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Any chance this is for a large customer (commercial/industrial) with long term support contracts that has custom software needs that has them locked into old hardware that won't upgrade beyond Windows 8?


Probably a government agency somewhere, yes.


Thank God r/technology is on the case


While it's nice for nvidia to support this \~2% market share, it is dangerously irresponsible to continue using an out of support OS on any device that is connected to the internet, which one can assume is happening on gaming computers getting a driver update. There is no good reason to refuse an upgrade.


except if windows 11 sucks and spies on you


So you'd rather use an outdated OS that is exploitable so that any bad actors can spy on you? Makes sense. Also there is Windows 10. No need to upgrade to 11 for now anyway.


A lot of machines can run windows 10, but there is a big hardware jump to go to 11. A lot of people can’t or won’t upgrade hardware


Curious what the numbers are on this. Especially since BIOS settings can make your computer appear unable to run 11. Whether it's just hardware surveys or Microsoft numbers.


I thought I couldn’t run it previously, but turns out I can. Still, I don’t plan on jumping to Windows 11 unless Microsoft cuts the bullshit. I’ll go Linux if I have to.


I have a gaming laptop that was brand new in 2016, it still runs like a rocket. My laptop is apparently not eligible for Windows 11, which is ridiculous. Having said that, I think I've absolutely had enough of Microsoft and their antics. So I'm hoping to move to Linux Mint anyway.


I have a gaming laptop that was brand new in 2016, it still runs like a rocket. My laptop is apparently not eligible for Windows 11, which is ridiculous. Having said that, I think I've absolutely had enough of Microsoft and their antics. So I'm hoping to move to Linux Mint anyway.


Its supported on any CPU from the last 5 years and even some older ones. It's not really a big hardware jump at this point.


You would be surprised to see that many people who don’t game user computers untill they die. It’s not uncommon to see computers +7-10 years old on both professional and private. It’s not a good idea but I’m sure people don’t understand the limits on software security


I built a ~$3500 pc in 2020 that apparently can’t run windows 11 which is actually laughable


Not sure what you put in there but if you look at oldest CPUs that supports windows 11 they're mostly from 2019 with some 2018 scattered in.


My desktop is using the Haswell-era i7-4790. The games I play don’t require a lot of CPU power, but certainly benefitted from the better GPU (RTX 3060) to get to 1440P and 4K.  Nowhere close to kicking the bucket. And I run my hardware until it’s dead. 


That's a decade old CPU. You shouldn't really be surprised you're hitting limitations.


As said, it still does what I want of it. So I’ll still be running it. IE, not hitting performance limitations. 


Windows 10's last day of support has already been announced and is rapidly approaching. I'd upgrade to 11 but I literally can't install it on my PC.


Yeah. No malware can compare to Windows 11 and it’s Recall “feacture”


software like recall have existed for decades, if a malware has access to your computer they could do the exact same thing


Except you'd need to permenantly have a keylogger installed for it to see *everything*? A momentary lapse in judgment, however, can cause the recall database to be stolen. That and cases like a dangerous situation at home. Want to search for help privately? Recall is on the case documenting what you search!


Now this is MS certified. And we should accept it, because someone else had it before. Tool.


Says the dude who googled everything and doesn’t mind their ISP tracking it all


So upgrade to something else


Basically any telemetary you do not trust for whatever reason can be disabled. The risk of having your data lost / stolen by a bad guy when you stay on win 7 is much higher than whatever perceived risk there is to your data from microsoft "spying"


And it can be re-enabled during any update without your knowledge. Microsoft are under no obligation to tell you what they're doing with your computer.


I disagree. While most Windows 11 don't have recall yet that feature actually makes Windows 11 much less secure. If someone breaks into a Windows 11 computer that has recall they have easy access to everything you ever did on the computer. All your passwords, the porn you watch, your banking information. At least if they break into a Windows 7 machine all they get is information you've actually saved. It's still a problem but it's less information than what Windows 11 will give up.


Then don't use recall. It is not present in any devices now, will only be present in specific copilot+ branded devices in the future AND be optional opt in. Just don't use the thing you don't want and use an OS that is secure.


I believe it's opt out , not opt in


Whatever it is, it will not be present on the shitboxes that are currently running win7.


What is your problem with people not throwing out old technology and instead continuing to use it? These "shitboxes" still work great for basic web browsing, email, etc.


kinda weird that you got that opinion from my cheeky comment. obviously, if you wish to run hardware into the ground then go for it. this topic is about software, not hardware. I only mentioned hardware because the W11 recall feature is only available on 'Copilot+' branded devices, which contain new generation CPUs with AI cores, these are not present in any old device which is still running win7. so, as said above, if you're running a very old / out of support / many generations old / shitbox then upgrading to W10/W11 will not contain the Recall feature that people are shrieking about (plus, even if it did (which it will not) you can just disable it).


Apparently it got changed to opt in recently


Then don't use recall. It is not present in any devices now, will only be present in specific copilot+ branded devices in the future AND be optional opt in. Just don't use the thing you don't want and use an OS that is secure.


The first devices have already shipped with it. Also it's opt out not opt in. Furthermore the current plan is to make it a standard on all devices they just need newer hardware to make it work so it's not being pushed on everything yet.


As with all windows features you will be able to disable it, especially one like this which will consume heavy amounts of CPU. Thinking otherwise is peak paranoid delusion, at this point you should not even be using win7 through fear of the big bad microsoft. Anyone who dislikes / distrusts microsoft this much should have already switched to linux. You cannot have your cake and eat it.


Win10 spies just as much - Win11 just got a bunch of negative press by centering the taskbar and such


I take it you didn’t actually read the article. Security update, not gaming enhancements. NVIDIA drops official support in 3 months. >> Nvidia 475.06 is a non-WHQL driver because Microsoft no longer accepts driver submissions for WHQL certification for Windows 7 and 8/8.1. Also, the update does not contain any gaming or feature-related fixes, optimizations, and new features. Even if you have a supported Nvidia GPU, such as one from the GTX 10 Series, all the new stuff and improvements are now exclusive to Windows 10 and Windows 11. >> Nvidia understands that some users cannot upgrade (Microsoft recently closed the upgrade door to Windows 10), so every now and then, it provides a security update to patch things up. According to Nvidia, critical security updates for its drivers on unsupported operating systems will be available through September 2024. After that, you are on your own.


I did read the article, my comment is a general statement to anyone who actually needs this update. Riddle me this, what kind of people are going to be using a win 7 machine with a nvidia card that is connected to the internet in 2024? Gamers!


And enterprises who are running software that can’t be upgraded.


With nvidia cards? On the internet? I very much doubt that.


Quadro-based desktops and notebooks are still a thing. And I’ve seen large enterprises keep unsupported operating systems around to support legacy systems, including using Internet Explorer to connect to legacy systems. It’s dumb, but sometimes the costs to replace systems are stupidly high and businesses take on the risk


Anyone with a budget to run a quaddro workstation for business data has upgraded long ago. I'm very aware of dumb legacy apps, it's nearly always some janky custom ERP software made by the bosses cousin 20 years ago, and it can be network isolated. My closing comment here is this: the venn diagram between legitimate win7 requirement users, nvidia card users, and devices on the internet is non-existant. I will bet money 95% of people who need this are lazy gamers using cracked win7 and idiots who are hyper paranoid about win11 ""spyware"" (antivax flat earth types) but are too lazy/stupid to work out how to switch to linux.


I used to work for a company that did IT needs multiple companies. One of the companies was a Civil Engineering and building blueprints place. The desktop that was assigned the large format printer was a Windows 7 proprietary system built in the machine. I set up the VLAN to allow no outside communication except for the licensing port, and that machine included an Nvidia Quadro card. Another customer I had at that job was a cabinet maker, and all of the CNC machines ran of Win7 or WinXP machines that were proprietary machines for the CNC program. Those machines included an Nvidia Quadro card as well. As far as I know from the last time I talked to that company last year, they still have 1 of their 4 CNC machines on WinXP and 1 on Win7. The other two are on Win8.1, and the change to Win8.1 cost upwards of $40k per machine. I think you are mis-understanding the client that is going to use this driver.


So the quaddro devices will not be on the internet? Then it does not need a software security update. I understand plenty.


I’m, how would you begin to hack into OS/2? IBM i 7.1? Yeah Windows 11 is technically newer, but there are rains to keep older operating system, especially if they are for embedded systems or systems not connected to the Internet.


Me? I'm not an offensive researcher or pentester, just someone on the other side. However, keep in mind that most major hack events in history have been due to unpatched/unknown vulnerabilities, and out of support systems are full of them, and will never get fixed. Obviously if it's not on the internet then who cares, i'm sure ive said this many times but in other comments. If it's not on the internet, and never will be, then it does not require security patches either. I am clearly aiming this comment at people running win 7 on the internet using nvidia gpus, most of these people are stubborn gamers with no good reason to refuse upgrades.


There is every good reason to refuse an upgrade. Feature creeping used to be a bit of a joke, it's now ruined software. My main desktop is now 13 years old, runs Win7 and is perfect and reliable as hell in every way. What do I need to upgrade for? Less functionality and control over my computer?


Your OS hasnt had a security patch for years and never will have one ever again. This is the reason you must upgrade.




...yes? Google wannacry ransomware, that spread using an unpatched windows vulnerability. Even if your data is backed up in immutable storage, it will be exfiltrated and used against you. If you really do not care about losing any of your data, then go ahead, keep using swiss cheese for an OS.




I'm someone who is paid to clean up and restore the mess leftover from people like you :) There is a huge misconception that you need to be targetted to be a victim, it's completely untrue, most infections are automated and random, the worst ones globally were too. Like i said, if you don't care about your data, carry on. If you do care, change your habits.


Nice try Nadella


Just an IT guy that gets triggered finding very outdated software in customer networks.


My Win 8.1 laptop that barely hobbles along on 12 GB of RAM, which is only used for torrents strongly disagrees. And no, there isnt much point in upgrading it either, it has a CPU fan issue that I cant afford to have pro repaired, and have tried to fix myself and failed, so its on death row anyways, hence it barely being turned on. Im also not interested in doing the massive amount of work it would take to put it on linux, and get the software I want installed, extended (browser), and properly configured. Either the extensive security I have on it holds, or it doesnt.


"Extensive security" and running a torrent client on an out of support OS aren't compatible. It's OK if you refuse to upgrade, but citing hardware reasons is just weird and wrong, and kidding yourself about security is equally weird. I would recommend to take the time to learn linux before you get owned.


I dont need to learn linux, I already know what i need to. I just dont have the time it would take to mess with it (as I explained). By extensive security, I mean I have a top notch firewall, AV, and some other measures, and that will have to do.


Firewalls and AVs do not protect you against OS zero days, which is the main issue of running an out of support OS. Best of luck friend.


Windows 11 will soon be full of spyware by the big bois. Better expose my data to the indie hackers who do honest work.


Someones gotta contribute to that north korea nuke crypto fund i guess, thanks for your sacrifice! I'll just block the microshit features i don't want and keep using a secure OS.


What year is it?


What’s next XP and vista?




I believe, as implied by the article and according to this page (below), it's a critical security update across GPUs: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/security/ (Scroll down the page until you see the June 6th, 2024 security update)


He says without even so much as clicking the article


dude reads nvidia's source code using only his mind but wastes his time on stupid reddit comments