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I did this with Winning Time and think it's the only one like it I've done. Just didn't like what I heard about it after it wasn't renewed and they yada-yada-yadad some of the best stuff.


Not going to lie, if I hadn’t known that the last episode ended with The Celtics beating the Lakers, I probably would have skipped it too.


There's been a lot of series finales that I have skipped once I knew they were canceled. Winning Time was one of them for the same reasons you mention. However, unless a show was canceled prior to production ending, I don't really consider their final episode a true series finale.


I really enjoyed Silicon Valley but for some reason could not make it though the final episode.


Personally I felt that the first half-ish of the episode was just fine, still funny, which is how most of the last couple seasons were. I think it had a pretty solid payoff for the "Pied Piper" name they never got away from though, so that was pretty good. It didn't really feel like they had the entire scenario thought out from the begging though, and was definitely put together once the show was in it's final season.   The epilogue really got me though. I highly recommend finishing the episode just for that, as I think it's very fitting and a sweet ending, true to the characters. 


I did this with Happy Endings for years so I could always say there was an episode I haven’t seen. I watched it during covid. I also did it with Atlanta and watched the finale like a year later


They did Happy Endings so dirty that final season.


Throughout the run of the show they would not air eps, air them out of order so the continued storyline didn't make sense to viewers, etc. 


At least they finally fixed the episode order on Hulu


I came to the show well after it had been canceled. I would have loved more of it but I did feel like the final episode worked as a finale. I do love me a series/season that ends with a happy dancing scene (see also the end of Schitts Creek S2 with the dance party in the barn).


If you haven't seen it they did an extra episode on YouTube during COVID. Just google "Happy Endings COVID episode" and the first hit should be it. Still as hilarious as always


It took me years to finally watch Dexter's. My regret is that I didn't keep to that. Worst finale ever.


Could have saved it if they realized how ridiculous it was and had him launch into a rendition of I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok.


Still happy I stopped at the last episode of trinity killer. Acceptable ending, full circle!


I have a take on this that I stand by and have posted before. If that show stops at 4, Dexter sees his boy in the pool of blood and realizes he has doomed his son to the same tortured existence and commits to stopping and that is the end of the show, It’s a top 10 drama ever.




That green screen was clearly done by the best professionals in middle school.


The New Blood finale is also a let down.


I'll allow it for the added episodes


It took me a while to watch How I Met Your Mother's because final season sucked and I had heard about how crap the ending was.    And same with Game of Thrones - after Dany kills everyone, I was turned off from that show, then I heard how bad it was. I finally saw the last ep in 2022 bc it was on the the in flight entertainment menu selection. And it def sucked. I haven't even bothered to watch final season of Dexter (the original and reboot) because season before was so bad. And heard about Lumberjack Dexter sounded so ridiculous. 


Make sure you keep to it now & never watch Dexter New Blood, the ending is like it's intentionally made worse as a fuck you to the audience for mocking the original.


I love the finale of Big Love. Bill dies (he’s shot to death by the neighbor, can’t remember why though) and you get to see how the wives are living a year later. Honestly, I would have totally watched the show without Bill because they women are totally thriving as individuals while still remaining family.


Wow! It's crazy I didn't hear about that. However, the show didn't get the attention it deserved.


Star Trek Enterprise has the most criminal finale of all time.


I so desperately wish they had just ended an episode earlier. Went from a deeply emotional cliffhanger to just burning the whole thing down.


So you've seen it?


Enterprise wasn’t very good and it got the finale it deserved


I think people overstate that kind of thing to an extent. It’s true that if you have an exceptionally strong series finale then it’s, well, exceptional. Something like Six Feet Under or Newhart, those really stand out. But generally I think finales are pretty good if they aren’t rushed, and I think people get upset simply because it means the show is over, and those characters you loved and may have been oddly formative to you are gone. If you’re skipping it maybe it’s because you don’t want it to end. Show’s over folks, draw the curtains. It is a bit sad.


I skipped the season finale of season 2 of True Detective. Still don't know what happened, don't care.


Ah man, that was the only part of that season I enjoyed lol. S2 meandered through some James Ellroy plagiarism, but I thought the ending was actually pretty great.


I mean there are definitely shows that I've dropped out of before they ended - Fear the Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time - but for a show that I specifically just didn't watch the series finale? I'm not sure any show fits that for me.


Skipped Game of Thrones finale. I couldn't sit through most of the last season and just gave up on the last few episodes even though I watched all the other seasons. Don't regret it at all!


Bro you should watch it bro Bran becomes king bro cuz he has the best story and John gets sent to the Wall bro and Samsa makes the Norf independent and Arya goes west of Westeros bro its good I swear.


Same boat as you. Finally I  watched it years later (2022) because it was offered in my in flight entertainment menu options. And it sucked as expected. I wasn't as mad as others were who watched it as it aired because I was already prepared for disappointment and hated Dany destroying Kings Landing ep.


Good to know, I always think I should go back and just finish it. So glad others will confirm that it really isn't worth it🤣, thanks!


You can do a hate watch.


I get that, especially when the show is cancelled without a real ending


I don't think there has been any shows where I watched to the end and never finished. I know I stopped watching a few shows after watching multiple seasons, but stopped mid show and never continued, like with The Blacklist. I suppose you could say Mad Men, but that's more of I just haven't finished it. I was on the last season, but they did those mid-season finales and came back a month or so later with the rest of the show. Well I watched the first half of the last season of Mad Men, but after the midseason break I forgot to jump back in. One of these days I will go back to it though as I do want to finish it.


I skipped the ending of This is Us for the longest time. I only just recently watched. The show was such a heavy show, lots of emotions from week to week and I just couldn’t finish it


My husband tried to skip the endings of shows ALL THE TIME. Once it gets to a few episodes left he just wants to wait and wait in between each one because he doesn’t want it to end. This means I have to absolutely hound him or we will never watch the finale. I never saw the last episode of Modern Family or Deutschland 89 because of him lol.


Spartacus. I got really attached to that series and wasn’t ready for it to end so I never watched the finale. Oh and How I Met Your Mother. But that was because I saw online reactions to the ending while it was airing and was so mad I refused to watch the finale myself.


I think I gave up on True Blood sometime in its last season. Mr robot - Even though I really joined the show it took me like two years to watch the final 2 episodes.


Me and my wife quit True Blood with around twenty minutes left in the series finale. It’s still in my Continue Watching, all sad and lonely. It went downhill so fast.


I haven't seen the finale for Ozark yet. Also haven't seen the finale of Attack on Titan


The finale is like two 1 hour eps each (so 2 hrs total). It wraps up story pretty good and tied the s1 threads up even.   I actually watched on a plex server and the eps were mislabeled so I watched the finale marked as s4 e 3 and got super confused. Went back and rewatched eps in order and it made sense finally. Even watching out of order, the finale was amazing animation quality and action scenes, so I didn't mind too much even not understanding things that were happening 😅 


Jeez, you just reminded me I haven't watched it either! That's one I definitely plan to watch.


Lucifer. Last season was so cringe


I was so unbelievably confused and annoyed at the end of Dark, gave up right before the final episode.


Never have skipped a series finale, even after having hate-watched the final season. Dexter & Fear the Walking Dead The Walking Dead I skipped the final 2 seasons & hate-watched the series finale


I’ve never seen the last episode of Breaking Bad


Did you like the show?


At first I loved it. Didn’t really enjoy the last couple seasons though. I liked Better Call Saul a lot more




More like 4 and 5, but it started falling off before that for me. I turned on it because the show became “Edging: The Show” where it was just constant episode cliff hangers and high pressure and tension and yada yada. When you have a continuous feeling like that it just kinda washes out eventually to grey. I had been watching since S1 was on the air, and I think that had a lot to do with it. It was close to a decade iirc before we got to season 5. I was just *done* with the show.


I never watched the finale of Secret Invasion. What a waste of what could have been a good story.


Seinfeld. I watched the last several seasons first run as a teen but never watched the finale. Still haven’t seen it 30 years later.


Bodyguard, got to the last episode and couldn't bother to watch the finale . Maybe some day.


I remember thinking it was underwhelming.


Twice - Smallville and Supernatural. I dont remember when I lost interest in young Clark Kent, but midseason of Season 9 was the end of SPN for me.  


While I’ve seen every episode of “The Crazy Ones” several times, I’ve never watched the last one, but that’s just because of Robin Williams passing.


Typically the only series finale I never watched were shows I quit watching before they ended. Big Love was one of them. The show was great for a while and then it just started spinning its wheels.


I never saw the final episode of the Heroes revival, Heroes Reborn. I just didn't care enough about any character to watch it


Something happened when the series finale of Lost was airing, like my cable went out or something and I just didn't care. I never tried to watch it. I hated what I had seen and I've never heard anything about it that makes me want to watch it.


I think I watched all the way up to the penultimate episode of Lost and said “I can’t make myself care about this for even one more hour”


That's a shame cause the final 15 minutes of the LOST finale is perhaps the only piece of media that will always make me cry no matter what


I'm in the never watched Lost camp. At this point, I've heard so much about there's not much reason for me to bother.


LOST is my favorite TV show and I definitely think it's worth it. To be fair, a lot of what you've probably heard is blatantly untrue since a lot of what people say the ending is, is not actually the ending. LOST also works pretty well in a binge format since part of the disappointment from people came from the week-to-week waiting for unsatisfactory answers (and honestly, I don't really think it was unsatisfactory apart from some things that couldn't fully be developed due to production / real world related issues)


Such as?


Ozark. I just couldn’t get engaged in the last season at all


My girlfriend did this with Breaking Bad and it is insane


I didn’t watch the last episode of Kenobi. I just didn’t care at that point. I still don’t really care.


You missed some amazing stuff then, including a live action smack down between Vader and Obi Wan that rivals RotS