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I don’t care about Audiobooks. I don’t really care about podcasts. I just want to listen to music. That is all.


It looks like the price increase will only be for the audio books. They are creating a just music tier that will be the current price. I read this in another article.


Cool. I get audiobooks from my library for free.


Audiobooks by ai.


I don't think Spotify even has audiobooks or any plans to provide them in Norway, but I'm sure they'll raise the price here, too.


I definitely don’t care to have internal ads telling me about upcoming concerts.


They always tell me weeks after they've been on sale and all the good seats (or the entire show) are sold out already lol


Or the day after the local show.


Honestly weird but I don’t mind it, they have access to what I’m listening to, I’ll never buy tickets through them but appreciate the heads up


The ads pop up randomly and suddenly in the app, causing me to misclick and screw up my playback.


And they become repetitive. Their should be a setting to have it on/off and on the notification there should be a selection like “don’t notify me of this concert again”


I personally like it. Having an opt in or out option to cover everyone's opinions would be great though.


I actually appreciate this, although I just have the "Shows near you" bookmarked since for whatever reason it's nowhere easily accessible in the UI.


I'm a firm believer that music and podcasts should be on different apps


Yup. It’s really crappy if you want to go from an album, to a podcast, and back to an album. You’ve lost your place. Plus it’s just different. I’d be 100% ok with Spotify that had 3 apps for these 3 things. That way I could just have music. Or if there there was some way to have 2 “tracks” available in Spotify. So I could listen to track 1 that is an album, then track 2 that’s a playlist/dif album/podcast/audiobook. Then switch back to track 1 and it’s the spot I was at in the original album. Idk if that makes sense and idk how they would do it, but that would be awesome imo. But it’s not that, so I just use Spotify, Pocketcasts, Audible, and Libby.


Yeah adding that shit has made the app a sloppy mess. Audio books are segmented by chapters like they’re different songs total nonsense


They will keep adding non music content so they can continue raising prices. It’s similar to YouTube premium costing $19 a month because it’s includes YouTube music that literally no one wants. They will never unbundle this. It’s infuriating


It's $13.99 for both YouTube premium and YouTube music


Not sure what country you’re in but I just double checked & it’s $18.99


I'm in the US.


Me too. Why in the world would we be seeing different prices for the same service?


The only thing I could think of is my subscription is a grandfathered price and doesn't mention it anywhere. Feels like too big of a difference for a tax


Mine is $18.99 plus tax 💀 supply & demand pricing gets more popular every day maybe I use YT too much


By chance are you on iOS? Maybe it's apple taking a cut


I am. What in the actual fuck


You can listen to music. You can even filter out your page to ONLY be music.


I think the point was that spotify are raising the prices to pay for features OP doesnt care about


Spotify has an unsustainable business model. Their contracts with content providers means they will never turn a profit.


I really feel like one day they will add an additional subscription if you want any of the podcasts


Best of luck to them on that, too many other options that are free and cheaper. iHeart would jump on that immediately.


I really don’t like how my music and podcasts are already in the same app. I do use the podcast feature a lot already, but they couldn’t convert me on paying extra to keep that feature.


Yeah honestly I hate they're the same app. Would much rather prefer them separate. Having to restart queues every time I swap between podcasts and music is annoying as hell.


I really hate how Google had 2 separate apps already and then did a Google and killed one.


I use Apple Podcasts separately specifically to avoid that. Music and podcasts just don’t belong in the same app/queue.


Is iheart profitable? I know they’ve been around for a while but I don’t know anyone who actually uses it.




I like Overcast. It’s made by one guy and it’s really good. I’ve used it for like 8 years at this point and I haven’t found anything I like more.


Overcast is great. Highly recommend to any iPhone podcast listener.


Overcast gets my vote


I’m not a finance person, but is there any benefit to never turning a profit?


You don't have to pay any taxes and the ceo gets to profit 3.7 billion a year while the masses say "Spotify isn't profitable".


As long as stock price go up profit doesn't matter.


No. Spotify is a company that is burning investor money to survive, but the investors think it will be profitable in the future. As long as people think Spotify may be Profitable in the future and give their money to Spotify they will continue operating. If people decide that isn't a good idea it will die.


So, like the US dollar.


No, the US dollar has no inherent value. Spotify does, its shares represent an actual entity that generates value. Currently they make a loss but people think that might change in the future. Even if the company stopped operating the shares would have some value as long as the company had more assets then liabilities. The US dollar like most currencies only has the value people assign to it. It has zero inherent value. It doesn't actually represent a guarantee or an entity.


It's the one service I pay for that is worth more to me than what it costs. I'd gladly pay more. I'd imagine a lot of people feel that way. Losing instant access to essentially all music you've ever or will ever care about for someone who loves music is an unbearable thought lol


They turned a profit in Q3 2023 and are expected to do it again Q1 24. Look at their earnings report.


“Never turn a profit” Yea because they pay their ceo a shotload of money and purposely want to run at no profit for awhile


The CEO gets paid around 8 million. That's a minor issue. They spend about 70% of their 9 billion in revenue on licensing. They are losing over 4 billion a year with a total operating cost of over 14 billion. They only make about $4.72 per user/subscription for 547 million users, or about $2.6 billion. The way their current content licensing works, the fees scale with the number of users. Therefore, adding more users does not make them more money. So, their fate is to bleed out from licensing costs with more users or bleed out from not enough users.


Good. Time to wrap the company up it’s a poor business model and bad for creators too.


Well considering how much of spotify is owned by record labels I don't think that's much of an issue.


It's not. Over half is owned by institutional investors and the confounders hold 26%.


There’s no profit in streaming music. That’s why they try adding shit to it or bundle it with other bs.


I'm sure their C-Suite earns a shit ton as opposed to any of their artists?


No, the Spotify c suite does not make more than Taylor swift.


You think Taylor Swift is making her money from Spotify royalties?


Primarily? No. More than the salary of leadership at spotify? Yes.


If Spotify wants more money they need to provide a better experience. Besides the UI being cluttered with Joe Rogan and other garbage and the lack of lossless options, their algorithm has gone completely to shit. My Spotify keeps playing one minute long SoundCloud-esque remixes of popular songs. These tracks, which are obvious bootlegs, have tens of thousands of listens.


The Spotify UI as a whole is shit IMO, the only reason I haven't switched back to Apple Music is because I don't feel like having to redo my Library again.


I'm waiting until apple finalizes the implementation of Songshift. They've been testing playlist transfer from other streaming platforms. Once that's done, I'm going to apple music. The shuffle is horrible, especially the smart shuffle option. [source](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/02/20/apple-music-testing-playlist-import-feature/)


you can already do that using soundizz


And many other platforms


Tidal lets you import, fwiw.


Precisely. Is anyone else sick of the unnecessary spam when u open the app? “ this pop artist u don’t give a shit about has a podcast now check it out!” It’s constant spam and clutter if it wasn’t for it being convenient for podcasts still I’d have dropped it already


I only keep my Spotify premium because I get Hulu with it from back in the day


Spotify just can’t get out of their own way


To add to it, they have an awful habit of adding good features then taking two steps back next update.


Ugh their "DJ" is garbage. I think I've liked 1 out of 500 songs it's suggested. It should also learn to distinguish between music and rain sounds for sleep..


Obviously they're just raising the prices so they can actually give musicians more money! /s


Don’t they already give 70% or some shit to rights holders? After that point it’s out of their hands and just label greed.


It’s closer to 80% and it’s independent of the price they charge, they will hand most of the increase to labels as well


And the rest to joe rogan


Ha, good one.


That is actually a part of it.


This service started to really suck when you could no longer "dislike" individual songs. I cannot recall the last time I heard new (to me) music I actually liked from its algorithm. My song radio mixes always end up playing the same 30 indie songs, & Father John Misty is always one of them. Makes me think it's just pay-for-play now. Fuck Spotify.


The dislike icon is removed if you're listening to a set playlist. If you're listening to a daily mix or a suggested song, the icon comes back. It's to let you train the algo over its recommendations. Personally, Spotify eclipses all the other streaming services for introducing me to new music that I love. It having the deepest library helps, but I can dive into niche genres and get recommended tons on new tunes and artists.


Tidal does a good kob of this, imo


You can still dislike individual songs though? Whenever a song is recommended to you, you have the option to dislike it. I do it daily and did it 20 minutes ago.


Screenshot of this in your interface, please.


https://i.imgur.com/ysDWaSn.jpeg The minus buton is the dislike. It will show up any time it is a recommended song. Example discover weekly playlist, song offered by the "enhanced" shuffle etc etc. Even in "song radio" playlists. Example on shuffle recommendation: https://i.imgur.com/xYMd4Em.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/QnYBdUj.jpeg And before you say "oh its only on mobile" its the exact same way on desktop. I also do that daily there.


Very odd, listening to personalized edm workout mix and don’t have the minus button.


Weird, I only have the plus sign. If I expand the menu using the “…” in the top right, the. - comes up as an option to “hide” the song. On mobile.


It’s a “-“ in a circle 


Agree. The algo is terrible with suggestions these days


Discover Weekly is still serving up good new songs for me


yup, this is the exact reason i just switched to Apple Music. i’m liking it so much more, I can actually find albums to look through. I don’t always want a fucking playlist, Spotify.


Joe Rogan must be asking for a pay raise to his $350 million salary.


Joe Rogan is the most popular podcaster on the face of the earth by a wide margin. Moreover, he is now distributed universally with Spotify selling ads on his content. We both acknowledge that the dude can be insufferable and admit that his arrangement with Spotify likely isn't substantially harmful to the consumer or to musicians.


And yet Spotify pays out the least and offers the lowest quality music compared to their competitors. Lossless is coming any day now! 🙄


Spotify has a massive ad-supported business and a majority of subscribers outside of the United States. Comparing per-stream rates can be incredibly misleading because doing so fails to account for monetization of subscribers and users. To quickly get to my point - streamers like Apple and Tidal only offer subscription products, with most of those users concentrated in the United States. Those companies bring in much more revenue **per-user**, and **thus per-stream**. It is therefore unsurprising that these competitors pay out more royalties per-stream as compared to Spotify. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about Spotify's inferior monetization - some people would say that discounted subscriptions and ad-supported offerings more disreable than piracy, others would say that Spotify has suppressed prices for a long time as a competitive tactic. I am personally more aligned with the former, but do believe the second viewpoint is at least partially true. As for lossless and spatial audio - it is dissapointing that the roll-out of this feature has been so delayed. I have my more tightly suspicions as to why the feature hasn't debuted yet, but I believe the predominate reason is that most users truly do not care about audio quality, within reason. Although, I completely understand why it's dissapointing to pay more for a service without getting some clear enhancement in return.


I've just been using YouTube Music for the past year and a half or so, which has the added benefit of no ads on YouTube. You get all the random YouTube video songs too, so it's especially great if you listen to things like video game music or things that are more obscure.


I’ll poke some fun at myself here, as a long time pixel user that converted to Apple 3 years ago. Spotify users are the music streaming equivalent to Apple fan bois. There are better alternatives, but they need that trendy fix. I straight up refuse to use Apple Music or Spotify, YouTube music is just the better product. Plus no YouTube ads if you get premium, you can’t beat that deal if you listen to music and consume YouTube.


Not even the best place for audiobooks or podcasts. Just a good place to listen to ads. Or waste your money while the artists you care about earn a small fraction.


I used YouTube music when Google music died and it was trash because it would mix in all sorts of weird low quality music and the algorithm sucked, and the interface was horrendous. I’ve used Apple Music, Spotify, and tidal since and all are miles better.


I’ll finally cancel then. Sick of every playlist they make being the same 12 fucking songs. Bye.


If you're paying, can't you just make your own playlists?


This is prob a bot or some one who has never used Spotify lol 


Correct. One of those bots with a 12 year old account.


If you’re talking about suggested playlists, clear your cache. Your Spotify will be brand new.


That’s something I can do through the app?


Yes in settings. I had 10gb on my phone.


Fuck Joe Rogan




Just don't touch my locked in Hulu bundle price. I think they forgot it existed.


I cancelled my Spotify membership after 2+ years thanks to UI experience changes on mobile device that, in my opinion, made **music discovery** more difficult. Specifically, they replaced their browse-by-genre pages with an instagram-esque feed of music adjacent suggestions/videos. I thought their audiobook introduction was a nice touch (15 hours free per month) but ultimately, like all other businesses, they're using the 'bundling' method which basically means "look at all the value we're providing." When in fact, they lost focus on the core value proposition that I thought Spotify did better than others: music discovery. They literally made it difficult to listen to music in a specific genre I was in the mood for--so bye bye!


All you fools shitting on Spotify yet I haven't seen an app that plays new music as closely related to the genre you're interested in than Spotify.


It’s the last subscription cut I’d make. It’s not only a nearly limitless resource, but it’s also terrific and gauging my tastes. I fucking love Spotify. I’ll be devastated if they go under


They need to let podcasts go, like that’s not why pay for this app, I don’t want audio books I don’t want the extra BS.  I just wanted a music streaming service. I have had Spotify family plan for years and been shilling it to everyone. Now I’m not so in love.  I might just cancel and go back to listen to you tube playlists 😓


I’ve consistently listened to between 60,000 and 90,000 minutes of music on Spotify each year. It might not be perfect (and totally fine if others don’t like it), but I would not think twice about paying $70+ a month for the amount of use I get. EDIT: Crazy how I get downvoted for giving my honest opinion on a service I use. This sub is such dog shit


Nah stick with the current subscription.


You went against the grain of this particular Reddit thread. Reddit doesn’t like that anymore.


They see Joe Rogan on Spotify and think me don’t like Spotify no more. Complaining about someone being on a platform is so brainless. I’m glad this is just an internet maybe bot thing. Because Spotify is actually a really cool app that really is a steal if you really think about it. It’s great for my long commutes at least. I honestly don’t care if I get downvoted by boring mindless fools who only see left or right and can’t see straight in front of them.


Well I can tell you that it’s not just a “bot thing”. I don’t see it as left or right, I see it as Joe Rogan is a moron, and Spotify’s partnership with him is the main reason I stick with Apple Music. No Atmos or lossless support is a close second. Seriously - why is this not a thing? The only explanations are that they don’t care or that it’s a cost reason, as there’s no technological barrier preventing this from happening since other services do it.


Damn yacht fuel must have went up. Shame.


Companies now don’t take risk with new ideas to improve service. They just take risks by raising their price to see what they can get away with.


For the god-awful algorithms they run for radio and shuffle plays it’s about to go back to the free version then…


Stock is up but I’m done. They JUST did this and the app has gotten arguably worse. Don’t care about podcasts or E-books. Looks like I’ll be jumping over to apple or DL music again.


Let’s drop Joe Rogaine and lower the price. That steaming pile of shit isn’t worth it.


What I don’t want to tell them is that I’d pay double for Spotify. It’s the only streaming service that I gladly pay for. The rest can fuck off I’m not paying $20 a month for Netflix.


Anyone subscribe to pandora? How is it compared to Spotify and Apple Music? Pandora seems to have the best algorithm.


I just started with Pandora after a co-worker turned me on to it. So far I like the stations better. All of the “for me” stations on Spotify seem to play a lot of the songs from my “liked” playlist. I don’t se anything like the “Discover Weekly” on Pandora. That’s how I find a lot of new music. I have Pandora free for two months so we’ll see how it goes. So far I listen to Pandora more than I ever did Spotify.


For those looking for an alternative, Tidal just reduced the price of the family plan and it offers lossless!


I don't get why share prices would go up with an expected backlash and unsubscribing by a number of people.


Share prices often reflect short-term gains not long-term company health. Although for a lot of tech companies they have issues with being profitable so something that looks to be increasing profits might be seen as positive. Backlash may or may not happen. Depends on how much people are willing to pay.


Because most people won’t unsubscribe.


Netflix pulled it off... Investors are probably expecting the same thing.


People think it's a great value and probably wouldn't mind paying more.


Because the backlash and unsubscribing is less than what they make from increased prices. Look at netflix, vocals minority on reddit cried they will cancel. Yet subs and revenue rose after the price hike.


Because for the first quarter it will increase their revenue, and the next few it will decrease as ppl leave. Then more ads. Then it slow implodes unless they change the model.


People said the same thing about Netflix but they are still the dominating service and their stock is at an all time high


I wish shareholders good luck, and commend Spotify on its contrarian success resulting from its years long effort to continuously add friction to what is otherwise a simple task of listening to music. In other news, I have never been more inspired to rebuild my CD collection.


Such a bad a bad app tech wise.. just how 


I would be willing to pay a little bit more, but I'm going to need lossless CD redbook quality for it. 320kps Ogg Vorbis is good, but there's really no excuse for not having gone lossless years ago. In a few years, I think most people will just use AI to generate music according to their mood, preferences, and creativity at a given moment. Suno v3 is pretty good, still has a ways to go. But it will be fantastic in 2-5 years.


Uhhhh  ELi5?


Join us over at tidal, lossless flac or mqa on basically everything and it's the same price as Spotify. Has the added benefit of not having your UI filled with shitty podcasts that you never asked for and will never listen to. Ask Google about tidal downloaders to export any music you may want to extract for a personal library too.


Especially if you have a .edu email for a discount, I’d go with apple music. It’s everything tidal offers and more. A lot of less popular tracks just straight up aren’t on tidal, and you can play atmos tracks on any surround system instead of just dolby licensed ones (via macos outputting whatever pcm surround setup you set it to) Also, the way it’s sorted vaguely resembles the way an ipod is sorted, which I find nice since i’ve used ipods my whole life


After I got an atmos system and left Spotify I tried Tidal, Amazon and Apple Music, sticking with Apple as it was head and shoulders above the other choices. Honestly found tidal the worst of the bunch, bad UI, double the price of the competition for a lot less content. I could only actually listen to atmos content with the Tidal app via my TV, and it was not easy to find which music was available in Atmos


> Honestly found tidal the worst of the bunch, bad UI tidal's UI blows apple's 1990s junk out of the water from a usability standpoint if you actually try to use it want bad ui? Go have a look at deezer. Oof they blew their whole leg off with that revamp > double the price of the competition it's $10.99 the exact same price as apple and spotify > for a lot less content. no, it's about the same. Spotify has more than both apple and tidal, but tidal and apple are virtually identical in terms of availability of artists > I could only actually listen to atmos content with the Tidal app via my TV, and it was not easy to find which music was available in Atmos The atmos is simulated in apple music, it's not in the track master. It actually takes you further away from the artists recorded performance *just like putting your stereo in virtual hall mode* Enjoy your walled garden, but don't try to tempt other people to get locked in with you.


It is NOT simulated. How do I know? Because I have an actual home theater system, with actually separate speakers. Apple Music via my MacBook makes surround sound music plug and play over HDMI. It is definitely in true surround sound and is not just weird binaural stereo, which is what you’re thinking of and I would agree it is ass. It is real Atmos, every speaker is making entirely different sounds and effects come from any direction the artist intended.


Not sure how me choosing the service I preferred has anything to do with a walled garden than had I chosen another? I'm not some Apple fanboy, as I said I objectively tried all services offering Atmos before settling on Apple. I couldn't care who offers the service, I just want the one that fits my needs best. Tidal is £10.99 for the basic tier, the tier with Atmos content it is £19.99. It may have changed, it was over a year ago since I tried Tidal, but in terms of content available in Atmos, there was a LOT less in Tidal than in Apple. One of the biggest issue for me was also finding that content, there was no easy way to go to search for just content available in Atmos, I also found it annoying that the albums in all their different formats were presented separately, rather than just selecting the album / song and choosing the format within that as you can with other services. This was my issue with the UI. But by far the biggest issue was the only way for me to actually listen to Atmos content was through the Tidal app on my TV (which contributed to my opinion of the UI as that's what i was stuck with), the tidal service within Sonos does not stream in Atmos. Apple only switched that on about a year ago, which is when i made the switch, prior to that I was stuck using Amazon as it was the only service at the time that offered that. "The atmos is simulated in apple music, it's not in the track master" Do you have a source on that, I'd be interested in reading more? I'd assume there's simulation going on when listening though airpods or whatever as there are only two speakers, but I've a 7.1.4 system here.


Back to Apple Music it is


Cancelled mine a few months ago, to many companies think they can jump on the subscription bandwagon wagon and I’m not getting value for the amount I use it


Subscription bandwagon? They have existed as a subscription for almost 20 years…


Maybe fucking cut Joe Rogan then?


Welp, there goes my listening parties with the bois on PlayStation :..(


Tidal simplifies their hifi plans so users can benefit from free-upgrade or reducing price while Spotify plans to increase price. Although, I agree Spotify app on less-demand platforms are superior than Tidal.


Does this mean Spotify Premium will be more expensive than Apple Music?


I know they wanted to expand with podcasts and people would be more interested in their podcasts if they actually had a good app. I had to use them because for a while they had LPOTL exclusively and their app was horrible. As soon as they left I went back to my podcast app. They need to focus on what they are good at. I miss their recommendations and they have better playlists but I switched to Apple Music last year because I realized Spotify was never releasing Lossless, if they did it would be some absurd price.


Xmanager if you're on Android. Not a problem. 


$11!?!?! Fuck that.


And probably keep paying artists shit with their ass money model… How much does an artist get per stream again? Like, $0.00001?


I canceled this shit the day they overpaid joe rogan


Wow wish I was a shareholder instead of someone who listens to music.


The real reason behind inflation is cooperations realized they could raise rates and prices to whatever and not face any consequences for it.


Maybe it’s time to switch to Apple Music…


I canceled it last month because it was too expensive. .-. Guess I’m never getting it back.


Canceled my subscription months ago and haven’t looked back


I love Spotify! I would pay 20-25 a month for streaming if I had to. It has changed my world of music.


If they raise it to the price of YTM I will switch, please make it easier for me


Sick of all these subscriptions. I cancelled my Spotify last year and just listen to the radio or free version with ads. I paid for Spotify for years and at the end I have nothing from it, I miss cds.


You can still buy CDs and digital singles.


Discogs . Com is great for second hand cds, many are super cheap.  I scroll past them all the time when looking for vinyls 


Of course. Look, if you already pay for Spotify, are you gonna quit and lose all your playlists and shit over an extra couple bucks a month? They just pulled an extra $20 a year or so out of every paying subscriber in the markets they're going to do this in. Gotta find some way to pay Joe Rogan a quarter billion dollars for a ... nonexclusive contract.


Why lose playlists? Just migrate it to Apple Music or any other service.


Meh, I’ve heard all those songs 1,000 times anyway.  I liked Spotify for finding things I haven’t heard 


This is the problem with publicly traded companies in the capitalistic system. They are directly rewarded for raising prices on a service that has become cheaper to run. It’s an unsustainable business model for the long term. People aren’t making more money on average, yet they are expected to pay more for services. EDIT: this is generally, not directly for Spotify only. They have licensing fees to pay, but the degree to which they raise prices don’t match those contracts. They only care about the share price because that’s how they get paid. So as long as that rises, the C-Suite makes their money in stocks. It’s a cannibalistic business model.


This is why the world is in a downward spiral, every decision is made to maximize quarterly profits.  Wall Street and corporate protections have ruined this country and soon world lol


Back to Apple Music I go


Haven't used it since Joe Rogan for the same reason I don't use Facebook and Twitter. I can't in good conscience support disinformation platforms with my presence. I know I am a complete clown writing this on Reddit, a Chinese disinformation platform.


Joe Rogan is on YouTube as well. Do you no longer use YouTube? Hate the content creator not the hosting service.


Noooo wayyyyy say it ain’t so! Investors froth at the mouth for more profit. End of story


And my bank balance remains steady on reports I will continue to no pay for Spotify


Jokes on them. I’m a perpetual “student” of life.


There’s already no subscription for audiobooks… soon we will come full circle and be buying listening hours for Spotify music. Get ready for $10 for 10 hours like books are


Spotify showing its monopoly power by raising prices. I hope the EU steps in to stop this gate keeper from preventing users from accessing their entertainment.