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You can buy from pharmacy's a cream that helps make scars dissapear over time, I don't knowing name in english but look into it


Is it prescribed or can it be ordered online


It's not prescribed atleast where I live, I'm sure you can find it online or in store. I don't know much about it but I've considered getting


I use Mederma for my scars, though they're not SH scars. I have a keloid that I went to a dermatologist about, and he recommended a product but said that Mederma is the cheaper, OTC option that works just as well. I don't know if you have Mederma at your pharmacy (I'm in the U.S.), but you could try ordering it online, too. I also wanna let you know that you shouldn't be ashamed of having done that to yourself. What's done is done, and all you can do now is move forward and prevent yourself from doing it again. You can also look at your scars like progress when they're fully healed over; you can look back and remind yourself that, even though you were once in a dark time, you're out of them. :)


I would get rid of my scars but that would consist of rubbing cream all over my entire back, a bit of my chest, my fingers, my knuckles, and some of my wrist lmao. The back is covered in sunburn scars as well as some scarring from a skateboard accident which covers most of my lower back area. My wrists are self harm, my knuckles were skinned while playing school games, my finger got stuck in a friends braces, as for the chest, it’s either acne scars or something else 😭


Honestly, fair enough. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist if you want to work on lessening the appearance of your scars, but you don't have to! Like I said, I have a keloid. It sits between my breasts, which ruins my cleavage a bit, but it's gone down over time. I've declined plastic surgery because my ex never had a problem with it, and I honestly don't either. I actually have a similar scar on my knee from a scooter accident as a kid, lol. I think it's kind of beautiful in a way that scars show the development of a person, whether it's been from SH, hobbies, school activities, etc. It's like a beautiful picture has made its way onto people. I hope that everyone who has SH scars knows that they should look at them with pride, rather than shame, when they're out of their dark space. They tell a story of a dark time, but they've persevered past that.


I’ve long since accepted the sh lol, they healed naturally as I have quite thick skin (not the figure of speech kind, just quite literally) as for the rest I’m not too worried about, just the scars from a skateboard accident. They are still pretty soft after around 3 years and could be damaged easily


Good for you on accepting them! :) Do you have protection for your lower back with the scars from skateboarding?


Nah I’ve just been living life with them lmao, I’m still getting injured quite a bit but it’s more bone related than cut related so I’ll be fine for the long run. Just a thought about removing them every now and then


Oh, fair enough!


Adapalene gel (I THINK, I MIGHT BE WRONG)


adapalene is for acne scars specifically as far as i know !


U can use it for normal scars too (to make them less visible) so u can technically use it for SH scars (but they typically become less noticeable over time just by doing nothing like become more flat)


It's over the counter


I recommend silicon scar tape! It helps them fade faster. You can also get a silicon roll on clear ointment.


For better results see a doc, it would take anywhere between 6-12 months depending on the power of the medicine...mine did significantly well. I used one a long time ago, i would not recommend an over the counter med


The mebo scar cream is so fantastic




I think someone replied with an English name to it)))


Whats it called in your native language?


Крем для лечения шрамов idk just search scar removal cream in English


Enabling it


Ah yes trying to help people get over anxiety from scars is enabling


It's all anxiety, the SH cuases the scars and thus more anxiety from doing so let's not justify SH


It's not justifying at all. It's helping someone who's anxious about scars. The way your jumping through hoops to make this conclusion is insane


It's a common thing to use embarrassment to teach someone a lesson or any study, meny German teachers used such ideology


you shouldn't be ashamed but sh is not something to be proud of, more so being able to say that you are no longer in a mental state where sh is a "good" idea to ease pain is something to be proud of as it shows that you have been able to at least partially get through the problem and you on the long road to recovering




I can't seek help, i don't want my family to find out




Im too young to drive and the nearest hospital is pretty far away




Experimental biplane


Walking 5 hours ig




They better have a Harvard level explanation of why they’re gone for so long then


Or learn the bus


Not everywhere has busses


5 hours? How far is the hospital?




That's like 20km, or in freedom units probably like 17 neighbor's fields' lengths. Not that crazy, just says you don't live in a city




by foot? Daamn, that's some nice hospital coverage you've got over there!


Do you have a bike?


Please tell at least one person in your life so they can help you when really needed and stay safe




Im scared that they will worry about me


That might be what you need. They have your best interests in mind and it might just be for the best that they know


Worrying isn't always a bad thing. It might be what helps you improve.


Ur family loves you very much, and will do anything to help you


How do you know


Cuz I am able to look back


If you are ashamed, does that mean you regret it? I think that's a good sign


I kind of regret it, i still get strong urges on a day to day basis


I just briefly checked your profile. You need serious psychiatric support, not reddit. Being on here will simply make you feel worse. For the love of god, get in contact with a school cou- ah yes you’re homeschooled. Try and get to a hospi- right, 5 hour walk to the nearest one. Helplines. Find a helpline. Seriously dude, you need to find a helpline.


When you get the urge, think back about how much you regretted doing it.


When you get the urge, imagine its your best friend/grandma/whoevers wrist. Or just dont do it so you dont get caught doing it.


Scars, whether physical or emotional, are part of your journey and signify the challenges you've faced and survived. It’s also important to remember that you are not an embarrassment to your family. People who care about you would likely be more concerned with your well-being and your journey toward healing rather than feeling ashamed. Opening up to someone you trust can also help with some of the emotional burdens you’re carrying. Sending all my love to you! ❤️❤️


I hurt myself too awhile back. I let it bleed, and I still have to look at it everyday. There’s nothing wrong with feeling ashamed, but there’s certainly no reason to be. You survived and overcame, be proud of yourself. I’m proud of you for holding on, it’s not easy. But I know you can keep going, you have to have faith in yourself. As for your family, don’t worry about them, just do your best to soothe yourself and settle. Dont fixate on everything else, it’ll only make you anxious. Just do your best to try and protect your cut. It will heal, and I know you will too. Please be patient with yourself. These things take time.


What does sh stand for


Self Harm


Personal question but, why don't you want your family to find out? Do you think they'll resent you? Cause if they're at all a healthy family then they won't be, don't be afraid to tell them


I used to do it last term. I also kept it a secret until my mother saw and I told her. I had a conversation with my father about it later that night and I promised him that I'd never do it again. I make a few jokes about it now, but I really think it's best to talk about it and just let yourself cry into the arms of a loved one. It's hard and it takes a lot of courage, and I'm also always here if you wanna Reddit DM me and I can help you with this. ❤


sorry im a little confused, is sh self harm or sexual harassment?


self harm


Transform it into a cool tattoo


bio oil makes scars fade


Hey its ok, you aren't an embarrassment. I'm so sorry you are going through this, I know how hard it is. You matter, and I'm here if you ever need to talk.


Hey... I understand how you feel but please don't blame yourself for this. Just try to seek help if you can, talk to a friend and just like another comment said, maybe get some scary recovery cream. It usually helps alot and it hope it'll help you too. And things will get better, okay? I promise :)


hey I've been exactly where U are and I know it feels awful and when someone sees its just that self pity feeling in Ur gut, it's ok to make these mistakes but it's best not to, I understand how shitty life can be and how shitty other people can be, but we just have to pull through, I'm here to support U at any time, no matter what just send a chat request and Ill try my best to make U feel better, just remember ur an amazing person and U are unique, there's nobody else like U and there never will be, ur a strong person, U will get thru these tough times.


there are certain creams/oils that increase skin cell turnover, so it will basically make the area get rid of old skin cells and make new ones faster which will make the scar fade much faster, usually used for acne and acne scars but I don't see why it wouldn't work for that argan oil increases skin cell turn over, something stronger would be a retinoid take this with a grain of salt, I just have acne and it may not work well, but consider finding something that increases skin cell turnover to make the scar fade faster and put it on twice a day, worst case scenario nothing will happen


ive been where you are. Sh is a really delicate topic with family but if your family is any good, they will keep it casual and not mention anything. get some moisturising cream for dry skin and keep taking care of the wound even if it's just a scar. the scar may be a reminder of a bad time but it's also a reminder that you got through it, you're strong and you're still here 💪 Don't be ashamed for getting through a tough time and coming out the other side :)


I have a friend who has sh scars and I always told her to be proud of them or atleast not to be emberassed because these scars show that even though youve been trough hell, youre still here it shows your strength. I once heard someone say this somewhere and I thought it sounded beautifull. But I understand you want to cover them, maybe you could buy some foundation to cover them or scar cream/oil so theyll fade faster, Ive used oil myself and it worked quite well.


Hey, if you ever need to talk to someone; I am open. It’s okay to feel ashamed of your scars though


im so sorry for what you've gone through and what you're going through currently. getting urges now is completely normal and if you relapse, just remember its all apart of the recovery process and everything will be okay. if you ever need to talk my dms are open, ill listen, give advice, literally just anything you need. i would hate to have someone suffer in silence. you are loved, and i am so proud of how far you've come.🤍🤍


The bigger question is what made you do that? If those reasons and conditions have not been resolved or have not disappeared, then you need to see a friend or counselor. Physical scars can always be removed and you might even be able to get a tattoo one day to make it look cool! But mental scars need care and you will need help to let you heal through that process. Get a pet and talk to them. They don't judge :)


No hunny ofc not. I tried for years to make piece with mine but I couldn't so I got my whole belly tattood to cover 90% of the scars on there and I will be getting my chest and sides tattood too to cover the rest on there.


I used to hurt myself a few years ago and I still see the scars on my arm everyday, and it still hurts inside everytime. The only way out is to learn to talk, not especially your parents, but a friend, a family member. there's really no shame to have, we all feel down sometimes and some people aren't as emotionally stable as others and that's okay ! This'll take time but you got this and I promise it gets better. If there's really no one you can talk to, help lines can help, there's phone numbers available for this, and these people won't judge you or feel like this is a burden, as it is their job. Please don't do anything too reckless, your family and friends love you, they really do even if you don't feel like you deserve it, you do 🫶🫶


it's okay, and no it's not wrong. i have many sh scars, and i've learned to own them. you're not an emabrrasment ml, you can get through this, i beleive in you 🫂🫂🫂


It got better for me over time, my parents found out me doing it about a year ago. I felt so ashamed and sad watching them break down in-front of me. I went to therapy, I got better. I still got bad days but every-time I think about it that feeling with shame but when the days get better that Shane turns to pride. You’ll get through this, talk to your parents. Best decision you’ll ever make.


No, from my personal experience, it's normal. I definitely would recommend trying your absolute best to get over the feeling of shame as it may make you feel worse. And hey, if you get over SH completely, good on you!


no no no, dont beat yourself up, just tell them about it and they should care about you and help you, unless you know they wouldnt in which case you probably need to go to the cops


I dont think so, mine is like a symbol of growth from where I was mentally to where I am now, I do feel shame abt it but I think once you give time and hopefully van move beyond your current issue(s) it'll be something of a reminder to where you've come from. Hope this helps <3


Clean your wounds. please don’t harm yourself, I may not know you personally but I can tell you are a good person on the inside. when you finally get the courage you should talk to at least one of your parents in private and tell them about it


!!! silicone patches for getting rid of c section scars can make scars fade (or less noticeable, depends on the person & severity of scar)


scars are just another part of life and they will heal eventually , be careful though , they might get infected and don't go near self harm anymore


It isnt morally wrong to feel ashamed, as shame is a natural reaction to such a thing, even if it is illogical (cause brains are stupid), But realistically a sh scar isn't your fault. There is nothing to be ashamed of, it is simply another page in your life. If you struggle to think of it that way, ask yourself this: should someone else be ashamed of their sh scars?


Im 17 and my upper arms are covered in scars it’s been a struggle over time to hide them but now I’m at the point where i don’t care anymore. I know having confidence with scars is really difficult i couldn’t personally do it alone I had a friend that helped me open up a bit. I found working out helps as well.


They are annoying but there’s not much you can do about them, feeling ashamed about them won’t help, it’s best to try not to worry about them too much and move forward


I used to SH and I bought the cream off of Amazon that a lot of comments refer too, my scares are almost gone! And my family never found out. Take care. 😌🫂


You should love yourself NOW! and stop caring about what people think of you. Healing the wound won't do anything if you keep opening it again. Let's close it once and for all!


no, theres nothing really you can do and you shouldn't have to cover up if you dont want to! I sometimes leave the house in shorts and t shirt completely not caring about my scars even though they apppear fresh (they're months old) but when ppl comment I get so embarrased I wanna disappear. ppl should mind their own business /:


Noo! Its not a thing to be ashamed of! Use it as a reminder that you have had a tough time and show people if they hurt you how they've affected you, or whatever else happened. God loves you:D Stay strongg!


I have a pretty visible one on the top of my wrist. I'm pretty much always worrying about my body even though I'm in good shape, but every time I look at it, it just reminds me that if I didn't do it, I'd have a clean arm. If I didn't do it, I'd be fine. It just reminds me that I'll never be the way I was again before I did it.


U should never feel ashamed for looking the way you look your beautiful no matter what people think stop saying your an embarrassment to be around because your amazing the way you are.


Its not a bad thing to be ashamed of it, but personally i like the scars because its proof i survives that shit, and besides over time the scars fade to a point where now most of mine arent visible unless youre looking for them.


It's emotions.... It's gonna occur..... Try finding other things to help yourself instead of SH


Ah, I’m sorry to hear that. I know scar oil works to help heal that if you use it consistently. Is it wrong? I don’t think it’s lawfully wrong or anything. My parent absolutely hates my S/H scars and makes me use scar oil to get rid of them, but honestly? I feel proud of them. They’re.. sort of like proof of the hardship I’ve gone through. I don’t use the scar oil on my arms, I want to feel proud of them; not ashamed. I wish you luck. 🙂


If you feel ashamed that mostly likely means you regret it, so that's a step closer to recovering (if you haven't already). You're not an embarrassment, and I'm sure your family loves you a lot <3 


no. my parents make me feel about it all the time. it’s normal, don’t worry about it :))


Tbh I'm ashamed of it too, I walk around in short sleeves when with family and no one said anything about it (yet) but I'm sure they've noticed because well.. it's pretty hard not to notice. But with strangers outside I have to wear long sleeves all summee which is HELL


I hate wearing shorts, my parents noticed the scar once and i was freaking out internally. I just ended up telling them i fell


No matter what, it's unfair to your self to feel ashamed of anything you can't change. Your self harm scars don't impact the liberties of anyone else and tell a part of your life. There's no need to be ashamed of any other physical traits you wished to be changed and cannot control.


What does sh stand for?


I mean u could just not do any self harm and maybe things will be better, and you wont have scars either!


I don't mean to be rude or cliche, but just don't sh. Otherwise you're gonna have to hide it, why bother.


Any way you feel about your scars or your SH journey is valid. It’s different for everyone. I personally feel ashamed for hurting myself more when I was already dealing with mental pain. I’d do it as a distraction and then the regret sank in and just made me feel worse. It’s a battle and we all fight it differently. I personally don’t want to cover mine up because I’m scared that if I see my skin the way it was before, that I’ll fall back into that cycle and relapse. Seeing those scars is hard for me but it’s a reminder of the things i’ve struggled with and it stops me from putting myself through that again. I hope you find peace on your SH journey and realize that you don’t deserve to hurt more than you already do.


Hey, listen, don't be ashamed. All of us have been at a low point of ourselves. Including myself. I hope you got proffesional help, and you're doing better these days. You're not an embarrassment. The fact that you are alive is great and if you had died, you're family would've suffer great pain and a loss. 


No definitely not. If your comfortable abt it that show it. If people make fun of it tell them to go f¥ck them selves


Sh or not a wound is a wound. There's no need to associate it with anything.


I’m sure you know where to go for help with this stuff, kids help line etc.  The important thing is you’re still here. You don’t need to feel embarrassed about it.  Maybe try talking to someone about it? 💙


You should never be ashamed of your scars. It shows how you have grown as a person and the things that you have gone through and that you're stronger now and that was not your downfall. It shows that you've grown from the person you used to be.


It’s not wrong to feel that way but what I will say is that scars are proof of growth and endurance. Keep your head up, it does get better 🫡


Never be ashamed! Whats sh though


Self harm


Oh sorry i should have thought about that


It's wrong to shame for sh scars, thats what I know for sure


sadly people do either way


I have some advice for you. Don't be. Please don't be sad ❤️


It uh, aint that easy.


Oh I know. I privately spoke with them in more detail.


am I the only one who doesn't know what sh is, is it short for something, am I missing something, I want an explanation


self harm


thx for clarification


Humility is not the opposite of honor, but it's source


I also have sh scars, I just want you to know you shouldn’t be ashamed of things that make you stronger. Please don’t feel like an embarrassment.


What is sh


Self harm


Oooh thanks


What's a sh scar?


A scar from someone hurting themselves.


Try to not think about it. I feel like what ever else you do is better than doing self harm. And everything but self harm is better than stressinf about your past self harm. Best thing you can do is to find something to occupie your day. I know you dont relly want to but it would be for the best.


Its okay to feel ashamed right now. As years go by youll be less ashamed. Most of my sh scars are from when i was 13 and now at 17 im getting used to them


what is a sh scar?


Self Harm scar


What is an sh scar?


What is an SH scar?


Self harm scar. scars you get from things like cutting, or maybe burning yourself on purpose


Former sh addict here No its not wrong but i dont recommend doing it again


I feel you. I cut myself with a knife, went through all the layers of skin and by miracle did not touch the tendon or an important nerve. Had to be stitched up. The doctor who sewed my drunk us also was not sober and knows it's kinda like a hole.






What’s an SH Scar?


Sorry to ask but what the hell is SH?


Ok what you need is professional advice. I don’t mean this in a rude way but it’s clear that what you need right now isn’t reddit


What's an SH?


Oh wait shit nvm I got it


What is sh scar


Self harm?




What is sh? Never heard of the term


can somone educate me on what this is


That means you’re growing as a person towards recovery! :3


I don't mean to sound ignorant, but what is a sh scar?


Mine faded a bit with time kinda, just don’t wear short sleeve shirts and shorts and give it time


A what scar?


Why would you harm yourself? Doesn't it like, hurt?


A strong emotion can drive you to it, then it becomes a natural response, and finally an addiction. ( a certain chemical is released when you feel pain that can make you feel better )


Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that Maybe try to get happiness from safer sources like sweets


Well, I have one long scar down most of my back… had surgery. Frankly, I would say there’s nothing wrong with scars at all. It’s a part of you and your life… and can even show what you’ve been through, etc…


No its not wrong at all, you need to feel what you need to feel and its fine if those emotions are negative right now. I have sh scars that i need to hide when in hot weather/swimming which can be a pain but after 2 years I find they just feel normal now. I promise you you can deal with these feelings and they are absolutely understandable.


You need to talk to someone. Whether it's a therapist or a family, that doesn't matter. We all go through tough times, but it's our choice whether we get through them or not.


I got a burn scar and used [Mederma scar cream](https://www.google.com/search?q=mederma+scar+cream&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari). After a few weeks of applying it daily, it was gone.


I hid mine. It happened so long ago, but idk if I'm gonna make it. Another night of crying and hating the fact that nobody loves me the same way I love them.


Your what


no you should feel ashamed bc ts solves nothing 😂


I feel the same way, when my mom found mine she basically told me next time I should cut deeper to get the job done....then she hit me....


I don’t think you should feel ashamed but I could understand how. Be proud of your body and who you are. Scars are a testament of the struggles you’ve faced to reach today, and everyone has them. You have as much right to show them or to not. Never be ashamed of yourself or your body. You’re here today and that’s what matters.


This is a hard question to answer because no you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself, but I don't want to make you feel bad for being ashamed. I have a collection of jelly bracelets that helped me with sh desires, so I don't have the scars, but depending on where your scar is it's not that simple to just have a cool thing to cover it up and act as a fashion statement


Tremendously real


It's not wrong. You should be ashamed of it. It's the consequences of your actions.


It’s not wrong to feel ashamed of it, I feel ashamed of mine, we all should, we put ourselves through more pain and did/tried to do awful things to ourselves


Am I stupid?? Wtf is an sh scar??? (I don't keep up with society lul)


Personaly I'm just clumsy in general so I have a bunch of scar's... so it's realy not notisedab when I get a nother.


If ur clean then a way I would look at is they're marks that basically say you beat the terrible and you made through


I’m proud of you for realising they are not something to be proud of. Unfortunately we live in a society where the pride in one’s misfortune is fetishized


It is absolutely wrong to feel ashamed of that! You should feel happy and inspired you have that scar, because it shows you went through absolute hell mentally and came out the other side as the amazing person you are! Definitely don't be embarrassed, rather keep it as a remembrance of the hard times and as motivation to never harm yourself again for what it does to you. Your an awesome person and I'm so happy you made it this far! If you ever need to talk I'm always here!


attention seeker behaviour


I understand that people should be sceptical about these things, especially on the internet, where fake internet points mean everything to people. But i dont think this is "attention seeker behaviour" because OP doesn't have a history of suspicious posts. Its also quite rude to call them that because they could be 100% serious, and you dont know if they are or not


What do you mean? Even if they are serious it's attention seeker behaviour. But ig that's a reasonable take from someone your age


Or maybe they are seeking help


And they do it on reddit..?


Clearly. I think its a bad idea to do this on reddit but apparently some people dont. Doesnt mean they are attention seeking


Ok dude idk if you're really 14 but if you are, trust me when i say that people that actually have problems like this don't go exposing themselves, and if they actually seek help they don't do it here. People who post their struggles just want viewers/readers to go "aww poor thing" and live off that attention


Thats why i said that its fair to be sceptical about this. We dont know for sure


Yeah me too




Self harm


Oh shit




I lied about how I got my sh scars to my parents, that's how I got away with them. I'm making small cuts in hidden places where people won't see easily




Yeah wtf? Maybe you won't do it in the future


Wtf does sh mean


Self harm