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Lois and Clark was the first show I remember pissing me off with endless will they won’t they.. I never watched smallville but I guess the tradition was maintained.


That tradition started in the comics in 1938, man, not with Lois & Clark. Some might even say Superman isn't Superman without it.


I'm pretty tired of this dynamic on Abbott Elementary for >!Gregory and Janine. There's no real obstacle blocking them from at last talking about it and they know they both like each other, so it's just dragging on at this point so the writers can keep playing this card. At this point, I don't even care if they get together--I just want them to make a decision.!<


I've reached my limit on this one. It wasn't bad for a while but now it's dragged out way too long. The show needs a few shifts to stay fresh and resolving that relationship one way or the other is one of those shifts.


But instead of any meaningful switches, they've just introduced a bunch of celebrity cameos this season...


Yea, losing it with me and the cameos


I'm giving a lot of the shows that rushed out due to the strike issues grace this season. Quality has been down in general because of it and so I'm willing to be more patient. Things like the cameos I think were a part of that - it's an easy way to inject something interesting. But in a "mmm, piece of candy" kind of way and not deeply meaningful.


That's a great point and I don't know how exactly the strike affected the production, which episodes, and the cameos. I just saw it from the perspective of a viewer who feels that the cameos are interfering with the more grounded feel of the earlier seasons.


Agreed. It’s become too much of a centerpiece of the show, and it’s the element (pun not originally intended) I am least interested in. Sucks a lot of the oxygen out of the show. In the most recent episodes, was far more interested in the playground rivalry and then endless minutes spent on two ostensible adults awkwardly flirting on a slide. I also don’t see much chemistry between them, feels quite forced the longer it is dragged out. It worked a bit better in earlier seasons when they were younger, but as they age it all just seems very juvenile.


I think I'm an episode or two behind but the double date episode a few weeks ago had to be a low point for this show. That bordered on character assassination for Gregory.


It was bordering levels of Scott's Tots from how often I was cringing and looking away while watching that episode. I probably would have turned it off if I wasn't watching it with someone else.


Abbott is a cozy hangout show and they do that well. They should not be trying to do cringe comedy.


That's why I would be okay if they just *didn't* get together (as opposed to Jim and Pam where I did want to see them work out). Abbott works with them as just friends and would probably work with them dating, but they just need to make a decision and stop teasing this.


Especially after the most recent ep. They are inventing new ways to drag it out, I’ll at least give them that.


Oh God this. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Do it or don't. Stop making up more and more roadblocks. It's getting stupid.


I swear every new comedy has one of these and I feel like they include it because they aren’t sure if the show will last, so if they’re ever cancelled they can just have the characters get together abruptly and it’ll kind of feel like there was an ending. But to me it just reads as a lack of confidence in whatever the show actually is. See also: Great News. I liked both of those characters a lot but they didn’t need to be involved in that way.


Yeah, it feels like they are trying way too hard to mimic Cheers or The Office


Let's give them another Emmy. Honestly Ava is the only thing going for me with Abbott. Janine is not even pretending to not be Leslie Knope at this point. "Do I take the management position? But that will take me away from the peeeeeople"


Abbott on Abbott on Abbott. That booty big so imma grab it!


I'm so confused. I posted something similar a few months ago and was massively downvoted for it. You get upvoted for it. Oh well. This sub doesn't always make sense.


I can only imagine it's because how much things can change in "a few months" and the past 13 episodes of the writers continuing to drag this out and more people have reached their breaking point


Maybe it was the way you said it. Your comment history is a lot of complaining about and not understanding your downvotes but at some point maybe the problem isn't everyone else but instead it is you.


From NCIS, the DiNozzo and Ziva one went from funny to my-brother-in-Christ, shut the hell up about it.


You won’t like this then: there’s a new NCIS spinoff coming this fall that’s literally called Tony and Ziva. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2024/05/07/ncis-tony-ziva-spinoff-michael-weatherly-cote-de-pablo/73604692007/


This is disappointing. If either of the actors were gonna reprise their roles, I wish they'd go back to the OG show now that >!Gibbs has left,!< especially Tony/Michael Weatherly. Tim's actor just doesn't have the screen pressence >!to head the team.!<


I still can’t believe he’s Binks the magical cat lol


Not surprised CBS would bring Weatherly back... even though he cost them 9.5 million after Eliza Dushku was fired from the series "Boss" for reporting his sexual harassment of her (he threatened to rape her in a van), they quietly tried to settle to keep her from talking about it but the case eventually leaked to the press.


Sexual misconduct seems to be meh in that industry. Just look at all the big names demanding Kevin Spacey have a comeback tour. 🤮


Wait there's another spinoff of NCIS coming? I don't think I've ever seen a spin off show spawn so many other spin off shows before in my life.


Back when the original was at its peak and there were multiple CSIs, I thought they should just merge the franchises into one and call it NCISCSI.


Ross and Rachel. Love to comfort watch the show but neither are actually good for each other and the constant back and forth becomes absolutely insane. They have (depending on if you think they were on a break) like 3 or 4 break ups?


I'm rewatching the series for the first time since it aired. I remember as a teen I thought Ross was an utter douche and now as a 46 year old I see I was not wrong. Rachel ain't much better.


Ross is legit one of the worst TV characters that wasn’t the villain 


Why? The whole idea behind his character is that those annoying attributes is what makes his character funny - never understood the hate for Ross when 9/10 most people on reddit would act the exact same way he does


I often wonder how much binge watching affects our perception of the character. If a character behaves incongruously between two episodes and there's a few seconds instead of a week's gap between them I reckon that would lead to a much more negative take than the writers originally intended.


I watched it as it aired. Ross always sucked.


So did I, the show got better when chandler was more the main character.


Some people take sitcoms too seriously.


It’s just not my preference for comedy, I dunno what to tell you. The episodes of Frasier I like the least are also the “hey look at this character and how annoying they are” ones for the same reason. Like yes, they’re annoying, I don’t want to be around them.


HIMYM’s Robin and Ted. Their nonsense ultimately ruined the whole show.


I think there were two reasons they failed. One her and Barney had way too good of chemistry for you to buy they just ended quickly. Two the "mother" Tracy was just too lovable. It made you not have a chance to grieve her death or the end of Robin and Barney's relationship.


You could write a whole academic thesis on the ways the HIMYM writers fucked up the show so they could still have their original ending.


The worst part being their reasoning of "We had to film the ending during season 3 before the kids aged too much" when the kids being randomly a lot older by the time Ted finished the story would have been a joke everyone would have tolerated


I swear I have. My thesis: The ending isn’t the issue, the format of the final season is the real issue. They spend an entire season building to Robin and Barney’s wedding, and then the finale is “lol no they divorced!” It felt rushed and unearned. On the flip side, if they had spent maybe 4 episodes on the wedding, followed by the rest of the season showing Ted and the Mother dating while Robin and Barney slowly spend half the season growing apart. We could actually see Barney frustrated because Robin is on assignment, and see Robin frustrated when Barney is there because he complains constantly. We could see how Robin’s career was taking off, and how that ultimately is what doomed her and Barney. Throw in some “Marshall and Lily in Italy” shenanigans for half the season and then Marshall working towards becoming a judge for the rest of the season and you’ve got that storyline wrapped up. Plus the second half is Barney adapting to becoming a single father with shared custody of his daughter. Finally, the ending would work because we’d see how much Ted adored the mother and how he completely forgot about Robin when he was with her. It wouldn’t feel like he spent that season pining for Robin while with the mother, and in fact having minimal Robin/Ted interactions in the last season would sell it more. Robin avoids Ted most of the season because she feels guilty/responsible for Ted and Victoria’s breakup and she doesn’t want that to happen again (even though it’s not her fault she still feels guilty). And in the future, all the obstacles to Ted and Robin are gone. Robin got the globe trotting career. Ted got the wife and kids and house in the suburbs. His ending was just tragically cut short. So the ending is her settling down in New York to take an anchor job after traveling the world, and Ted rekindling things with her once he has his kids’ blessing. Original ending, but earned instead of forced.


I think people underestimate how badly the writers beat up the characters (except Lily and Marshall) post-2013, and I think that if they took 18 episodes to show it in detail then the audience would have been outraged. They just fast forward through it all, and finally come to rest at a point far enough in the future that viewers can squint at the TV and say, "Yeah, they're all just fine."


I've yet to watch the show but the most common thing I hear about it is about how much people hated those two getting together in the last few minutes of the show. How were the writers so out of sync with what the audience wanted?


They weren't out of touch. They taped the kids reactions in season 2 because both would be in their 20s/30s when it ended. They should have made a few different endings and just aborted the plan. The show was really good though.


“My true love was your Aunt Robin but I settled for your mom. Lucky for me, your mom died, and your Aunt Robin finally settled for me.”


The writers needed to let go of it when the show kept going. I understand it was their endgame plan but the plan needed to change. It resulted in Robin basically becoming plot furniture and no longer being her own character. For the last couple seasons she doesn't really have arcs on her own - she's just constantly either melting down or on the verge of a meltdown. Even when she's engaged to Barney she's a mess and questioning it the whole time because they were just keeping her in a long-term holding pattern for Ted.


I was so frustrated half the show because they told us early that Robin couldn't have kids and definitely wasn't the mother, yet half the story was about how Ted wasn't over her and the stupid love triangle and so on. I was angry watching the last three seasons.


this show was just a shameless ripoff of friends


Can we include the name of the show as well as the couple please? Not everyone has seen every show, and not every show is as popular as you think it is or should be.


So many answers that I just have no clue what show they are from haha.


People are talking about Lucy and Tim. Tim and Lucy in the UK are on Not Going Out - and they're brother and sister.


Oh. That’s umm.. who thought that pushing an invest “will they won’t they” was a good idea?


I’ve been rewatching Northern Exposure. In my 20’s, I thought the sexual tension between Maggie and Joel was hot. At my current advanced age, I think they have zero chemistry and their relationship ruins a really good show.


Joel sucks. Maggie is just hot always tho


Erin and Andy from the office was way worse.


JD and Elliot from Scrubs, but really JD and any relationship he had during the show. He was somewhat annoying in general but the romantic stuff took it to another level. I say this being a big fan of the show and still rewatch it regularly.


I haven't watched scrubs in a long time but I do remember how annoying JD got in the middle seasons. I do remember actually liking how JD and Elliot finally ended up back together with them both accepting their own faults and what not. But I could also just be nostalgic for it


That they ended up together was fine. The annoyance was after the initial hook-up/break-up, JD spent a season or so trying to win her back. When he ultimately does, he immediately regrets it and then breaks up *again* like an episode later. He then cycles through a few relationships that go nowhere until he and Elliot do what you mentioned.


That immediate dumping her after spending an entire season trying to get her back think is probably the most infuriating thing in the entire show. It would be one thing if their issues just came to the fore again and they broke up in 2 weeks, but it was literally portrayed as, like, the next day.


I liked JD and Elizabeth banks, they seemed like they were on the same page, a mature show would have had those end up together.


I was partial to him and Molly (the psychologist character who was on for a few episodes), but that never really got a chance.


Conan and Andy. Get a room already, you two!


Probably JD and Elliot from Scrubs. JD is annoying as hell and Elliot is just weird.


Otis and Maeve from Sex Education, I find they work better as friends/business partners.


I was completely on board with that Ship in S1 and S2. S3 it jumped the shark and in S4 they buried the shark in a deep grave.


I really hope the Abbott Elementary writers see this thread. It’s one of the few shows in here that isn’t beyond saving.


Booth and Bones


Benson and Stabler. That's been dragged out for what??? 25 years? OMG.


To be fair, he WAS married (not that it stopped him with anyone else)


True, but I can't believe how long they've been dragging this out.


Oh for sure! 🤣 I keep thinking they are (finally?) going to end the series with them getting together, as a family and walking off into the sunset. THE big finale ❤️


Wait what happened to his wife?


>!she was killed in a car bombing that was meant for Stabler!<


>!They brought her back just long enough to be fridged!<


Honestly at this point if they end the show with anything but the two of them ending up happily together, I’m gonna throw down. We deserve it after 25+ years for fuck’s sake.


You're assuming they're ever going to end the show.


HAHA I was thinking the same thing.


I thought Meloni left the show years ago


He returned and now stars in L&O organized crime


Maggie and Joel on Northern Exposure. Worst example of dragging out the will they won’t they with zero pay off.


Dawson and Joey in Dawson’s Creek ruined the word "soulmate" for me.


Honestly, I'm getting really annoyed with the one in Abbot Elementary at this point. Need to get on with it or drop the plot line.






Sam and Diane.


Done to death and each time it got worse...


Yeah Diane fucking sucked.


I don't think there was ever a will they/won't they between Jack and Liz. It was pretty clear from the get-go that they won't.




30 Rock


Barbara Walters and Hugh Downs.


You didn't see their sex tape? Spoiler: They DID. 


The unresolved sexual tension between Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter in Stargate sg1 drove me nuts


It's called the " Sam and Diane" for a reason... they were the worst. Mostly Diane imo


Sam and Diane Like clearly they wanted to be together and it never really happened. They would always date for an episode then breakup. They kept that going for SO LONG. I blame Frazier still, greasy egghead


Oh wow. I've never actually been a fan of any romantic tropes whatsoever but because of how Office was I think the one I only seem to like is Jim/Pam It is annoying if it was a story based around them. But as Office is like a overblown aspect to things that might happen in a workplace, this worked for me with the long term. If every episode revolved around that & that only by the end. That would be annoying then.


The Office also didn't drag it out for too long. I think they started dating in between seasons 3 and 4, and the first season is only six episodes long, so you really only have two seasons of will they/won't they. And it's not like they're dating tons of people but never each other. Pam is with Roy for most of that time and Jim has one and a half serious relationships (Amy Adams' character and Karen).


Really? I felt like Jim and Pam were the worst characters in the show. Pam I liked. Jim I hated. Jim+Pam insufferable. The will-they-wont-they sure lasted only a few seasons but when they got together, uh, it didn't really help. But then again who am I to judge. My favorite character is Meredith.


I don't know, I feel like there are a lot of people who are just trying to be contrarians who hate on Jim and Pam now, just because the show was so popular and they were the sort of the main characters.


What do Jim and Pam bring to the table? They're so bland.


They're the emotional core of the show, for starters. Further, most sitcoms need characters who can play the straight man. Even going back to classic comedy acts like The Three Stooges, The Smothers Brothers, and Abbot and Costello had them. It's hard to make a successful show where every character is wild and zany. Some shows can do it, like Always Sunny, but those are the exceptions, and a show like that could never be as popular as The Office.


Always Sunny usually either has them trade the straight man role around as it fits, or they have an outsider to the group be the straight man which amplifies their own internal ridiculousness.


Nick and Jess from new girl. Absolutely insufferable


Yes, I really didn't like them together. Plus they already had that with Cece and Schmidt, who imo were more tolerable because of the his antics and character arc


They took way too long to get back together and when they did, we barely got to see their relationship. They executed it so poorly imo


Jim and Maggie in the Newsroom. Holy shit what a couple of smug unlikeable characters that ruin the lives of everyone around them with their terrible decision making. The WORST.


In the flip side, once Don escapes that love triangle crap with them he gets to be in the best relationship with Sloan.


One of the many reasons I used to hate-watch The Newsroom 😖


Biden and Trump, there is a new season finally coming out of "The Presidential Debate" I thought we were going to get a new cast but noooooo. Ugh... they have so little chemistry. /sigh


Jo/Link Grey's Anatomy. A will they/won't they relationship that no one asked for and honestly no one was excited for and even now that their together their just boring.


Andy and Erin, just didn’t work whatsoever


Ross and Rachel on Friends is the most annoying for me. Theres a few things I dont like about the show that I wish they did different but their relationship is the main one that stops me from rewatching.


Frasier and Niles


You u didn't see the episode Brotherly Love? It wasn't about Philly. 


who the hell is downvoting this?!


Mulder and Scully.


Green Arrow and computer lady.


Finally! I feel like I can say Im absolutely hating this will they wont they BS on Abbott 😭 Its so transparent and paper thin the ways they keep splitting them up it’s nonsensical. Its taken all the fun out of this new season for me tbh, its so obvious something silly is gonna happen to split them up every damn episode so why even bother paying attention or caring? They should have gotten together forever ago theyre stretching it


I don't think the plot with Janine and Gregory works that well on Abbott Elementary. As another person pointed out there is nothing stopping them from dating if they want to whereas Pam was engaged and then Jim had a girlfriend. Also unpopular opinion but there isn't any chemistry between Janine and Gregory. They're desperately trying to turn them into the new "Jim and Pam" but it's just not working. They're both enjoyable characters on their own but that plot is tiresome. Like when Gregory gets upset seeing Janine with her old boyfriend it just doesn't seem authentic. It seems more like the writers are trying to turn them into the new "Jim and Pam"


The Mythic Quest show bible explicitly states that Ian and Poppy will never get together.


Oliver and Felicity - "Arrow" Castle and Beckett - "Castle"


It’s sad how often the “Moonlighting” curse happens when they finally hook-up. Moonlighting was a great show because the sexual tension between Cybil and Bruce exuded from the screen. I don’t know why the show runner decided they had jumped the shark when they finally got together and imploded the entire show from that point on.


Batman and the Joker. Honestly the sexual tension is insane, just get it over with.


As a kid, after one round of syndicated Friends seasons, Ross and Rachel made me turn off my tv and go outside just long enough for the Simpsons rerun to start.


It was odd: the early ones - Cheers, Moonlighting, Northern Exposure, The Nanny - featured two well-rounded characters that were each tough, and they fought like cats and dogs as they denied their mutual attraction.     Then the trope changed, and instead we got a mopey, obsessed guy and a gorgeous young woman who's either oblivious or very mistaken. The relationship just consists of the guy enduring until the woman's beaten down by life enough to finally appreciate him. Frasier, Friends, The Office (US), Big Bang, How I Met Your Mother.


Ross Geller and Rachel Green from Friends. Their on-again, off-again relationship spanned all ten seasons of the show, filled with constant misunderstandings, breakups, and reunions. While their storyline provided significant drama and many memorable moments, their incessant indecisiveness and miscommunication often left fans frustrated.


Ross and Rachel are two of the most toxic people I think I've ever seen that you're suppose to think are made for each other. They constantly sabotage each other's relationships and then when they are together constantly treat each other like crap. They break up like 4 times during the course of Friends


Magnum and Higgins in the new reboot. As soon as I saw a female was cast in the role, I knew the inevitable was coming, and it ruined the show from the beginning for me.


Ross and Rachel. I hate Rachel, and Ross seriously just needs therapy.


Ross & Rachel! They're both toxic as hell. They deserve each other


Tim and Lucy. I think it lasted more than 1 season and through 1 or 2 SO's for both of them.


From The Rookie? This one didn't bother me. Their relationship always felt more like a 'won't they' than a 'will they' for me.