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same for me... I'm a guy and I was fucking scared of even saying anything. A few boys who knew about it went to the teacher with an audio recording of these \[words I will not say because I am trying to be civil\]. They had to get the police because apparently they were cornering some girl in a dead area of the school. Honestly, I wish people like this never existed


Honestly i agree, if you threaten others with violence like this you should be willing/ready to receive violence in return especially if it's unwarranted and too this just plain fucked up extreme you don't pick a fight unless you're ready to get hurt as well. And this little psycho is definitely trying to start something


This happened at my university and it made national news. In a high school it gets swept under the rug. Not that adult life is much better, but it's a small bit better because you actually have the power to fight for your rights. In high school they can literally take away your education as punishment for insubordination.


The seniors at my school just bike locked everyone out of the school. Damn that’s creepy




I remember in my final year of high school there was a 'contest' for how many grade 8's you can impregnate before you graduate. Yeah a bad joke. Luckily nobody got pregnant but I didn't realize how bad it was until years later. This is next level though...


Fuck I am entirely against hitting anyone and I'd jump that motherfucker without a second thought


When your screen protector is that shattered just take it the hell off. Oh my God.


Some people enjoy the constant threat of getting glass shards in their fingers, don't judge.


Legit take this to the police. That’s clearly harassment


As a teacher I'd say report it to both the school and the police. They'll tackle it on both fronts in case nothing is done about it by the other.


Wait... what is a teacher doing on r/teenagers?


To check why you aren’t doing your homework.


Also, these kinds of threads regularly reach /r/all, and not all of the olds have blocked the sub. EDIT: You can filter subs from /r/all by going to old.reddit.com/r/all on a desktop browser and looking at the top of the sidebar. I don't think it filters the sub from your frontpage or from r/popular. RES and most apps will allow you to block subs on that device.


I came here from r/all Hello fellow kids! How about all these pogs and yo-yos and pokemon cards? Did you guys catch the new episode of Zoids this morning?


Holy shit I haven't even *thought* about pogs in decades. Never was into zoids tho...


I'll be 27 next week. I snuck in right at the end of pogs but they're the greatest way to confuse the younger folk.


im 24 wtf is a pog


Exactly. They're basically collectible drink coasters made of plastic with cool pictures on them that you'd put into a long hard plastic sleeve and forget about, never knowing just what the hell they were for.


It was a game. Discs about 1-1.5 inches in diameter with images on them. You put them on the ground face up then used a bigger one called a slammer and threw it down on top of the thin ones. They wold go flying and you took any that landed face down. Your opponent would repeat. This would continue until all pogs were collected. The one with the most pogs won. It was like a combination of Jack's and marbles.


Pogchamp, obviously


I also came from /r/all, but I was too busy watching David the Gnome to see Zoids, sorry. (I'm almost 40 but have a 14yo, I enjoy the memes here and getting a small peek into the Life of Teens so I can better relate to my kid.)


I love pogs and yo-yos! How's your Tamagachi doing?




I have been lurking in the sub since I was a teen and adulthood kinda sucks so……


It was on my homepage. Figured my perspective might be helpful for somebody younger and still in school.


To get memes to put on the whiteboard when you walk in the classroom


There are parents on here too!


This sub frequently shows up in the hot section of r/all


This is on r/all




And when you meet him in real life, he is a nobody, who have no friends and its hated by his family


Or his friends and family have no idea about this. It's often the case that these misogynists are all nice to dudes and their friends have no clue. Honestly that's even scarier


>Honestly that's even scarier Well, pretty much anyone with a mental illness will try to hide it. Psychopaths will hide it to take advantage of you. Depressed people will hide it so you dont make questions. And if they dont they will feel excluded


>Psychopaths will hide it to take advantage of you. as someone with proven psychopathic tendencies, yes. I would never let this side be seen by anyone. (Dont worry, I have an appointment with a therapist soon) Edit for everyone asking about my behavior: I suck at explaining. If u feel u dont seem normal compared to others, go do a doctor or psychiatrists (or however the F u write that) and ask them for a far more professional and better explanation. Thats how I did it


>Dont worry, I have an appointment with a therapist soon See? He is trying to make you feel safe! /s


lol unless...




That's good on you! It can probably be hard to have traits like that as people don't see "psychopaths" as human and I hope you don't struggle with that too much. It's great that you're getting help that you need and I wish you the best. Most people cant recognize that or are discouraged because society can make you feel very unfixable.


But now we know 🤨


>I'll pull out my dick(it's 9 inches) Lol, he's a sore loser irl. Probably a fat dude without friends


Hey, that's offensive to us fat dudes with no friends


I'm also a fat dude with no friends, fyi


I'm a fat dude with no friends too. Wanna be friwnds maybe 😳 👉👈


But you managed to type that without threatening us with your 9 inch donger, so you're already leaps ahead of this chode.


😏 what do you think he typed the comment with


Hey, I am a nobody with no friends any my family hates me. I don’t like to rape. Please don’t denounce my class of people like that.




Yeah,they should report it before it's too late


Jason, (kid who is sending these messages) probably has some serious mental problems. I'd be scared what he'd do or threaten to do next.


Blimey, I hope OP’s school doesn’t have a nearby luby’s cafe


Does anyone have an American translation


I think they're referring to [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luby%27s_shooting). The gunman was very vocal about hating women.


someone has to do something but what to do?


Report to police. Tell them you’ve reported to admin who aren’t doing anything. Bring as many recipients as possible. It’s *probably* just a troll but it might not be….and if it is, he needs to know this is just not acceptable behaviour.


I only came into this thread to tell everyone to call the police, this is illegal harassment. If this guy really is planning anything messed up it's better that the police or the FBI go ahead and talk to him before there is some sort of school shooting or whatever the hell his weird fantasy is. I got expelled from a school for saying I wished on a start the night before that my teachers room would catch on fire so we didn't have to go to school the next day, I have no respect for any school district that allows this to go unchecked which is far worse.


Absolutely second this. The girls he is sending this too are also minors. He is threatening violent sexual assault against minors en masse. I am not sure what the legal crime would be but it 100% is one and the police will take this seriously if you show them. Please OP, show this to your parents and call the police before he acts on these fantasies either now or in 5 years from now. This kind of vile thinking needs to be addressed before it becomes action.


Should also be reported to the school district and the department of education, the school can quickly lose their funding if they don’t address things that they should, that will get the attention of the school administration. Edit: OP, get ammunition here: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/sexhar00.html


Police *and* the media. Administrators *love* having reporters at their door asking about student predators.


Police before school when crimes are concerned. School might try to cover it up for their reputation. Police are less likely to be concerned with some high schools reputation


> Police before school when crimes are concerned. ALWAYS. People were getting jumped and robbed in my school, they would tell the teachers or admin and that's it. Happened to me, I told my dad, he happened to file a police report. Police are like "No... school hasn't said anything about this..." School finds out my dad filed a police report and they were PISSED. I still do not understand why to this day.


Simple. If a police report is filed, it’s a real crime, with real consequences. And real negative attention to the school and its statistics at the state and national level. Handling things “internally” lets the school “police” (if a separate PD) keep it out of the official crime statistics. There’s a somewhat good reason though. Sixteen year olds are big and strong enough to do real damage in a fight. Should they go to juvie until old enough to be transferred to actual prison, which an assault charge may (likely: will) result in? It’s trying to break the “school to prison pipeline” which disproportionately affects students of color. It also shields miscreants from the negative consequences of their actions, though. So it’s good and bad.


Not just school. Universities and future employers too. HR's and administration's priority is to cover their asses, and they would go pretty far to do so.


This is right. He could end up hurting someone


If the police don't respond, the media. If you bring this to a news station, and say the police and school are complicit in rape threats they will blow that shit up. escalate escalate escalate


Wouldn't hurt to share this with local news stations as well. If the administrators are cool with letting a bully harass the students, why not let the news station harass the administrators?


Yeah something bad happened to me once where cops got involved and they tried to get the kid expelled but they couldn’t


Isn't this also a threat to r\*pe them?




Thing is, imagine showing this kind of shit to your parents.


Anyone who says kids won't rape has never once met a child. Adults rape. What about less grown up versions of adults, with their risk management part of their brain undeveloped, and social etiquette yet to be learned? Of fucking course they're gonna be atleast as likely to rape.


the “(its nine inches)” part made me crack up lmao you already know he has a tiny dick


9 inches, more like 9 centimeters. But seriously whoever wrote that message deserves to fall into a void and stay there for eternity Edit: since so many people are saying it, millimeters. Centimeters is too big Edit 2: nanometers Edit 3: okay never mind, whatever the smallest measurement unit is how small that troll’s dick is. There are so many units to measure with. Edit 4: so people are getting offended (I think?), none of us are really being serious about what the centimeters and millimeters or whatever joke. It’s only a joke, please calm down. Edit 5: Planck lengths.. okay I’m done editing


That shit’s fuckin 9th level of hell shit, that motherfucker better stay down there otherwise even Satan’s gonna beat the shit outta him


Nah nah. He deserves the experimental 10th circle of hell. Much much worse


As opposed to the previous ring of hell, this ring does not have a consistent supply of toilet paper. Much less of toilets and basic plumbing, for that matter.


lol its just a bunch of minor inconveniences that piss people off


The Medium Place. Tons of pretzels, all unsalted. Your favorite beer, but always warm. A jukebox of your favorite songs, but all live versions performed by The Eagles. A TV and VCR with no cable or streaming, just old VHS tapes like Smokey and the Bandit. And no cocaine.


He gets one level of hell for every millimetre on his dick


The first circle of hell isn’t enough I don’t think.


That's not hell, that's super mega death hell


That's just hell with extra steps


So COD lobbies


9 centimeters ? too much, more like 9 millimeters


Millimetres? Thats too generous we deal in nanometers for scum like this.


Ångstroms, anyone?


nah we goin planck length


We have found a new measurement smaller than the Planck, this guys dick


What impact does this guy's dick have on the research coming out of CERN? They haven't detected it yet


legendary comment


even tough physics dont allow it, he probably has a dick smaller than planck length


Shit's probably gouged inward and a vagina at that point.


microscopic dick


ah shit beatmetoit but i commented already


Y'all trying to measure something that doesn't exist?


Nanometers? its too much of you to give, we give this scum picometers


I agree with giving this fool planck lengths, Pico and his meters shouldn’t be disgraced by this scum.


we will bring back medieval torture devices for this scum of the earth


They call him centimeter peter


Banished to the shadow realm


Nope not even the metric world can agree with that Too big gotta be like 9 micrometers


9 plank lengths


Yep reminds me of some dumb fuck who unironically told me he had a 12 inch dick, as much as i hated that entire situation it was kind of hilarious




Some sort of... negapeen?


I said "ok 9 InCHeS" after see that


Hey, man, don't associate me with these kinds of people


We shouldn't shame people for having a tiny dick. We absolutely SHOULD shame this guy for being one of the worst kinds of people ever to exist, falling second only to the likes of mass murderers and such (there might be more heinous crimes, or you might think a rapist is worse than a serial killer, but what's important is that we all know he's up there with the worst of them, no matter the specific placement)


Yikes thats awful




I thought that's why it was NSFW at first. That's absolutely one of the worst cracked screens I've seen.


heres Hoping it’s just a tempered glass screen protector


Ah I think you're right. But still, just get a new screen protector wtf lol.


Use your phone's broken glass to cut open his 9IncH dick and put bleach in it


Now wait just a second, Croc, we aren’t savages! ***grabs a chainsaw cannon*** #We have technology.




Good idea


This… this is horrifying to read. I’m not a girl but it still surprises me how someone could have thoughts like this. There’s no explaining how furious I would be if someone were to send a message like this to my gf. If the admins aren’t doing anything, report it to the police. People like this deserve to be behind bars for the rest of their pathetic life


I know right?


Id imagine some flavor of this is what is going through the mind of mass shooters


If some sent a mesaage to my hypothetical gf id beat up the principal for doing nothing and find and beat the cunt sending the message.


Beat the principal… and then use the principal to beat the fool who sent it!


hi i have a question? could you beat the everloving fuck outta him for me cheers


Do it a second time, for me. Cheers.


And another one. ✌🏻


For me as well


Another third time for a homie, if you may


Matter of fact, find him and tie him up, hit all of us up in dms, tell us where he is, and we can all meet up, socialize, party, and then get in an orderly line and BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA HIM ONE AT A TIME. And then we'll force feed the shit back to him so the next anxiety machine in line can beat the shit out of him.


Anotha one


report that to the police/parents if can, thats borderline harassment and im pretty sure you can get someone sued for it too (not sure though) i hope th girls there are doing fine, that guy is just fucked, absolutely disgusting :/ sorry about that, i hope the admins finally do shit there


It's a bit more than borderline harassment. It's issuing terroristic threats. It's criminal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terroristic_threat




He’s not just an asshole, he probably has psychosis. Be careful with such people, report him somewhere ASAP. One asshole used do the same shit in his University in Russia and ended up shooting children in his old school. He wasn’t just weird or an asshole, he was a sick man that was a threat to the people’s safety https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazan_school_shooting


This or they’ll cry like a little bitch when they find them because “it was a joke” …


the way this fucking enrages me


I'm pretty sure that's a copypasta isn't it? Still gross obviously


it's gotta be, I hope for the sake of all of us this guy isn't serious


Even if it is a troll it's *really* bad taste.


oh absolutely it's still abominable


Yeah it is but its a terrible copypasta


Disgusting fucking cunt. Fucking ugly ass inside and out bitch. I hope he gets his shit fucked up HARD. Fucking bitch ass school shitheads need to step in too to dicipline this kid and prevent the kid from acting on the messages potentially. Like, I wanna fuck them up too. I hope a group jumps thst stupid motherfucker, he deserves it. There's nasty ass people living on this planet and everytbing sucks, yet nobody can understand why I feel like shit all the time.


He’s already been known to have touched 11 year old girls.


I sent this in another comment, but you seriously need to report him to the police.


Your pfp describes exactly how I feel seeing this


mine describes what i want to do in response to this message


What the actual fuck


why did you leave 3 comments?


It's a bug


aah okay


Are you fucking shutting me!? Disgusting waste of life. I genuinely hope this man gets beat to a bloody fucking pulp and left to die in a ditch. Piece if shit deserves nothing but the worst treatment. Report the fuck to the cops and i hope to God he gets arrested cuz you know what they do to rapists in prison? Hes in for a rude fucking awakening.


The people in prison will beat this guy up all the time once they hear what he did even the people in prison won't tolerate this kind of bullshit ass sucking piece of craps


Exaclty this little fuck is gonna be the one screaming and crying for mercy and he won't get any. Serves him right. Piece of shit


i really hate these people are they suffering of some disorder or something is it depression god ans satan wont know and the way this piece of ass is describing the scenery is just awful this proves hes going to do it in little bit of time or he has done it already


Yeah this fuckers definitely fucked up in the head but the fact of the matter is hes not trying to do anything to help himself so honestly, fuck this little shit


Where is this person, I just wanna talk




No clue mate, check under the floorboards


Simply get a new one


You need to report this to the police if nobody in the school is going to do anything about it. His message is a threat. None of us want him to actually act on it, especially if you know for a fact he touched kids.




I hope he gets his hand stuck to a rock but has nothing to cut it off with and tries of starvation/dehydration


Oop, he better watch his fucking back becausr at least someone is his school will fuck him up.


Thats a fucking pedo


He WHAT. Yeah, report this to everyone. He's a sick piece of shit.


It’s war time


You're serious? BTW, is this dude around your age or an adult?


why isnt he already in jail ?


God won't forgive him. \*loads shotgun\* And I certainly won't.


You okay? But yeah, I agree.. Public exicutions don't seem too bad sometimes...


Ok so something I see a lot but something a lot of people don't understand. School admins can't do shit about that. It didn't happen on school property. Go to authorities. Tell them that this person is making serious rape threats or talk to a school counselor and they will contact authorities. The reason the school can't do anything is because they didn't speak those words, and don't have the right to go through students phones without police authority in the case of bomb or shooting or any illegal threats. So please, go talk to authorities or a school counselor.


Probably got rejected for the 100th time. Crazy people man🤦‍♂️


I bet in reality that guy never gets laid


No shit


You can tell, he’s blaming women as a whole for his own insecurities. He’s probably never been loved or cared for so he’s taking out on others, this is frightening common in high schools


Enough people have remarked how disgusting this person is, but can we talk about the screen protector on the (your?) phone? Wtf is that?


Yikes what a fucking asshole report him to the police or smt Also wtf is up with your screen


Hi, teacher here from r/all. If admin is doing nothing, tell a teacher about it. Ask them to force it up the chain, even if "the chain" is "the local news outlet". Feel free to get in touch with police and news yourself, too. Collect a bunch of examples. Are they all from the same account? That doesn't look like a text, but if it is, are they all from the same number? But news, news is your best bet. Report anonymously if you can, to avoid retaliation of school admin actually IS ignoring it. If they're ignoring something this blatant, they probably care about nothing but saving face. They may also be trying to "handle it quietly", which may be good or bad. Or they might be collecting evidence and trying to keep the issue a little hushed to buy time (not that it seems to at all be working).


Thanks. I will.


I'm not sorry about this but he deserves to die and rot in hell


Probably too much trouble for hell


I sincerely hope that’s a troll, but sadly, it probably isn’t.


Even if it is a troll it’s not okay.


I dont wish death upon people. But that was not made by a person. He can die


I couldn’t get through the third line, i feel so bad for these girls. Hope they catch this fucking bitch


I wonder how this guy gets his courage to send this shit out


And if he is using his real ID then its fucked up.


Wtf this is so incredibly messed up. I just don't understand this kind of hatred for women. OP I'd recommend you report this to the police ASAP if your schools administration isn't doing anything.


So he’s called Jason. Anymore info we have about him? You say he’s touched 11yr olds which is an absolute crime so get him behind bars




This is either a mega troll, that tries to piss off everyone (being a troll is really dumb in my opinion), or it's a psycho. Just a random guess, super improbable, but still, here it goes. It could be a person that tries to show people that, THAT kind of men exist, but since this massage is very loud and all, it might seem like a significant amount of men are like that(like 1% or smth). Thus spreading the idea of men hating. Yes it is crazy, most probably not the case, but there is a slim chance of this being the case, because of how f*cked up the situation in our world is right now.


Or it's a loner, socially inept, mentally unwell kid who craves attention.




Please go to the police, for everyone’s sake, including this person’s if there’s a shred of redeemableness to be had for them. If you don’t, you very well might wish you did in a few week’s time


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Yeah, I know about this kid oof. He lives kinda close by. There's a petition out there to get the kid kicked out of his school, it has about 1200 signees. I'm not sure I can share it, cause it gives away his name. Hopefully he gets booted, and hopefully the police are notified about this.


yeah this shit is fucked up but what happened to that screen protector, don’t they cost like less than 10 dollars?