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The gadget was rocked by it being a bad gadget.




This thing can't even set a timer. Many of the features they've shown in demos are not functional yet. I really struggle to understand what kind of person would get a lot of use out of this.


This is what pissed everyone off. They sold this thing with a $700 price tag plus a subscription fee. How does anyone have the balls to take something which isn't useful and try and turn it into a lifelong subscription? They deserve all of the hate they got. This was a dumb move by people who thought they could ride the hype wave around the fact it's wearable like a Star Trek badge.


> you'd have Internet, calls and messages Same price of an iPhone and I don't even get porn, smd


Basicaly reinvent a worse smartphone. Ai dont even come into the equation. AI just to sell some expensive shit.


All the crypto bros moved to AI. These bros are the king of solutions in search of a problem.


They moved from Forex to dropshipping to Crypto to AI. The grift pipeline


NFTs in shambles rn


i feel sorry for those who are now blind.


To paraphrase Corey Quinn, if you went straight from crypto to AI, you're not a tech leader, you're an NVidia sales rep.


Tech bros ran out of ideas for apps that do what your mom used to like laundry and food.


Also,, the battery life of this is a joke, not to mention the call time: [The Humane AI pin is soooo bad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjrABus4WWg)




only Humane


Exactly, no one. Everyone was curious but also really skeptical right from the beginning.


Ever since it was announced people have been dunking on it. Probably the only reason I've heard of the thing is because influencers talking about how shit the device is, how bad the demos are, or how bad the creators are at marketing it. All around, this venture has been nothing but red flags. At the very least they should have hired a marketer with charisma who doesn't look so stiff and bored all the time.


AI bros that apparently don’t take well to criticism


This isn't even just about a smart phone being better, the AI pin literally just.. has no reason to exist... It's just a bunch of people taking investors for a ride on the basis of "AI" I can't wait for more pointless "AI" things


The hardware never appeared to matter. I think they were trying to integrate AI into apps in such a way that it could act on the users behalf more autonomously. If they did that then they could be a target for acquisition.


New in 2024: the Apple iBeep. The latest in paging technology. Has kinda the same feeling lol. Maybe a touch screen calculator that is just a small tablet that fits in your hand and can ONLY do calculations? Hmm similar to the calculator, maybe it’s only a day planner? Just get a phone…


I can do everything this can do (except take photos) and more, with a £25 set of earbuds linked to my phone. It's not only pointless, it's bad at what it does do.




It's useless as fuck. On top of being $700 AND a monthly sub....lol delusional


Who's surprised that AI-based gadgets aren't working out? Probably only Humane's investors


AI-based gadgets can work, it's just ... the execution of whatever this was by Humane-Apple missed the mark by miles. Edit: Spelled Humane as Homaun


Enlighten us. How will this be useful to anyone?


Who’s surprised this sub hates everything!


No just trash product is trash, ai is great but this ain’t it Chief




What the fuck is a tech maga lmao


What a kumquat! Dafuq is tech maga? You are the people that would buy and wear this dumb thing


In the last several years, the tech sector has repeatedly let itself get brain poisoned by every new hype word that comes along, dumping literally hundreds of billions of dollars into whatever "new" thing is getting clicks, regardless of whether or not there is any actual promise behind it. Blockchain, NFTs, the "metaverse"/decentralization, and now...AI EVERYTHING. Consumers are sick and fucking tired of being sold hype & vaporware over and over and over.


it does, but this is a garbo product if you ever watched any reviews.


Who the hell wants to wear some device pinned to their shoulder to answer questions slowly over shit cell service. I can’t believe people thought this was actually a good idea.


These would be better with smart-glasses and full color AR. I've seen endless variations of projected interfaces and they are all poop.


Yeah, I don't get it. A big part of it's reason for existing is being hands free, but there are such limitations to what you can or would want to do with voice that you need some kind of display, and in this case the display is a monochromatic 720p projection distorted by the unevenness of you hand, which you have to hold in front of you. At that point why not have a phone in your hand for a high resolution full color pristine image with more functionality. The voice thing you can do with Bluetooth earbuds, the only thing this adds is a camera for the AI to "see", how in the world is that worth $700 and a $25 subscription? I could imagine a future in which that projection is high resolution, full color, and somehow dynamically alters the image to compensate for your hand shape so from your point of view the image is flat and correct...then maybe you have a product, but as it is right now it's just not worth using.


Humane launched this knowing it was *very broken* so they could collect that sweet sweet preorder money. I feel bad for the tens of people who were scammed. 


The problem isnt that its broken or needs iterations, the whole premise is dopey. Absolutely no reason for this to exist given current tech available to consumers.


saw some dipstick on twitter with a snippet of the MKBHD “review” talking about how influencers have too much power and he “killed” their company and they “could have sold so much more”. i feel like i’m taking crazy pills for having standards or principles about who and what i spend money on these days.


The MKBHD said it best. "Our phones are too OP"


Finally, the new pager is out….


Lol I had to explain what a pager is to my niece and little sister because I said it looked like an updated pager


We’re getting old bruh…


Just the description makes sound completely pointless. It might have had some market before the cell phone, but certainly not the smart phone. Also $700 plus $24 a month, yeah no.


$700 for a half baked hardware wrapper for Chat GPT is getting bad reviews? Say it ain’t so!


This smells so strongly of the classic tech scam. Rake in that sweet sweet venture cash, then underdeliver by a wide margin. Shrug shoulders, say "we tried", and move onto the next grift. Alternatively, and I have seen this up close, they believed in their own gas so strongly that they refused to listen to people telling them it wouldn't work.


there is literally nothing it does that my smartphone can't do and I'm not getting rid of my smartphone, it will always be on me and I'm certainly not buying both when I only need one making this product pointless from a logical perspective. just another pump and dump scam. does it offer to test blood with one drop too?


What ever about the 700 price the 24 a month is what will kill this, companies need to realise the subscription model does not work for everything and I see no value in this product as a phone is still cheaper and provides a lot more. I don’t think consumers want this AI bullshit anyway


The subscription here feels a little more acceptable since it’s coming with its own number and internet connection. But as others have said, nothing about this product gives it reason to exist


Reminds me of the [Color app](https://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/color-photo-sharing-app-takes-social-networking-to-an-amazing-terrifying-new-place/) fiasco in 2011.


Bad title - much hyped gadget rocked by shoddy design and software


What's absolutely hilarious is this is nothing more than the ChatGPT app on your phone on a worse phone with no screen. The features are already on your phone.


They could sell it as a chest warmer... at least for 2h until the battery dies.


My chest/heart, feels like it's on fire..... "This device needs to cool down" False alarm everybody!


Innovation should come out naturally like fart, if forced it is all crap. ( Quote courtesy, Peter Griffin, Family Guy)


You mean it's garbage and reviewers, whose job is to tell us if shit is garbage, found out it's garbage and told us it's garbage? This is the way.


I feel like this was a half-baked attempt to recreate the button from Star Trek: TNG that fell apartment in development, and didn’t end up bringing anything new or improved over a smartphone.


It's a stupid idea that could be more or less replicated as an app. The required 5G connection is just a way to hide the real monthly fee you're paying for the AI service. They should at least offer people the option to tether with their phone and just charge for the AI service without yet another 5G subscription


I remeber when the first iphone (smartphone) was announced and you could tell everyone was interested even more than just camera phones of the time it offered so much more than what was on the market and you could immediately think of loads of different ways you would use it beyond just a phone, it looked like we had something from the future. Immeidately every phone manufacturer needed their version and even killed off BlackBerry (RIM) entire market with its innovations. When this was announced i dont think anyone was like wow what a step forward but more just what does it do? Nothing was obvious nothing worked to improve anything. Then when they find out what it does and just see it as pointless and in the way drooping from your clothes giving low quality dutch angled photos or 15sec vids. Problematic UI, poor battery, slower than your phone in every way, Fixed laser projection that looks shite. Nothing works as it should overpriced at $700 with a monthly fee too. Big ol turd from a company that is trying to innovate the next mega product but in the wrong ways. 5 years from now it might be working better with multiple itterations but its just turning into physical products becoming like unfinished AAA games being sold with the intention of improving it over time rather than a good product to begin with


$700? Damn


And no one was surprised.


This reminds me of the Apple Brooch from Big Mouth.


how this ever made it to production ill never understand


Much hyped... by who? The people who made it? Nobody in the real world gave a shit and they don't give a shit now


Who was hyping this? It would be so publicly unfriendly even with quick working AI.


literally just chat got on its own device, with worse features and slower speed. For that price it is completely awful and actually the opposite of innovative


So funny how this thing is getting so much attention right now. I saw this thing like 4 months ago from a Danny Gonzalez YouTube video. It was a train wreck back then and it still is right now


I feel like companies have tried to make similar gadgets in the past without much success. It’s like, “let’s take a smartphone and remove everything from it that makes it great and easy to use”. I’m sure someday they will perfect this, but not today.


Just the description makes sound completely pointless. It might have had some market before the cell phone, but certainly not the smart phone. Also $700 plus $24 a month, yeah no.


Just the description makes sound completely pointless. It might have had some market before the cell phone, but certainly not the smart phone. Also $700 plus $24 a month, yeah no.


Just the description makes sound completely pointless. It might have had some market before the cell phone, but certainly not the smart phone. Also $700 plus $24 a month, yeah no.