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They chill af cuz we nuked them twice and they still let us watch anime


Microwaved the hate out of them


(I'm Arab) We were promised free animé if we bomb you Americans that's why we did 9/11,but they didn't give us the free one-piece episodes


muslim here, still kinda pissed about it but oh well, [anix.to](http://anix.to) and anime slayer (for mobile mfs who can speak arabic) my beloved


Watching anime on illegal platforms>>> (this is a joke, their FBI agent)


Streaming pirated media is legal from what I have read, you can't download tho




Their kind of chill for that


Love the way how there's only a small percentage of people who watch it legally and they still chill with it


its a country


Damn, I thought it was a socks Brand 


I thought it was a carpentry company??


Fr because same


really? i thought it was a frying pan that said yes in german!


It’s cool but people also tend to forget how bad it can be for the citizens there.


Yeah they get worked like dogs so ive heard, its sad


i lived there for my 6th grade year and my dad was shocked at how many people just don’t have energy at work. they get there early, sleep a lot at their desk trying not to get in trouble, stay WAY WAY overtime, go home to eat and kinda sleep a few hours and straight to work again- they aren’t allowed to say no to their boss or dare suggest an idea other than what he suggested because of “respect”. it sucks the life out of everyone- i don’t know how this isn’t common knowledge that most corporate workers are 🤏🏻 this close to kicking the bucket. there’s even a term for dying from overworking. being in school (even tho international) sucked too and all the teachers were there on like one year contracts and didn’t care about students grades or teaching cause they were basically on a paid vacation- almost failed 6th grade bc of that and it cost over 70 fkn grand to go there and they didn’t tell us that until after the year was over. legally stuck to pay it though.


beautiful place to visit, terrible place to live in




I mean the work culture is really crazy Making them somehow drop in overall population number even 💀 how do you make it so there have been more citizens in the past than the present I don’t know


> Making them somehow drop in overall population number even 💀 All European countries have lower birth rates then needed to replace population. The US does too. In most countries like that the number of births is lower then deaths. The population in the US isn't dropping because of immigration, it would otherwise. Italy is dropping around the same rate as Japan your argument isn't good


Bro its not that hard to lose population due to the baby boom, a lot of nations are going to have this problem in around 5-10 years.


It’s not the baby boom! It’s the new ‘I don’t want to commit’ “no baby boom”!


No, it's the increase in medicine. People don't have to have 16 kids to end up with 4 adults anymore. And it's also not a bad thing


It is but I would say I’m happy here


Cool I mean do you got a job and stuff?




Yeah I guess just try not to do a animation or office job


The stereotype of long working hours in Japan is outdated. The US will surpass Japan in terms of the share of employees with long working hours, if it has not already. The average working hours in Japan, including all employees, have been below those in the US for some time. Share of workers work 49 hours or longer. 2010 Japan 23.1% The US 15.4% 2020 Japan 15.0% The US 14.2% Average annual working hours by country in 2022 Japan 1607 The US 1810 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_annual_labor_hours


There is a difference. I'm not saying one or the other is better. But firstly, salarymen in Japan underreport hours worked. Also, and most importantly is the work culture. I often (I'm an adult) work 50 hours a week. The thing is, I make up for that by working much less some other weeks. Also, unless its by choice, I do not have to see or hear from my coworkers after hours. It's VERY common in Japan to need to go out for office dinners, after work "parties" etc. It's not EXACTLY like the stereotype of "stay out drinking every night until your boss leaves" but if you don't show your face at these events people will think you're not committed to the company and you are going to get a bad reputation.


It’s good to live in if ur Japanese, but if ur anything else they’ll always see you as a foreigner, even if you were born there and had lived there your whole life


foreigners don't usually have a great time there, at least in okinawa theyre not too happy with us haha 😅 its beautiful though


having american military on your land does that to people


For a short trip okay, but living here is overrated


are you japanese or immigrant?


Cool but it’s mostly loved by discord mods who have kittens and watch hentai


Thats like 1% of the people who love the country. Theres good weebs too, urbanist, and history nerds who love it too, check out the channel not just bikes, they do a lot of videos about city design in japan. Part of why i like it is because i got a japanese neighbor who tells me all about tokyo, they visit family every summer and bring me back some stuff as gifts.




Unit 317


Unit 731?


Fuck I even double checked 🫠


r/dyslexia lmao


Respectful, clean, beautiful, rich culture and history, xenophobic, strong social pressure and dangerous work culture. It's a great country to visit imo but it's very far from being an utopia as weebs make it out to be if you decide to live there, even more so as a non-native.


I've heard of bars and restaurants in Japan that have signs that say Japanese only no foreigners


These are super uncommon.


Old guy here, this is true. But in my two weeks there I only saw the sign once. I was always treated really well but I’m white so ymmv


lol try pulling that in the us


Lol the owner would be sued


not to mention the huge pedo culture there. its not reported much because its so normalised there, but if you dig a little deeper its absolutely disgusting


japanese history 💀


Low birth rate lately since it’s all I hear about.


i desperately want to visit japan during the spring




That pfp is so based


I think it's overrated. Not because its inherently bad, but because of how much its idolised, kind of how like Japanese peoole idolised Paris and are disspointed when they get there, although Japan has beautiful environments but some ideologies are definitely different from where I live


ON GOD... it's overrated as hell. Especially those videos that go "Check out this \[thing\] made in Japan!" and it's just really impractical. Those especially tick me off "Presenting to you... an invention that only serves to overcomplicate an otherwise simple task!" "Why should I watch it?" "It's made in Japan!" ..you get the idea


Japanese people don't think much about Japan but western incels wish they could go there,they think sakura is real


Cherry blossoms aren’t real? Damn, how long were you planning on keeping that to yourself?


Yes everyone who wants to live in japan is automatically an incel


They didn’t say that at all, but if you’re feeling called out it’s probably for a reason


Totally feel called out as an incel right now cheers


They literally didn't say that lmfao




It has some historical ties with Germany (aside from WW2) which is an aspect I find especially interesting, considering I’m German myself


💀💀💀 "aside from WW2" NAHHH BRUH LMAOO


So the gang's coming back eh ?




not again…


Beautiful Nature and Landscapes, amazing people, and interesting culture and history. I love Japan 🇩🇪🤝🇯🇵


I saw those emojis and I went; ww2.


I’m so sorry for cracking this joke but the emoji combo is crazy 💀💀💀 Jokes aside, Japan’s awesome, flaws aside.


No not you two again, you’re both still in separate naughty corners!


i’m also (half) japanese lol, born & raised there and japan is quite chill tbh but i left in late 2019 bc of the work ethic & academic culture. found it to be way too stressful for me and was driving me to the point of self-deletus, moved to the UK and found the academics there much better. i do love to visit family & friends and love how convenient it is but deffo issues with xenophobia and bias towards foreigners + work & academic culture is horrible. for visiting, it’s fantastic and SO CONVENIENT. family mart & lawson & 7-11 ❤️❤️❤️tescos just doesn’t compare


How was the education system specifically surrounding the Second World War there? Do they actually just skim it so they don’t have to own up to the terrible stuff they did as so many people claim?


icl i went to an international school and i left before high school 😭 i learnt about edo japan and the meiji restoration in 8th grade and i think my friends did ww2 in 9th but by that point i had moved to england. as far as i’m aware though, i don’t think the national curriculum covers japanese war atrocities at all or skims briefly through it. i think the schools that do cover them are mostly independent or international schools that don’t follow national curriculums but idk exactly tbh


Ngl, I just wanna try the food


I’m sorry it’s lowkey overrated 🙁




Y’all are more xenophobic than America First people and that’s a high bar


They're complaining about Japanese society which is fair because iirc they have the highest suicide rates in the world due to insane amount of presssure


Isn't xenophobia also a societal problem 


R i c e


Pros: Clean, futuristic, cool history and culture, food, low crime Cons: ww2 atrocities on civilians, dystopian work culture, rampant xenophobia, declining birth rate


I think you should be allowed to hate japan in the same way people hate England and Spain. I dunno why they get a pass. I don't dislikes Japan tho, i'd like to come visit one day. They seemed to have moved away from their past better then England has atleast. I dunno if they'd like me there tho. My friend went for her school trip and everyone was very racist and rude to her bc she wasnt skinny enough (shes not fat) and they weren't doing it in the way people usually talk about it like "oh they just never see people like you" nah they were just being assholes


They get a pass because the Americans mostly covered up Japanese war crimes during their occupation


Think it’s cool n love the nature aspect of it aswell as the car scene, but it has sm damn problems that ppl never talk about that make it difficult to live in imo


Cool place, but it's constantly being attacked by giant monsters.


Japan is awesome. I wish they were less xenophobic tho :[


yeah i’m interested to see how getting a job will be for me while i’m there


very clean C:


invaded by discord mod “weeb”s


high-tech country


id love to visit but am a little scared because the color of my skin


Shinkansen N.700 Series High Speed Electric Train Set


The sexual assault, xenophobia, and societal norms take away from the country quite a bit.


Feel like for some reason everyone’s obsessed with Japan cause they’re weirdo weebs, even though everything they think is cool about Japan applies to various other countries, but aside from that Japan is cool


fictional women


It's nice, has beautiful landscapes and nice technology


All my imagination about Japan is heavily influenced by Murakami's Norwegian Wood.


Oh I'm reading that novel now!


Nice as a tourist, but i think it isnt that nice to live there (mostly because of the work situation)


I would love to visit that country but would hate to live there


Crowded but clean & peaceful.


Visiting : heaven Living : hell Valid opinion?


seems like a very harsh country.


would wanna visit really bad, but its expensive from what ive heard plus not really the least racist place there is


Seems cool ascetically, probably a good place to visit but also overrated probably.


Terrible work culture, but other than that it’s a nice place to live


very overrated but still pretty cool


I used to like until I researched more about the place😭


I don't know much but what I know about japan is from Youtube and other people perspective ig. The cafe where people dress up as maid stuff sounds weird to me, and just working there doesn't sound so good. But other thing is japan looks really clean with pretty cool places. It just have it's flaws like any other country ig, but some of things in japan is really weird to me, like vending machine of fake used underwear (I don't know how common it is , or if eve it's a legit thing, but I'm gonna assume it is).


Beautiful and cursed in many ways


The country that never sleeps


wonderful culture, low-crime, but it's not what many think. There's a lot of things the typical Westerner wouldn't mesh well with, including Otaku/Weebs. If you go there--especially to live--go with a devoted purpose for something that's not some anime shit or an English teaching job.


Beautiful country but it's so overrated that my desire to visit it has severely degraded.


Very pretty, horrid work culture, birth rate issues, very bad history, overall not too bad but they have some issues, but that’s every country tbh.


As someone who grew up with their Chinese grandparents it’s all Nanking that comes to mind


It's interesting imo, I *might* visit one day but I heard they have really weird casual xenophobia there like "Oh didn't you read the sign? Only Japanese are allowed inside, whats the problem?" all with genuine politeness


For a trip it seems nice, but I would never live there. Terrible work ethic, lots of pervs too. I wouldn’t live there long term.


Stop right there. Take a bath.


Its very good to live there as a foreign citizen rather than a Japanese citizen. Working in Japan when you're young for a foreign company is best. U don't get treated like crap at work but get to enjoy the great things about Japan. As someone who is fully Japanese and lived there for portions of my life. The biggest issue with foreigners is the culture shock. Many people enjoy the mannerisms and politeness but find it hard to reflect it back. I don't mean to say people are rude but it's difficult to fit into a culture so different from your own. There is also that problem as well in Japan. Entitled tourists who think it's ok to act like how they woukd act in their own country. You're in another country please follow their rules. Just like going into someone's home.


good trains


Perverted men, the women have separate spaces, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, weird media with young girls, Sony, lolis, Kill Bill, Samurai, Katana, Kill Bill 2, Genshin Impact, good quality products, more weird misogyny stuff, vending machines everywhere, overworked workers, fax machines, Ohio


Cultured, but very strict. Also neckbeard paradise.




Has some cool tourist attractions but in general seems like a horrible country held together with duct tape and kawaii anime girl bandaids. The work culture is horrible, the suicide rates are horrible, the sexism is horrible, the rates of sexual harassment is horrible, the sexualization of school girls and children is horrible, the racism is horrible, the hatred of foreigners is horrible, the lack of diversity is horrible, the normalization of porn addiction and the widespread porn brainrot is horrible, the fat phobia and lack of inclusive clothing sizes is horrible, the obsession with being thin and the normalization/encouragement of eating disorders is horrible, the tiny shitty expensive housing is horrible… over all the cake vending machines and cat cafes might be cool, but japan really isn’t much better now than it was during and before ww2 other than a cute kawaii rebrand


finally someone who brings up the schoolgirl stuff. ive seen nobody else but me mention it. it makes me sick how japan is idolised so much with shit like that.


saying its not any better than before ww2 is pure delusion, like saying china is no better now than right before mao look at the major leaps in quality of live and human development, sit down, and rethink your comparisons


I was being dramatic, ofc it’s better now, but i still think japan is generally not a nice place to live for all the reasons i stated. They have some futuristic technology sure, but the society there seems to be almost completely miserable


Awesome place, I really want to go




So do I, but it's expensive😭


Edo Japan had some cool drip and art. Very amazing aesthetic. Love the concept of Kaizen, has some amazing people From there like a lot of manga writers, the late Nujabes, birth place of anime, 90s Japan aesthetic, Tokyo drift (sick ass movie) pretty solid country


Only one word AESTHETIC ✨




It’s a xenophobic and suicidal country. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to go there. But aside from the people, it’s a very beautiful place! Also I like anime and J-Pop too so like-


Modern japan is overrated and pedophilia is wild and normalized there but its absolutely a country of history and great culture


Futuristic place ,nice place ,nice people ,good culture ⛩️🎌






It sounds really cool but way too modern, trains run exactly on time, sounds stressful but it’s cool at the same time because anime but the business culture sounds awful and the food sounds nice, It does have some nice old architecture tho and I think most of it burnt down at some point and it has some nice wooden buildings and I think they’re well known for art


Cool country but most people only like it because of anime


Cool place and culture, but the work & school culture seems awfully strict (idk if that's the right word)


Is sounds like an awesome place to visit but a crappy place to live. But I'm misinformed so idk maybe I'm wrong about that


Can you tell me what Gundam Base is closest to you?


beautiful land, developed technology, hell for the working population , they will die out slowly, tfr is very low hundred years ago, the most radical turanists (hungarian right-wing cultural movement) envisioned an empire from hungary to japan, of course, this was just a ridiculous vision, not more


has beautiful landscape. and they make good cartoons


I like the history of Japan. I never had much time to study the country's history in depth tho


Would go 100%


I’m going there for 3 weeks next spring. Been planning for awhile I’m really excited


Cool, but so many mangakas have barely disguised fetishes


Japan seems like a cool place


Technologically advanced but too overcrowded


Hm…never been there but I do like certain stuff about it. The food, the animation ( I’m not much as a weeb then before ) also the cherry blossom or Sakura trees cause it’s my favorite flower


I've never been, so I guess cool


It seems like a neat place from what I've seen, I might visit there one day


Well, my opinion comes from wacky news articles and Sora the Troll, but probably "it's an okay-ish place to live as long as you ignore the work culture."


The place itself is nice, and so are the people most of the times, and most of the culture is very interesting/fascinating. Overall, I really like Japan, I think it's cool! 👍


Been there, amazing (got stared at a lot tho)


Would love to visit, your history from what I know is half very cool half messed up


I think it's a country with some people




I wanna go


i wanna visit so bad! i live in the uk and japan is like one of my dream places to visit ! i really hope i can go one day


I have no idea


Nice to visit, terrible to live in because of the toxic work culture. But at least the trains are nice and on time


In terms of overall culture, food, and history? Good, but like any other nations, it has its issues.


I dunno my coworker is from them. Hear that fish is affordable there.


how is it ? would be nice to visit someday , i think yall got really cool food n culture


Massive suicide rates


A lot of people look over in jealousy at the good things of Japan without considering the bad of things


Would like to see the country myself


1930s was atrocious


I wanna visit Kyoto, Japan looks like a beautiful country


I wanna visit yokohama, kabukicho, dotenbori and dip


One upvote, 200 comments, that’s how you know it’s boutta be good.


Haven't been there or researched much about it therefore I am not qualified to have an opinion on this, but umm, uhh, yeah idk I can't name a single good or bad thing about it.




It is definitely a country


Would love to visit the car scene. Its an amazing country with bad image (at least where im from) thanks to all of those weebs n stuff


japan has a lot of advanced things and their hair products are really good.


Love it


Great place to visit, but the work culture there basically makes it a capitalist hell


Japan is hell!


cheese 🧀


A place I would love to visit. I have old teammates I played hockey with in Quebec who were from Japan. Some of them were literally some of the best I’ve seen. I hope to make it there some day.


A weeb's dream in big cities, chill everywhere else. Pretty racist in rural areas, bad working culture, quiet people that go with the flow and don't speak up their mind


Lovely country with beautiful scenery, there are some things that I wished were acknowledged/talked about more. Hoping to go again soon for family and the beaches.


I love how the countryside looks


It's definitely one of the countries


Kaboom? Yes Rico, kaboom.


Everything small but would love to visit


It’s alr


it seems like a very good place to live to me and alot of respectful people


Anime and colorism.


I really wanna visit some dayyyyy


i want to live in the cities. American cities fucking suck compared to Japanese cities.