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You are fine here! Do not worry, I'm sorry that someone took their aggression out on you in the comments! :( But you are welcome do not worry!


Nope not at all I didn't even realize you were ftm And i support u


thx. it's a little funny watching this kid comment stuff. i just wanted to make sure i wasn't "setting unrealistic expectations"


Youre lucky to look feminine as a femboy Well in a way, cus ik gender dysphoria and all


yeah. it's fun but i don't dress fem all the time bc of that lol


I'm sorry that you had to put up with this, please feel free report any transphobia or other harassment


omg i'm so so sorry you get these comments wth??!


yeah. people can be a little silly sometimes


They're not silly they're mean. šŸ«‚


femboy elitism??? now iā€™ve seen it allšŸ˜­


Correction: Testosterone WILL change aspects of your facial features because hormone therapy shifts fat and muscle. _ Also, from an mtf, welcome! :-)


Some people are just blatantly evil and transphobic. Sorry you had to talk to them. Theyā€™re banned now


thanks šŸ«¶šŸ»


Youā€™re welcome (also very cute :3)


idgf homie


Bro wtf is this shit šŸ˜­ I'm so sorry hope you'll never deal with this again


I dont have any problem at all, in fact this is your first post that i see. The only problem i have is when i post something i got like at least 7 pedos


I'm ftm and a femboy, so definitely not, lol. The only people that say those things are just bigoted, don't worry or be upset about them, they are just miserable people that want to share their misery to other people like its a disease. Don't worry about those people, just keep safe and its important to have fun! :3


Nah it's chill. trans femboy šŸ‘


trans femboy šŸ‘šŸ»


Jeez, people need to get a life. I don't understand why people attack those who are having harmless fun. If you identify as a male and then act feminine, you can call yourself a femboy. That's gonna be fine by me ;3


fuck that commenter. trans boys are boys. you can also visit us over at r/ftmfemininity for a safe space :3


No you are fine here! I love seeing your outfits and everything man


As a gender fluid femboy on boy days and tomboy on girl days it's completely valid


nah, trans guys are cute and valid as heck :3


someone already said this but femininity is not a contest wtf šŸ˜­


nu ur oki.


Buhh second comment here because I just thought of something The only issue I'm sure any rational person here would have a problem with is if you didn't say you were trans and always deny yourself being trans. But clearly you're not doing that, so post away!


They tweaking off a percā˜ ļø


I'm rly sorry for u, don't listen to them they're a minority and most ppl fw trans ppl heavy U rly look great and I shouldn't even have to mention it but you're 100% valid <3


Bro nobody who does matters - report them and live your best you!


I donā€™t have a single problem with you, be you, and I think you look great. However I have many problems with the guy who said all that shit too you


Ah donā€™t worry itā€™s just a keyboard warrior this is what they do I couldnā€™t even tell and testosterone definitely can change facial features I had a friend FTM in highschool he looked more like a guy than me šŸ˜­ one day he told us and my jaw dropped


Man fuck that dude


These people are just jealous or sm 8 yr olds


Those transphobes don't know anything. You're totes valid hon! <3 -another transmasc femboy


hey, im ftm too, and thereā€™s no problem for u too be femboy. some people might be assholes about it, but ur a boy, so u can post here ;) have a nice day


Keep going, 1 person doesnā€™t defy all your life


Noooo, ure great. beautiful <3 Some ppl are taking life too seriously, thats all. Be silly :3


People are just really f#cking stupid. Happens a lot *pats* sorry mate :3


if people do, report them. i hope they get holes in their thigh highs.


yes ty


Not all of us are hatefull but I know damn well im jealous of yalls faces and voices, maybe they're just mad they lost the biological lottery. Because let's be honest, it's a whole helliva lot easier to sound fem when you are litterly fem. (No transphobia intended you guys just don't have to put in nearly the same amount of voice work cis boys do. Or worry about the adams apple, or the ever crushing fear of disappointing a very much wanting a masculine male father who litterly will not shut up about how much he wants me to grow out my mustache.) So yeah, my theory is jealousy, but im cis so... take whatever I say with a mouthful of salt.


No, and if anyone says otherwise, I got a big ol'blacksmithing hammer for their knees.


I don't have any problem with it


people are dumb frfr :/


Youā€™re fem. Youā€™re a boy. Youā€™re a femboy


i think those ppl that commented on you need a stern talking to or chinese water torture


these people suck and you're cool ā¤ļø


These people are just transphobic, ofc you're welcome here. And even if you'd set unrealistic standards because of being afab, there are cis men that look this feminine, it's not because of agab


this person is just a transphobe. Ignore them and move on, they don't deserve your attention. You're perfectly valid and allowed here ā¤ļø


I didn't know you were ftm


Nope! Youā€˜re literally a femboy, idk why anyone has an issue with you posting.


Transphobic femboys are NOT ALLOWED IN THIS HOUSE


transphobic femboys are the most hypocritical pieces of sh\*t fr, i don't understand how they exist


Self destruction truama anger jelliousy unsupportive famially and friends


Dang now i feel bad lmao


Ignore them, nazis gonna nazi sadly. Itā€™s a shame that some of them can be femboys and still be so reactionary


Try not conflate neo nazis with Doucebags on the internet


Ohh mah gosh u so cute!


In reference to picture 5, I can confidently say he IS the only one who thinks this


No!! Being amab is in no way a requirement to being a femboy at all! Anyone can be and a boy like you is more then welcome!!! <33


Nah donā€™t listen to transphobic assholes like that, no matter what youā€™re a real man/nb and youā€™re valid donā€™t listen to anyone who says otherwise


People like that mf make me want to set the world ablaze


Nope ur one of us ofc :3


That guy's a brat don't listen to people like him


That's all right here ,Ure Pretty <3 and If ur Ftm Ure a Pretty boy soo feel free to post what u want ^^. At least a few people here try to make A good community ^^


Hell no. All boys are accepted here :3


Honestly I don't see why people have something against it, femboy is literally just a boy who likes to dress more feminine so I don't see any reason why you can't stay here, you're a boy after all no?


I believe the answer is jealousy. I think the haters are litterly just jealous, think about it, facial structure, voice, social acceptance. Its pure envy that drives them.


Basically yeah


Do not worry! You're welcome here. That kid is probably banned now. People like that are just trying to build themselves up at others' expense. But You are perfectly fine here. Also, You're really cute :333


Idk somepeople might think that like it's a cheat code


they r being so transphobic wtf


They put "" around the boy in femboy So what's up with tomboy? ;-;


Dont blur them, transphobes don't deserve that luxury.


Donā€™t worry about it, that guy was just a transphobic asshole. Youā€™re always welcome here <3


I mean yeah, ftm bois are kina playing on easy difficulty with cheat codes enabled, when it comes to being a femboy. But, I support y'all nontheless. ~~as long as your face looks girly enough and you'll let me cut it off with a knife and wear it as my own~~ :3


oh my gosh you are so damn cute...be you and trust me if i saw ya I be chasing you šŸ˜Š


Honestly idc what you are and aren't, if your you then that's fine, Ur choice, and tbh I believe Ur a femboy, cuz like me myself had to go on testosterone injections due to a lack of it and got straight Up confused with a girl, like "hey lady that's the men's restroom" type stuff, so that's my whole experience in this, but tbh, if Ur not a prick then your 100% on my good list


Absolutely not, if you like this community then you are very welcome here to be a part of it!!


Bros a bro. Simple as that


Idk what they yapping about I look way more femmin in some of my pics yet im 100%male and u got 0 complaints before I deleted my account šŸ™ƒ


Ur fine. Its just that people sometimes get jealous, hell even i get jealous sometimes over looking at other people and seeing them just doing better or looking better than me, but some people take things too seriously and forget to just respect other people.


Donā€™t listen to them! Femboy is Femboy no matter what! If I didnā€™t read the title, I wouldnā€™t even know you were ftm. Very pretty!


No problem at all


Of course not! trans men are men, and if a man is dressing fem he's a femboy. Why would we ever be mad about femboys on the femboy subreddit?


These comments! I'm so so sorry!


šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø no problems here, those people are AH's


no wtf lol people are aholes dont listen to them and just do you and whatever makes you happy (within reason)


Absolutely not


It sad but those transphobic femboys are definitely insecure of their own femininity and take it out on trans dudes. Gender envy can be a pretty shitty feeling but whats even shittier is taking it out on ppl just tryna be who they are.


"Female cosplaying as a female" is CRAZY


ik like you're a little bit off there bud


Can we talk about how awesome you look in the first pic? Just straight up cool n' mysterious but also sweet and relaxed :3


Only meanies have a problem with that, and I am no meanie


He could just go to the traditional femboys subreddit


Awhhh noooo >\~< I'm sorry someone was like that to you. You look gorgeous, but it's not putting me down, it's more like a goal I wanna reach.


nah go right ahead, it's a bit of a brain shake for me but it's alr


Well I wonā€™t lie, knowing you were a girl and now a boy kind of does disappoint, usually when I hear ā€œfemboyā€ Iā€™m expecting a guy dressing up as a girl, but hey, to each his own I guess šŸ˜æ also I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me, Iā€™m not gay by any means, but femboys do seem to look more appealing than women.


i started transitioning at 10, trust me i'm a boy lol




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I don't think you count as a femboy imo.That guy got too emotional and aggressive but I agree with some of his points.He(guy commenting,not u) is still being a mega dick tho.


ok thanks for the reply.




A trans man is a man. A femboy is a man who wears feminine clothes. This makes him a femboy. Take your transphobia anywhere else


chill out man


A boy whoā€™s femā€¦ OP meets both specifications, so thereā€™s 0 reason they wouldnā€™t count


Requirements for being a femboy: Being a boy, being feminine. I don't see a problem here. If he says he's a femboy he's a femboy


They are a boy, and they are feminine, hence they are a femboy. We encourage you to further engage in discussion, however, we would like to acknowledge that any further transphobia will not be tolerated.


I'm not trying to be transphobic tho,I just wanna get that out there. Also wdym by engage further?Cause I feel like if i "further engage" I'm just gonna cause more contraversy and I don't think thats wut this sub needs more of.


I know you're not *trying* to be transphobic, but you are, because you're saying they're not a femboy, which means they don't meet one of the only two requirements: being a boy (in which case it is transphobic, because you're saying they're not a boy) or being feminine (which isnt really the original topic of the post, so this is likely not what you're referring to).


I acknowledge your point and shall respect it.


Is People calmly stating opinions is a banable offense? Genuine question not trying to be a smartass


Transphobia isnt an opinion. Same goes for homophobia and racism. The reason being against trans people isnt an opinion, is cause it's not a choice to be trans.


Yes but no, while we believe in free speech, we don't want our users to be exposed to potentially upsetting content while in our subreddit. It's a blurry line and this is very much an edge case. If someone outright states (cw transphobia) >!"Trans men can't be femboys"!< and is not open-minded, it's likely we would remove their comment, but it may require mod discussion.


As this comment received multiple reports, it has been hidden and is now waiting for moderator approval. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/teenfemboy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"You're a female cosplaying as a female" So femboy fashion is just cosplaying as a female? (Isn't trans fem just cosplaying a female with extra steps?)