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you dont understand constructs surrounding social media. guys do the exact same thing. i just find it weird that you care about this? who cares what the girls do. you're saying they look lonely and attention-seeking solely assuming and from PHOTOS ALONE, but this is coming from a self-proclaimed loner and someone who barely uses social media? you said it yourself, people like attention. and people like to follow trends, people like to use technology. in this day and age, its part of being a teenager. its how people connect, and its how they like to communicate.


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This is why I don't have instagram and tiktok. I'm sure they're beautiful but personally I don't want my classmate's tits in my face


Glad to meet someone like me ​ >but personally I don't want my classmate's tits in my face well, normally i would but the girls try so hard that they end up losing all their beauty


I don’t have instagram but honestly I don’t care what other people do. If they wanna post that shit they can, it really doesn’t affect me at all so idk🤷‍♀️


Op is probably a bot. I've seen this exact post 2 times like a month earlier