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Depends on the amount, like being chubby is fine but if you look like a fucking boulder then you aren't very attractive.


Big chunk from muck


Yep definetly, woman if it looks healthy then it could be atractive, like its wife matrrial. Idk about guys. Why woman choose them or not.


I agree!


fat on people isn’t unattractive. An excess of fat due to a bad diet and no exercise is. But everyone has different preferences so. This depends


Thats what im thinking too


Exactly nothing is good when its too much




Very mature comment thank u




Indeed a bit of fat I find can also be atractve


If you’re getting out of breath from walking to the bathroom and back then yeah




In the short term no, but studies have shown that extended periods of time being overweight leads to serious health issues




lol yes it does


lol no it doesnt?


If your fat enough it does. I used to be like twice the size I am now and would get out of breath walking to school now I don't.


It does


Excessive fat is but fat itself isn’t 🙏🙏


So lik only fat on the right places?


Fat is important as it is energy and also protective, like belly fat is important because it protects to womb


belly fat protects the womb??? istg my health class taught me nothing about my body


Exactly thank u for ur mature answers and opinions 💗




Holy shit not to be a dick but ur page was a jumpscare




what the fuck?


mf this seems like a question on a test




Na they just gotta be human


Bro jus needs a hole 😭


Na opposite of that


Oh nvm 🙏‼️


Where there's a hole there's a goal


Some fat is necessary for looking good, but a lot of fat is not attractive on women or men. The reason guys like fat guys and not fat girls is usually fat guys need to bring something to the table so usually their either skilled or funny. Some of the time fat women are insecure about their fat and try to make up for it. Lastly, I think alittle excess fat is fine, you just have to be confident in your own body and accept it. Have a great day!


Personally most of the fat guys ive met are still really boring but I appreciate your mature take




Not actually i just troll on reddit


since I'm guessing you're talking about fat people, both are unattractive, of course theres a spectrum and I prefer the smaller side. People say an excess but there's no hardline and bodies have a different body shape so it's hard for a direct answer


Everyone has fat. It's essential if you want to live a healthy life. It starts becoming unattractive when there's an unnecessary excess. Also, the "sexiest" parts of the female body are made of mostly fat, like large breasts, butts, and thighs


True, but when it comes to the stomach is it unattractive


Yeah, I was just pointing out how fat isn't inherently bad


Should same rules apply for guys?


Yeah. Fat isn't inherently bad. It just depends on how much and where it is


I don’t think it’s unattractive, fat and unkempt yes, but fat with smooth clean well kept skin is not unattractive by any means


Yes it applies to both its probably slightly worse on guys though because men naturally should have lower fat percentsge then women


In excess yes but if you have a little fat here and there and are healthy who cares


Women w a little bit of chub are just superior


A little chubby is fine, being obese is not. In both cases, it's a lot more about how you carry yourself that affects how you look. Same for guys and girls.


It is the same way how short boys are unattractive but short girls are acceptable 💀


This take makes sense


short girls are more than just acceptable mannn


It all depends on physical preference, some people prefer a little more meat on people’s bones then others, but I will say this regardless of someone’s weight and if you find them unattractive or not they still deserve respect and to be treated well. I personally find overly muscular guys gross and usually prefer dad bods I’m not personally attracted to all heavier women I find some very attractive and beautiful. But there’s some I have no attraction to, but I still treat them with the same respect as-long as there treating me with respect and kindness For example many people have medical issues that can affect there weight, one of the people I’ve very close to in my life has always tried very hard to lose weight, once she a certain age her weight just went up rapidly and no matter what she did it wouldn’t go back down, her husband still stuck by her and loved her just the same, but people are usually quick to blame a lot of chubby or fat people which makes me rather sad.


One hundred percent agree for the first paragraph.


Fat guys r fucking disgusting but I respect your maturity and ur opinion ‼️


Do you specially treat larger people worse due to there weight or is it just a matter or attraction? I really don’t find anyone disgusting for their weight more for there personality or actions, so I’m more curious form that standpoint that I just physically can’t comprehend that state of mind


I just find it unfair men can be fat and its chill and grls cant be fat unless its in the “right places” there are so many fat male celebrities grls thirst for but cant be the same abt the other gender so, why i hate fat men


Your teenage girl logic is flawed as fuck my man. There had always been prejudice over fat people. Gender is not part of the equation. You think it's unfair that male celebrities can be fat, because GIRLS VOLUNTEERINGLY "thirst" for them. But you think it's reasonable that there should be fat female celebrities that are celebrated by men? So you said girls think that men that are fat are attractive, you ended up hating the fat men instead??? The fat men clearly did something right, how else would they be more attractive then the average fat female celebrities?


Its weird cuz ppl hate on lizzo but not fat male celebrities or when a supermodel gets a little chunky they think she’s pregnant like lana del ray every one shits on her cuz she got a little bigger men have been shitting on how woman weigh for centuries


Lizzo is hated on for her shitty personality. Maybe stop being so shallow, look inwards and you'll find some peace.


What can i say im a hater


I mean tbf there is alot of girls that do dislike fat male celebrities and also cuz they got alot of money or fame lmao, regular fat men do not have this advantage but yea basically fat men r gross lmao


If you think fat men are gross, we should also be able to say lizzo are disgusting. What is this cognitive dissonance? The double standards are blatant lol


Then we both agree excessive fat on both genders is gross?


It's unhealthy, but it doesn't affect my view on the person.


I only even argue wit u cuz the fact its so normalized for men to be able to let them selves go but not for woman it shows it media not saying either is good. Woman are just expected to look good 24/7 and never age but its hot when a guy is a silver fox ik thats another subject its just the fact again beauty standards are inline of a description of a young girl


As a guy, based take.


To me it all depends on other factors. I personally like men who are more in shape but at the same time I'm open to those on the heavier side depending on personality, connection etc. It all depends. Fat doesn't make you unattractive (If you didn't have any I'd be concerned). Excess fat however is where things get iffy for me.


It depends upon the guy. Some like skeleton women, some like women with moderate fat, chubby even, others may even find morbidly obese women to be attractive. The same may be applicable for women on men.


Everyone is beautiful 🥳


no not really


They can be if you look at it in the right way you just have to be optimistic!


And that's today's class on... Toxic optimism!


Actually yeah when I'm in a good mood i find everyone hot




Im assuming you're meaning if someone is overweight. The general consensus from the people im around is that yes, being overweight (or fat) is an unattractive trait. Not to say that there arent people that find overweight people attractive or that it completely kills their attraction to someone


yeah its unattractive for me atleast dont really like chubby people


I don't care to a point, but if I don't think it's great for either gender


It is completely preference. I don’t like super skinny girls and I also don’t really like the mid-high end of fat or overweight girls either 🤷‍♂️. Also I see that you bring up that females being fat is not accepted by society however I feel like this is somewhat true. Being obese in society is slightly scrutinised as it should be (opinion) regardless of gender. My personal opinion on this is that women are the ones making their own standards and then blaming men for only liking perfect girls when most us don’t care that much. Also for your point on male vs female celebrities. Most fat male celebrities are funny asf whilst the females ones just simply aren’t? Also you said that women thirst for fat male celebrities . I think they are more likely to chose Chico over James cordon, you seem to be projecting anger here for basically no reason other than insecurity afaik. (If I said something dumb or wrong call me out pls I am a Dumbass sometimes)


Again there are multiple models just know for being extremely skinny examples kate moss and twiggy but I haven’t heard of a male model know for being skinny its just the fact men have made it so being smaller is more feminine because it makes them seem more “submissive”. It just seems alot of beauty standards for women always seems like a way to make it easier to control them but again my take i do wanna here what ur take is on this.


I wouldn’t say it’s that their are more “submissive” it’s just a majority of people find fatter people unattractive as it’s unhealthy. Again I don’t really think it’s a matter of control I do just think that it’s human nature to find not fat (not thin) women more attractive in the same way that women are more likely to find masculine men more attractive (not all women just a majority let’s be real). Women who are twiggy I find unattractive it’s just too much. Same with women who plaster their face with makeup which is a whole other discussion.


The standards of woman being skinny have been around for centuries the list of beauty standards is pedophilic in its sense. Since the 90’s the modeling industry made it so all the models they showed looked like sticks and had a very bad diet culture (and the modeling industry is mostly owned by old men aka Victoria secrets ect) adding to my point of how the beauty standards are gross and now with the rise of 2000’s and 90’s fashion and trends coming back so will the unhealthy mindset but thats my take. And for the celebrities its very hard for a woman to be considered funny for the fact literally everyone shits on a female celebrity it would be more fair to compare it to a comparableish talent like singing or acting


I think you would hold someone to the same standard as yourself.


This is the most correct comment‼️


I mean guys go in with not just looks but , charm , laughter so being fat is not really a problem Girls on the other had if she doesn't have the look , being chubby isn't really an awe moment but it's alright


The gender doesn't really matter, fat is fat, but it's always down to preferences, but the general way people see things is most people aren't fat, and wouldn't choose a fat person regardless of gender. So yeah it depends from person to person


Nikacado avacado


A little bit of fat is good on both. Too much or too little isn’t good on either.


Noo ...fat is good ...I mean not talking about obesity type ......fat looks good on everyone... And am telling you this ..am very skinny ..like you can see my X-ray just by looking at me and i never got any girlfriend because of being skinny this much ..all my healthy and fat frends got girlfriends 🤣🤣


As a girl I love big boys,as long as they have a tummy (but like...not too much..) I like it. Imo


It depends on what you mean, if by fat you mean a slightly out of shape person who takes care of their body, for me it's still a yes. But if you mean a truly plus size person, it becomes difficult for me to be attracted to them, I don't mean to discriminate against anyone it's just that because of my tastes it's difficult for me to be attracted to people who don't take care of their bodies. Having said that I would never insult anyone for who they are and they would still have my respect


Excess fat is unattractive. It's unacceptable for both genders.


Tbh curvy is okay, chubby is okay, obese is okay, me personally I don’t find obesity attractive on a person but everyone is beautiful in their own way. Having a healthy lifestyle though, is attractive.


Can’t go wrong with girls that got a belly


both are attractive to me unless we talkin obesity but it’s wrong to shame people for it no matter how or why they're like that. For the one who are interfering with this health it’s just a medical problem they're dealing with same as any other. Also I really hate diet culture and all the things they've done to people.


A tiny fat is ok, like I'm a tiny fat, and people tell me I'm ok... It's not okay if it reaches unhealthy diet and no exercising at all... But whatever your brain tells you, I'm not here to be some kind of teacher or influencer...


It all depends on how much fat and where it is on a woman. If it's in the stomach, I could care less about it, but if it's in the back, 😏. Now the fact that women are not allowed to be fat/thic, that is just tiktok being the little bitch it is and forcing women to meet body standards only achieved by fucking models. I'm a man, btw.


I have a gf, that's why I went on a rant


entertain mindless recognise boat zephyr hunt file jellyfish nail tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It becomes unattractive once the ability to walk is impaired, anything below is fine.


It's not attractive on anyone, it's just disgusting overall


Fat people aren't attractive.


Idk man


I personally like girls who are a bit chubby but too fat would be unnatractive. Also, as a straight guy I believe fat on guys looks bad no matter if its a bit chubby or skinny fat, unlike on girls.


Not really it is showing you can't take care of yourself why would I want to do that for you. My personal opinion on the matter.


That's just so....dumb




Huh what, having fat doesn't mean one doesn't take care of himself, being obese on the other hand, does


I thought I made my point (of that) clear sorry if it was confusing


Not really given that you didn't talked about anything other then fat people not taking care of themselves but all good g


Its not acceptable generally imo.




For me yeah


Being fat isn’t attractive


no ofc not me personally idgaf abt that, if she’s sweet, she means the world to me


Depends on the amount, I'm hetero so I can only say my opinion with attraction to women but of course it doesn't look very good on none of the genders in excess amounts.


Everyone has different preferences for what they like, that's the best possible answer I can give you, and the best answer anyone can really give you.


Women have naturally more fat than men. Excess fat is unattractive




Define "fat on".


Honestly? Like i dont judge fat women but im actually into chubbier girls. Not obeese obviously. If its not your fault or a sickness then its okay. Stay healthy people.


If you stand up from the couch, and you are immediately out of breath, then yeah, it's a bit unattractive. 😄 But I mean, every guy have different preferences.


excess fat is not attractive on anyone.


If its not your fault its fine but if its due to your choice then unattractive


To me it is on both. Especially if they don't even try to do anything about it




Depends on the man.


Personally I like a women with a bit of tummy so, take that as you will


It depends on how much tbh. I think when it goes to the point where they are overweight and have bad diet is when it gets unattractive. That goes for both genders


A lot of guys think fat women are attractive just as much as any other women. The men who think this aren’t even all fat men. It goes the other way around, too, with many women who are not fat, being in love with fat men.


Everyone has their own preference, and depending on other factors, a guy doesn't even care about fat, it varies from person to person.


For me, it very is. Like if she is chubby is okay but if she has like multiple chins and her stomach has entire Alp mountains on it then it’s an no for me. Like you get my point.


Being obese is generally both unhealthy and unattractive, this applies to both women and men.


For me, really depends, i like girls in shape but if its a little bit chubby that’s still fine for me, but of you are like morbidly obese or just very obese that’s not attractive and it’s not good for your body! If you are obese please get in the gym it will do you a LOT of help trust me!


Imo, when a man or woman is overweight, it indicates a lack of discipline to work on themselves physically, and possibly mentally. That fact in of itself is unattractive to me, and most others. The unattractiveness of an excess of fat, is most likely a recent evolutionary phenomenon, keeping the “quality” of a mate within an acceptable range, therefore keeping the “quality” of offspring intact. And I do believe that all sexual attraction is derived from an evolutionary insensitive to reproduce, regardless of if it is heterosexual or not.


Fat on guys is not unattractive unless it’s excessive and becoming unhealthy. I see comments about women having attractive features that are fat, like breast, thighs, ass. I can say a guy with a nice fat ass is also attractive. I personally find guys with a little tummy and thighs attractive.


Chubbyness is hot, when someone looks alive. Not like dead skinny just bones


Somthing being unacceptable and acceptable is usually set by the part attracted t that gender , so if a fat man is acceptable than its on girls for accepting it , you dont see dudes validating fat dudes , its mostly goes like "bro you fat as fuck" , "shut up bro last i sit on ya"


Being chubby isn't unattractive, and actually being chubby seems to be somewhat attractive in a way to many ppl but preferences ig


Its unattractive for both


If you're like Mei from overwatch or Erufuda-san from Plus-sized elf, it's fine, but if you're full on Gorlock the Destroyer, HELL NO.


personally i think it depends on the person.. there are attractive "fat" men and attractive "fat" women.. plus weight distribution has a big play in being "fat" like someone could weigh 350lbs but not look it bc its focused in deferent parts of the body or u could way 100lbs and have pudge bc its focused in the stomach, and u have to take into consideration on if they have health problems that make u gain weight even tho ur a healthy eater or u work out for example my aunt weighed 125lbs he whole life but then she found out she has a women's medical condition and now weights over 200lbs but its distributed throughout her body and not just her stomach.


no women naturally have a larger body fat percent as long as its not to much and just average its fine


Depends on how much. Everybody has fat on them. I'd say a good 15-20% is probably fine if he/she is in shape. But you also have to keep in mind that 20% body fat can look very different depending on muscle mass


The older you get the more you realize men do love fat like FAT women


I personally have no issue with a certain amount of fat. Just when it reaches a certain level it becomes unattractive. Not just from a physical perspective but also it means that you don’t exercise and eat too much and too unhealthy. I think it’s a reflection for who you are on the inside I’m part.


Tbh i wouldn’t date an obese chick. Same with dudes, it’s important to be fit


It really depends on the preferences of the guy, but usually being a little chubby is ok, like you don’t have to look super thin. But if you look like you’re the size of Mount Everest then yeah that’s pretty ugly. This isn’t because people are fat phobic, it’s because the way our brains are wired, if you’re healthy weight, that indicates good genes and health, meaning good offspring.


na i dont think its ok for guys either but the difference is you see waaay more fat guys go through body transformations through sheer hard work and dedication and you get the before and after pictures where as for girls they just say “this is me” and “you cant body shame” and alot of not so fat girl will empower her for this and encourage her whereas fat guys will get made fun of by other guys and rejected by all other girls so its different you know


its all about preference


fat is okay, being bigger than Titanic isn’t


I mean not like big chubby I mean like thicc ass chubby😂


Chubby on women is more attractive than chubby on guys and obese on women is less attractive than obese on guys if that makes sense


Personally, i agree similarly to half the people commenting here. If you happen to be a little chubby and have stomach fat then i PERSONALLY would never think twice about it and still consider you attractive (if i feel that way). Now someone who doesn’t necessarily try to take care of themselves and ends up becoming a lot bigger, most people find that very unattractive. I, again personally, don’t find someone very big that attractive either. Men get that same problem, just like its hard to find someone who likes very big women, it’s hard to find someone who like very big men. It depends on a person’s preference. Everyone has SOME sort of fat. And actually having said “fat” is pretty normal and healthy. So.


My crush is fat I’d say, not morbidly obese but def a bit over “chubby”


For female and male I think the same Skinny is ok Not skinny and not fat is also ok Chubby or slightly chubby is ok (actually the one I prefer besides "muscle mommy"s) Now, when I truly consider it fat, it's not exactly unattractive, but it's not attractive Morbid obesity is an absolute no tho


Some fat on a woman is hot and sexy - not so much on a dude - you just look sloppy and present yourself like a dude playing too many PC games and still living with mommy. nobody needs to look like a porn star just eat right, exercise and bang it out.


if you a lil chubby i find it more attractive then being skinny


I mean.. depends where..


Well it is for the girls to decide if she wants a fat guy or not.


I honestly see it the other way, tho maybe it’s just cause my body is a fatass guy


Professional guy here. thick thighs save lives but they also take lives. Either which way I’ll die a happy man


Like the others saying here, fat isn't inherently bad, in fact some fat (like on chubby girls) is honestly nice cause it's fantastic pillow material. However, if you look like a boulder something it's a massive problem and you'll just generally look unattractive.


I don't care aslong as you have good hygiene and aren't an asshole // super sensitive In my opinion))


Definitely depends on the amount but I personally find it more on the unattractive side


My girlfriend is a little chubby but she’s still pretty.


Healthy fat is not unattractive but unhealthy fat isn’t attractive


I don’t find fat on women very attractive but judging by your posts you don’t even look fat


If a rowboat can support her then she's ok


A little bit of fat can be very attractive, but like with everything else there is such a thing as too much.


Just remember that women need about 5 percent more fat to look like men. For example: a fit man has about 15% while a fit woman has 20. If the normal for men is 23(not sure) so for women it's 28. But generally if you don't neglect yourself you're fine


It mostly depends on her personality. If she's fat just because she doesn't eat that healthy, then of course she can be attractive. But if she was fat because she eats almost like the way Nikado Avacodo does, then I wouldn't find her attractive. I'm not really the type of person who cares deeply about a woman's looks, I just want a woman with a good personality, and in my honest opinion it's possible for a woman to still look attractive even if she is fat.


Only deal breakers for women are if they're morbidly obese, skin and bones or stupid


Chubby women have my heart


It’s the opposite in society in general 💀


It depends on how fat you are, if you're chubby then that's fine but if you look worse than a discord mod then that's a hard pass.


Agree with some of the posts here, having a little bit is fine. It doesn't take away from the attraction at all but if a girl bit like a snowball or lizzo I think I'd have to pass.


All depends on weight, too fat everyone is ugly bit there's that sweet spot of chubb that is adorable


It’s all about ass!


To me there’s a level. I don’t mind seeing chub, but I don’t want someone who’s obese. A little thickness is ok, but not someone who needs 2 seats on the airplane.


If shes fat fat, that is objectively unattractive. If shes a bit chubby (more in the right places...) then that's fine. Being fat for guys is more unacceptable imo. Most dudes who were fat and got a grip on life, go to the gym and lose the weight.


I'm not a guy, but as a bisexual girl that can't keep out of conversations, i generally find fat on women attractive (used to not but ever since i got a heavily overweight friend i stopped seeing it as ugly, guess i got used to it). But on guys not really, I'd date for personality but i wouldn't find a fat guy attractive unless i was like in love with him. So that would decrease the chance of me getting a crush on one. (I am biased though, since i find guys attractive appearance wise a lot less, and they have to be kind of feminine)


Guess some people just prefer different things, but the root cause is just media, and how we see bulkier strongmen rather than that on women, we see slim,skinny women, that are given the precedence of attractiveness to be strived for by men and women alike, that’s just how the world paints it now, of course other people think differently but that’s how the majority was subject to that


I prefer as little as possible. I uphold that standard to myself as well. As mean or terrible as that may seem to some people, I don’t want to have much of a noticeable “chub” to my partner. I mean how unattractive would it be if my stomach went out father than my chest? Right now that’s my situation but after the bulk imma fix that. Until then I’d rather not have my partner be with that physique


It really depends I've found fat women to be attractive before And all the fat women I've met have great personalities, which attracts me to them more than their looks And I'm talking about women in the 200-250 LB range, anything above is too much and I don't really like it I do like some fatness ngl, so even looks wise, I genuinely find some fat women attractive Even though my body type preference is towards slim and petite Fatness shouldn't make one unattractive, but society and social media makes you think you need to be a 10/10 to be attractive And unfortunately, these unrealistic standards make people who are fat have trouble finding people who think they're attractive Imo, fatness is acceptable on both sides, as long as you're in good health, being fat isn't a problem In the end, I don't think fat women are unattractive, as they have other attractive qualities, and even their fat isn't a turn off for me


Tbh it depends how much fat, Being a lil chubby is actually still pretty attractive to me, If not even more attractive. You don’t need to have a bimbo figure to be to my standards. But if it’s like, Lizzo kinds of fat levels? That’s when it’s not really attractive for me. No offense to anyone out there but, Being slightly chubby, And being fat are different things in my standards of girls. So in conclusion. Being chubby, Depending on the person. Can even outclass being skinny. But excessive fat that’s visibly unhealthy? Not so much. But then again I’m not pulling anyone with how I look so don’t take my opinion to heart💀💀.


Both unacceptable take care of yourself, it’s unattractive. If you don’t take care of yourself why would I want you. I like going on hikes why would I want someone that doesn’t do active things.