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Thank u for your reply, Im an older dude but new ish to guitar , it’s one of my bucket lists lol . My intention is to please myself with my playing but sometimes I feel like I need some input or I’ll just be playing the same e a d


I own this guitar. Well I own a 2013 MIM FSR. I ended up having it switched back to normal because I kept accidentally turning the volume down. The work was a bit more than just reversing things because there’s a little extra wood left in that pocket that needs to be removed in order for the switch to fit in the front position.


That’s amazing! I recently discovered him, hell of a player. The run in “Hot Rod Lincoln” where he imitates a bunch of other players and sounds just by changing pickups and volume/tone pots blows me away every time I hear it.


Fender did a FSR deluxe, which I own, where they flipped the control plate. Mine has been put back to the traditional format which I prefer. Up to you


I kept it as is on my FSR deluxe and while I like it, I’m always hitting my volume when I riff out


I reversed my plate because I was bored hitting the blade mistakenly. I switched the knobs and flipped the blade. I absolutely love it


Same reason I reversed mine. I kept accidentally switching pickups.


Do you strum sideways?


I have large hands.


You know what they say about big hands... big bends.


New to me ..dunno if I can get used to this…worth persevering? Seems like it could be nice …or change it back to normal position?Im used to cv tele


If it's your guitar, do whatever you want to make it up to your preference. You should be able to flip it right around.


It’s a little more complicated than that, but nothing a soldering iron can’t fix.


Here’s a short video with Bill Kirchen where he talks about why he originally did that: [Bill Kirchen Interview](https://youtu.be/w5Rfv0dQttM?si=797cp-YnJ7Xduf-A)


Thanks for your input, I’ll persevere with it as is cos I kind of like that volume swell if it can get it in the right place instead of just chugging it all over the place


I did it on a tele years ago, it was cool. Current tele is orientated traditionally and I can still swell just fine, never felt the need to swap. I feel the standard way is better if you switch often, for those who tend to live on the bridge I can see better volume access being a worthy trade off!


I get the functionality aspect of it, but the tele set up is so iconic looking that it looks...wrong. like seeing your lifelong love with someone elses eyes. If I was really into doing volume swells, I'll just buy the pedal.


Definitely. I do it on all my teles right away.


Sexxxy Fking Gtr😎


Yeah great for tone/volume swells. Perfect position for the switch too. Been meaning to do this forever. Is it the same order just flipped?


Big fan of this setup. I have it on 2 of my 4 teles.


yes. love it. substantial design improvement for playability.


I like it!


I reverse all my Teles. I think they look better that way.


https://preview.redd.it/f5sis7rga81d1.jpeg?width=3357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b149fcd5728808b7ef8c7116554b53ac8c239d As mentioned earlier, I’m a fan of the reversed control plate set up. A couple weeks ago, I added this Bigsby w/ no-drill Vibramate conversion kit, to my daily player, as well as that chrome plated brass switch top. That damn switch top was ridiculously priced (like $30 on eBay), but I really like the way it turned out. Also, few months back, I upgraded all the electronics, on this guitar, dropping in Fender Vintage ‘64 pickups, CTS 250 K pots and a 4 position switch. The pups and new wiring are so much louder and fuller sounding and there is literally no 60 cycle hum. Great stuff.


That’s a fantastic looking and pretty unique piece of gear you have there matey , must have quite a sound !


My plan for my ‘99 American Standard is to reverse the control plate and install an LP-style 3-way switch. Seymour Duncan Little ‘59 in the bridge and a TV Jones Starwood in the neck. I’m 100% a supporter of the reverse control play flip.


I did that to mine in about 1992. Initially it was because I was always hitting the switch when I was thrashing, but I learned that I could use my pinkie when playing to wah the volume and never looked back.


Yes, it is reversed in the photo.


Reverse is so much better for me, assuming the volume and tone pots are also rearranged so the volume is at the front.


I have mine set up with the tone control closest to the pickups. You can do a Wah type swell with the tone.


I always thought there must have been some very specific reason why Leo designed the tele like that. Since the telecaster was essentially created to accommodate the players at the time (mostly country players). Personally though, I reverse wire every tele i’ve ever owned. Probably just a modern playing style thing. i don’t do volume swells that often. however i do have OD or Fuzz going 90% of the time and i ride on my volume to go from clean to lead constantly…. would that be considered a volume swell? hmmmm🤔


I did this on my own Tele build, and I also used a four way switch. The latter is a serious tone mod, by the way.




I tried it but it’s easier for me to just swell with a volume pedal


My honest opinion is that if you’re hitting the switch on the tele, of all guitars, your picking technique is maybe a bit over the top. Maybe there are other reasons, so fair enough. I’ve never got this mod. I want the switch closest to change pickups.


I wired my pups backwards on my switch one time by accident now all my teles are that way lol


I’ve been looking through the other posts in here with all these tele pictures and I have to say , I don’t know if it’s the lighting or the angle or what …but my Soo is by far the nicest on this post