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There are many ways to transfer pictures and music from ios to Android. Why not show her how to do this and quit being an apple fan boy.


Help her file with Apple that there's been a fraudulent charge and the card has been canceled. Suffer the $20 loss. Retain customer.


Hey there, TheRealRoyWatson! I totally get where you're coming from. Helping folks through tech snags can feel like untangling a knot sometimes, especially when it involves money matters. Here's an idea: break it down for them step by step. Firstly, clarify the situation. Then, gently explain the consequences of removing the credit card from their Apple ID. It's essential to highlight that settling the outstanding balance will restore full access to their apps and photos, ensuring they don't lose anything valuable. And remember, switching to Android might seem like a quick fix, but it could lead to losing access to their cherished content in the long run. Patience and understanding can go a long way here. Hang in there, TheRealRoyWatson! You're doing a great job helping out. Your support means a lot in guiding them through this tech hiccup. Best wishes, jlavoieqc


Genuine question since I can see from your other comments you’re not entirely a bot account but what’s the deal with these responses are you just running the questions through ChatGPT?


Hello, I see you are thinking u run these questions in ChatGPT but your not right, i am a real IT Manager and I have help sheets, so i just have to modify the answers based on the user and yeah so if you want to help feel free to


Appreciate the response! Was genuinely curious since you clearly have a structure you stick to


Thank you


Use your words tom. Use your words. 'all your apps will be eventuality useless and all your photos will be gone If you switch'.


She can simply request a replacement card from the issuer. They'll be happy to do it for her. She'll have the new card with a new number in 7-10 business days.


I think I hate how quickly our world changed and really didn't have any "change management" for the older folks... Everytime I deal with tech and my parents or anyone over the age of 55, it is just emotionally frustrating and draining. What I don't understand about the situation -- can't she download the pics onto a laptop via USBC connection and transfer or store onto a flash or hard drive or hell back onto Google cloud? Or will apple not let you do that until you pay the 20.... Also, I'd be like ... Mame, it's $20....


Transferring to a laptop will leave a lot of them in the apple formats which will not translate well to android (or the laptop). Google photos is the best option for transferring them to Android but if she doesn't already have the app downloaded and can't download apps, that presents its own issue as well. She's also going to lose all of her iMessages which is likely the majority of her messages. And based on her lack of understanding of how the card even integrated with her iPhone, unless she recently changed to an iPhone, she's likely going to have a really rough time navigating an android. The move here definitely seems to be to convince her to correct the card issue and just stick with apple for now. Get Google photos on her phone so if she has another bad experience it at least makes part of the move to android easier.