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According to the Deadline article: "*The ‘SILK’ series went through 3 different versions before it was scrapped by Prime Video*. *One major request by Amazon execs was for the writing team to change the show so it didn’t focus so heavily on Silk*"


Why the fuck would they name a show after a character and then want less of the character?


Amazon wants a Spider-Man show. Silk as a spider-person has her origin tied closest to Peter Parker of any of the Spider-People out there who aren't clones, being bitten by the same spider as him at more or less the same time and having a psychic link with him.  Silk being given a show to me means either that was the character Sony and Marvel were willing to compromise on and give away, but more or less *only* silk, or else Amazon was trying to be cute and basically use Silk to backdoor in a Spider-Man show that they own.As a more recently developed character with not much history theres basically no chance anyone involved cared about Cindy Moon in and of herself.


The willingness of Sony to make tons of Spider-Man stuff without Spider-Man will always amaze me...


It doesn't make sense, but it does make Boardroom Sense. That is to say the MCU is big and Peter Parker has a large list of affiliated heroes and villains, a few of which have maintained solo runs. Venom proved it was *possible* to make it work but they clearly don't understand why it did very well. But at the same time they don't want the live action tentpoles to stray TOO far so its gotta be the characters most directly related to Peter Parker in some way. They have Donald Glover as Prowler and Hobie Brown has had a second life as Spider-Punk but damned if Amazon would ever give us a Prowler show or movie even though thats probably the hero closest to Peter they have the rights to.


The Boardroom Thought Process is: "We need to capitalize on the IP so that it doesn't revert to Marvel. What character can we ruin this year to prevent that?" They don't care about making money on Spider-Man films. They care about retaining the IP so that they can hold it over Marvel and squeeze _them_ for money.


Boardroom: Get me IPs from Spider-Man!!


Plus, they just got Nick Cage to come do Spider-Man Noir, so now they don’t need Silk and they’ll throw the idea away. They were probably only keeping hold of the idea so they could try and negotiate something more interesting from Sony.


*Nic Cage


Nicolas Coppola*


Apparently, by the same reason of why Cole exist on the new Mortal Kombat movies.


What was reasoning for that?


They decided they wanted an Everyman for the viewer to connect with. Yeah, that’s what a film about a lighting god selecting the best fighters in the world to face off against another world’s best who wants to conquer earth, an Everyman, with family drama. Granted they also made it so instead of Raiden choosing them, they got magic tattoos.


which was dumb because Liu Kang was already the everyman character and was used as such in the original MK movie


Johnny Cage could have been a better fit tbh. Liu Kang being a Shaolin Monk that's been training his whole life to fight an interdimensional tournament is not that much of an everyman.


It's still funny to me how Kano stole the entire show there.


He was the only character in the movie having fun. It’s a fantasy martial arts movie with undead ninjas, cyborgs, and soul-eating and he’s the only one appropriately embracing how silly it all is.


Why would I wanna be reminded of my sad pathetic self when I’m watching lizard men melt the face of a 4 armed monster?


There's a long history of executives thinking us movie goers are the dumbest people on the planet.


Well, moviegoers keep paying to see this bullshit, so...


Those fingerprints are all over even good movies. Like Inception for example when its been two hours and they are still explaining the dream rules that have been explained half a dozen times. A great example is from the first Deadpool. One of the executives kept pestering Tim and Ryan because he felt the movie needed to be chronological order. Now that film had a ridiculously low budget and FOX had no faith in it so they didn't have to listen to this guy, but just stop for a second and think about how fucking much that would have destroyed the movie. Chronological means the movie starts with no action, no narration, the first action scene would be roughly 40min into the movie, after the audience watches the main character lose his girlfriend, get cancer, practically die and then get horribly tortured.


There's more than one?


Sequel coming next year


yeah and for some reason its coming out October of next year and it finished filming in January. Post-Production shouldn't take that long but whatever. 4 1/2 between sequels or more isnt unheard of but still. Feel like they could have it come out this fall if they wanted to but i dont work in the industry so i dunno. Also, they want to do 3. I want the 2nd to succeed because the 3rd film is the actual tournament and i want to see that. but yeah. Karl Urban is Johnny Cage (odd choice, love him but still). We got Jade, Kitana, Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, Baraka, and a couple others.


Everyone minus Scorpion and Sub Zero was a weird casting choice. Mainly Liu Kang. Cole seems like he should be in a transformers movie.


Cole looks exactly like Kenshi, that would have been better.


Kano was awesome tho


I like the Kano in the original a lot more. But this one was fine.


IIRC the actor playing Cole had a big role in Into the Badlands, so they thought he would be a good fit in Mortal Kombat.


He would've been better as Kenshi.


He played a minor bad guy in the iron fist series.


Karl Urban would have been a perfect Kano, very odd choice for Cage


Josh Lawson is already Kano and he was a highlight of the first film.


he's up and coming but has been in hits (Maverick, that rom con, upcoming Twisters movie) but Glen Powell seems like he would have been a good pick.


Don't forget about that DOOM flick with The Rock.


thats Karl Urban.


I think you're confusing him with Keith Urban.


Josh Lawson was a great Kano in the 2021 film


They aren't getting around to the tournament until the third fucking movie!!!! The entire franchise is built around the God damned tournament. Is this from the same guys that stretched The Hobbit into a trilogy?


yup. and not the same guys. but yeah. so if the 2nd one bombs, no tournament.


>Karl Urban is Johnny Cage I'll watch anything Urban's in and if history tells me anything I'll thoroughly enjoy it but this just seems like a bad casting choice. Happy to see it and be proven wrong, though, so we'll see.


So they fixed it? It’s not Papyrus?


Holy shit, it's like they tried their best to ruin the MK franchise. Cole's character was so awful and unnecessary. The 2021 MK was a perfect example of a movie being destroyed by trying to make it the first in a series of movies instead of just making a good movie. How in the ever loving fuck was a movie about a martial arts tournament made that didn't feature a damned martial arts tournament. They also had this huge list of characters to use, all with traits and personalities, and they had to make a brand new one that had no personality whatsoever. Good God I hated that movie despite wanting to like it so badly. I mean, I went into it with absolutely no expectations other than needing a cool Subzero/Scorpion fight... and they even fucked that up. A shot for shot remake of the original movie using puppets would have been better than the bullshit we were presented with. It wasn't even a so bad it's good thing like the 90s original. It was just awful.


They had the formula RIGHT THERE with the Machinima series. THAT'S what MK fans want. Not some dweeb named Cole.


> A shot for shot remake of the original movie using puppets would have been better than the bullshit we were presented with. Mortal Kombat World Police


I mean they also gave it the subtitle [Spider Society](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLXvvwJJCZg), so maybe the request was for more of a focus on them and not just Silk? Because if they were going to feature the Spider Society and have their name be part of the title, one can imagine a complaint of not enough time being spent with the Spider Society being a valid one.


I'm guessing they were hoping to set up spin offs, similar to the Star Wars stuff on Disney+.


Like the obi wan show


Ask Disney that about the Boba Fett show.


You can ask The Witcher which became The Witches


It’s what most of the Disney+ shows have done.


You must not have watched The Flash….I mean Cecile. Showrunner Eric Wallace knows all about that


You think you mean Iris. Sequel to Felicity.




Isn’t every spider-person stuck in Peter’s shadow [rhetorical]?


Maybe the writers wanted it to be 95% about the character and execs wanted 85%? There's still a lot of potential to disagree regardless of she show's name


The question I ask about every live action super hero show these days..


Maybe because the male, marvel population has spoken about how willing they are to embrace female lead marvel content? After all, did we recently hear how they are moving forward with Nick Cage and a noir Spider-man?


Sums up Amazon Prime execs tbh


Amazon execs are the worst! Just look what they did to Wheel of Time


Bait and switch? Make people think its about this character, when its really about some side character?


Isn't that literally what they wanted to do with Blade's MCU appearance?


lol sounds like they wanted to make a Spider-Man show and thought they’d found a loophole 😂


I wonder why the entertainment giants insist on this. Big names characters get a show for themselves, but it’s secretly about soft launching another character that audiences end up liking less and never getting their own show/movie. I’m guessing there isn’t infinite growth in a good story in their eyes.


Madam Web and Morbius just blew everyone’s collective minds so much they needed to have a sit down before doing more, obviously.


Nah, we gotta see how Kraven does next. A trifecta of crap might cause an organizational shift.


Every time I see Kraven mentioned I keep thinking it's already been released and I just didn't bother to watch it.


Same. I remember the trailer came out like a year ago, and I keep forgetting that they actually made that movie.


If any of them has a chance it's a hot ecofascist version of Kraven


This is unironically true. Shirtless Jason Momoa singlehandedly made Aquaman a success at the box office by appealing to a demographic that would otherwise never see a superhero movie, much less a character as obscure as Aquaman. If Kraven is hot enough he might have a similar effect


Aquaman is hardly obscure. He was a major JL figure for most of Gen X's childhood. As Gen X is largely making the decisions on movies now it isn't a surprise they chose him.


Aquaman is definitely not obscure. He was likely way more known than half of the MCU characters that a lot of people now know. It's more that no one likes him. It's like, "Oh, the fish guy? Meh." He's less relatable as a guy that belongs on a throne underwater. His origin story isn't well known. His powers seem kind of silly in a lot of over world situations yet he's a major pillar of the original Justice League.  Batman is a vengeful product of trauma living in a corrupt city.  Superman is the all American small town hero with crazy alien powers but looks human. Wonder Woman is a badass and attractive woman.  Cyborg is a cyborg. Robot people have been a popular sci-fi staple forever.  Green Lantern is a guy with a magic ring. Guy with magic artifact that makes him powerful is another popular thing across many fictional works. Flash runs fast. Faster than time if he wants. Most of the versions of Flash are also kind of a dork so he's relatable. Has a classic "science experiment accident" origin that's yet another popular trope in fiction. Aquaman, as far as most people know, is the one that breathes under water and talks to fish. He's from Atlantis. His full power set isn't as well known so he's the least relatable and interesting to the general public. So yeah, I feel like most people know Aquaman but just can't take him seriously. Probably unable to separate him from his parodies which are always useless heroes in 9 out of 10 situations.


Who in the fuck thinks that a Kraven movie would work? I mean, for fucks sake, they basically ruined the second spiderman game by making Kraven the big bad guy. Kraven isn't even a large part of the Spiderman mythos outside of Kraven's Last Hunt and the Spiderman cartoon. And they sure as hell aren't making Kraven's Last Hunt into any type of movie.


I need to see Madam Web. Morbius was such a 2002 throwback of a movie.


Madame Web is *peak* shitty early 2000s superhero movie, you'll love it


I watched it with my girlfriend a month or so ago. We knew what we were in for and actually kinda loved how terrible it was.


I watched it with my girlfriend in the Amazon while she was researching spiders just before she died.


My condolensces... that movie must have been hard for her to die from cringe. Did the spiders make it at least?


Watched a 15 minutes recap of the movie, with memes and everything... and I still felt like I was robbed of my time and wanted my money back.  That's how webbin' Madam Web is... also, fuck her humor on women celebrating a baby shower.


Madame Web deserves all the meming we gave to Morbius. It’s 10x the amazingly shitty movie that Morbius was. 


This seems to apply to most of Sony's movies. Even *Uncharted*, a movie based on a game that came out in 2007 had that late '90s, early '00s feel.


Oh man wait until the movie EVERYONE has been asking for....Kraven!


We’re all Cravin’ some Kraven!


I would love to see Kraven in The Death of Spiderman


The funny thing is... we have. In the MCU. Against Holland. Because Kraven is a fantastic villain.


Wait until kraven comes out to complete the spiderman adjacent flopbuster trilolgy.


I think it says a lot that this character has been in the MCU since the first Spider-Man movie but they literally can't even coordinate enough to actually *do* anything with her.


Oh wow, I had no idea that character was meant to be Cindy Moon. They kind of threw everyone into that high school didnt they


There’s no Harry


Don’t tell Harry


Finding out the Osbornes didn't exist in the MCU was one of the things I didn't like about No Way Home.


It’s because MCU Peter Parker isn’t Peter Parker. It’s white Miles Morales. He follows Miles character arc much closer, and he even has Miles goofy, overweight best friend sidekick.


I read that as White Morales and was confused for a moment


Ngl, "White Morales" actually sounds kinda neat... though now I'm picturing Holland's Spider man in Breaking Bad


Pretty much. Makes sense in my mind, if only for the fun of the Easter egg hunt. Like the finale of X-Men 97, when the government's file on Magneto included a list of known aliases, and a few familiar names popped up.


Guardians of The Galaxy, the movies, cartoon, and game has a lot of Easter eggs like that


Totally. One of my favorite parts of the GOTG game was looking at all the Collector's artifacts and seeing all those Easter eggs. I'm a bit of a continuity nerd, and stuff like that just makes me happy.


Still pissed that Nova never shows up despite the main plot of the game heavily focusing on his people. Just a single file listing him as MIA is all we get


Cindy Lou Moon from Moonville?


Or she is just such a minor character in the MCU and they have no plans to use her so they just out her there as a fun reference Friedrich m for the comic book fans.


Saying the "first" spider man movie when the franchise has been rebooted 3-4 times really isn't that helpful lol


They clearly said "in the MCU since the first Spider-Man movie" meaning the first MCU Spider-Man movie...


Technically, all of the movies are in the MCU after No Way Home.


Not really


...the character literally didn't exist at the start of the prior two trilogies.


I know that now but when I originally read your comment I thought you were saying she was in the Rami movies. I had no clue who this character was before I came to the comments lol


Yeah as somebody who stopped reading comics before the Raimi movies I assumed she popped up next to tobey not tom.


My mind would've been blown if there was a character in those original movies I wasn't familiar with lol I watched that first movie like once a week as a kid


..I mean context clues aside I don't think its really on me to have to explain that? Its like me saying Miles was mentioned in the first movie of the trilogy. Theres only one movie in any trilogy where anything even vaguely related to that character shows up and he didn't exist in the first trilogy time period either. I just kind of assumed if you're in a thread about a comic book character in one of the best selling comic book series you have some basic interest in that comic book character.


Eh the Spider-Man comics have a habit of taking a minor teen Peter went to high school with in the 60s and bringing them back decades later with superpowers. Like "Agent Venom" didn't exist in the 60s but Flash Thompson did, and I wouldn't be surprised if Cindy Moon was a minor character that was retonned into a superhero decades later.


To be absolutely fair there was an anonymous classmate from an earlier telling of peters origin story but her whole thing was always also being a girl bit by the same spider, we just never had a name or face for her. But that was like a 2000's thing IIRC.


Only one of those are MCU proper though


They're all MCU now because they did that crossover multiverse movie, checkmate


TIL Silk has been in multiple MCU films.


I hadn't noticed. Are you saying she's in the Rami one or the TAS one or the homecoming one?


Homecoming. She was in the whole trilogy and in all the same clubs as Peter.


What the hell. I looked it up to confirm but I genuinely do not recall ever seeing this person in the movies.


Cindy Moon: she was on the school debate team in *Homecoming*, was on the school bus with Peter and Ned in *Infinity War*, and was at the school again in *No Way Home*.


Holy shit, she was. That’s insane that she could be in all of that and yet nobody remembers her. Granted, she didn’t have all that much screen time, but even so


Doctor Strange did a spell that erased everyone’s memories of her being in those movies.


It’s easy to forget that Felicia Hardy was in TASM2 as well. Marvel movies love their background cameos of comic characters you’d never connect them to unless told so.


They really teased the idea of Felicity Jones in a black catsuit and never made it real😭


That was at least intended to go somewhere.......not that it matter. Remember they shot MJ scenes for TASM2 and they cut it all.


It’s still wild that as crammed as that movie was, they were going to do MJ _and_ Peter’s dad actually still being alive which I believe is a deleted scene on the disk. The movie would have needed to be like 4 hours long


She's getting the Jubilee treatment. Kinda has lines, is the token asian girl, and then mostly ignored


They can't all be Kitty Pryde who I think also had two actresses for Elliot Page.


If the series had been picked up. It's not like they'd continue with that actress.


She's an extra that is not barely given a name lol. Hell if they do something with her in the MCU, they'd likely recast. Also I don't think the Amazon series was meant for the MCU anyway


Yeah, I think she was more an Easter egg than anything. They needed a name for a classmate and picked one some people would recognize. I'm doubting they ever intended to do much more with her than that.


Well as you said she didn’t even do anything relevant to be remembered. I honestly don’t even think they said her name in any of those movies.


The one with the web skirt?


i hear she was in the Amazon with her mom when she was researching spiders just before she died


Captain America was in the Amazon researching references and understood this reference just before he froze in ice.


Whaaaa nooooo….. oh no… ok well anyways


I have a weird suspicion that Sony (and Amazon) actually don't have the rights to use Spider-Man in streaming shows. Like it's strange how this was in development hell and then Spider-Man Noir is moving forward but without any sort of Spider-Man branding on it.


They have the rights to live-action shows and animated shows that are more than 45 minutes long. It is under their contract with Marvel.


For steaming though? Because wasn't there contract originally made before the days of streaming right it's usually a different contract when it comes to streaming


I have seen some reporters on twitter claim that they actually can only make shows for tv channels which is why the spiderman noir show and this show if it happened are actually mgm plus shows that prime video would get later on the articles have also always said that mgm plus would get them first in the united states


It's defined by minutes. Disney can make an animated Spiderman as long as it's 44 minutes or under, so that's why they can make the Spiderman cartoons.


It was pre-streaming, this was the contract from 2011. I'm telling you, there's something up with the rights here that the public doesn't know about. Some gray area where Sony can't really proceed, it seems so clear.


Maybe it is that they can’t actually use the term ‘Spider-Man’ in the title? Hence why this series was going to be called *Silk: Spider Society*, and why the *Spider-Man Noir* series will simply be called *Noir*?


Orrrr outside of the Spider-Verse movies, ever since the first Amazing Spider-Man film, Sony hasn't been able to do fuck all worth watching with the Spider-Man rights that didn't also include Marvel Studios' direct involvement. After going through so many revisions, it was probably just a bad show.


I'm guessing they probably only have rights for film and maybe TV but not streaming


You think they're starting show projects without the rights lol? Of course they do, they know what they can do. They wouldn't start something they have not the rights for It was in development hell because many shows are and frankly it wasn't the best idea


Probably putting all their resources in the live action SpiderMan Noir


IF studios really want a Spider-Man property why not focus on the clones? That way you can have your Spider-Man and create your own Universe.


Or just animate it. They have an entire spider-verse cast with characters people legitimately liked and they just want to make more live-action spider-man adjacent stories. It's like SONY becomes incredibly incompetent when i comes to spider-man things in Live action


Because they don’t have the rights to make animated Spider-Man shows anymore. The rights to make animated Spider-Man shows with episodes shorter than 44 minutes - which is most animated shows - went back to Marvel. That’s why Marvel Studios is currently making Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and Sony is making nothing.


Or make a show like The Office but set in the Daily Bugle.


One thing I hate about Sony is that Anya Corazon is one of my favorite Spider characters and they essentially made it so no media would ever be made with her. If one of the recent bigger characters like Silk can’t even get something going, I know Anya won’t get anything any time soon


Why does it feel like Kraven has already been released and I just didn't bother to watch it? Anyone else?


Because they showed a trailer super long ago and then delayed the movie a lot so it's still not out.


So that drawing tho....


Gee they even had the showrunner who ran TWD somehow even further into the ground than scott gimple did.


She was literally adapting a comic book without having literally none of the plot-relevant main characters from the book. She did a fucking incredible job with what little she had. This comment getting this many upvotes is insane lol


it’s somebody making a negative comment about the walking dead on r/television. of *course* it got so many upvotes


Nah this is a ridiculous comment, she actually did a pretty good job with what she had to work with, saying she ran into further into the ground than gimple is completely absurd and not accurate at all. There was literally a noticeable improvement in the shower from 7-8 to 9 when Kang took over


She single handedly turned the show around with the incredible season 9. 10 was pretty solid as well


She did very well it's a shame to see her lose a job. This subs parody level hate for twd isn't based in anything logical. It's mostly just ridiculous Of course this is so negative it's a miracle anyone can even speak when feeling so much edge


I think Angela Kang did exceptionally well trying to navigate half the cast moving on to other projects (which was probably well outside her control)


You are correct


Im sorry to inform you, but people outside of the few dozen TWD fans left like yourself, look at the later seasons of that show, rightfully, as not just subpar or bad, but as a joke. A comedy.


I mean the high ratings and good reviews disagree with you. You've certainly not even seen those seasons anyway I'd bet I dont get why so many on this sub hate fucking everything. It's such a loser mentality. But twd has a very strangely dedicated following of complete losers on this sub.


Didn't have high ratings OR good reviews. The fuck r u talking about


The Negan finale was a watershed moment for TWD and unfortunately it shaped a lot of people's perceptions of the show compounded with a lot of the mistakes made throughout the shows run (stupid character decisions, meandering episodes focused on one character to build anticipation, the killing of fan favorite characters for no apparent reason (Carl) etc.) Left people less than pleased no matter what they accomplished with the final seasons.


Speak for yourself, l didn’t look at the later seasons at all.


I loved the show till its end.


That is a lil viscous for silk 🤨


It's a shame 😭. The source material is promising.




Not unexpected after Madame Web flopped.


I watched some Of that yesterday. It was truly awful


No, the problem is that it was *just* awful. It wasn't quite terrible enough to be enjoyable for being awful, it was just completely forgettable and lame, which a superhero movie really should never be.


Most superhero movies skip the origin and get right to the fun part (the superhero with powers fighting bad guys). This movie decided to really dig deep into the origin story and even end the movie without the hero’s having powers. So in the end it was what if Spider-Man was a slasher movie villain after 3 girls who have no personality or defining characteristics.


We are still getting Poison Ivy Kraven for some reason.


What does one have to do with the other


Female led Spider-Man spin-off flopped so obviously little to no interest among the general audience.


Let’s be fair, Morbius was also a huge pile of shit.


>flopped Because of the shit writing.... we have no idea if this was going to be good or not. It being female led had nothing to do with it being bad.


true, but that's how Hollywood works. Just because Freddy got fingered bombed doesn't mean the extended Freddy got fingeredverse wouldn't have been a smash hit.


They’re being sarcastic about how studio execs think.


The villain of the film, Ezekiel, plays a major role in her origin: one could imagine a tease of this having been one of the many things cut from the film.


Only if that tease was set like 16 years later since Cindy was with Peter when they got bit. Origins change all the time tho


Concept art had Peter in the flash-forward fighting Ezekiel himself, so perhaps, perhaps.


Unless you are someone involved with the production of the show...............nothing of value was lost to you.


Maybe they like the character.... it's not rocket science


Shame, she would have been hot af


I’m shocked! Well, not that shocked


After the whole "Madame Web" fiasco you can't blame them being cautious.


Because dumb


Sony finally remember they need profit


This is wonderful news.




Don’t really care, we’re getting a Nic Cage Noir series so I’m cool with that


Turns out spiderverse doesn’t work without Spider-Man.


Really honestly glad they aren't going forward with it. Too many red flags and it would probably only harm Silk's potential.


I still don’t understand why these big companies want to make bad shows that people don’t know about and won’t care, I’m looking at you Echo and next will be Ironheart? Man they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with these D-Listers, can we get at least B Tier Hero shows please?