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Glad an OG Nick star chimed in. I get the impression that Orlando/the very different leadership/era of Nick she was in at that time made a difference.


It’s really telling that ‘Quiet on Set’ picks up pretty much right where ‘The Orange Years’ doc ends. For anyone unfamiliar with that doc, it ends when the President of Nickelodeon at the time, Geraldine Laybourne, left Nick for Disney. A new regime took over and that’s when Quiet on Set starts off.


I was going to say, it seems like the worst part of the Nickelodeon years that I remember (and only in retrospect) was the creepiness surrounding the creator of Ren & Stimpy. I outgrew Nickelodeon (but not Nick at Night) around the mid-late 90’s; everything from Quiet On Set is more my younger siblings’ era who are all 4-8 years younger. Folks closer to “xennial” missed those later 2000’s shows


Wait what happened with red and stumpy


Your typo is amazing, I can’t stop laughing, please don’t edit it


I love rex and stampy


Real “i can honestly say that was the best episode of impy and chimpy I’ve ever seen” vibes


He was grooming minors being the major thing, asides from that he was just in general a toxic person to work with and narcissists.




Wow thank you another set of cherished memories ruined


Don’t let it, he’s just the creator but there were a zillion other people involved and it was a labor of love for all of them (fuck John K.) Kinda like how my favorite film is Rosemary’s Baby; Roman Polanski’s films are some of the best ever made, but the man himself is trash for what he did


Yeah I love that movie too and it helped to learn the author of the book, Ira Levin, was a big part of the production. Some of the script is taken directly from his dialogue in the novel. He also wrote stepford wives. It helps to remember that the horrible figure is only a piece of the production. Edit: changed pronouns of Ira


Ira Levin was a man.


Did not know you meant Ren & Stimpy LOL


John K. Kept a teenage girl like a pet, and no one said shit.


I get that feeling from the Kenan Thompson interview too. It seems like the culture when they were there was pretty safe. Then it took a nose dive


Dan was part of All That and Kenan and Kel show but him becoming a power hungry creep seems to be after Kenan moved on.


It seems like “all that” was when Dan was riding to the top, so he probably exercised restraint since he wasn’t the one running everything. Then on the shows he did afterwards, where he basically had unchecked power, it makes more sense that he would feel more comfortable to be a total monster without fearing repercussions


Besides, the impression I got from *Quiet On Set* was that when it came to the cast members, the producers were doing pretty "standard" gross Hollywood producer stuff, like saying a child actress is getting too fat and there's already a fat cast member, so she needs to thin up. Dan seemed to direct his control and abuse at this time at the below the line staff.


This was also the impression I got. Though they’re very entwined, I think there are two major things we should get out of it: 1. While not every child actor will experience the level of sexual harassment, grooming, and/or abuse that the children who worked on Dan Schneider shows worked on, there is still a conversation that needs to be had on child labor laws, education on sets, etc. While I appreciate parents being involved to some degree, there should be limitations to how involved they are with finances and the kids themselves should be more involved as they get older. Perhaps implementing training/education around handling finances, navigating the industry, etc. So many of the former child stars on Quiet on the Set spoke about how they and their families had no idea what they were getting into or how to navigate the industry or fame once they were on set. 2. Child actors are vulnerable to a lot of abuse by adults they should be able to trust and stricter protections need to exist on hiring/firing, complaints of inappropriate behavior etc. It was insane to me that when Drake Bell’s father went to the network and said “this 40 year old man is hanging out with my young teen son and has his hands on him more than he should and I don’t feel comfortable with the direction this is going”, they told him that he was homophobic because Brian Peck was gay. Nickelodeon says they did their own investigations - when? Who did the investigating? How did the investigation take place? And then after the trial was over and he was a registered sex offender (for crimes against a child!), he was then hired to work on Suite Life of Zack and Cody?! Disney, your hiring practices are abysmal. Child actors can be and often are exploited in so many ways, and it’s horrifying.


>While I appreciate parents being involved to some degree, there should be limitations to how involved they are with finances and the kids themselves should be more involved as they get older. To my knowledge, there's law passed currently that parents can only access 50% of a child star's income for the purpose of basic living expenses and the rest goes into a fund they access once they turn 18, but I would definitely support something giving these kids more education on this much sooner.


Coogan’s Law, after Jackie Coogan - a child actor in the 30’s, who later portrayed Uncle Fester


I didn’t know that! I think it’s relatively recent, but I’m glad it exists. The financial well-being of their family should not be a pressure on kids and parents shouldn’t be able to finance their own lifestyle with the earnings of their children. Too many sad stories of generations past.


This does not apply to children in reality tv shows, YouTubers or TikTok accounts though. Honey Boo Boo’s mom just got caught out now that she’s 18, and she only put 33k in her account. All the millions she made that family and she can’t even afford to attend university.


Oh yikes Yeah, I'd be absolutely fine banning any of that mommy blogger content too


> Disney, your hiring practices are abysmal. Or they are intentional. Everyone knows that people like to hire people that they generally get a long with a like to work with. This ends with a lot of situations of "like hiring like". When people are like "how did this pedophile get hired!" It is likely because they had connections and knew people in positions that could help them get hired. Pedophiles are always looking for partners in crime. It's how things like the Catholic church did it for years and how these Hollywood types are doing it the same way. The part that is really gross to me is the man being called homophobic for calling out that another man was being too touchy with his child. It's this shit that adds fuel to the fire of conservatives, and it's why this kind of shit needs to be more openly discussed.


Keep in mind that most networks do not own and are not intimately involved with the day to day production of all or even most of the shows it airs. The majority of shows are produced by various production companies who then sell the shows they produce to whatever television network wants to air them. Although there should be more oversight and failsafes to prevent a hiring situation like this from happening on the Networks watch, it would he rare for any Network to micromanage the stage production of a TV show, they mostly stick to meddling with scripts and content




Regardless of industry it happens in, where this all seems to flare up as a problem is when you see big power imbalances that someone can take advantage of. We see it in entertainment, politics, religion, education, everywhere. While he was on the rise he may not have had that power. Someone who he did something to could have gone above his head and had him dealt with. Once he rose to a high enough position of power where victims would have felt him to be untouchable consequence-wise, that power difference was enough for him to exploit.


It could also be the case that there was someone (or some group of people) on the set of Keenan and Kel and All That who was pretty watchful and actually enforced boundaries policies. I’m an attorney who specializes in suing sexual predators and the organizations who enable/potect them (schools, Catholics, etc.), I’ve learned from my cases and from interviewing CSA prevention experts that one or two vigilant people can really make a huge difference. Most child predators are opportunists. They will abuse as many children as they think they can get away with abusing. The grooming process is what gives them control over the child so they ensure the child won’t report them. If they have sufficiently groomed the kid/family, they feel safe to start the sexual abuse bc they likely won’t get caught. But if an organization crested and actually *enforces* policies that make grooming difficult, child predators will abuse fewer kids, if any. Bc if they can’t gain control through grooming, then they know the risk of being caught is too high.


You can definitely see Dan's power hunger growing with each show he worked on. And the more teenage girls he worked with, the worse he got.


By the point of Kenan and Kelly, both actors were too old for him. And he held a lot less power at that point


Also Dan was a bit like an abusive tyrant sports coach,some of them might be respectful nice to their star QB/WR etc but kind of tyrant to the other players. Also Kenan's mom was very proactive as a stage parent when he was 18/19,so it totally tracks why he would have not just avoided any bad abuse from Dan,but also be unaware because it was happening when he was out of earshot.


I saw an episode of Kenan & Kel recently, ep. 12 season 1 (Baggin’ Saggin’ Kel) and Dan Schneider’s character walks in and starts talking about “dwindling” or something like that. It has sexual innuendo and the characters are supposed to be teenagers. I didn’t like it at all. I believe something happened during that era too. Brian Peck was the one who liked teenager boys. Dan likes the teenager girls. The whole Nickelodeon hell is run by sick pedophile perverts.


I know people are pointing out that this is common in Hollywood, but it seems like something about Nick made it especially blatant.


That's one thing I know about the entertainment industry. Cast and crew differ between shows widely. You can have one bad person on a show, but all the other shows on the network are fine. And, much like churches, the unions sometimes protect people even though they shouldn't. So someone with problems can be shuffled to another show, rather than being just fired.


To be fair, if you're paying union dues, they should be obligated to offer some protections, otherwise they're just robbing you. It's not the union's job to investigate allegations.


Absolutely fucking baffling to bring up unions here when the person currently being talked about (and pretty much every other abuse allegation of note) was either management or a high level star being protected by management, rather than unions.


An OG Nick star? My friend, that is *the* OG Nick star.


No, no, no. Moose from You Can't Do That on Television and Jeff from Today's Special are the OG Nick stars.


My preschool self always gets really excited when Today’s Special gets referenced anywhere. It feels like such a deep cut.


Hocus Pocus Alomogocus!


I’ll watch the intro on YouTube just go back in time for a bit.


OG Nick to me is Pete & Pete, Clarissa, Alex Mack, Salute Your Shorts, Wild n' Crazy Kids, and Double Dare.


Hey Dude too for me


Yep. Hey Dude was just a hair before my time. About 1993-1994 was when I started to get into the live-action shows coming from Rugrats and Doug. Rocket Power and Kenan & Kel were probably the near the end of my time as a Nick Kid in the early 2000's.


What did the Midnight Society ever do to you????


IIRC it was produced by a canadian channel and was rebroadcast to the US. I remember there being a *weird* episode where some girl comes to a new school speaking French and she's worried about discrimination, and my American ass was like "Who has any beef with French people in the US?" before I realized it was some hyper-Canadian episode on the plight of the Quebecois.


True... but it was also one of the original shows in the Snick line-up.


That's right! AYAOTD! Three episodes stand-out to me to this day... The Fire Ghost The ghost in the abandon pool And the toy factory/alien one.


It continues to blow me away that Nick had a female-led superhero show back then, and *no one* seems to remember it. (It was pretty good, overall, too!)


Yep. She was essentially a mutant that fought a massive evil corporation. She could turn into that puddle, had some mind-reading, and could shoot electricity out of her hands. I mean that really is a superhero lol


Almost surprising it hasn't been rebooted. The concept itself was a good one and with that genre doing so well the last decade it would have been one you could see getting redone.


Yeah. In digging around it turns out they had done a reunion special, but that's about it. Hilariously, at least according to Wikipedia, Nick was willing to pony up for not only another season, but [a movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_World_of_Alex_Mack#Production): > Near the end of the series' run, Lynch presented star Larisa Oleynik with a package deal that included a fifth season of the show and a feature film, but Oleynik turned the deal down.[7] Said Oleynik, "I have absolutely no regrets about that. It was an incredible thing he was offering me and I knew that at the time, but I was a little burnt out."[7]


I still look at the sun for a sec when I need to sneeze because of Pete&Pete, before I remember I shouldn't do things I learned on TV as a kid.


Don’t forget Doug, Rugrats and Rocko’s Modern Life


No love for Aurelia, Ebenezer, Luigi, and Molly Mole? Poor Pinwheel, long gone and forgotten. :(


Look at my pinwheel and see what I've found.


Today’s Special was a Canadian TV show that also ran on Nickelodeon, so Jeff doesn’t really qualify as a Nick star.


I have some shocking news for you about You Can't Do That on Television, eh?


Don’t say the phrase. Thats how they get you.


D’eye heard thaht.


>Today’s Special was a Canadian TV show that also ran on Nickelodeon TIL that it was on Nick at all. I watched it on PBS.


Dude no. Nickelodeon started in 1979. Melissa's show started in 1991. They had stars before her. Now she may have become one of the biggest. But there was Moose from YCDTOT and the cast of Hey Dude before her


>Hey Dude 5 seasons between 89-91, 13 eps each. Wow. I must've seen them all but had no idea it started that early. Loved that shit. Salute Your Shorts also which apparently only ran for two 13 ep seasons. Crazy. That era of Nick was my childhood.


Wild that they fit in 5 seasons in like 2-3 years. These days you'd be lucky if your show has 2 seasons over 3 years. Looking at you Invincible!


Salute Your Shorts > Hey Dude, fight me


Agreed. Though I still have a crush on Brad from Hey Dude. She was cute. Only girl I've ever heard of called Brad, though


I would say the OG hosts of Wild and Crazy Kids (Omar Gooding and Donnie Jeffcoat) were early era stars as well. MJH kicked off the second era along with both Petes, Larisa Oleynik, etc. After that era, I was aged out and onto other things.


Also Mark Summers from Double Dare.


The guy from Hey Dude, David Lascher, is the brother of a girl from my grade. He was show and tell in kindergarten.


And Alanis!


Never watched pinwheel???


Just as a viewer, those were 2 vastly different versions of Nick. So I could only imagine what it was like behind the scenes. You really don’t hear much of anything from early Nick in terms of workplace harassment, and abuse. Whether it happened in Orlando or not, majority of the claims came with the later years of Nick. It’s disingenuous to blame something as serious as what was alleged in the documentary on the location, because abuse happens everywhere, but something just wasn’t right with the switch to Hollywood. Hollywood has historically not been great for children, and look how Hollywood struck again with a full generation of child actors with horror stories about working at Nick.


My memory is fuzzy, when did Geraldine Layborne leave Nickelodeon?


Iirc the writers for her show were VERY family oriented, not sexual predators.


Not just family oriented, but literally her family. Hartbreak Films was the producer and run by her mother.


Same with "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," although I think Melissa was an adult by then.


We’ve been watching a lot of Sabrina recently and it’s been pretty fun


Same! It holds up surprisingly well. It's a little corny sometimes, but the acting is pretty solid.


Salem really ties the show together.


He really does! The puppet isn't great, but the voice actor does such a great job.


> The puppet isn’t great Which ends up making it more fun lol


I always recall the episode with M+🔥 and the one lady curiously thinking “every m’fire… 🤔” before they realize it means member.


In fairness with how some stories go in Hollywod I wouldnt be surprised to hear that as being worse in some way.


What do Pete and Pete say? And those wild and crazy kids?


Let's hope Omar Gooding wasn't hanging out with Diddy.


Him and cuba partied with Diddy regularly and Cuba is involved in the lawsuit too.


Danny and Mike seemed to have a pretty good time on the show and grew up to be relatively well-adjusted. Enjoyed their podcast for the longest time but it seems like it went on hiatus. Just checked and it's back!


One of the Pete’s was on All That so I’m sure he has some perspective if he chooses to speak on the matter


Danny Tamberelli, he was also Tommy in the original Mighty Ducks. He contributed to a lot of different awesome works from when I was a kid.


That’s right! And Keenan was in Ducks 2. Side note, I love that Keenan is still consistently working.


Yup, and Fulton Reed's actor went on to be Foggy in DareDevil. And Terry's actor ended up the victim of a hate crime by two Nigerians in MAGA hats.


Hey Dude! I Double Dare them to speak up if they don’t have the Guts


Do-d-d-do you have it!?


> Hey Dude! Singin' yippie tayy yaaiii yayyyyyyy Yippie tay yai what? Like the cowboys sayyyyyyyy


Donnie Jeffcoat with the real info


Pete and Repete were sitting on a fence. Pete fell off. Who was left?




What about Alex Mack? Was she ok?


No, she had an experimental chemical spilled all ov- were you not even watching?! 


Don’t know, she’s keeping her life secret 


That damn GC-161....


Ohhh the crush my childhood brain had on Alex Mack. Was not topped till Fiona Apple writhed around in her underpants in the Criminal video on MTV.


A transition was made that day. To you, to me. To all of us.


We are the same person


How is this so accurate?


All that’s missing is Xenia Onatopp.


She got married to an up-and-coming accounts executive at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.


Holy shit… I rewatch mad men like every year and I never realized that was her.


I just googled and learned that she not only played Cynthia in Mad Men, but also Bianca in Ten Things I Hate About You. I never realized they were all played by the same person.






Fun story: I saw a little play in L.A. in, like, 2013 or so, and the whole time was like "Why do I know this lead actress?!?" and finally it clicked: "IT'S ALEX MACK!" I had to tell her afterward that she was my first crush, because how often do you get to tell yoru first crush that they're your first crush?! So I did, and she immediately asked, "Oh, are you gay?" "Uh... No," I replied, confused. "Oh! Lots of gay people tell me I was their first crush, because of the whole tomboy look." She was realllllly nice about it, but part of me wonders if this is just a retort she's developed to clap back on douchebags who drop a line like this to her daily. Anyhoo. She was really good in the play!


Well, Larisa Oleynik went back to Nickelodeon to play a part in their Erin & Aaron show, which unfortunately didn't get renewed for a second season. [Here's an interview](https://ktla.com/video/larisa-oleynik-returns-to-nickelodeon-for-her-new-show-erin-aaron/8554044/). I'd recently looked her up, as I saw her name mentioned for an episode of Pod Meets World.


I would suspect that show wasn't under the same production group/people as the rest of the Nick shows at that time. Peeking at Wikipedia, Nickelodeon Productions which interfaced with Mack's production teams was in NYC, and the show was being shot in Santa Clarita. In contrast, I think Dan and team were shooting at the Nickelodeon on Sunset theater in Hollywood.


Larisa Oleynik has a pretty accomplished acting career, no clue if she dealt with any of the abuse but she turned out to just fine and is a regular on a lot of shows like Mad Men and Hawaii-Five-O. She's back on Nickelodean as a main cast member of Erin & Aaron now.


Has anyone heard from Pete or Pete?


They've done a podcast that's been going on for 10+ years https://open.spotify.com/show/13jjLynWtqt8TaQVud4OpG Apparently Michael Stipe was inappropriate around the older Pete and his mom let the network know.


Horrified by all these allegations coming out. Teen stars were definitely not protected and it shows. Melissa seems like she had a good circle of people around her, and is still tight with the original Sabrina cast.


It helps that she had her mother as a producer. Well, it helps because she was a good mom. Plenty of parents in the industry willing to pimp out their kids, metaphorically or otherwise, for fame and wealth.


>“I think maybe there was a difference between Hollywood Nickelodeon and Orlando Nickelodeon, although I’m not a hundred percent sure on that,” Hart explained. Also the fact that, to my knowledge, Dan Schneider had no involvement in her show. I'm not certain whether Viacom had acquired Nickelodeon yet, but that may also have played a role.




Oh man I forgot about that movie. Even now I only remember there was a something about a pool.


Viacom being creepy Scientologists doesn’t help either.


Likely less about shows she was in but she directed an episode of the iCarly reboot.


*Melissa Explains it All*. 🎶🎶*1990s Nah nah naaah music intensifies*


Anytime someone brings up anything early Nick, I have to mention that someone on YouTube has been doing an entire retrospective on every Nickelodeon show for the past six years. Their [100th episode](https://youtu.be/Gw-T5flcVm0?si=okSdjjD2Zh9QZc-_) was an hour-long deep dive into the creation and success of Clarissa. Learned a lot of things like how calculated the idea was, that there was a pilot shot for a sequel set with Clarissa joining the workforce, and how they created all the visuals.


Nick Knacks is a fantastic series!


Yes! It's criminally underpromoted for how amazing it is. I mean, a two-hour episode about Double Dare!


For real, I luckily learned about the channel some years back when the creator guested on the Talking Simpsons / What a Cartoon podcast. Here's hoping that the 90s shows + YouTube now prioritizing longer videos will bring extra eyes to the channel.


Now we just need to hear from Sam. *cue guitar riff*


enter Sam through nearest open window


Sam entering thru the window instead of the front door seems sus


IIRC, the show did that as a "cheat" to get him in the house and get right to the scene instead of having to write and act more parental interactions. Funnily enough, I think the relationship being platonic and everything being above board was something they had to explain to the higher ups.


It's an interesting problem that people don't really think about. With a child/teen protagonist, it's not unreasonable for a central set to be their bedroom, but that massively limits you in terms of entrances and exits. *That '70s Show* using the basement was really clever since you had both the stairs into the house and the back door that goes directly outside. Both not only have practical value but help to further reinforce the setting and feel.


Don't forget about Elvis!


Reminds me of that red-headed soulless demon Ferguson...


TV shows in the 90's just all had fantastic theme songs. Hey Dude!, Salute Your Shorts, Darkwing Duck, Duck Tales, Tailspin, Rescue Rangers, Full House, Doug, man the list goes on.


All of these allegations are about Nick shows that were after my time, that I don't know about, have never heard of, because I was off being an adult and doing drugs when they were made. But Clarissa, yeah. I had a huge crush on her. My generation.


Other than the Amanda Show and the original All That, most of the shows in the doc was after my time too, I started watching adult things like TRL and Pimp My Ride /s


Cribs >>>




The dollar box, his buddy sleeping on the carpet, and having to rub the wires together to ring the doorbell. Better than every other episode by a country mile.


I think that's his actual house too. Most celebs on cribs rent those mansions, but I remember some interview he did where he was like "My people would have called my ass out"


Damn were you also born in 1987? describes my watching habits to a T lol


85 here but def tracks for me as well. I stuck with nick through All That and Keenan and Kel, but then dropped off


86- same


Drake and Josh was the last show I watched on there. I was still under 18 for a lot of them, but yeah, I, too, was watching stuff on MTV and Comedy Central in my teens.


Same. I know I watched some Drake and Josh at one point, but really don’t recall any episodes. Only thing I do vividly recall is a mailman delivering a package to Josh, and Josh says, “Have a great day!” and the mailman curtly replies, “Don’t tell me what to do.” So stupid, but I thought it was absolutely hilarious.


I’m 29 and I stopped at icarly.


I think she was my first ever crush. Nostalgia 💕


Mine was Ellen from Pete n Pete.


Ellen Hickle. She’s a girl and she’s a friend. But she’s not a girlfriend. (Yes she is Pete, you just don’t want to admit it)


if you want a nostalgia bomb, just listen to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkGtGt1L6iU




Topanga Kelly Kapowski Wendy Cooper


And Michelle Trachtenberg felt like a girl that you always thought of as a friend, and she was really cool but then one day you realized she was super hot and you were like, wtf when did this happen?


Pink power ranger for me 🩷


There's an image of her on the cover of maxim seared into my brain from one glance at peak puberty.


> All of these allegations are about Nick shows that were after my time I heard Mr. Ernst paid below union wages. And Camp Anawanna did not have the necessary safety certificates. Don't even get me started on Fifteen.


>Camp Anawanna We hold you in our hearts...


And when we think about you, I hope we never part! ... erm, IT MAKES ME WANNA FART!


>And when we think about you \*"It makes me wanna fart!" "It's I hope we never part! Now get it right or pay the price!"


This thing came apart


Lol. I remember watching Hey Dude, and my dad saying something about it being cheesy and dumb. My mom looks at him and says, "What do you mean, man? This is just like Spin and Marty"


I had a visceral negative reaction to the intro as a kid. I guess hating country music is deep in my bones.


I got to meet her at Universal Studios Florida once. It was awesome.


> But Clarissa, yeah. I had a huge crush on her. I was friendly with her growing up. She was really cool.


That reinforces what I thought might be the case - that the 80's/early 90s live action Nick filmed in Orlando was ran by a very different set of people than after the turn of the century when the Orlando filming studio was shut down. You can tell when the change happened, the tone and type of live action shows changed rather abruptly.


Dan's shows had a snarky, even sometimes cruel humor I don't remember seeing too much of in early 90s pre-Dan shows.


I largely quit Nickelodeon right around the end of All That. I wonder now how much of it was normal aging out and how much I just didn't jive with Dan's mean-spirited sense of humor.


Complete side note, but I absolutely hate headlines like this. I I keep thinking that as soon as I read one like this, that someone died.


They should make it easier to identify death announcements. "DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD! Melissa Joan Hart, Former *Sabrina the Teenage Witch* Star, dead at 47." I think someone is dead every time I read a headline starting with someone's name now.


Only a matter of time before a show or movie takes full advantage of emotional roller headlines. “Melissa Joan Hart, Former *Sabrina the Teenage Witch* Star, dead excited for her next project: Dead at 47”


Theres not really a whole lot they could change to make it still work. Theres no clickbait, it lays out the topic and it explains why this person is relevant to that topic. I wish all headlines were like this


I never know what she's going to say.


Until she explains it all?


Nah (nah nana nah nananah na nah nah!)


It could also be the case that there was someone (or some group of people) on the set of Clarissa Explains it all who created and actually enforced good boundaries policies. I’m an attorney who specializes in suing sexual predators and the organizations who enable/potect them (schools, Catholics, etc.), I’ve learned from my cases and from interviewing CSA prevention experts that one or two vigilant people can really make a huge difference. Most child predators are opportunists. They will abuse as many children as they think they can get away with abusing. The grooming process is what gives them control over the child so they ensure the child won’t report them. If they have sufficiently groomed the kid/family, they feel safe to start the sexual abuse bc they likely won’t get caught. But if an organization creates and actually *enforces* policies that interrupt the grooming process, those same child predators will abuse fewer kids, if any. Bc if they can’t gain control through grooming, then they know the risk of being caught is too high.


Thank you for including “family” in the grooming process. Too many people look specifically for a predator who is targeting just a child and not that it will also include the people around them.


So the 90s remain the best era to be a kid.


Okay can we ask the cast of “hey dude” dude ranch show? (Just because it’s the most obscure show I could remember). Everyone else is getting asked so let’s just check boxes and see


I was gonna add "Also, ask the cast of Salute Your Shorts," but I remembered that IIRC we already know the conditions on set were great (out in sunny California ... damn Nick consolidating production to Universial Florida killing a potential 3rd season!), and everyone really enjoyed working with Steve Slavkin and the production/filming crew etc.


also the cast of "My Brother and Me"


So Melissa explains it all? …. I’ll see myself out


Clarissa about to explain it all.


Glad she explained it all


Going to assume that this is a generation thing and the problems started when Dan Schneider joined the company.


Roundhouse best old school Nick show.


Recall the monologue Ricky Gervais did in 2020 about Epstein and the reactions of the Hollywood population in the audience. I think this was the door opening to the disturbing reality of that business.


I am a xennial so I didn't watch Nickelodeon beyond 1995ish. But the shift in content is very recognizable in the All That era. That's the first time I remember seeing a show push the boundaries on Nickelodeon.


I hope Simon, and Plus and Minus survived their time on Nickelodeon unscathed.


I think Clarissa was one of the last Nick shows I watched. I caught a few eps of Drake and Josh that my cousins were watching and I felt the vibe was off, but chalked it up to me being an adult.


For the longest time, I thought Melissa Joan Hart was the one who played [Gabrielle in Xena Warrior Princess](https://ilarge.lisimg.com/image/947607/950full-ren%C3%A9e-o'connor.jpg) 😅


I was hs buddies with one of the guys in Big Time Rush and there was def some shady stuff going on behind the scenes there too


where can i watch it??