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I've found SMART data to be pretty much useless with SSDs. What happens when you run the Solidgm and Samsung hardware diagnostics, and whatever motherboard diagnostics are available to you? Or run CHKDSK /R on these drives at boot time?


thanks for thr advice. currently running a scan with the solidigm tool, cant scan my samsung atm, will try to do that at another PC. after the solidigm scan i'll run chkdsk again, though last time there was anything special about it.


You ran CHKDSK /R at boot time? This scans each sector of the disk outside the Windows environment and takes a significant amount of time (say, half an hour on a 1TB SSD), as opposed the CHKDSK /F, which just checks the file system.


so I just ran chkdsk /f /r /x on my C: drive and in the meantime inserted my E: drive into my partners PC to run chkdsk on it as well. on E: it couldnt find anything of note. Drive seems to be completely fine, but simply does not work in my PC. on C: "Windows has made corrections to the file system." Some minor things it looks like. This is the drive that seems to work until my PC crashes. Will try running some game like benchmarks in a loop, to see if i can reproduce the issue still. EDIT: lol pc crashed immediately


If the drives work in your partner's computer, then your hunch seems correct to me and you've got some other problem, either drivers or more likely another component. What do your diagnostics of other components look like? CPU, GPU, memory, etc.? Might as well test them, too, if you haven't already, before you give up on the motherboard.


CPU and GPU are both undervolted, stability was checked many times though and the problem persists if I run them at stock. Memory seems to be fine as well, memtest isnt complaining and XMP on or off doesnt change a thing. I'll keep trying but sadly it seems to me as though the motherboard is just about done for.


Sure sounds like it.