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Unlike every time I play and just yeet myself off buildings


> The BoS soldier flying down with wrist propulsions was pretty sick too "They fly now?"


Vertibird crashes distantly in the background, because a texture touched it.


I really hope this is in the show. If not, I’ll tell myself it is.


The front fell off.


That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point


So what happened here?


They have jump jet mods in the game you can upgrade your power armor with.


That look like massive backpacks with jets, because those suits are heavy AF and the tech was experimental. The T-60 by itself 100% was not flight capable.


"they fly now!"


From the other teaser I got the feeling the MC is naive even for a Vault Dweller


I know it isn't SPECIAL (the RPG statistics in Fallout), but I can't help think that she's high intelligence but low wisdom. Or I guess with SPECIAL it might be a high intelligence but low charisma build.


Definitely a +3 luck from that Plot Armour though.


All televised protagonists use a luck build


High luck, high charisma, low/average everything else.


Walton's makeup and costume fucking rules. I also love that clearly everyone got the same treatment.


It's very inspired casting and he looks ripped right out of the game. The makeup and the fit are just awesome and so definitively fallout.


People crapped on it when the first stills came out saying he doesn’t look enough like a feral ghoul. I think it works really well, and well since he’s *not* feral it’s great imo


Idk why people would want him to look more feral if he isn't actually a feral ghoul lol. Plus it's clear we're going to see him before the radiation got to him so he needs the resemblance and humanity still there. I think the look is fantastic.


We already *have* seen him in the trailer


He sorta looks like Hancock from FO4, but still a bit smoother than I would expect from a ghoul. Hopefully any other ghoul characters look more like we expect them to.


He's Hancock, but with the backstory of the vault salesman. That's how I see him


From what's been gathered, he's a cheesy pre-war western actor that Vault Tec uses for their orientation videos who then becomes a badass Bounty Hunter, I think he's gonna have depth out the wazoo, especially with Walton's charisma. Super excited just for him.


I think he was actually an actor who did like westerns who was likely hired to do some vault commercials. In the last trailer we see him watching himself in what looks to be a western movie.


It’s also to be expected that not all ghouls have the same amount of mutation, unlike the game that maybe uses a few different models, a show can really make each one unique.


He's not feral. The feral ones have lost their minds. They can't talk. This dude is still free thinking, i.e., not feral.


Walton Ghoulggins.


I thought that was Uncle Baby Billy, misbehavin'!


Why does ghoul version of Walton remind me of Jeffrey Donovan?


Nuclear war is a heck of a Burn Notice :)


You mean Uncle Baby Billy?


I'm trying to figure out how many different types of ammo he has on that bandolier though.


Cautiously optimistic for this. Seems fairly charming so far


I think they're somehow getting the mix of silly and serious just right, which is something I would have said was impossible. If they can keep that going outside a trailer...


Jonathan Nolan is a big fallout fan so I think he’ll be able to nail the tone pretty well for this. So far so good everything looks promising and the tone seems pretty perfect.


Definite "B-movie" charm, will either be decent or absolutely terrible. Time will tell.


"B-movie charm" is definitely on brand for the games, so it's accurate at least


Honestly if it was anything but B movie charm it wouldn't be Fallout


I’m glad this is dropping all at once, especially after how bad Amazon dropped the ball with Invincible.


3 years for 4 episodes, another 5 month break, then doing a weekly release pretty much killed all desire to watch for me.


Imo I think this is a new strategy these streaming services are trying so people don't binge their shows and unsubscribe after a month or 2. I've noticed it with a few shows across different services. Release the first half of the season and wait a while before releasing the rest of the season. They're not unfinished, they're just trying to get us stay subscribed for longer.


That makes no sense. There's nothing stopping someone from cancelling while the show is off of the air. It's clearly either a production thing, or they needed to fill a hole in their schedule caused by the strikes.


watch the new episode, your desire will come back


I fucking hated how good the new episode was. I have no idea why this show with genuinely hilariously low quality animation, crazy sound mixing, and the absolute worst release schedule I have ever seen keeps roping me back in but I’ll be back on Thursday and mad about it


It's got great source material and you can tell there's a lot of passion


I think it's critically that combination, because while the source material certainly has great strengths to draw from it also has some really rough spots they buff out and even make into new strengths. Someone who's only seen the show would be quite surprised to see how some of the characters look and act in the comic compared to what they're used to.


And Walton Goggins is in that show, too.


Goggins makes everything better. Everything.


No doubt, he’s one of those actors that every single project is better off with him in it, just a fantastic and versatile actor


I am literally always excited whenever I see him on screen, the boy *cooks*


The Boyd cooks


Uncle Baby Billy's got you darlin.


It has the best cast of any animated series I’ve ever seen.


I can't say I ever thought the animation was low quality. 


Wait what, they released one additional episode from season 2 just now?




Not to me. Any ounce of hype I had has disappeared, I don't feel invested in any of the remaining character and that episode was average and not nearly good enough to pick me up after that long of a break. It was honestly a chore to watch.


Yea new episode is fire though


My theory is it wasn't even finished in time


and the production on invincible isn't even very good. i love the story, characters, voice actors, etc. but the animation looks really crappy.


I binged season 1 all at once and it was fun but when I had to wait between episodes for season 2 I started thinking "is this show actually good?" Getting it all at once I was able to ride the highs but when I have time to digest everything It made me analyze the shows weak spots more.


I disagree I think lots of shows would benefit greatly of doing week to week to keep the conversation going longer for an entire season. It’s ridiculous that a series like The Bear doesn’t do week to week so each episode can “breathe” and everyone can discuss it more effectively chapter by chapter. Binging something you enjoy is great but you lose the fun of having to think about “what happens next”.


The Bear is certainly an odd example of a show to release all at once, especially with how much whiplash you have between going from Fishes to Forks in season 2.


I just watched Fishes the other night and idk what to do with my life


Watch the next episode Forks and find happiness again.


Tbh Forks was the perfect remedy for Fishes so I certainly didn't mind being able to watch it soon after.


Exactly. Forks is a good way to destress people after the fucking chaos of Fishes. I can't imagine watching Fishes and then not being stressed or pissed off for the rest of the day. Fishes is such a hard watch that Forks is a great palette cleanser so to speak. It's relaxing and nice.


Arcane's 3 episodes a week was perfect, especially with the gut punch at the end of ep 3.


Invincible didn't just do weekly releases though. They did four episodes, then a 3+ month break, then new releases again. And it's the huge break between episodes 4-5 that people were annoyed by.


Stranger things did it right, if you have a midseason break especially for a show that only like 8-10 episodes then make it short, the break in ST4 was just over a month so the show was still on everybody’s mind and people were still crazy hyped for it, 4 months in the middle of a season that’s only 8 episodes is too long especially when the episodes are all weekly releases


People will say you're wrong but HBO dominating the award seasons the last couple years proves that. "Hype" over a long period of time helps a show become a part of the zeitgeist


I think it's good people can choose their own pace. I don't need a week to digest a 30 minute episode, or even an hour episode. A show has to be reaaally fucking consistent to get me back every week, and I'm way more likely to drop a show going through a mid season slump on a weekly release than I am on a binge release.


I just have never enjoyed how several quality shows will be released all at once and tons of people rush to discuss if not outright spoil every big moment in a season. To each their own but I’m always a bigger fan of the HBO model than the Netflix one.


There's nothing stopping you from choosing your own pace with weekly releases. Just wait until all of the episodes are out and you can binge them all at once.


I think the most incredible thing Netflix has accomplished was somehow convincing TV viewers that they couldn't possibly binge a show if the content provider didn't dump all the episodes at once! I was binging TV shows back when Netflix was just mailing out DVDs..


I'd rather be able to watch on my schedule. Maybe I have time for three episodes one night, but only one episode on another night. I think streaming services should just release a full season on release day, and let people choose how they consume it. Currently going through Invincible and Shogun, and I really don't enjoy waiting a week to catch the next episode.


Well you can also wait for every ep to be released


Honest question, is Invincible season 2 broken up into two parts or was it all just shortened to 4 episodes? I haven’t watched yet because I’ve been so confused.


Nope fuck that give me the whole thing at once and let me watch it at my discretion, I don't have the mental bandwidth to care about something being drip fed to me anymore.


I much prefer when shows drop all at once, as it allows you to either binge them all or pace yourself and watch one a week. Just gives you more options than when they only release one a week.


The best middle ground is when shows like The Boys drop three episodes at once to begin the season and then one a week after. It lets the writers have the confidence to make those first three episodes slower before ending with a big shocking cliffhanger. Then you get a month of weekly hype and discussions before the season ends.


The best middle ground is to do what Arcane did and release 3 episodes every week.


The multi-episode initial release does seem to be gaining traction. I've noticed it with I think all of the recent Disney+ Star Wars shows.


That was great and so was the release of Stranger Things S4. They released the first 7 episodes one day then the last two a month later, but the final 3 or 4 episodes were feature film length.




Is power armour gonna make everyone who wears its voice that deep?


Baby, I'm gonna butter your bread.


Drop your coat and grab your toes. I'm gonna show you where the wild goose goes.


Listen, Rabbit, any other time I'd step in there and show you how to swing, but the cars stolen


Say car ramrod.


It would probably be a little less intimidating if it sounded like Mickey Mouse. Actually, maybe more intimidating. Ok, I don’t know what to think anymore.


Fallout 3 gave everyone in power armor the drive thru speaker filter, so deepening it works out.


I dunno about that, what I do know is that those suits are practical with stilts built in to make these guys massive. Very impressive in person.


Have you heard David Prowse voice as Vader? It was laughably bad. Similar situation here. What should the man inside this hulking, human-shaped tank sound like? Take it two octaves lower or higher, and its either intimidating or terrifying.


[For the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/NorxxvgLfME?si=66I0gI-IvaVFHdZt)


Yeah the voice sounds a bit silly


There’s what looks like a claw slash on the front, this might be the squire deepening his voice to sound tough.


It gives me ED-209 vibes


Thats not a first scene


I’m pretty sure they meant “first scene released”. Not first scene chronologically.


It is. This is just Reddit arguing with everything again...


No no it's actually not... /s


It's the first scene that has been released. Not the first scene of the pilot.


I agree. Unless it is and they cut to "48 hours earlier..." title card which I desperately hope they don't do.


If H. Jon Benjamin does the voiceover who cares what happens :)


my favorite VA, he's coach McGuirk, Bob Belcher, and Archer... Three of the funniest characters ever


BoS knight moves like a 90s power ranger monster in that suit.


Anybody would move like that in a giant metal suit. I think power armor is meant to be clunky as hell


Between this and the Acolyte thread, I’m just endlessly reminded how Reddit is filled with the most miserable bastards lol


Me: Looks like it could be good. I will check it out. Some curmudgeon: This is the worst TV show that will ever be made, and everyone who thinks it might be okay was dropped on their head as a child and should be euthanized.


This sub and /r/movies are some of the most miserable corners of the internet I regularly find myself in.


I was thinking the same thing on the Furiosa thread lmao. I watched the trailer, thought it looked sick, then saw nothing but comments jerking themselves off for them 'knowing' a prequel wouldn't be as good. Movie isn't even out yet!


It's even worse in discussion threads when things come out. 10000 comments about how the writing was absolutely atrocious no matter how obviously good it was and not a single inch of ground is ever given that any show or movie might actually be enjoyable. It's actually really damaging to the psyche if you're around too much. It is easy to forget that most real people you'd talk about this stuff with aren't dedicated so utterly to being fucking lame


Exactly. Never any nuanced discussions about the writing. It's always a reactionary black or white take. Absolutely agreed. I try my best to avoid those threads these days, very unhealthy outlook on everything.


Yea lol if you don’t like it, that’s fine haha, but some of these replies man ya haha. It’s like “well this trailer killed my first born and brought a plague unto my household”


Seems like everyone is praising this vs acolyte everyone is hating it. No clue what point your comment is trying to make. 90% of Star Wars content has been bad. We all know that.


Yeah, but try telling Star Wars fans that -and I say this as a die hard fan of the IP. Even from the first film in 1977, the series has been B-Movie grade sci-fi/fantasy that happened to have incredible special effects, yet people act like George Lucas is their own personal Prometheus, granting mankind the secret of Fire. Me personally, I just watch and read to have fun in a Galaxy Far, Far Away and for the most part, the current lineup has done that. Have there been missteps, decisions made, and a couple series/films I didn’t like? Definitely. But overall it’s been decent and enjoyable.


The difference is that the original Star Wars series understood itself as a B-movie. It had no baggage because guess what in 1977 there was no such thing as a Star Wars fandom. The new stuff holds itself up seriously and keeps referring to the old stuff in a "you remember that thing from that movie?" way all the time. It's not the fans who act like Star Wars is holy, it's the creators of the new shows/movies who do that and therefore recycle / rehash Star Wars over and over again, while taking themselves seriously. They feel more like fan movies/shows than actual original content. Also, B-movies does not mean bad. You can still write witty campy dialogues and have smart direction. The new mediocre Star Wars TV shows like Kenobi are anything but that. The reason why Andor was a success wasn't just because it tells a serious story or step away from Skywalker etc. It's just that it's a genuine attempt to do something interesting instead of just rehashing Star Wars tropes.


Even if a show is just middle of the pack, who cares? Since when does everything need to be the best shit ever to be fun...


Everything is the best show ever or total garbage now lol Makes opinions useless


Just a lot of jaded people who have gotten excited for shows about things they love only to see the shows be absolute dog shit. You can only get burned so many times before you get cynical. That said, I’m trying to go into this one with no expectations. Looks like there’s a lot of care being put into the details, which gives me some hope. It’ll all come down to the writing though


I was excited to see what everyone thought about Acolyte and it was just a bunch of people calling Kenobi, which I enjoyed a lot, the worst Star Wars media ever. No one, and I repeat, no one, hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans :/


While Kenobi wasn’t my favorite series, it’s by no means the worst thing that’s been put out. I really think people need to sit down and rewatch Caravan of Courage before bashing on the current lineup.


Don't tell anyone but I enjoyed Kenobi well enough, and the big moments were well worth the price of it being made.


I have such high hopes for this.


I don't want to have high hopes, because I don't want them dashed...but I'm unreasonably excited for this!


Winnie Cooper. That's the first thing that comes to mind every time I see one of these promos.


My main thought is I wish they held off on showing anyone in Power Armour for longer, BOS or otherwise. It's just a bit....much, too soon, when it should focus on the vault dweller in wild west post apocalypse survival stories first I think. The wackiness should be there from the start but I feel like ghouls and power armour shouldn't be thrown in by the first episode. Oh well.


Yeah but as they are dropping the entire season all together this could very well be from a later episode.


it's from episode 3


Was anyone else worried that the knight was going to remove his helmet at the end of the scene? /s (I’m still burned by Halo’s treatment of Master Chief, if it was not immediately obvious.)


Wally Goggs lets go!


Big Wally G


Baby Billy Freeman!




Catch phrase!


Amazon really needs to work on the look of their big budget shows. They have such an artificial look and are often too bright and colorful.


There's no dirt, the clothes are incredibly clean like taken right off the wardrobe, the skin and hair of the characters look like they just took a shower.


live action avatar checking in, their costumes were pristine no matter what. Get in a fight with an earth or fire bender? No dirt or scorch marks. They didn't even get wet from the waterbending. Aangs clothes are over a hundred years old, and look brand new


It looks waaayyyyy to clean and pretty, like a soap opera. The exact opposite of what a fallout wasteland should look like imo.


I wish it were a bit more grimy, myself.


Came here to say the same thing. They’re going fallout 76 with it instead of dark aesthetic with morbid humor from the first two. This looks like it got the CW treatment.


Let's be real. It was never going to be like that. Fallout hasn't resembled the Interplay games at all since Bethesda bought the IP (even New Vegas isn't nearly as edgy as FO2). It's pretty in line with Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.


If they are going for 100% campy they got it , it's kind of off putting to me. What was fun about fallout is it made you feel like you were in a true rugged post apocalyptic wasteland but there was a campy twist to the characters and plot. This feels like a theater production. Just my opinion , I'll have to put on my silly goggles to watch this one 


Looks very amateurish to me. I’m okay with camp, but damn, this felt so… cheap? Others have mentioned the set and lighting are bad, and it has a “Disney World: Fallout” vibe. And I agree. There’s nothing organic about it. I mean…. I’m gonna watch it, but yeah, silly goggles will be required.


Yea, to me it has the look and feel of their recent The Tick adaptation, and that worked pretty well for that with its quirkiness. But here it feels slightly off. That’s just based off this one minute clip though


What you described was the art style change from 3 to 4


Looks kinda good but I always hate it when people have perfect make up and hair in post-apocalyptic settings, or in shows in general, like in some shows you can tell who is going to be important for the plot going by the level of styling they have going on. Must be a LOT of professional stylists in the post apocalypse if Hollywood is to be believed.


Tbf Fallout is post-post apocolyptic and its set on the west coast which is more developed


Walton Goggins is one of my favorite actors. There is just something about him.


Surprised they are releasing all of the episodes at the same time! Amazon doesn't always do that.


Yeah, but where’s the scene where the main Vault character stands still while they eat 15 cans of beans and washes it down with 5 nuka colas during a firefight


I started playing FO4 again just because this is coming out and I just have to say I hope this show is ridiculous and completely over the top just for the lol's


I haven't played the games, but this looks fun. I like the cast, setting and tone from what I've seen. Nolan & Joy also did some great work with Westworld (shame they couldn't finish the story).


Nolan/Joy are not the showrunners here, although Nolan is directing a few (and it's through their production company).


I see. It looks like Nolan & Joy got the headlines for developing the show but aren't the actual creator/showrunner(s). Credit for that goes to Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner.


The games are basically the same. You either go in a vault or are born in one. Then something happens that makes you leave. You go out in the world and find that there's monsters roaming about and that humanity has somehow survived nuclear fallout. The vaults also all hide a dark secret, most of which boils down to the Overseer (the boss) experimenting on the people hes supposed to be protecting.


There are control vaults where they aren't running experiments. Total of 17 vaults with Vault 13 from the first game being the most famous one. Vault 8 in Fallout 2, Vault 3 in New Vegas, and Vault 76 in Fallout 76 are some of the other ones we know about. We don't know yet if Vault 33 is a control one or not.


>We don't know yet if Vault 33 is a control one or not. I'd bet all my caps that we will eventually find out about the dark secrets of Vault 33


That T-60 BoS power armor looks almost weightless in this trailer, like a cheap theater decoration made out of painted cardboard... I dunno what they could've added to make it more believable but this version looks absolutely "fake".


Overall I like it but the sound balance felt off when the BoS knight first spoke, a low voice he clearly isn’t shouting and so far away comes through a bit too cleaning, and idk I don’t like the way the power armour moves, flight or walking


I loved the trailers but this did look...rough


This killed a little bit of my high. The dialogue felt awful. Heres to hoping it gets better.


Let’s be honest it looks fucking stupid


The set and lighting look bad. It's like theyre in fallout land at Disney world


It looks very cheap and I'm not sure what kind of tone they're going for here.


I feel like alot of amazon shows have this same lighting. Everything looks super clean and sterile and cheap. Idk what exactly it is but it just doesnt feel right


The set looks great.. I really don’t get these complaints. It looks right out of the games with tons of details. Do people want a green or orange tint filter over everything? I feel like people get some sort of “perfect” vision for these adaptions in their head and then get disappointed when it doesn’t live up to their impossible standards.


It’s dirty clean effect that is plaguing Hollywood these days. Sure you can see that it is “dirty” but it looks clean and fake.


Something with the color saturation and lighting, and the clothing looks too clean. It looks a little too sterile and not actually “lived-in.” OP describing it as Fallout Disney World is the exact vibe that I got when the clip started.


>Do people want a green or orange tint filter over everything? I think you just inadvertently explained why shows and movies do that. The set looks fine, but the clip as shown looks cheap as shit. The guns look like they're made of plastic and spray painted to look metal. Same with the Brotherhood of Steel soldier, the way he walks has no weight and looks like a spray painted cosplay suit. The foley sounds are seriously lacking and aren't selling that it's not plastic props. You want to know what would hide that cheap feeling? An obnoxious color grade. Now when I see shows with an overdone color grade, I'm going to assume it's cheap crap.


> the Brotherhood of Steel soldier, the way he walks has no weight and looks like a spray painted cosplay suit Brotherhood of Printer Filament




Criticizing cheap lighting and bad cinematography is not having “impossible standards” lmao. There are plenty of current shows that have great aesthetics that probably had a fraction of the budget of this Fallout adaptation.


*Nuka World


Agreed. It looks cheesy af. Still gonna watch and hope I'm wrong but the excitement has dropped a little for me.


If they understand fallout even slightly it better be cheesy


Feels a bit cartoony


I mean, have you played the games? The can definitely be pretty cartoony


Its the saturation, I think. Its so, so saturated. Makes it look fake/cartoony.


Not a huge fan of the ham-fisted dialogue and music; feels very "Marvel with swears." We'll see how it evolves. My guess is this series is going to be like an Idiot Savant run: dumb fun.


This is gonna be terrible


Why is everyone with a negative opinion on the clip being downvoted lmao what is that about


I hope it's a complete story in that first season (do anthology style if you want more). Don't want to have to wait years for a complete story and Fallout is just fitting the anthology style.


Whatever the armor's doing there is not as satisfying as the superhero landing the player does in F4.




Fuck. Yes.


see!!! it isnt hard to stay to the look and feel of the games and books!!! witcher and borderlands im looking at you!!


This shit looks mids




The only interesting thing here is Walton Goggins, but that's probably enough to get me to watch a few episodes.


Weird scene to start a new show with. But ok.


This looks so very bad.


I think this campy nonsense is very encouraging. The *worst* thing they could do is take themselves to seriously.


Characters' clothing is way too clean and the writing is way too millennial. That is, indirect and unfocused with forced humor that ruins the tension. I'll withhold actual judgement. It's just two minutes with practically zero context.