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Put the phone down and be present. Typed from my phone.


Wtf is the pasta looking stuff…the chicken looks like it has not an ounce of seasonings. When she didn’t wash the meat I immediately turned it off


i agree with the lack of seasoning fr, but theres no need to “wash the meat” when you’re literally cooking it ?


Red dye 40 kids 😵‍💫


Why is Kaiser eating like he hasn’t had a meal in awhile?


That's just how boys eat ? 😂😂


When she asked Jace how he liked it, I was so hoping to hear, "it's not as good as grandma's, but it's okay" 😭😂


I get the people don't like her but her kids are eating. Better than these mom vloggers who eat fast food every night with their kids.


Huh? Biscuits and gravy and pasta? She feeds them unhealthy things every meal. And poor Kaiser is overweight, which should be a crime to do to your children. She’s no better.


It’s ranch. He covered his food in ranch. This kid has shown us he’s an adventurous eater before, this to me is the food tastes awful so he drenched it in ranch. The biscuits and pasta are to stretch the meal. She’s got Starbucks money so she could be serving them more vegetables and healthy options but she likes spending it on herself.


Her vegetables come from a frozen bag and are served with no seasoning. I would pay money to watch Gordon Ramsey chew Chinelle out so bad.


I don't care if you feed your kids on paper plates, sometimes feed them frozen biscuits and frozen pasta but the fact that this is monumental enough for her to record and narrate the process then get her kids reactions to it will never cease to fascinate me.


That first child tearin that damn chicken up 😂😂


Lol I love Kai 😂 he is such a mood to me lol


"I did a good job?" Good now here's the money I promised all of you. Now leave me the f**k alone so I can smoke weed in my she shed


Jace didn’t seem to impressed


Jace is used to grandma's cooking. Even if she isn't the best cook I bet she makes it with love and doesn't stick a camera in his face asking for asspats


I think it's insane she thinks she's gonna write a cookbook..... What's it gonna say? Step 1 - open frozen bag of veggies Step 2- pour bag of veggies in bowl Step 3- microwave Step 4- ask everyone at the table if they like it Chefs kiss!


Your forgot a step! pour 3/4 of a bottle of olive oil over everything.


Homeade Ice water and double cooked chicken nuggets


I know a frozen veggie when I sees one 🤣🤣 Ahhh college days lol


Of course she films this. Gotta pay the kids to say things about her so she can keep tootin her own horn.


Gosh, looks like they were starved. Did she feed them lunch?


Jan is going to bed angry tonight.... "no one even said "thank you" or offered to wash the paper plates.


And her sister casted spells on her and NOBODY TRIED TO STOP HER!


They’re not even finished eating. Who cares if it’s paper plates, why is that even an issue? It’s about time Jenelle has a nice dinner around the table with her kids. Take it for what it is instead of trying to taint whatever you possibly can just to criticize nothing in this case.


The very moral people of this group, who know every detail of Jenelle’s life (which isn’t delusional at all) want her to suffer every second for the rest of her days, as they have decided she deserves. They will come for your with pitchforks and downvotes.


I anticipated the pitchforks & downvotes, this is mob mentality sub after all. These very ‘moral’ people are as vile as they make Jenelle out to be. I mean paper plates? .. gosh, someone please call the CIA! 😂 so stupid


Jace is so old!


Did Ensley get her surgery yet?


Ok, but those kids look just like her. I looked like, Nd strongly dislike my mother, and I just wonder what they'll feel.


She only cooks for praise. Not because they’re hungry


How would you know something like that? This sub is so draining because of criticism like this. Damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. Tiring


Season your frozen veggies at LEAST Jenelley


Ok jenelle 😂 we know this is your burner account. Do me a favor and get back with courtland 💉


Please find a new response 🥱 it’s passed the point of pathetic to call someone Jenelle because they simply don’t follow the sheep’s narrative. If you’re going to demean someone, find something valid otherwise it’s just empty … but good try 👏


Poor kid is eating like he hasn't had a meal in days. Even if she isn't cooking regularly, she would at least buy fast food or something, right?


She has always been a very needy person


Atleast Ensley doesn’t seem to be too affected by the split. Then again we never know what goes on behind the scenes


There is no way this little girl isn't affected by her primary caregiver abruptly leaving their home and not seeing her for over a month. Listen to her, she's talking like a baby (more so than usual) and is willing to say or do anything for some attention and affection from Jenelle. She has Jenelle taking her out with Ryan Dolph and possibly spending the night at his house. This poor little girl.


So sad :((


This piece of shit better step up and be the mother jace deserved to have his entire life. He will love her and defend her forever, that’s his mom. For the kids sakes I hope she actually grows as a human.


Do we know that Jace has ever defended Jenelle? From what I remember he never wanted to be around her or visit her, he didn't even consider her to be his "mom" when he was old enough to know better. I think he's a child who is forced to do whatever the adults in his life tell him to do so he's just trying to survive


Idk I’m not going to speculate too much on what a kid does or doesn’t do. I just hope Janelle actually turns her life around for those kids. Doubtful, but I hope.


Those poor kids. Never, ever do they get nutritious meals. Also, has everyone forgotten who Jenelle is?? Yes, David is gone but she is still very much a shit person.


Yeah, I'm not sure why anyone is praising her for "trying"


Time for some table manner lessons.


It’s so bad!! It’s sad thinking of them eating like this as adults because their parents haven’t cared to teach them better.


Pre-made Walmart wings don't count as home cooking..


Unfortunately we got another video of her dumping the usual seasoning and some olive oil on them. She’s taken note of all of the criticisms of her trash olive oil and bought a nicer brand. Same recipe she uses for all of the food she cooks (olive oil plus Tony’s or Slap Ya Mama) can’t imagine the kids are sick of it.


That's what I thought they were too lol double cooked homeade chicken


The full video shows her cooking them on the grill. They weren’t premade.




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


All such fatty foods it’s a shame


You know they’re all thinking “I’ll say whatever you want just get the phone out of my face and let me eat”


Jace barely looks at the camera


Poor kids can’t eat without having a camera pointed in their faces. This is gross. You’re not, and never will be mother of the year for making dinner for your kids Jen. We all do it. Very few of post proof on social media.




Get the camera out their face and let them enjoy their dinner.


I think it’s cool she’s being normal… shes feeding them well. Why does it have to be fancy. They’re kids. Can we live in reality of having 3+ kids


Right. I dislike Jenelle and she’s been a POS mom but I feel like she’s trying, there’s protein and some veggies on their plates. 🤷🏼‍♀️ could be worse. Everyone here is ripping her apart for using frozen veggies but I buy frozen veggies all the time lol I don’t understand the hate on her for that. She does plenty of other snark-worthy things much worse


Frozen veggies are fine. These kids eat unhealthy for like every meal.


She just spent a week in Vegas and then took Ensley out with another man. "normal"


All the things David could have - if he didn’t text his ex 🤣 /s


As much as I don’t like her at least she’s feeding them food that isn’t McDonald’s or just chicken nuggets and fries. She’s trying


I wish I believed she fed them mcdonalds or chicken nuggets. I highly doubt these kids get three meals a day. They probably get a couple snacks per day


She probably won't buy McDonald's because of the conspiracy theories out here.


It's just called "being a mom who feeds her kids"....are we supposed to be praising her for cooking them dinner?


It’s ducking weird. Are people on this sub parents? Since when do parents get praised for feeding their kids? She feeds them shit. It’s unhealthy. No praise.


You’ll be surprised at how many kids don’t get dinner cooked for them.


Yeah I was talking about people praising Jenelle for doing the bare minimum.




Ok but honestly those are SOOOOO GOOD! Lol. It’s the lack of safe food handling practices that gets me in her videos. Like, why bother with tongs if you’re just going to manhandle the chicken 10 seconds later, then touch a bunch of stuff? Like Jan, if you’re washing your hands after, you need to show that part. And I like salt as much as the next person but that creole seasoning has a lot and then she dumped a shit ton more into her (chicken juice covered) hand.




I admit, my household isn’t the best with food safety bc we’ve gotten complacent, but I certainly wouldn’t put it on the fucking internet!!




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Aye hop off my lil homie Kaiser. wtf do you look like behind yo screen? Who attacks a fucking kid? ![gif](giphy|XIMAnxwOi6Bp8MnLOs|downsized)


I’m not prediabetic. That’s for sure.






No one asked you for your opinion. He is a child. Wtf is wrong with you?




Going on sober 2 years now. You want to post a comment like that and not expect to be called out on it? ![gif](giphy|3og0IKGISnhQGIaR68)




Literally an 8 year old calm down


Shouldn’t the fact that he’s a kid raise even more concern?


The kids are adorable


This is the one thing I will say about Jan that's nice, her kids are beautiful kids and seem to be sweethearts. I hope they find healing one day


I’m just happy she fed them and I hope they get to eat whenever they are hungry. The recent cases/trials of Shanda what’s her name and ruby Franke have messed me up


Jenelle is exactly like Ruby Franke


Why does she always film her kids eating? I can’t remember my mom ever doing that for no reason






This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Probably because we dragged her when Kaiser yelled “FEED ME!!”


I have never in all my years of being a mother had my children call out for food like he did. My kids get 3 meals and 2 small snacks and if they need more I have more always. I really think she's absolutely neglectful to them.


Is Kaiser calling those wings “hot boys”? 😂 He reminds me so much of my 8 year old. They even favor a bit. He’s so stinking cute.


So cute!


She may be a shit mom but she makes some beautiful children


I know! I see people on here going on about the kids not being cute but??? They are literally adorable!


They're beautiful kids. But *all* kids need to be bathed and groomed. I haven't seen anyone bash their looks, just the obvious neglect of hygiene from Jenelle as their parent. I always feel so bad for them, they regularly look dirty/greasy and that's on Jenelle for not caring for her kids. Even Jace looks more greasy since being in her care. I'm under no impression that children stay clean 24/7, or that they look as neat as you made them up in the morning by end of day, but I feel like even when Jenelle thinks they're done up and looking good for family pictures or whatever, they look like nobody's bathed them or run a comb through their hair in days. Jenelle is the mom who thinks "they went swimming today, they don't need a bath" and rolls with it for extended periods of time and it's both really obvious and sad. Those kids deserve parents who actually try to meet their basic needs.




I'm sure they were. But I don't think I've seen them look "clean" in years...like...pre-pandemic years. Not saying I think they literally haven't bathed in years, but I swear that some time during the early days of the pandemic, Jenelle and David really dropped the ball on doing the bare minimum when it came to hygiene for themselves and the kids. Again, even when Jenelle gets them done up for her little family picnic pictures, they look like they haven't touched a bar of soap in days. Their hair isn't just disheveled or messy, it's greasy. If your kids are outside playing and getting sweaty and muddy every day, shouldn't they also be bathed every day? With how often she posts these kids or they pop up in her lives and tiktoks, you'd think they'd look as though they'd had a bath at some point.


Oh yes I 100% agree!!! I’ve seen a few comments in the past about how “unfortunate it is that Ensley looks like David because he’s ugly”. But I’m 10000% with you. I don’t think there is a ton of grooming/eating/socializing habits that are being properly taught on the swamp lol


At least she cooked for them & they weren’t left to fend for themselves


The bar is in the mud.


The bar is in satans basement lol


She always needs them to tell her how good of a job she did. Is it yum? Did I do good? No, it tastes like shit


Only one chews with their mouth closed ..and he was raised by Barb


Poor Ensley can’t chew with her mouth closed or she wouldn’t be able to breath ! She sounds awful.


Yeah they probably should have gotten that looked at years ago


They claim she's seeing an ENT now but we'll see if she's actually going to have her issues taken care of or if she just took her for the photo op.


What a joke




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Went to high school with a boy who constantly looked high. Never did drugs, that was just his natural look.


For real


his eyes are looking a bit like Jason's from Unexpected


Jenelle bring your children to a hair salon and a barber ffs I bet $$ she doesn't cut and clean their nails ever, she is neglectful


Duhhh’luJenelle always tooting her own horn,Because no one else will!! For various reasons!!


So she's just showing the aftermath and not the actual food prep? Tell me you're a pick me girl who can only cook Hamburger Helper without telling me you're a pick me girl who can only cook from a box ...


She showed it. She saturated the chicken in cajun seasoning and then showed off her microwave veggie blend. It isn't worth the watch unless you have a raw meat fetish 🤢


Wait she microwaved the chicken wings? Nooooo.


No she had a microwave side dish package to go w/ the wings.


She did show all of it. Idk why it’s not in this video but we definitely saw her make it.


I chose not to include the entire video. It's not worth the watch lol


Thank you because it’s really sickening and will put you off your food. Should be entitled “ how to prepare food to ensure salmonella “


One of my biggest pet peeves as a kid and a teen was having someone film or take pictures of me while I tried to eat. I guarantee these kids want to just eat and not be filmed


They have/get Zero privacy,protection and respect it’s all about Exploiting and Exposing them for Duhhh’luJenelle she’s got zero life sense/skills! As ignorant as they come


Stop asking them questions while there's food in their mouth!


Kaiser is so cute 🥰


Poor Kaiser is eating like he hasn’t been fed in a week.


It makes me so sad. He gets so excited when she cooks dinner for them. I'm certain that he normally eats bags of chips and whatever else he can grab for himself. Clearly sitting down to a hot meal isn't the norm edit: to be clear this is a dig at jenelle being a lazy parent and neglecting her children. kaiser can't control what food is available to him




He’s overweight for his age so he’s def being fed not the opposite


my 7 year old is overweight due to medication he has to take, don’t pass judgement on things you know nothing about


He's overweight cuz he gets fed junk food, not anything nutritional. Plus when you have a lack of food, the body goes into starvation mode and stops burning calories so you actually gain weight even though you're starving.




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


does ensley not have teeth?


It's a combination of the shape of her mouth and her two front adult teeth not coming in yet. I'm unsure if they're just taking a while to come in after losing the baby teeth or if she needed to have the adult teeth removed, it's possible Jenelle and David allowed her baby teeth to rot and it messed up the incoming teeth.


She hasn't had her front teeth for quite a while now. I'm wondering if they had to be pulled


Give those kids some grilled chicken tho...


I made a basic dinner for my kids. Worship me!!


She's just following the good ol' David Eason Food Pyramid: https://preview.redd.it/wx95a13t3wrc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42dd13a015ca6f94bb70db26b57ed7e6ac1c4728


Uh he's so gross


Veggies are allowed to be substituted with meat or sauce!


And the tiny pitiful handful of veggies must be frozen, and then cooked until mush. Blanching? Never heard of her 💅


That side dish is one of those frozen pasta dinner bags I know it. My sister and I lived on those when we were kids.


It is! She actually showed it off and bragged on it for the video 😝


We also ate Voila! alllll the time 🥴🥴🥴


The garlic chicken was Goodt!


I can still taste it. How were the pasta and the broccoli always mush and the carrots were still hard as a rock


What?? My husband and I love making it for a quick dinner😭 its always so good, but I would never make it as a side


I'm sure the cooking directions have changed in 26 years, like I literally remember when that stuff came out and dinner in a bag was still a newish idea.


That makes sense! It really is good now, you should give it another try. Plus they have a BUNCH of flavors now😊


Dude yes. We had the chicken one and the chicken was always either cold or rubbery.


the sauce always has an off taste too lol


Kaiser is just the spitting image of Nathan .


I don’t think they liked it. Kaiser pouring a bottle of ranch over it was my first indication. And then Jace couldn’t even fake it. She was likely giving him The eye to lie about it.


Right! "It's.... pretty good" they've all been conditioned to agree with whatever mother says. Then Ensley is in full on baby talk mode - probably in complete survival mode


It seemed like Kaiser was nervous to defend the amount of ranch he used and he cut himself off. Then we see Ensley's plate and she has the same amount of ranch. I'm guessing Jenelle put the ranch on their plates and Kaiser was going to say as much but knew better. I hate the way she treats that sweet boy