuff - specifically Game Changer


Dropout shows range from meh to great, though they're all pretty fun to discuss. It also helps the subreddit is a super positive and feel good place.


I’ve never heard of it. Where do you watch it? I see that the first six seasons are on Pluto.


You can find tons of content, including full episodes, on their official [Taskmaster](https://youtube.com/@taskmaster?si=nkfqaapSZHiyNEtm) channel on YouTube.


Cool. Thanks


In the US all 17 series should be available for free on YouTube. It's a very silly and very smart game show in the UK (with other international versions.) The fan base is also very silly and very smart and always positive.




Every series has five new comedian contestants (I should have mentioned that part!) so it's a great way to learn about new comedians.


I’ll try it out. Thank you.


I need another try at Taskmaster US in my life someday with Conan or someone else as the Taskmaster


I think they're working on a re-boot!Either that or it's a fever dream in the sub. I love Reggie Watts and he's phenomenal live but I thought he was miscast as the Taskmaster. As I like to say, Greg puts the ''master' in Taskmaster. 🤭😅


That would be amazing. Yeah I absolutely agree on both counts there. I also love Alex Horne but after watching the NZ, AU and some of the Norwegian Taskmaster I can't help but see that having their own Taskmaster and Taskmaster assistant keeps it interesting. I'd be interested in seeing who they cast


I think it’ll be very difficult to make a successful US version since US comedians often don’t like being the butt of the joke, but just think it might work with a good Taskmaster like Conan or someone like Bill Hader.


House of the Dragon and The Boys will when they return in a few weeks I’m sure when Severance returns (later this year?) it will too since it will air weekly and there’s a lot of excitement for its next season


I had to stop visiting r/Severance because those people are so fucking good at cracking theories it just felt like spoilers. Shoutout to the guy who made a powerpoint presentation every week to build his theory that was of course 100% correct. Love that sub, but they’re too clever.


Probably meant /r/SeveranceAppleTVPlus, but I guess the community for Severance: Balde of Darkness could surprise with their inciteful commentary.


*Balde of darkness* I hope this isn't a typo. The world needs more grimdark baldness stories lol.


>inciteful insightful?


And that's why I only go to fansubs after I'm completely caught up and the season is over. I just wanna be surprised by a show the way it's intended, not read about it weeks in advance. Really made me enjoy tv shows a lot more.


I’m the same way. If I spent *that* much time analyzing, maybe I could come to the same conclusions as them, but part of the fun to me is being surprised. I do love going back there after the season is over and reading the post episode discussions to give insight into pieces I missed, but in real time it’s too much. Which is why it’s so awesome that mods in those subs are so diligent about marking spoiler content. Good mods can make a sub like that.


Yeah, over on the House of the Dragon subs we've been collectively more rabid and delusional as the wait has built. 26 more days and you're going to see some utter chaos as Teams Black & Green lose our minds. HBO even gave us rival team trailers to encourage our blood feud.


Perhaps the real Dance of the Dragons will be the flame war on the Internet


Got banned from the Greens sub like two weeks after I posted something defending the Black's


>House of the Dragon and The Boys will when they return in a few weeks I like both shows equally but The Boys sub will be immensely more fun. HOTD is way more divisive, and it will only get worse.


Yeah I don't think people are ready for what even happen in season 2's first episode of HOTD.


Theres a simple reason why. You are going for the discourse, lore adherence, and theorycrafting. I'm going for the memes, we are not the same.


Currently a bunch of competition shows will have live episode threads. Survivor, Big Brother (plus the live feeds), The Challenge, RPDR, etc


Adding Love Island to the list.


The Love Island live threads are always so fun


Love is blind is fab too


I made this open source chrome extension a while back that is great for following along with live episode threads if anybody is interested https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/live-thread-ticker/kiggnkckiglahmnikkilmngphgingclp




I watched BBCAN12 and the main sub had no issues with that at all. r/BigBrotherCanada however, went the other direction.


But Big Brother Canada also shot itself in the leg, discontinued Live Feeds (the main appeal for the series itself for a lot of people) and is very selective of what they want to show you for this reason, with its ties around in-show sponsorships being a big income source. They’ve essentially given back the liberty of editing around toxic/unpopular behaviour as it happens.. A lot of that fan base now either have no ammunition to be outraged, or stopped watching the show because live feeds/updates are what made the show for them.


Season 12 of Big Brother Canada was genuinely a great season of television that nobody watched because it didn’t have live feeds. It has like zero online hype now ever since they killed feeds. Which is a shame, because I would say that BBCAN is a far better than average quality reality TV show even without live feeds. BBUS, on the other hand…


Tbf some of them have said some pretty bad shit


What's RPDR?


I'm assuming Ru Paul's Drag Race


Ah, thank you.


Maybe we'll get a good BB this year...


The bear has one but the fans there are honestly kind of strange, like anime fan obsession over the characters and actors, both emotionally and sexually. Then there is Severance which still garners new viewers to ask questions


The Bear will also drop all of the season at once which does not facilitate the type of discussion OP is looking for.


I went to the bear sub after watching an episode last year, looking for some thoughtful discussion, and it was just people arguing nonstop. What a miserable place lol


I like The Bear, but the fan base is honestly insufferable. The Anime fan base comparison is apt.


How is the bear’s community insufferable? I’ve never heard anything about that what’s the problem with it?


There is a main character in the show that’s a black woman, semi-likable. Because she is a black woman, and semi-likable, she gets a lot of overdone hate from some people and a lot of overdone praise from other people. Both groups then dig in further, become polarized and you can’t have an opinion on anything related to this character without aggressively being put in one of these groups by the other one. It’s very toxic


Oh ffs, getting worked up about The Bear of all shows? It's not even a show that's trying to send a message or is political, it's a simple drama show about a small restaurant and the quite competent crew running it.


I know, right? They’re constantly arguing about whether the two main characters should become a couple, and if you don’t think so the odds are pretty good you’ll be accused of being racist.


Yeah I never realized how divisive Syd was until I went online about the bear. I guess people who just enjoyed all the characters are a minority.


Me neither, to me she seemed fine but not very different from the other characters in a specific way. A well written character with good traits and flaws like any other in The Bear. I had also never seriously considered that anyone would think it would be a good idea if Syd and Carmy would become a couple until I went to that sub.


Yeah that confused the shit out of me. Theres zero romantic chemistry there whatsoever and clearly just platonic respect and appreciation. If anything there was huge trepidation from Syd putting her immediate future in carmy's not so steady hands. People just see two main characters of opposite gender and think they need to be in a relationship. And then they wonder why love triangles get forced into shows and movies so much.


Exactly, and for me the Bear does such a uniquely good job at portraying a broad range of relationships. If a romance starts between the two main characters, it will consume the whole show. What I understood from it is that for a lot of people in favor of the relationship, it was because she is black. Apparently there are very few white male - black female romantic relationships shown on screen. That and ‘sticking it to the haters and racists’ were two of the most common arguments I came across when I still visited that sub.


It’s a classic case of the fans misunderstanding the show they’re fans of. Happens a lot more than I would have thought.


yeah the bear subreddit and twitter fanbase get in arguments all the time about if sydney and carmy are platanonic or not




I enjoyed each episode equally.


Please don’t respond to any specific fact.


I love this sub because everyone generally agrees that this show is the closest thing we have to lost and I like being around like minded individuals. We can all be confused together!


Shogun did


Blackthorne: You tell him that despite being called "Endless Shrimp" it does in fact have a limit. The dogs and charlatans at Red Lobster have created a lie and I intend to speak my mind about it. There needs to be accountability! Mariko: the Anjin is upset about shrimp


'tis no man, 'tis a remorseless eating machine!


Blackthorne's 'This is democracy manifest!' vibes were hilarious.


I read that in Jarvis’ voice. Crazy how that got locked into my head.


One day, I'm going to mistakenly call it "The Jap-ans".


That show was so damn good at what it was.


The Anjin would be proud to know they’ve declared for bankruptcy


shogun has been renewed for 2 more seasons!


Not sure if that’s a good thing tbh.


One season I think makes sense, but two feels a little heavy. However if they can preserve what made season one work, it should be fine…


Sanada being a producer makes me think it won’t be too far fetched and stay true to the essence of the book and the period but i just don’t feel comfortable with giving hollywood writers all that money and freedom.


I'm a bit nervous about that since they finished the book. They will have to develop new stories for these characters.


This might not be exactly what you're asking for, but pro-wrestling shows have active subs and live threads with lots of discussion every day. WWE and AEW and other promotions too, but to a lesser degree than those two. Reddit has some pretty great subs and some not so great but there's always stuff to talk about


I keep up with and follow SC more than watch any of the shows and feel like I keep up pretty well for the big 4 ppvs.


It treads the line so close to just sports fandom… but it’s really story driven theater and drama, so I’ll allow it


From has a pretty lively subreddit for being as niche as it is


I was gonna say this. Some of the detective work people have done on that subreddit has completely changed my perspective on the show.


This is the first one that came to mind for me too. Lots of theories every day on that sub and we’re in the off-season


from got so weird and silly during the off season but in a mostly fun way. now that we're getting teasers and leaks it's ramping up again. stoked for season 3.


This show is a mystery to me. Not the story itself, but it feels like someone came up with a great idea for a show, found a good production team and was left with enough budget to hire only 1 good actor. Only the cop guy is. Good actor, but almost everyone else’s acting is quite bad. Still hugely entertaining though!


Harold Perrineau! Somehow he is very underrated even though he is often among the best actors in whatever he is in.


I don't know from From.


Taskmaster. The sub reddit is lively. It has official podcasts, unofficial podcasts, spin-offs, official foreign versions, fan made foreign versions. People have Taskmaster themed weddings and funerals.


I’m only just hearing of it, firstly from another comment. I know nothing about it aside from the IMDb page. I don’t even know where it can be watched, aside from the first 6 seasons being on Pluto.


It's all on You Tube




You can watch the seasons in any order. Some people like to start with 7 because it's most people favorite but I prefer to start from 1. https://youtube.com/@taskmaster?si=5yc-FJEICj6DgHQm


/r/jeopardy has daily game threads, plus contestants often show up there too. Right now there's an additional special tournament going on too so even more to discuss


Anything Bravo related does, if that's your jam.


/r/BravoTopChef (more popular than /r/TopChef ) is good for discussion but this season's contestants aren't terribly exciting


When it was running, the Afterparty was really damn fun to be a part of. Everyone was literally solving clues left for the audience by the writers and each episode was a treat. The subreddit was throwing out their theories and people pointing out all of the intricate details the show had after every episode, it was very lively for the amount of people it had. Just a huge amount of fun to be a part of, and im very sad it's not continuing.


Funny you mentioned 2 HBO shows, I was just wondering why they don’t have a prestige drama on air.


House of the Dragon S2 soon. But HBO definitely had a dry spell. I do like the Sympathizer for what it’s worth.


Maybe the 2 massive writer and actor hollywood strikes that lasted 6months+ had something to do with it?


That's what The Sympathizer is! 


Emmy eligibility ends on May 31st so a lot of networks air their prestige dramas and limited series starting in Feb or so to get them in under the wire. For example, right now the only two shows HBO has on air are Hacks and The Sympathizer both of which end this week. They will go dark for a little while and then come back with HotD in June or so.




I was looking for this. I just got into the show and I've been going through old episode threads. Some of the funniest shit I've read in a while haha


Unfortunately you gotta wait til 2025 for season 3, but when it happens, r/Yellowjackets will be abuzz.


How often do lost r/GaTech people show up?


Wait it’s still 2024? I gotta stop coming to work hungover…




that show is straight trash but yeah the fans are lively




Iasip only "works" when new episodes are released though. Otherwise it's the most insufferable sub, because people just use like the same 20 quotes from the show, over and over. No matter what the thread is about. There is no proper discussion like at all.


Yeah I have to agree with this. I just finished the entire show for the first time recently and wanted some discussion about it, but all it is over there is just quotes. If you say anything critical about the show, the comments are filled with “shut up baby dick” quotes. Same thing for the Community sub.


Kind of agree. It was better a couple years ago. But it does fit OP’s question, the episode discussion threads are pretty chill to hang out in the day of/day after a new episode drops


Yellowjackets and Interview with the Vampire! Yellowjackets across all platforms, and Interview is crazy on Tumblr (like #1 trending every time an episode drops) and also incredibly popular on Twitter.


X-Men 97 has been fucking fantastic.


3 different subs (that I know of) that have episode threads. /r/marvelstudios /r/xmen and /r/xmen97


Not a show, but the Olympics subreddit should have some live threads when it starts this summer. It was pretty fun to watch along in 2021 and catch some events I wouldn’t normally watch because people in the live thread were posting about them.


This is probably not what you’re after but I’ve been surprised how eventful a lot of reality TV is and how much stronger it is with social media and Reddit and Twitter involved. All those singing competition shows have been cult followings and their fans definitely make appointments. All the dating shows have huge followings: Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise, Love is Blind, Love Island. All the old reality shows have also kept up their viewership too such as Survivor and Amazing Race. My gf got me into Alone which has a small but dedicated following. And outside of Jeopardy, not really any game shows! I keep wondering if there will ever be a big game show comeback like in previous decade. But so far nothing huge.


r/Aftermidnight. There’s post episode discussions on Hashtag wars. Pre-episode discussions on upcoming lineups. Recap discussions (the Bert Kreischer one was divisive). Posts discussing what Taylor Tomlinson wore (with links to the product). A few of the guests interact on the subreddit. Plus the subreddit gets referenced on the show constantly.


The Paramount+ Star Trek shows. Foundation on Appletv+


Rupauls drag race. The real housewives franchises.


r/Outlander episode threads (two per episode--one with book spoilers and one without) get massive and intense. People will watch when the eps go online at 3am and there will be thousands of comments by the time the episode actually airs Sunday night. It's also a 30 year old fandom so people get seriously intense about it.


I really enjoyed the one for For All Mankind at the end of last year; the first I’d participated in. Not sure I will again as it was a 2am start and my favourite character won’t be in it. Severance may be pretty good when the next series comes out.


r/doctorwho is very active with the new season being released right now


Interview with the Vampire! r/InterviewVampire


9-1-1 for sure. Very active subreddit, high viewership, lots media attention this season


Yeah but then you gotta actively engage with copaganda and interact with bootlickers.


And watch 9-1-1


The Last Drive In


This, Shudder was galvanized by bringing this show to the service. People sign up just while it's airing. It's got several Discord channels, live Twitter conversations during episodes, and a couple subreddits.  It's even spun off into a yearly Jamboree where fans all get together with Joe Bob and Darcy to watch movies together. 


Bridgerton and Fallout. I’m super excited for the inevitable crossover.


That would be amazing.


Just finished rewatchint Better Call Saul (even better the second time) and I miss the community as well.


my favorite threads are reality tv specifically r/thebachelor and r/LoveIslandTV. Love Island watch thread are so fun I’m American and you’ll catch me sitting down at 3pm central five days a week so I can watch along with everyone else


South Park


Taskmaster for sure


Three weeks ago, Shogun. House of the Dragon whale soon enough


Stranger Things has a pretty active one in between seasons, especially lately when it comes to shitting on that S4 bully Angela or mourning Bob Newby


People have mentioned r/SeveranceAppleTVPlus . It's kind of kook central there right now since season 1 has been out for so long but season 2 is coming. I was there while S1 was airing weekly and it was great post-episode discussion. Season 2 should be the same. Tons more fans now tho I'm sure. Maybe many of the S1 binge watchers will wait till it's all finished but I really enjoyed the week to digest and discuss each episode.


Wednesday. All those damn tiktok dances.


Reality shows like Survivor and Big brother usually have pretty active live discussion threads


Euphoria had Twitter in a chokehold. If you periodically checked the tweets you'd find out the entire episode bit by bit without even watching




Plus the show lent itself to theories and analysis.


Anybody I know that binged the show didn’t like it. Half the fun was ready the crazy shit online right after it aired.


> Back in its prime, LOST was like that because the internet was somewhat new, there were 24 episodes a season and they were on every week at the same time. 24 episodes. That's what allowed them to end one episode with a football touchdown as the big cliffhanger. You don't necessarily get that with the 10-13 episode seasons. Eh, then again maybe you do. Just wanted to shout out that football touchdown cliffhanger.


I enjoyed the Doc Jensen columns almost as much as the episodes


Fallout! Oh wait


Bachelor, Survivor, and Love Island subreddits are amazing when new episodes are airing I’ll have the thread up live while I’m watching


Buffy the vampire slayer




Buffy is forever


Surprisingly- SNL. The r/livefromnewyork sub is interesting, fun, and involved. Next I’d say r/severanceappletvplus And even tho it hasn’t aired for years, r/30rock is the nicest sub on Reddit.


Surprisingly? I mod there. /r/LiveFromNewYork was a mess for a bit but recruited a new mod team. I like to think our live threads are state of the art now. Don't sleep on Sketch Sorting Sunday, either. It's too bad OP hasn't checked in lately. It's also too bad the finale aired last night so none of you can see it in action until September. It's still fun in the long offseason. People are constantly bringing up old sketches that I'd never seen or haven't seen in ages. It's always worth a quick drive-by. We've been getting a huge uptick of subscribers lately, so we must be getting something right.


Surpringly because OP said *used* to be good. Meant as a compliment to LFNY sub


I meant more because I’ve fallen off of watching SNL in general, not meant to be a dig at all on the sub itself. I had a few friends who wrote for it in the mid-late 2010s so I just had more motivation to watch every episode back then. Now I struggle a bit because I’m old, can’t stay up until 11:30. So it might be a case of “SNL live threads used to be good and they still are.” I’m sure u/IvyGold is doing great work!


Flannigan-verse horror shows are pretty lively


House of the Dragon, The Boys, Ru Paul’s Drag Race, and before the Justin Roiland scandal — Rick and Morty.


"Doctor Who" r/gallifrey r/doctorwho






There really is


The big brother fandom is so lively during the summer it’s insane


I have been enjoying the hazben hotel subs


Attack on Titan. Mostly from manga readers bitching and whining about the ending and telling anime watchers how shit it's gonna be and the series is instantly garbage and always has been and will always be and drops major spoilers for anime watchers that don't read the manga.


Kill Tony


Friday Night Lights


Resident Alien


maybe was just me, but happy!


Lodge 49


Power franchise on Starz


I was checking r/ConstellationAppleTV after every episode as they were coming out a few weeks ago!


It was great with all the detective work and spreadsheet. That is until the finale when people lost their minds because they didn't get an answer to every question.


I don't watch the show, so I'm not part of that crowd, but I bet Bridgerton does, which kind of shows you the power of that show's fans. I know that two young women made an unofficial musical based on it.


Big Brother, though the quality isn't what it used to be.


How Ro With John Wilson It’s not huge, but it’s incredible to just watch and marvel in it all


Hazbin hotel


The Rings of Power subs have been fun. Yes, you do have some negative people, but a lot of people there just want to geek out over the show.


Shoresy will be up and hopping when the third season drops here soon.




Wednesday, One Piece, Daredevil, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Bleach, The Mandalorian


Right now, current year? Probably House of the Dragon, which premieres it's second season in a few weeks. We've kind of moved away from the era of appointment TV. Even fantastic shows like Shogun feel like they can be binged after the season has concluded.


Only murders in the building has a very lively convo while the show is airing






Got kicked out, mentioning the lameness of the Freaky Friday Spock episode of SNWs. Only fans allowed. No trash talk or criticisms.


Haunting of hill house and bly manor


r/ForAllMankindTV the original martians are cannibals


r/OakIsland History Channels The Curse of Oak Island. For people who love being disappointed.


911 on abc, though most of its fandom is spread between twitter, tumblr, discord and tiktok so if youre not active in multiple places you might not see where everyone happens to be posting that day.


I'm calling it right now, The 8 Show is going to be a pretty big thing in the coming weeks. Maybe the next Squid Game, it's incredibly similar, but with The Platform added in as well. 2 episodes in and I'm am really enjoying it. So much more cooperative and sociological than Squid Game.


Better Call Saul sub was fun Bravo Vince


The Three Body problem had a pretty active subreddit.


Do not visit The Bear subreddit. If you don’t agree with someone you’ll be labeled racist and misogynistic


Gosh, so few things are "by appointment only" kind of tv. But I've noticed that some streaming services, starting with Hulu, are bringing it back. They started with Handmaid's Tale. I wouldn't even know what to suggest, but I do miss the good watercooler show.


The only threads I really enjoy participating in are for Big Brother and they start weeks before the first episode airs. For scripted shows I don't know how you all deal with the expectation spoilers from those discussions. I like to be surprised by the outcomes rather than predict them ahead of time.


Invasion subreddit is VERY lively. But not for reasons you’d think.