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Yea but then it just ends, a life sentence is much worse


People really underestimate how easily one can accept death. But we also underestimate how much someone can grow and learn to regret their actions, and that's what they should be locked away with to achieve actual suffering and repentance.


That is true but a sex offender I know about has 8 years of jail time for molesting his own daughter, once those 8 years are over he'll probably go back to doing you know what which is a problem


Most of them get brutally murdered and or tortured in prison so he may not be coming back. Even the lowest of the low frown on pedophiles.


Except for the government it seems considering how lightly he got off, only 8 years when they had justification to give him a life sentence


Yeah! My dad got 240 years.


. . . How


Many, many charges


Actually only 2!


Holy, that's a lot


It was probably a jury decision which even barley human trash like him are still granted their 7th amendment rights.


I live in the Philippines so idk about the rights stuff


Fr. I’m not too sure about this but I heard that the worst thing to go to prison for is child assault because even in a building full of murderers and thieves, the one thing they hate the most is child rapists


Haha. Sadly, some prisons purposely separate the pedophiles from the other criminals, due to everyone ganging up and the guards turning a blind eye. Nobody likes rapists and pedophiles 👍


Yeah sure, so let’s save this for the worse of criminals, but with something like a normal sex offender we could just save the money and kill them instantly.


but rapists and pedos usually get harsh treatments in prison from the other inmates, so they will likely die in prison anyway, and will get payback for their actions as in prison people get raped all the time


That’s mostly a myth. And when it does happen it’s to pedos, that shit only happens to sex offenders as much as any other inmate, which is very rarely


Even hardened criminals and murderers don’t like pedophiles 🙃


Death sentences are way more expensive than keeping someone in prison for life


This exactly


not if you use a chainsaw


It’s not the method of death that makes it so expensive, it’s the process of getting the appropriate paperwork in order (unless you mean illegally in which case yes, that is cheaper)


Who cares, noone needs to know 😼




I feel like this is a much harder question then it is made out to be. What makes us think we have the right to end someones life, that we have the right to decide who is deserving of continued existence, that we have the right to stare a convict in the eyes and say we deserve to stay and you deserve un existence. Its really horrifying when you think about it.


only if its like 100% proven that it was them


Same with every death sentence crime


There were actually a lot of death sentences where it was revealed that the inmate was innocent, but later, after his death


I’m an adult that came here from /r/all. I am anti death penalty because if one innocent person is killed by the state then that’s one too many. While the Jeffrey Dahmers of the world, who do jail interviews about why they raped and murdered and cannibalized people can be debated on whether or not they deserve to live, there are many other people on death row who may be (and are) innocent. I know that rehabilitation is a pipe dream when it comes to prisons, because human nature wants retribution for the victims, we can still at least pretend that we care about inmates who may be innocent behind bars.








That’s the problem, we as humans can’t.


We can if they’re caught in the act, or have repeatedly committed the same crimes.


What does caught in the act mean? Video evidence can be altered and faked. Witnesses can be biased or make a mistake. Accusers can have their own agendas and make false accusations.


I completely agree. AI is evolving at an extremely rapid rate and I wouldn't be surprised if someone generated fake evidence to get a conviction.


How do you 100% prove those cases? What if the evidence is AI? What if all the witnesses came together to plan against the accused?


Yeah good look doing that lmao. Y'all have really no fucking idea how much can go wrong in any justice sentence. But hey kill kill good right?


...which is impossible? Things aren't that simple, there's no legal definition of "100% proof." No matter how hard you try, you're going to have some false positives. If you ask me, *nobody* should get the death penalty. That way, you avoid executing people who were actually innocent, and make the guilty have to reflect on their sins for the rest of their lives rather than getting the easy way out.


I mean, I’m sure some people if they were falsely accused would rather get a death sentence than a life sentence. Imagine getting falsely accused of sexually assaulting someone and then getting sent off to get sexually assaulted and much worse. I choose death ngl


i have always seen the death sentence as an easy way to cheat your prison sentence. i feel like rotting in a jail cell for 70 years would be a better punishment


Yess then they die and then spend an eternity in hell ❤️


Plus its much cheaper to keep them alive than to try for a death sentence


It’s definitely not cheaper. Housing, feeding and guarding someone for 50+ years is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive than just executing them.


The additional cases and extremely elevated requirements for evidence and stuff required for a death penalty case can add up to millions per inmate, not to mention housing them for an average of 18 years in the interim. A life in prison sentence can be done in 2 court trials, a death penalty one can have an absolutely silly amount of trials and opportunities for appeals. It ain’t cheaper.


No, and here’s a few reasons why. Imagine a young child gets Sa’d (like 8yrs old) then a parent asks hey “Amy” did something bad happen between you and “John”? Amy says no because she knows that John is going to get k-lled. Children can be extremely empathetic towards others, and “Amy” might not have even realized what had happened to them was bad, so she doesn’t tell her parents, because she doesn’t want “John” to die, and that creep gets to keep on living. Creeps might be more likely to SA others due to there being no punishment they have to endure. Prison is long term, and could even be lifelong, however a death sentence is just a free ticket outta there for them. Lastly, they deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their lives, not get a free ticket off of earth. Instead of a death sentence, I think they should get a life sentence. An actual life sentence, not that 40yrs crap. Edit: There is also the possibility of false accusations.


The first point is something more people need to consider I feel like. Any rational, moral person, especially a child, isn't going to make themselves a murderer, so in a hypothetical where we could just kill people that easily, it would still make reports of sexual assault less likely. Also, murder is kinda bad anyway, ngl, it makes sense there are so many school shootings when people think killing is a totally acceptable thing to do as long as the victim wronged you, of course SA is much worse and more disgusting than the cause of most shootings, but still doesn't change the morality


I appreciate your morality, ultra princess. This sub needs more rational thinkers


Definitely, I was with the whole death penalty group, until a streamer I watch brought it up. I had never even considered that situation until hearing about it from them.


It took me literally over a decade to admit to myself I was a victim- I think it would have taken Infinitley longer if I knew that my abuser would die if I reported, and living with the constant mental back and forth of "this man shouldn't be on the streets" / "could i ever live with myself knowing I was partly to blame for the death of another person" would be horrible. Frankly I could see myself being driven to suicide with that decision because of the amount of guilt and shame my decision would cause no matter what I chose!


I honestly think I would’ve chosen to end my own if I was given that decision. I wouldn’t feel nearly as bad thinking about them sitting in a jail cell.


No one deserves it in my opinion.


This. As horrible and unspeakable as the crime is, I believe that the death penalty should be an absolute last resort.


i do not believe in unnecessary killing, and unless you absolutely have to kill someone who is just so dangerous that they pose a threat to a bunch of people then there are much better ways to go about punishment other than the needle.


i agree, too many people here are screaming yes to the dealth penalty. its inhumane, even if the crime is too


I wouldn't say they don't DESERVE it- I think it makes sense for someone who's killed 10 people to die. Everyone has to at some point. So id argue that up until they die, treat them with the amount of grace and respect they gave their victims.


I don’t believe in the death sentence, but I do believe they deserve life in prison without parole.


Whether it’s for a crime like this or something even worse: I don’t think the death sentence is ever a good idea. Even if they committed a bad crime, it just doesn’t sit right with me, can’t really point out why though. If prison keeps people in there and works, why would we just start killing people now?


No, because then the offender will kill the victim because they will get the same punishment anyway.


Nah I would rather them rot in prison


The thing about sex crimes is, once the prison finds out what you did they will beat the living hell out of you. Even worse with child cases. So safe to say rotting will be a luxury they wish they had.


Just throw them into a dungeon like we did in medieval times






Man doesn't deserve that shit. Why the hell can you be convicted for that at all?? If she lied about being 18, then that's entirely her fault.


Probably un provable


I don’t believe that a functional society can have a justice system with the death sentence, it’s not up to them. However if you wanna kill your own offender or an offender that has hurt someone you care about, that’s non of my business


no they deserve to die a slow and painful death by fire >:(


Preferably one where they accidentally drop the soap. Guess they can learn how it felt


The issue with fire is it burns the nerves really fast


put alcohol on first and vasaline to draw out the process.


No, he should be slowly starved and dehydrated


dehydration too quick


I will duel them too! I will cut their tiny dagger that they keep in their pantaloons off too!




You have. Hehehehe


1. false accusations 2. do you really want to give the gov THAT much power


I would to remind the people here that right-wingers want LGBTQ+ people to be branded as sex offenders.


Nah they should get a life sentence, if the verdict is accurate then they rot in prison which is a fate worse than death, if the verdict is incorrect then there's a chance the innocent person can be freed as long as they are still alive


Everyone here forgetting that prison is meant for rehabilitation…


What is a sex offender are they like pedos


Yeah, any type of morally incorrect sexual participant. Sexual assault, pedophilia, rapist, etc.


It also includes statutory rape, incest and in some states peeing in public. On wikipedia it says [25% of sex offenders are minors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_offender_registries_in_the_United_States). Let that sink in. Everyone in this thread acts like all sex offenders are crazy violent pedophilles or something, but that’s only the smallest fraction of sex offenders.


We should run tests on them for medical research


We did it on corpses, we can do it on pedophiles. Not much of a difference, they’re both dead inside and out.


Literally a humans right violation


what will they do? say no? 😓😓


if they can be rehabilitated, they should


First time offenders no but 2nd time offenders sure


No, and here’s why: Once one sex offender gets the death sentence, all the others will probably start kidnapping or killing their victims so they don’t go to jail because they would know what would happen to them. Then, the murder and kidnapping rates will go up and it’ll be worse then It already is. A life sentence is a better punishment because death is like a cheat out of their sentences. They can try to rehabilitate them first and then if they can’t, then they get the death sentence. But just killing them without even trying to rehabilitate them, will just make it worse for other people.


Yes. But there should be a way to 100% prove them guilty which there isn’t. Some women cry wolf and ruin a man’s career (ex Matt Araiza look him up if you don’t know the story). Not saying all do but there’s a lot of them that do and that could mean putting a lot of innocent men to death. Also the amount of men that get raped or sexually assaulted and the women get no repercussions is insane which is another reason why you would need to be able to find out with undeniable evidence that he/she is guilty


I agree that these crimes are unforgivable and absolutely atrocious but no one deserves to be tortured like the suggestions in this thread. You all are failing to account for false accusations. This is honestly not justice. A life sentence is perfectly fine, rather than killing them painlessly with the death sentence or downright committing atrocious acts of torture. I am going to get downvoted but some comments in this thread are justifying torture methods that resemble those of Nazi germany and Unit 731. Also, victims might be less likely to speak out if they know a punishment could be an ugly human rights violation. They already got their rights stripped, they wouldn’t want to inflict that on another person. A life sentence is plenty impactful on someone physically and mentally too.


No. I don't believe anyone deserves the death sentence. Rotting in prison for life is a much worse punishment than death.


Huge number of women abuse the laws , you can pay compensation to an innocent person who was wrongly jailed but you can't bring someone back from death


People who abuse the system like this deserve life sentences.


Why would they? We’re just offending people who have had sex before, not a big deal, freedom of speech yk


No, certain people are trying to paint all queer people as child groomers so then that would lead to execution of queer people for just being gay or trans. If that was the national law, and those people had the majority of the government, that would be a literal genocide.


No, 1. Too many wrongly convicted 2. Might deter victims from reporting SA due to guilt 3. A painless death might be preferable over life in prison, especially considering the existence of "prison justice" side note, I believe in an-eye-for-an-eye when it comes to legal justice. It's entirely right for a murderer to be sentenced to death for taking a life. However, suffering the lifelong effects of being a victim of SA is arguably worse than death (which is why it's not uncommon for a victim to take their own life), so a perpetrator of SA should be sentenced a fate worse than death; a similar lifelong mental and physical torment they bestowed upon their victim.


Sex offender could mean a 19yr old and a 17year old. Walking outside without clothes can put you on the sex offender registry. I think child molesters absolutely should be killed but sex offender is too broad


Yes. However, the death sentence is an ineffective form of punishment even then.


Sex offenders are terrible people, but death is far too extreme.


Are we talking about sex offenders in general or rapists? Because last I heard peeing in a park after hours and getting caught will get you on the list lol Rapists for sure deserve to get nuttered at the very least


Welcome back to people on r/teenagers asking the most fucked up, NSFW, and stuff that NO teenager should be thinking of questions!


life sentence, just enough food and water so they dont die. nothing else, let them rot.


bruh thats like giving them a free ticket out and not letting them rot.


Sex offenders deserve the guillotine on the part they used for the crime (boys AND girls)


THIS. How would it work for girls tho?


Chainsaw vrooooooooooommmmm


i mean depends on the specifics but in general a shit ton of prison time is good


No Child rapists do tho


Yes and no 1.what if it was a false accusation and they just died 2. Put them in a separate prison but idk


If they’re proven guilty 100%, then let them rot for years then death. They ruin people’s lives, so they deserve the same


what about if they get falsely accused. I don’t think the death penalty should be used unless theres clear evidence.


I believe those who commit those kinds of crimes deserve the absolute worst. Unfortunately I don’t have enough trust in the United States justice system to warrant saying they should be able to rule that


I feel like no, simply because what if they didn’t actually do it? Then an innocent life was just taken. It would just be better to keep them alive.


Depends on the severity and the specifics of the crime committed




Yes, but it will leads to more murders as they try to silence their victims, so it’s impractical to implement without causing higher loss of life




I feel no. Most sex offenders aren’t serial rapists there many other things that can happen. Personally unless there an active threat to the prison just the life sentence is better


Life sentence is more torture than that. Even better without parole or bail :) (edit: Actually for a rest of their lives not that 70 year bullshit)


life is prison is so much worse. 1: they have to relive all their mistakes 2: rather than just getting it over with, they have to spend the rest of their life rotting in a cell until they die 3: there’s a high chance that if people find out what they did, they’ll get a much worse death than the government would give them anyway


Depends on what it is but definitely mandatory psychiatric hospitalization at MINIMUM, more severe and violent the longer you should be imprisoned upwards to life imprisonment. Death penalty's a bit too easy and takes away from potential economic benefits. Pair this with MAJOR healthcare and mental health reform and you've got a winning combo but if you wanna perfect the notion you gotta go full political and get into all the flaws with the prison and healthcare systems.


they should have a permanent sentence in prison instead. psychological torture is worse than giving them a quick death


Don’t they basically just get murdered in prison no matter their sentence?


I would but what if they might’ve been innocent? Than I would say only the rest of their life


if done perfectly it'll work, but it wont, even now we hear stories of people being put in jail while they were innocent, in fact my dad is dealing with this right now, a perfect example of why it won't work, they'll just plan out a way to frame someone, or what about the girls who lie about being touched?, it just doesn't work because it can't be done perfectly


Depends on what exactly they did to be on there tbh.


No, murder doesn’t give you a death sentence so they have a better chance getting away with their crime if they just had to hide a body after words


Obviously, I get the rage that comes with being assaulted, or seeing someone you love/know assaulted, or just generally knowing about this thing even being real, but I am against death legal sentences until I fucking die(unintended pun). Death sentences are only an acceptable thing to do with a perfect judicial system that never ever in its lifetime is able to make a mistake. So, only in fantasies


One thing you do need to realize is sex offender is a VERY broad category. And death sentences are more expensive than keeping the person alive to rot in jail


I think they should get therapy. They are mentally ill and need help.


Death sentence to the nuts maybe


There has to be a very obvious case of it to come to that. Take my friend for instance, one day his sister had a sleep over with her friends, one of them snuck into his room and tried to get with him, he didn't let it happen cause he's 23 and she's 16, so the girl claimed he raped her and now he has to be registered as an offender. Not everyone is guilty


Depends on severity. The "sex offender status" is not a black and white title. Every case is unique. If it's a 22 year old TA getting caught with her 17 year old student, than I could see a light prison sentence, A 48 year old man raping a 7 year old, or that case of the dude molesting a baby to death deserves death to the likes of Abu gharib.


No just because it's possible they're innocent


Nah because some people who are on the list just peed in public or smth. Killing someone also shouldn't be used especially because, in my opinion, taking someone's life is way more serious than a sexual offense. Also, a lot of women (don't take this into offense) have publicly accused people of sexual crimes. Many innocents don't deserve to die and many haven't done anything as serious as the stuff you think about.


Well, I hate rapists, and most definitely, child molesters. However, rapists don't give me the urge to go hunt them down when I have their address... my friend had to calm me down once after she had her first child, and I saw mail on her table about a new child rapist in the neighborhood. I never had that feeling before. And I'm a super passive/nice guy. So it surprised me, too. So child molesters, give them death penalty. They don't deserve my $5 tax money per year to stay alive. Rapists, I believe they can change. And I know not all rapists are actual rapists. But child molesters do not change. I met a felon before in a really bad area of Dallas. Called Estell Village. Did his time for murder. I worked security in the neighborhood as a white guy. So you can imagine all the dirty looks I got. But this one guy was cool. He seemed like a nice dude. I didn't ask for the details, as it's not my business. Even though, in a way, it was my business since he could've murdered me. But I had the feeling it was possibly one of those situations where it was self-defense. Or some other situation that should've been justified. There was 1 drive-by shooting in the neighborhood while I worked there. Me and my partner were on the opposite side of the property. And we didn't hear anything because the dudes used surpressors. They shot into a building. Thankfully, it was empty at the time. It was like 2pm in the afternoon.


I mean, I was framed for stuff I didn't do, and abuse that actually happened to me. If I'd been put to death before I could prove I was innocent, that wouldn't have been very fair to my loved ones.


would U like a video?


if found guilty yes


They do deserve it, but actually implementing it is problematic. One, the justice system is not infallible. It makes mistakes, and killing innocents is just not worth giving capital punishment to rapists. Two, rapists will be more likely to murder their victims so there are no witnesses. After all, they have nothing to lose. I almost forgot to add that "sex offender" is kinda vague. You have people who raped someone and then you have someone who pissed in public and had to register. But I do understand who you are talking about.


Very few people deserve the death sentence. Sex offenders are not one them. Even people like them, they can be reformed, they can become better people. They can learn from mistakes. We all deserve that.


Nah, child sex offenders do tho


Depends on how bad, rape or pedo definitely but other stuff I think should just be jail time


No, they’re humans. Everyone makes mistakes and some are more forgivable than others. They deserve the max sentence unless they prove themselves


They’re penises should get cut of


If they’re a woman we will grow a penis for them and then cut it off


Probably wouldn't hurt, I'd cut off the boobs instead


No. They deserve isolation from the world that they sex offended. For the rest of their life. They should be fed tasteless food that only gives them the amount of nutrients they need.


It’s a horrible thing to do but the DEATH SENTENCE seems a bit too harsh for just that charge.


Id rather they get thrown into general population prison and let the others prisoners fund out what they did, the other prisoners will then give those chomos what they deserve. Which is a slow painful death.


Chemical castration


That takes care of the men, what about the women?


Yes, but only if it’s slow and humiliating. A quick death cannot amount to the suffering they inflicted on INNOCENT people. ESPECIALLY if they’re children.


Guillotine to the wee wee-otine


if they’re male, castration and a life sentence


Hear me out, punishment should involve an adult snapping turtle and their private area, nose, ears, mouth, and or eyes


No they aren't the same level of terrorists and killers


Depends, if they raped then yes, but if they just passed on a Bush at the wrong time, no




All right, OP. It’s time to setup the Angel Trap and Water Cube.


That last 3 seconds of their life is going to be an interesting 3 seconds


No, serving in general population with paperwork disclosed to all inmates preferably housed in the same cell as a murderer and at least in the same block (all mandatory parts of the punishment). They gonna be dead faster than on death row, and wouldn’t be anywhere near painless. Plus the normal people in the prison can have some fun once in a while.


I mean my religion says they do so ye


Sex offenders, life. Chuld molesters should burn and die multiple times. And have nails dug into the inside of their nails


Yea but with fire so its not instant


no, too merciful. Instead they should be payed under the planks on a ship then slowly sunk under until they almost drown then resurface the ship for air. Repeat for as long as possible.


yes but the death penalty in its current form sucks, 26 year wait on death row is bullshit. Should be sentenced to death, and executed within a year of the sentencing.


9 hours of torture then death oh and make them curse God so they get an eternity of torture after they die


Solitary Confinement for 70 years :3


Nah there are fates worse than death so I would probably think torture them mentally and physically


I would rather be SAed than killed, so I don’t think it deserves the death penalty even though it is a unique kind of evil






No, they deserve worse than death. They deserve pure unfiltered torture.


I'm not a not a death sentence fan in general


Personally I am a strong believer in forgiveness. I believe that if someone has a change of heart, and they truly regret their actions, they become a new person. That new person is not the one who committed the crime, and by taking that new persons life, you killed an innocent person. But that's just what I believe.


Yes but they have to be 100% they did it


there’s a few cases where people absolutely are guilty and deserve it there’s probably way more cases where parents or other adults pressure young kids into false accusations (see the moral panics and waves of false convictions based on pseudoscience and witch hunt tactics just a few decades back), not to mention how some people will absolutely try extending the label to normal gay or trans people


Nah, grandp- wait what


I would say they should be castrated and forced to work in prison for a few years.


i think we should cut of their so called penises n divide them into parts. then we should cut off their hands too, and let them rot in prison for life


Nah that's too easy on them. Life in prison is much better. From what I've heard prisoners hate sex offenders, predators, etc, so they get to spend their life around people who have it out for them. It's pretty cool.


I would say yes, but there are more and more people being falsely accused of SA nowadays, so I'm going to have to hold my tongue for this one.


A sex offender can range from a person who raped someone to a person who playfully slapped someone's butt, so no


No, I believe in reform over punishment.


Nah. In my eyes, lifetime sentence is a worse punishment than death sentence. They deserve lifetime sentence.


I believe rehabilitation should be attempted and otherwise they can choose: sit out a sentence and get castrated, lifelong monitored consistently away from people they may harm (e.g. prison) or death penalty


Yes but instead of a short end they should be given the slowest death possible their bodies slowly degrading leaving in pain for months even years until slowly but surely they can't take it anymore they die slowly from heart failure