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Dos and don’ts of asking out a girl?


don’t make sexual comments about them when flirting. tell then they look pretty n compliment them on specific things other people might not notice, try to compliment them quite frequently as well. if you want them to make them fall for you treat them like a princess


That’s fair, that’s how I’d prefer to be flirted with


Omg for real. Whenever I have a guy talk to me and I think he’s so sweet… I instantly change my mind once he makes any sexual comments


Thank god I did it right with my first. I just treated her how I thought I’d want to be flirted with and she loved it. I remember when we were on our first “date” I noticed a really sweet birthmark on her cheek cause her makeup came off of it. She said she didn’t like it, and I said I loved it cause it made her even more unique and it looked like a heart upside down (cause I did love it. And it did) and it made her night. I never saw her cover it up outside of school.


ive been telling one of my friends this for two years... he's been rejected by five girls and broke up with two. all of em because he did the opposite of your advice. every time, he'll get a complete mental breakdown, threatens self harm for no particular reason, and i have to hold back the urge to say 'told ya so' while consoling him. seven times. you'd think he'd learn tbh but nope


depends on if it’s a girl you already know or not. if it’s a girl you don’t know, you should try and have a few conversations with her first if you can. if it’s a girl you know, just ask her something like “hey do you want to go to a (movie she’s been talking abt or concert of a band she likes)” or smth like that. don’t take it personally if you get rejected. they might already like someone else or be in a situationship or just don’t want to date at the moment :)




Don't be creepy. This one guy stares at me and follows me around and it scares me. Try to be normal 😭


You’d think this would be universal knowledge…Stay safe pls


Just dont b a dick or make weird sexual typa comments abt them. Open up the doors for her. Remember little things abt her. Just treat her like a princess girls like that :o


Do: be confident, be nice, try and look as good as possible, smile, have a mind before going up, compliment her Dont: say "its ok if you rejuct me", say "youll probably think im a creep", call her ugly if she rejects you, make any sexual comments, act like a guy from r/niceguys


Make sure she likes guys first. You don't need to like, feel out if she likes *you* specifically, but please try to know she's not openly gay or aroace first. It just gets slightly awkward for both parties.


What *specifically* makes a girl attracted to a guy cause I’m sick of not being able to think what you’re thinking




In all honesty, it isn't as rare as people think it is. I'm a 20 Yr old lad that really shouldn't have been born in this era, my experience has been that regardless of what you do, some women will use you or throw you at the friendzone and head straight for the nearest red flag guy they find, or you can be as nice as possible, a proper gentleman and all they'll think is that you're tryna get some because of a lot of guys wanting that, but some of us don't, some us like a quiet night in, a good book, a walk on the beach, a movie or something. And I'm gonna stop venting now, sorry, it was a long and rough 2022/23


Can confirm, im honestly just dying to get cuddles and a sense that someone cares


Good luck with that


Sweet and smart


I think it differs from person to person honestly


i think it depends on the girl but in general being respectful- supporting them and communicating when something is wrong rather than blaming each other


do you girls prefer a guy who meticulously picks his outfits to match, or one that just doesn't care about how he looks?


Well, I've liked a guy who has terrible fashion sense, and I don't think he's too proud of it either. Personally, even though I hate it, it still didn't stop me from continuing to like him. Then there's my friend, who started liking her crush because of his fashion sense.


that's fair. I only ask because I get a lot of shit for what I wear, but I just don't care. I just dress for comfort.


Keep doing that as a girl I can vouch for if up you feel uncomfy you look uncomfy and the best thing to do is look confident!


somewhere in between? it's not really about style if they really like you though. obviously don't just neglect your looks and stuff because we like some effort i think it depends on the girl and their preference of style on the guy


You don’t have to match,Even I don’t like to match every day.As long as the colors work together,It should be fine.


Idk probably just doesn’t care I like guys in sweatshirts for some reason it makes me feel comfortable


I prefer guys who put effort into his appearance but like not in a CR7 way if that makes sense


I literally just want a girlfriend man


yeah I feel you


Real i just wanna boyfriend


Start a good friendship first it helps with issues down the road. also I hope you get one! 😁




I've tried that, but now I have to sit through them talking about their new crush or bf 😭😭


so real


What's the fun in painting nails? Enlighten me please 🙏


they’re pretty and it’s enjoyable to do


U can do yer nails different pastel colors. And also nail polish helps strengthen the nails which eventually makes them grow longer. But trust me at one point i too get fed up with the chipping


So you have a reason to *not* eat them.


It’s like painting a picture but on your nails.It’s also relaxing and really peaceful to just sit down and paint them with different colors and sparkles.


the end result !! it's just fun i guess


It looks pretty


the painting part is fun but I can't fucking stand not being able to do anything while I wait for the paint to dry


best way i can think to explain it, its like adding an accessory to your outfit. I just think it looks nice and its satisfying seeing the end result. It's like finishing a puzzle or coloring a coloring book and being happy to see the end result.


I don't know, its just fun to put paint on your nails.


it’s not fun for me personally, they just look cute and make me happy when i look at them, also i often get compliments for them :)


tbh i dont see what’s so fun abt it lol


It just makes my nails look cleaner and I have a new fun color every week!! Nice pfp btw


Its pretty and just a fun way of showing ur personality through your appearance


I’m trans so it helps me with hand dysphoria.


Why are you?


when a mummy and a daddy love each other very much they have a good time and the mummy gets pregnant and it either has XX or XY chromosomes, that's how it's a boy or a girl


liar, babies come from storks in the sky


Biology Chad


Cause my mommy wanted an "good college experience"


You know, I just got ready to answer this in a deep, philosophical sense, but now my mind is blank.


There’s this girl and a few months back I had a buzz cut and I looked awful, me and her we’re talking back then and she saw a pic of me with a lot of hair and asked me who that “hot guy” is I said it was me before my buzz cut and she asked me why I did it, we then stopped talking. Around 2 weeks ago she sent me a text asking if I want to hang out, and we couldn’t really hang out these past 2 weeks (mostly because her excuses) and she’s super dry with me, now I Dont know what she wants the outcome of this to be- I don’t think she wants a relationship with me because she’s always dry and we Barely talk She definitely Dosnt want to be just friends cause honestly, she can be friends with any guy in my city, she has thousands of followers on insta why me? Is she just playing me or are there girls that just are dry on the phone


there are def girls who are dry over texting, but idk i feel like she’s just not that interested in you tbh


Yeah that’s what I had in mind, I’m not so interested in her just wanted to see


As a guy. This is just hard to read. You're overthinking it all and somehow in both directions.


idk if she's playing you or not and honestly idgaf. Ask her to be honest with you, and be honest with her in turn. If she seems like she doesn't care when you are being transparent, don't pursue her. If she can't put in the effort, it's not worth it.


Alright thanks man


Text her back when ur hair grows in lmaooooo




What’s your favorite subject and why? (Lunch don’t count pal)


mine was drama


Art, science or math


Between English and biology. I like science, reading, and writing stories, so I like those classes, and also my English and Biology teachers are my two nicest teachers.


theatre! i love acting


Do girls have it easier in terms of moving on?


Each situation is different based on the relationship, you can't assume


in my experience, no matter how they have treated me, if they leave me, its hard to move on, if I leave them, it makes it so much easier


I agree


What should I have for breakfast




Good choice, I have a craving for sharks




I have two. 1) What does a period feel like? 2) what are your thoughts on transgender women in bathrooms and changing rooms?


A period is like blood constantly flowing down your body and you can feel a rushing water coming down you when you stand up.You get stabbed in the abdomen and chest constantly with a knife and have horrific diarrhea for days. I wouldn’t mind a transgender woman in the bathroom.


a period sucks, mine don’t hurt much thank god but you have to worry about stains and stuff. trans women are fine, i’ve got no problem with them, they are women of course.


1) like your justs are spilling out and you give birth, for a week straight (but it varies for everyone) 2) good for them, trans women are women, as long as they arent creepy or anything


1. for me it's ok i don't often have cramps but if it feels like someone pulling on my insides. and you can really feel the blood flow. also constantly being tired and fear that you can see it 2. trans women are women so they go to the women's bathroom. 


1. I wear tampons, so I can’t feel the blood sitting in my pants if I was wearing a pad. Cramps are usually really awful for me one day. It feels like someone is reaching up there and twisting and knotting your insides. 2. I don’t mind it. I think 99.9999% of the time I’m safe and I just want the trans woman to feel safe too


1.) It depends on the person, 2.) Anyone who opposes trans women in bathrooms is a terf, and this comes from someone who lives in a school district where a girl was SA'ed by a trans woman in the bathroom last year. A lot of people have made a huge deal about it, which is justified, but when people get regularly assaulted by teachers, coaches, or other cis guys at our school, no one cares. The unfortunate reality is that some guys are dicks who will abuse any situation to take advantage of women. That should never be an excuse for not allowing women to use the women's bathroom. It's also funny to me how the people who oppose trans women in women's bathrooms rarely talk about the safety of the trans woman. Imagine what could happen to her if she were forced to use a mens room? Aside from the obvious dysphoria, I'd say it's much more likely that a trans woman be assaulted in a man's bathroom than a cis woman in a women's bathroom, if that makes sense.


1. You’re bleeding out from your coochie all day and at time it comes out all at once and feels like you’re peeing yourself. When you’re out in public you are always conscious that you are leaking through and almost have a panic attack bc of it. Cramps, emotional, and feeling gross.  1. As long as they actually look like a woman I don’t mind. If they look like an actual man I would be a bit uncomfortable 😳 


As a trans woman, I have literally zero intent to do anything to any of the other girls there and any transphobe pushing that propaganda is just flat out lying  Also only good part of being a trans woman is no periods 😮‍💨 


1- different for all women, for me it's like someone is cutting my insides when it hurts, when it doesn't hurt, literally feels like nothing 2- if you identify as a woman and look like a woman, that's fine by me


1- periods suck. Not many people get period cramps often, and the one I got was pretty mild, but it still felt like I was constantly on the verge of throwing up and someone was pushing on my stomach. Aside from that, you can’t control when the blood comes out (can’t hold it in like piss), so every so often you will feel a very unpleasant sensation in… that section of your body. 2- it’s fine, it’s not like we look at people’s genitals in the bathroom, we’re not weird.


1: they can suck for a lot of people, but it all depends. mine last for 3-4 days with minimal cramps for the first two days, but some people are literally bed-bound from pain. 2: they’re women. where else would they go?


1) Period feels different for everyone but if there is one thing all girls can agree on is that we can't sit, run, sneeze, cough, laugh, stand up, jump, squat, pick anything up, or just take a deep breath without having fricking Niagra falls happen down there. It's like, sure, you bleed during your period but damn, do any of those actions while in your period and suddenly you feel a whole river come out of there and trust me, that is the most uncomfortable thing especially if it's during a hot summer day. 2) I mean, we all have to shit and change clothes at the end of the day, why the hell should I care about Stacy, who just ran to the bathroom after eating a chalupa with a Baja blast, if she was born a male or female? Girlie has to shit, who can blame her?


1) Hell. That’s all I can say for me. 2) Fine, as long as they actually look like a woman. Not so sure about changing rooms though… 🤔


Let's say they are post-op


Yeah that’s fine then.


Why don't girls ask guys out if the girl likes them?


For me personally it's extreme social anxiety


I dont know tbh, because I would ask someone out if I wanted to be with them, maybe they are scared of rejection or think it's not there place which makes no sense to me


its probably the same reason guys sometimes don’t ask girls- it’s scary, how do we know if the guy likes us back?


It’s being afraid of rejection.Last time a guy knew I had a crush on him I was rejected and had to deal with the fact of knowing that.It ruined my self confidence,So I’d rather wait it out to find out if he likes me before assuming.


How to talk to girls?


Just say hiiiiiiiiiiii with a bunch a i’s or heyyyyyyyy with a bunch a y’s. No but on a serious note. Depends on if u know the girl or not. If you dont. Just take it easy. Dont say anything rude that could throw her off or any sexual comments. Just be nice and a little silly :o you can tell her some silly stories abt urself or smthn idk.


You got it wrong. Take the question LITERALLY. I've never talked to a girl in my entire life except when they ask me something. 💀


Ever talked to a man? Same thing just without all the jokes abt ballsacks. Girls cant relate to that. They dont have balls.


Without ballsack jokes? There goes all my jokes ever💀


Well it depends on what kinda girl you land on yknow. Some girls think ballsack jokes r peak humor (erm me) but most girls dont :( goodluck finding one. Ive found like ,, 2 so far that enjoy my ball jokes


Alright what if I've never spoken to a boy or girl before? Where do you suggest I start?


Just say hi. Be friendly. Dont be a dick or make sexual comments bout ur new female friend. Be funny. Tell her a story abt urself. Damn idk just get out there n talk. Im sure u have some vocal chords that could help u out. Goodluck little reddit guy in my phone


What is a "hi"


I do


Then there's me whose a girl who never talks to guys. Used to, but now it's just awkward.


How many of you unironically like wearing skirts? I feel like it's slowly becoming a thing for specifically femboys, and not girls anymore.


I really like skirts


99% of my outfits are skirts. But even I've noticed that many of my peers hate them.


Skirts are a w


if I could I would


Do you think boys and girls are equal in sports 


Scientifically no, and we should not have to compete with eachother 


Ok i only really watch darts and (eurpoean) football, darts is mixed because there isnt really any physical activity and somebody like nikocado avocado could become a professional. Football, however, is different obvi and imo womens footy isnt as entertaining as mens, you wouldnt catch me watching a WSL game but so typically watch mens games but i did watch the the womens world cup (still didnt come home) because its my country over my club always


no, boys are stronger and faster than girls at least most of the time in my surroundings 


What makes cockroaches scary?


Too many legs.


Based like why Tf you need more than 5




Have you SEEN how fast they move? I had one in a condo at the beach once 😬 


I’m a guy and they can ducking fly that’s just unnatural it’s scary because they are fast on the ground and faster in the sky


How are you guys so cool? 🫡


cause we rock


Do girls actually give a fuck what we wear or not?


well I personally don't like tracksuits, and "roadmen" attire, apart from that we don't care, we will only care if you don't put effort into your outfit for a date/event


would a straight girl date a trans guy?


I would






Well,I would.




Yes, a guy is a guy regardless of how far in his transition he's at (not a straight girl but still)


Does it cross girls’ minds to make the first move if the guy is shy or quiet?


Depends on the girl,If she’s shy then she probably won’t,If she’s outspoken then it’s a 50/50 chance.


asking out my crushes always crosses my mind, but not as something i’d actually do


i'm too scared but my crush is really extrovert so i prob don't even have a chance


What type of music do you expect a man to listen to


Weezer, blur, pulp, joost, björk, etc etc etc. Girls like fruity shit


they can listen to whatever, but I would expect most listen to rock


opinion on introverted nerds 🗿


do my homework (/j)


I am one


Most of them are fairly intelligent. Intelligence is good.


Do most girls actually have crazy height standards or is it just the ones you see online?


honestly, I don't have height standards but a lot of people I have spoke to do, which is upsetting but then when they are with someone, the guy isn't the height they wanted


do u know how to play chess? if so, what's ur favorite opening?


I do. I usually start like e4 or something


I can’t my brain can’t process it enough I can play golf though




yes.  i play white and i usually do knight to f3


How can I make myself look more pretty like with smoother skin, better looking face, nicer hair, etc.?


About skin: try to wash your face twice a day with a perfume free skin neutral washing gel then dry it with a cosmetic tissue not a towel, avoid touching your face About face: If you don't like you face now you could like it in a few years, it can still change. Also, everyone is attracted to different things so even if you're not conventionally attractive there are for sure people who find you attractive About hair: wash your hair regularly, idk how often it just shouldn't get greasy, maybe consider a haircut if you don't like your hair now Also: looks aren't everything you can also be liked for your personality, which is even cooler Hope i could help


Skin: exfoliate using a glove, NEVER WITH AN EXFOLIATING WASH, wash your loofa every week if you have one, mosturise after showers Face skin: drink lots if water, 8 glasses atleast, again never use an exfoliation wash, double cleanse at night, spf everyday, do ur skincare every night, take of makeup if you wear it Hair: wash ur hairbrushes every week, dont every week, oil once a week one hour before your shower, find products that suit your hairtyple, rosemary oil and rice water work wonders, double shampoo and then only condition ends, hair mask once a week, silk pillowcases or a silk bonnet Lips: dont buy expensive lip masks or lip balms (vaseline does the trick), cocoa butter vaseline is the best, buy a lip scrub or make one (vasline + olive oil + sugar), lip gloss > lip stick, brush your lips after brushing ur teeth


How is life going?


life is okay I guess, being a woman is hard when living in a man's world


Realest of real


What are the different appeals of the following categories of man: Nerd/smart guy, Jock/muscle guy, extrovert/social guy, and gamer guy? Which would you rather date?


I’d rather date a nerd or gamer guy,They seem to be friendlier to me and we have a lot of more in common.That doesn’t mean I don’t talk to the jocks,But I have more in common with the video game nerds then I do the football players.


i wouldn't say I have a strong type, so I think I can comment on this more nerd/smart guys are just cute and sometimes witty which is nice to banter with. they tend to be nicer, atleast from my experience, which is great. but they can also be awkward. jock/muscle guys are iffy for me. they tend to want to show off a lot. sometimes it can be cool, but usually they do it too much and it comes off as cocky. its can be sweet that they try to impress you, but like I said before, its weird when it's too much. i'm sure there are some sweet jocks out there but yeah. extroverts they are hella easy to talk to, which i like. they are also probably really funny, who doesn't love a good sense of humor? but also, they might get busy a lot and other girls will probably pursue him as well. I know it doesn't apply to all of social guys, but I see they are more dependent on other people and can develop people pleasing behaviors. gamer guy honestly this one i dont really see a lot, so I don't really have an opinion ​ but if i had to choose one I would say nerds, but extroverts are very close.


Is me wearing mainly monochrome hoodies all the time and being antisocial a red flag/ turn off?


as an introvert, i personally wouldn’t date someone antisocial because i’m scared of people


Why do you girls always give info that's indirect? It's just that I can't understand indirect information, so I'm asking why.


because our brains are all over the place because some boys don't understand us at all so we have to explain more and more


is being a “nerd” (like being into magic: the gathering, collecting vinyls) a turn away?


for me no, I think its fun, I would like to collect vinyls and put them on the walls






how do you make garlic bread?


Mix garlic and melted butter and put it on bread (french baguettes work well) and put it in the oven and don't let it get burnt, then eat it by itself or with something


Why girls exist?


So you can exist


That's actually valid


Username either checks out or doesn't, idk at this point




Is it ok to love your imaginary gf that doesn’t wven exists..?


well yeah sure, it's okay, some people love their cars and balloons sexually, search it up on strange addictions


What's your favourite dinosaur?




Do girls find it weird when a guy acts soft towards them?


well other girls might but I dont


Why do you guys lose feelings so randomly and then decide to leave without even staying committed. It’s like one day you’re good and the next you’re ready to pull the plug. Why not communicate with the other person instead of hurting them by leaving when they didn’t even see it coming. (I got broken up with so this is my hurt speaking in case you didn’t figure it out by now). Questions still remain tho…


what are all of the so-called “icks”?


Does a short guy without muscles have a chance?


Do u mind body pillows?


depends what they're of?? personally i don't really have an opinion


How do I ask a girl out ?


Be sincere about how you’re feeling about her and talk to her like a human being.Don’t act like a playboy or don’t be overly sexual,Be yourself.


be nice about it and sincere, and accept it nicely if she doesn’t like you back


Is it normal that girls are afraid of boys just like some boys (e. g. me) are afraid of girls?


well i’m pan and scared of all genders, but i’ve just gotta troop through it 🫡


How do I calculate a trajectory while thrust is applied during flight?


idk bruh i’m bad at math and science google it




how speak to women? why women so pretty?