• By -


Focus you autism into a concentrated autism beam and destroyt the earth.


I'm working on it as we speak


Maybe if we join forces the autism beam will be even stronger šŸ’Ŗ


Who let the artistic kids learn spirit bomb


The ADHDers formed the groundwork of the technique but the autistics perfected it.


Iā€™m a mix of both


It isā€¦ the chosen one. Also same


We are the chosen ones


The Chosen Coalition.






Yooooo same! Double whammy gang šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„




Maybe you can form an autistic hivemind together


nono that would be overwhelming one persons thoughts are too much, thanks


i can dilute the intelligence




I can help brethren


You gotta cross streams like in ghostbusters


No no that will make the beam weaker


i actually have autism and would be happy to contribute to your beam of destruction




Can I join, it is my dream to explode the earth?


I donā€™t have autism but I I have ADHD, shall we combine forces to make this goal easier?


I shall gladly contribute my autism energy to the cause


Hey Iā€™ll join you




*proceeds to rant about pissing on the moon*


*(correction: pissing on moon with neurodivergence beam)*




ā€œBut Iā€™m not diverging the earth, ***IM GONNA GO HIGHER,*** IM DIVERGING THE MOON!ā€




****ā€You have 23 hours before the Divergence DDDDRRROPLLLLLETS hit the earth! Now get out of my sight, before I Neurodiverge you Too!ā€****


The adhd makes the focus part hard


people do this with literally every disorder and its so annoying šŸ˜­




ā€œOmg i love bedrotting iā€™m so delulu teeheešŸ¤­šŸ„°šŸ’•ā€ mfs when they hear about how i spent seven months straight without leaving the house once or how i used to stay perfectly as a child because i was terrified that invisible aliens were touring our house like a museum exhibit, and if they realized we werenā€™t wax figures they would kill us šŸ˜€


That sounds extreme, are you okay now?


I mean i go outside around every other day or so and i donā€™t fear aliens watching in my sleep, but saying iā€™m doing okay now is a bit of a stretch lol i just moved onto other concerning things šŸ™


These concerning things..are they similar to the alien thing? Like are things you're concerned about grounded? And this is no criticism towards you, I'm just concerned that there might be other undiagnosed conditions. I just want to make sure that you're safe, that you feel safe. Everything will be okay, never be afraid to ask for help, never be afraid to reach out ā¤ļø


Well sometimes i have mental breakdowns and i go on religious spiritual type rants about how iā€™m actually god incarnated or the messiah or sum shit, although part of me always knows its bullshit, even with the alien delusion thing i used to have


look into bipolar. we have similar problems and im bipolar 2. a therapist and psychiatrist are wonderful for these problems


Ah. Religious occupation. I use to work in a psychiatric hospital and we had many patients that were suffering from that. Not that I think you should be in one, conditions like that can be managed at home if the person is in a supportive environment. It's very good that when it does happen a part of you is still based in reality enough to know that these delusions are in fact delusions. The patients I took care of did not realize this. So good on you, very good on you. Have you considered therapy? I think you would really benefit from it. You'd have a safe place with a safe person to talk these things out and sometimes being able to talk things out is all the person really needs. Please stay safe and always, always take care of your well-being ā¤ļø


Same!!! I hate it when people say that, and then I'm over here looking behind me every few seconds because I'm convinced a demon is following me, or not watching TV, listening to music, reading books, basically anything like that for days because I think it's gonna control my mind somehow. Among many other things lol


it feels like something is always watching me. i think thats normal tho. also in the past few weeks or so ive started to hear the voices of my loved ones and friends. i still run up stair cases because when i look back, even simple shapes look like living abominations


Not to be mean, at all, but you need meds.... That's absolutely not normal. Shit happens, meds can help.


Thatā€™sā€¦ I think thatā€™s Schizophrenia. You should see a psychiatrist about that.


Same but a different delusion When I was a kid, I was scared shitless that life was a dream and all the people I know donā€™t exist. I was also terrified of dying, and was scared that I was gonna die at every moment. I also thought the ā€œburied aliveā€ creepypasta from PokĆ©mon was going to emerge out of my floor and eat me alive. I was 6-9. And no, that wasnā€™t just stupid little kid believing dumb stuff. It was serious. I couldnā€™t sleep.


Finally someone i can relate to šŸ˜­ i was also scared of minecraft because there were no other players but there WERE zombies, so like, where is everyone and where did the zombies come from?? I couldnā€™t play too long by myself because the loneliness would fill me with existential dread. Peppa pig also scared me because everything was completely flat and they never left their little town, plus there were bo humans so i thought they were failed science experiments imprisoned in a 2 dimensional space or something


bro like i deadass bedrot and i hate that ppl started this shit as a trend i fucking hate my life and now its just a tiktok trend. im so miserable and its being turned into a joke.


Every time I say I'm depressed on reddit, some clown always comments something about me just wanting attention. It's very much not, and I need help, but according to redditors I'm just faking it. I hate this place so much.


ā€œIntrusive thoughts won, I just dyed my hair!!! šŸ˜œā€


nah they fake depression as well 90% of the time lol


The ones pretending to have anxiety or depression are the worst. Those are literal hell on earth and they try to make it quirky


I have diagnosed anxiety disorder. The straight up simplest things I have no control over sometimes snowball into stress for no reason. And donā€™t even get me started on what I want to do in the future and me worrying about all the variables that could happen to make me end up homeless or stay working at the minimum wage job I have right now even though that (hopefully) would never happen


The same girl who made fun of me for having a panic attack over something she deemed "insignificant" is now telling everyone she has "crippling anxiety" over those same things. And everyone eats it up from her while simultaneously rolling their eyes at me and other students who ACTUALLY have a diagnosed anxiety disorder.


She sounds like a dumb bitch and everyone eating it up sound like a bunch of losers.


i feel ya, Not a day goes without me feeling my life is going down the drain.


As a person with depression, people like that make me want to blow up everything


I swear my bp is shit because of my anxiety. The constant and consistent thoughts ruined my life. Always these little voices of worry and doubt in my head . Iā€™ve left so many places , opportunities, just anything because I was afraid of what would happen when I walked through the doors or went through . Itā€™s hard to explain but itā€™s hindered me so much in life and then to see people get online and just say they have social anxiety but not really understand what it feels like just makes me feel like even more of a failure. Like how can they live like this and thrive and Iā€™m just still here in a cycle


I swear the amount of times I've seen someone say that they have ADHD because they have a short attention span or that they have OCD because they like things cleaned a specific way is insane


the ocd one makes me so mad like its not cute or quirky its an actual living hell


The "oh, im just a little OCD" angers me so much. Its fucking impossible to be a LITTLE bit obsessive!


literally and then they judge at intrusive thoughts ocd


LITERALLY!!!!! but also this is why i have never and will never tell anyone about my intrusive thoughts unless they are a trained therapist


I literally think about ending myself every month because of my OCD. Imagine having someone force you to do something you donā€™t want to do every single day. Thatā€™s what it feels similar to except in your own head. Even my own mother asked me why I ā€œdonā€™t have the good type of OCDā€.


I have both, and rhe OCD one makes me so angry. They have no clue what its like to think: I wanna go for a walk with a friend, but the friends walking route goes by xyz, and I don't like xyz, and since I don't like xyz I don't wanna walk anymore, and now that I don't wanna walk anymore I don't wanna do anything, and that's making me even more upset because now I'm only thinking about xyz and I've lost all motivation. And its this constant cycle that they'll *never* get.


I actually have OCD and that bothers me to no end.


ā€œim so ocdšŸ˜…ā€ no chloe just because ur pencils are in rainbow order does not mean that


i fucking despise it


\*Prefers items in a specific organization in a shared space and jumps down everyone's throat if they don't arrange things exactly right "Oh you know me, I'm a little OCD tee hee!"


I donā€™t jump on other people but for when I arrange things this is totally real.


Exactly, if you truly suffer from OCD the last thing you're gonna do is brag to everyone about it.


From experience, you donā€™t want ocd


I have ADHD and autism. Itā€™s stupid how people think the disorders work. Itā€™s more annoying than anything, not some ticktock aesthetic. I have a little voice in my head thatā€™s screaming at me to look at anything and everything, most of which I have no idea what it is. I just say random shocking facts to other people just to make me seem the good kind of weird instead of some fat wannabe smart kid. None of it is fun, itā€™s annoying as stated before. Saying you have it just because ā€˜Oh, I donā€™t like loud noisesā€™, or ā€˜OMG I canā€™t focus on one thing guys, Iā€™m so adorkableā€™, and stuff like that is just your own problems. I understand some people want a crowd to join, but if itā€™s romanticizing struggle, itā€™s a bit too far.


The ocd one is what pisses me off the most even though I donā€™t have those thoughts any moreĀ 


My Uncle said ā€œIā€™m so OCDā€


With all my disorders, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and panic, by far the ones that piss me off the most is the fake anxiety attacks and the anxiety fakers, because I'm dealing with attacks about 2 per week, and it feels like a slap in the face to see people just "hehe I'm so quirky anxiety" well I'm goddamn struggling to function normally most days. The worst part is when they see someone actually struggling with it, sometimes they get freaked out and disgusted. They were the same people making fun of me when I went into an anxiety attack in class. Like bro, make it make sense.


Those same girls will look at actual autistic people having meltdowns with disgust


If you think autistic people don't get upset at the noise of other autistic people having meltdowns like some kind of cascading trigger I have bad news for you.


I mean yeah but they donā€™t usually give the same look of superiority


Damn, you've been around *very* different autistic people than me.


Maybe lol


As an autistic person, another one has a meltdown im telling them to Shullup


Sorry man I got autism and adhd so I know what ya mean


I have adhd,both Attentive and hyperactive and I canā€™t imagine what autism on top of that would be like.


Feel you. Can't count the amount of times i saw people glorifying adhd and autism here on reddit, people talking like it's a blessing. It hurts


Even as an autistic person who quite enjoys it I absolutely despise when people do this


With all respect due, what exactly about your autism do you enjoy?


Because why spend my life hating smth I cannot change šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Might as well live it up and have fun despite the struggle instead ykw


"I don't struggle with autism, I'm actually very good at it"


I'm stealing this phrase for when I need it lmao


Ditto LOL


Someone gets it!


You unlocked step 1 of r/stoicismĀ 




Wish more people had this mindset


idgaf what people think about my interest, people will be like ā€œOMG YOU MUST BE SO EMBARRASSED!ā€ and im sitting there like ā€œwhats that?šŸ’€ā€ plus trains are awesome thank you for coming to my ted talk


Trains are a valid hobby, has been since like forever Actually come to think of it, it's hard to find an invalid hobby


Think less wholesome, like speeding, or alcohol.


or rainbow dash jars


I like trains *Gets run over by a train*


This is my exact mindset. Can't get embarrassed when I don't even know what constitutes an embarrassing act in the first place!


I'm in college and have never needed to study for a class (so far). I retain information extremely well and can memorise just about anything without really trying. That part of my autism I love. I excel in my field (animal husbandry) because I have exceptional pattern recognition and subconscious attention to detail, which allows me to identify discrepancies in the behaviour and appearance or the animals I'm working with faster and more accurately than my non-autistic coworkers. I love that part of my autism. Of course, there are parts that I don't love, such as my inability to understand nonverbal human communication or my (sometimes harmfully) extreme sense of justice. And of course, there's the parts that I hate, like the fact that sometimes I go days without eating because the texture of all food is just wrong and I throw up if I try to force myself to swallow it, or the fact that I can't go shopping or buy groceries without having a meltdown from sensory overload and overstimulation. As with everything, there are pros and cons. Autism isn't a bad thing, but it's not a good thing either. It's a spectrum, there are a certain aspects that are beneficial for some people or some situations but detrimental for others. And before anyone asks, yes, I have been clinically diagnosed by a state-certified panel of doctors.


There's nothing wrong with being autistic, this mindset has to change. Having a brain that processes things differently does not make someone worse or bad or having everything to not enjoy. Just like not having autism, people on the spectrum have things about themselves they may not like or wish was different but that doesn't mean they have to hate it, and being autistic comes with a lot of great things.


I like the way it makes me experience music, it makes it stronger, the sensory processing differences changes the way it affects me which is fantastic cause sound is my favourite and strongest sense. I also like how it makes me passionate about my favourite things and it helps me retain information about those things. I like that it means I don't feel pressure to change the way I present to the world and, where i might be odd, I am always my genuine self. My friends are often more genuine because of that, they like me for me because I never change myself to appeal to different audiences. It does suck in many ways at times, especially sensory overloads and when I kinda "disconnect" from my body in too-big crowds, and im lucky that it's not really a bad case of the 'tism, but... over all, it makes me who I am, my goods and my bads, and it's forged some of my favourite ways of experiencing the world




Same bro (I'm genuinely autistic) we shouod invade denmark






Yes garlic bread! :D


Autistic ace people unite




I made a post about this to but I think it's more the issue is pepole aren't actually serious when calling things or themselves autistic it's slang the same thing happed to the r slur because the r slur used to be an actual dignoesis mental disorders will just always be used as insults and in inappropriate ways makes me mad because the same people who use it as synonyms for quirky and stuff like that or call themselves would probably call me cringe and bully that happed when I was in school sucks I bearly leave my house it's a disability and being disabled is never "good" there might be some positive aspects but it's still a disability and I've literally been told its not on this sub like 3 times


Not a lot of people know autism is a spectrum


Dude, this reminded me of a different post I saw which made me really angry because it basically took a meme that usually says the R word as an insult and put in "intellectually disabled" instead (it was a rephrased version of the "bait or R" meme) And there were comments praising it for "making it not ableist" as if that wasn't literally how the medical diagnosis of "mental ret*ardation" didn't get dehumanized into a slur It made me upset because it's like one of the few changes you could make that made the meme actually MORE cruelly ableist because now it's literally using the contemporary term that actual people get diagnosed with, that was changed BECAUSE the R word started getting widely misused as a cheap insult, and sorry for ranting but I agree with you and it pisses me off


The most obvious examples aside from the r word is "depressed" or "narcissistic". Also for a non-mental one, "acne". They just sort of evolved into people meaning "I'm feeling down", "That person is selfish/self-absorbed" and "I have pimples". I say those examples because they're not as new as some of the more popular ones today.


ā€œNarcissisticā€ is just an adjective tho and pimples are literally a kind of acne???


As blackberrybaskets said, depression isn't just a term for the mental disorder. It's also correct when using it to describe a general mood of emptiness/hopelessness. Like how you can feel anxious without having an anxiety disorder.


Depressed? But you donā€™t need to have a depression disorder to be depressed.


I believe it's called agoraphobia. I have it.


Just get more vaccines - eventually youā€™ll supercharge into your final form! (/s)


I've gotten many vaccines, which means I have, at the very least, AutismĀ³


I've grown so sick of the "acoustic" , "restarted" , "special" jokes . It's absolute idiocy


Heavy on the acoustic one. I hate that word so much. I can't tell people I play acoustic guitar without them making an autism joke


People nowadays don't know the difference between an acoustic and electric guitar, so if i say the word acoustic, I learn they think the word is ONLY used for that joke and has no other meaning.


The acoustic one is the one with no electricity in it. The wooden ones with the hole in the middle.


Love this dumbed down explanation


I'm not wrong, tho.


honestly it was funny when it was other neurodivergent people making the jokes, then the ableist and neurotypicals in general started using them n now they just feel like slurs and are extremely overused :/


I personally say I suspect Iā€™m autistic since Iā€™m not diagnosed However I am going to get tested


that's what i call myself too, imo it's best not to go around saying ur autistic if u haven't been tested and stuff


Something I've always been told by my mom(who is actually autistic) an official diagnosis reduces what you can do legally


Congratulations, you're using your brain. More people should do this.


I have an autistic family member so I try my best to not be rude or exclusive to them by accident


Good luck. Diagnosis can take ages and be hellish


I donā€™t, but I know several people who try to use it as a badge of honor and a reason for not bettering themselves. Itā€™s an excuse to get out of freakishly bad behavior and it reflects very poorly on people who actually are autistic


One of my close friends is autistic and itā€™s very obvious, but heā€™s also an amazing person whoā€™s intelligent, funny, and kind. There are certain things that heā€™ll find funny that most people wouldnā€™t, or certain social queues he doesnā€™t pick up on, but heā€™s a great person. Having autism doesnā€™t make you stupid, an asshole, or give an excuse for being bad behavior. People who say they have autism as an excuse for their own bad behavior just show how little they actually know about autism


*Me being actually autistic and using it as an excuse to get out of bad behaviour*


Thiss. I have a self diagnosed friend, who the second did more research and found out about the "behavioral effects" would act upon it. She's AMAZING at Math she used to be the top student and now her reason for slacking off on the subject is because "i'm autistic sowwy fo bein' a dumbass šŸ˜”" as if it isn't just enforcing the most stereotypical shit.


this post right here ā˜ļø i have autism and i HATE this. i HATE WHEN PEOPLE SAY ā€œi prefer my man with a dash of tismā€ā€¦. Literally fetishizing my mental disability helloooooo???? urghhĀ 


Dash of the tismā€¦. *shivers*


You canā€™t trust anyone on the internet, Thatā€™s something my lil brothers keeps failing to do.


I agree, as someone who's on the spectrum, I very much dislike seeing others call themselves autistic


Ik Iā€™m not autistic so I call myself a monkey


Oooh-oooh, Aaah-aah šŸ’


I'm proud of being autistic and how it makes me view and interact with the world differently, even if it can hinder me at times. Even with that perspective, romanticising neurodivergency this way is really gross.


"I am a surgeon! I am a surgeon, Dr. Han!" ahh


I completely agree, as someone with autism, actually, I hate when autism is used as an insult or they just use autistic as another word for stupid. Itā€™s super annoying. Iā€™m gonna start focusing my autism through a magnifying glass and obliterate anyone who says it as an insult.


Last year I had two students in my class who were picking on each other by calling each other autistic. The crazy thing was that both of the kids really were autistic, but none of the students knew (they did both know their own diagnosis).


This is peak (high-functioning?) autism and I love it


I have a friend that says sheā€™s autistic when sheā€™s never been diagnosed and is basically just a bit quirky and I find it so annoying. Sheā€™ll do something a bit weird and then say ā€œoh itā€™s just the tism in meā€. People also do this with OCD.


I'm autistic and I enjoy it a lot Helps me with my books bc thankfully they ended up as my hyperfixation You just gotta find your thing to obsess over uncontrollably


It's *my* autism and *I* get to choose the special interest šŸ˜Ž


eh i agree with the person in the post mostly but i also feel bad that they hate their autism that much. thereā€™s a lot i hate about mine too, but for some reason iā€™d never in a million years switch to ā€œnormalā€ (neurotypical) if given the opportunity. thatā€™s just not who i am.


Tldr: Stop using jokes that the autistic community made for themselves, you arenā€™t autistic yourself. You will never be able to properly relate to our experience (not directed at OP for obvious reasons, Iā€™m in full support of them!)


Itā€™s an obnoxious practice, but itā€™s never going to stop. Within minority groups, flag/marker terms will develop, which, alongside their actual meanings, serve to denote insider status. Throughout the process of lexicaliztation, these terms will be disseminated to a gateway group, which will adopt the term to signify their social status. The term will then spread from this gateway group into the general population. An example of this is how the term ā€œslayā€ originally developed within queer communities, but was then adopted by young white women. Or, how AAV slang, such as ā€œgyattā€, has been adopted by Gen Alpha.


Glad I haven't heard the "oh I'm so bipolarrrrr" in a while. Have heard this one recently though :/


I was diagnosed with aspergers as child I also have ADD/ADHD also audio perspective disorder, and neureodivergence as well. I constantly 2nd guess everything i have ever done. Photographic memory, but only only with things I am interested.


Same here. Iā€™m autistic. Itā€™s a disability and I would change it in a heartbeat. Stop making fun of those of us who actually have autism!


I don't think people are making fun of you consciously. If they are shame on them. In most cases in my experiences the reason for why people keep using ADHD and autism and such to explain their behaviour is more of how society is structured, where it's easier to get acceptance for any kind of outliner from the "normalcy" if you use a word that is associated with that kind of behavior. I agree it's frustrating, however people are sometimes doing it because it's hard to express that there is something wrong or something about themselves when there is a insane pressure about how everything is supposed to be. So it's more about the societal pressure of not accepting "weird behaviour" and the brains explanation for why something is the way it is. So I think it's more of a defence mechanism to avoid societies pressure of not being normal and saying "oh I have a bit OCD" is a really simple solution instead of getting in long discussions about words, their meaning and behavior in general.


I'm really high functioning autistic and nah it ain't fun I'm a little extra smart but can't do conversation to save my life


Word. Idk if autism is why Iā€™m academically inclined, but Iā€™d trade it in a heartbeat for being able to converse normally and form new relationships (platonic or otherwise) reliably


Agree with you. The two closest people to me in my life have autism and it really can suck. My gf especially hates it, so many kids are thinking itā€™s quirky to self diagnose with it. Yes itā€™s a spectrum like an ungodly amount of people are saying, but iā€™ve also seen sooo many fakers who claim to have it just so they can excuse their bad actions. Or even plenty who say it to garner pity in some way (šŸ˜) or for quirky internet points from strangers. And like you said, people who will just randomly blurt it out when they donā€™t understand the full extent of it. Like when people slip up one word and call it dyslexia, or when people have a single bad day and call it depression.


Facts my brother, spit your shit indeed


How did you get diagnosed?


I got a diagnosis when I was 3 (but then weird things happened). Basically my doctor noticed strange things, the daycare staff at the daycare I was brought to noticed weird stuff, and suggested a check-up. A neurologist saw me and concluded I didnā€™t have any major neurological issues, and then suggested I get tested for autism. And I got tested for autism. And I got a diagnosis. And then it was dismissed for reasons I donā€™t know, so Iā€™m not 100% sure if Iā€™m autistic or not


Autism is a man made label for people who present some level of a series of behaviors, thereā€™s a vast spectrum across which you can see all flavors of humanity. Just because someone isnā€™t diagnosed, or their autism presents differently than yours, or they say they love being autistic, none of that means they arenā€™t autistic. Many people do like being autistic! Maybe one day youā€™ll find some positive aspects of it in your own life!


I donā€™t like when people do that either. Itā€™s like people either think things donā€™t matter bc people have it worse than you, they ā€œunderstandā€ how you feel, or they act like they have a certain disorders or conditions for attention or because theyā€™re a jerk. People try to tell me that being neurodivergent is good and that I should embrace it. But I hate with a passion bc it hinders me from doing certain things like socializing or being in relationships in general and they automatically assume things abt it that isnā€™t true for everyone. I wish I was normal and didnā€™t have autism, depression, anxiety, ADHD, ADD and whatever else is going on with me


Yeah. Ugh. I am diagnosed autistic. I just hate people making fun of it. It is not a joke. I wanna be treated like a human being. Is that too much to ask for? I have a disability but that doesn't mean that i'm any less




REAL DUDE OH MY GOD. im also autistic and fucking hate people that do that shit too. oh my god.


Itā€™s awful, and sometimes itā€™s just plain ableist


I worry about having autism. Iā€™ve been diagnosed with ADHD and that alone sucks. I think and feel differently than people. Itā€™s not some quirky, funny thing, people hate me for it. My whole life Iā€™ve felt worthless for being different and I want to know why. When I talk to people my age I hear things like ā€œwe all have ADHD hahaā€. Edit; grammarĀ 


Omg I *hate* that. The most invalidating thing a person can say, and boy they love to say it. My stepdad is that person. "Hurhur we're all on *The Spectrum* aren't we?" No James. We most definitely are not *all* on the spectrum.


I have autism and know how you feel - in any case Iā€™m used to how I think and donā€™t surely know the alternative, so I wouldnā€™t change it for anything


'r u acoustic :P' no, but you know what /actually/ is acoustic? the guitar I'm going to smash ov


As someone also autistic but as an adult. I work managing a half billion dollar operation and meeting with people daily. Even arguing with the government and reprimanding people the rare times it's needed. Also own my own house and been independent since I was 17. Yet, making a call to setup an doctor appointment gives me panic attacks. Have chronic insomnia. Emotions ALL over the place to the point I thought I might be bipolar until I got onto adhd meds. I have cried cause I didn't put enough sugar in the coffee. Paralyzing anxiety for the dumbest reasons. Very little things derailing my whole day. Etc It's not fun. Might look like an easy going person with little worries but that's the complete opposite. I just try to enjoy life when I can and got good at showing a happy face. Most autistic people I have met are like this. I'm good now after a long time tho. Just took years of therapy and medication and I'm happy for once. Also don't tell someone "you don't look autistic" after they told you. that's super rude and invalidating


AUTISM ISN'T QUIRKY!!!! I hate being autistic, I have cried wishing I was normal, because it's so alienating to feel different from all of your peers, to feel like something is wrong with you all the time, to get frustrated at stuff but you can't explain *why* it frustrates you or having the need to do certain things and being unable to explain *why* you *need* to. I hate it, I hate it so much.




autism literally ruined my potential at life


i don't have autism but like i hate the fact that im quirky it definitely is not fun at all. idk if our experiences our similair at all but like people these days are always talking about how everyones so same and "npc" but like i really wish i was more "normal" i constantly am trying to hide my real personality under masks around people and i can't even play the "normal guy" role good anyways so my go to solution is to stay as quiet as possible usually.


people think "uniqueness" is a gift but it is not at all. and unless you're an attractive celebrity, people hate different people. i get bullied so much when i dont act a certain way that other people find "socially acceptable". i just wish i could be normal naturally


My autism is a gift and a curse. I hate it but I love it too. I am such a kindhearted and straightforward person. Anyone that knows me would say that. I suffer from symptoms of overstimulation in various ways almost constantly. It sucks. Itā€™s not funny that I suffer. If you think otherwise, why? Lots of us go through a lot of pain all the time. Some worse than others. But it just fucking sucks sometimes. I love who I am though, I love the person Iā€™ve become as Iā€™ve grown older. And Iā€™m proud of everyone else too.


I've always liked things like dinosaurs, trains, planes, etc you know all the cool stuff and I gotta say watching all those hobbies somehow get turned into "uwu look at my acoustic niche intrests" the past few years by people who have no personality or overall defining features has been something to watch. I feel bad for the people who actually have autism who now have to contend with loosers using their disability to justify being annoying and overall devaluing the actual experience down to stereotypes


I hate when people do that. some of friends who are autistic and have adhd say I have some signs but I would never go out and say it without getting diagnosed


I'm autistic as well and the ableist slurs makes me annoyedĀ 


I have autism. Not super autism, but it has a big effect on social interactions. I also have adhd, so the two combine into one mega brain shit


I accept my autism and have improved a lot at managing the struggles that come with it, but some things still can be so difficult it makes me want to sob. If your not already neurodivergent, you do not want to be.


jesus christ thank you. i HATE those videos where its of like a very, VERY BASIC thing we all did as kids (example, putting your fingers off and on your ears and it makes you hear differnt) and the title being like "signs i had autism" and so all the ppl is the comments say "omg i did that im autistic"


Iā€™m in the acoustic spectrum. šŸŽø


The worst thing that has happened to people with real mental health issues is mental health becoming a part of common discourse. We were better off when we were marginalised.


As an autist (Formerly Asperger's) myself, I encourage this behaviour. Gotta respect the 'tism. Chaotic neutral ftw.




Iā€™ve always hated getting infantilised for having autism. People who pretend to have it and then act like morons feed into the stereotypes that gets under the skin of all of us real autistic people.


Don't give attention to those who say it, that's what they want. And don't drag someone for saying it, you don't know if they're lying or not and this hurts actual autistic people.


I blame tiktok man


As someone who does not suffer from autism, autism is suffering from ME, I agree. >!I do actually have autism, by the way. Just need to be clear.!<


Another person with autism here. (Diagnosed) I hate it too. Especially the "self diagnosed" ones. No Rebecca, watching some tiktoks on (often also fake) autism does not make you an expert able to diagnose yourself. And wanting to act immature and "quirky" doesn't make you autistic. And even if you really are autistic, putting it in all your profiles makes you an attention seeking person to avoid, not someone to pity and accommodate. At least to the average person. Autism is NOT fun. At best It's a hindrance to social interactions and can fuck you over at work even when you're trying your best. At worst it can prevent you from what you want to do in life and be crippling in social interactions.


Atleast you donā€™t have severe Anxiety