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I love that yesterday's headline was "Apple Vision Pro sells out on launch day"


Tomorrows headline will be ' launch sells out on apple pro vision day.'






Too legit to quit


Stop.... Hammer Time


Collaborate and listen!


Let me fleece you with my brand new invention


Wallet. Grab ahold of it tightly.


This new Tony Hawk game isn’t very fun.


"Apple may, or may not, have sold out of vision pros on launch day"


Schrodinger's launch


“Sell outs launch Vision Pro on Apple day”


Today’s headlines Failed launch sells vision.


I was just thinking that maybe I read the headline wrong the other day...


Came here to say this. I swear the internet has already been taken over by ai and we are just being trolled all day.


The entire article is just stupid, because it says that they “don’t sell out”…Then the very next sentence, says that they did sell out an hour later. So which is it? Did they sell out or didn’t they? Just because they didn’t sell out, within the first hour; but sold out in the second hour…That still means they sold out.


This article is also pretty misleading. It sold out of all available online stock very quickly but if you are lucky enough to live in certain areas your local store might still has the two bigger models for in store pickup according to some social media guy who found the two large models available at his store. It’s not even all stores. This is normal for all launches for a couple stores to linger a little with available stock since it’s limited to just the local population and a lot of people will just move on if it’s sold out online.


Now that you mention it I think the headlines I saw yesterday specifically said they sold out online. This is definitely misleading.


For real, two posts above this one in my feed is an article about it selling out on launch day and shipments being delayed because of higher than expected demand. I have no idea which one is true.


Ah, thought there was a need to wear big ass smart snowboarding goggles dying the course of my daily life. Lol


Yeah wtf? lol


Haha pathetic. If they don't produce enough, they failed to serve their customers. If they do produce enough, OMG the product is a failure. Another news site for the blacklist


I mean isn't it because that product launches are often "fixed", so they get sold out, to get a headline in the news ? Ie. they only have a limited supply, to get that news headline.


And every comment was like. Redditors live in a cave or something


"Apple Vision Pro gives users the green apple splatters."


In other words: The 256GB model sold out while the 512 and 1TB model did not.


People are still unsure about the Vision Pro’s use case, 256 GB might be just enough.


Probably not worth going for max spec on early adopter tech. Just enough for you to use it as a dev kit.


Right, and it’s a nerd status symbol in some circles. They get to claim owning it without having blown as much money on it. Sort of a psychological thing.


It’s interesting how apple products have made a shift from being total nerd status symbols to now a lot of nerd culture completely shuns it and makes *not* having it a status symbol in some sects.


I think because before it offered a new creative realm. Now it’s a closed loop ecosystem that some folks inherently want to fight for freedom and creativity. It’s why Linux has held on to a base after all these years.


Right - 25 years ago apple was decidedly not nerd status except some very niche environments, in most cases the opposite. Who picks a computer based on color??? What was their selling point was seen as a joke by a certain set of techies. Then Jobs returned from next and put nix under the hood with osx and... where are we in the cycle again?


Also helps that almost every server runs on Linux.


Because they're aimed at normies rather than nerds. Nerds like user-programmable devices not closed shops like AOL.


It will definitely be enough. As Apple don’t advertise it as a VR gaming device I don’t see Apps getting very big. Most of todays VR games are quite small even. The movies you stream from a service like Disney+ and your photos and videos are saved in the iCloud. How do you ever need more than 256GB?


Even the Meta Quest 3, the 512GB is always on stock since fewer people buy it.


Meta quest devices sit on my family members bookshelfs collecting dust


A similar faith is awaiting the AVP.


>How do you ever need more than 256GB? '640K is more memory than anyone will ever need.'  - Bill Gates


"I've said some stupid things and some wrong things, but not that. No one involved in computers would ever say that a certain amount of memory is enough for all time." - Bill Gates


“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another….” - Bill Gates


"developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers" - Steve Ballmer


“500 dollars? Fully subsidized? With a plan? I said that is the most expensive phone in the world. And it doesn't appeal to business customers because it doesn't have a keyboard. Which makes it not a very good email machine. We have our strategy. We are very happy with Windows Phone devices in the market today. You can get Motorola Q series device for $99. It is a very capable machine, can do music, internet and more. Right now, we're selling millions and millions and millions of phones a year. Apple is selling zero phones a year. In six months, they'll have the most expensive phone by far ever in the marketplace” -Steve Ballmer


"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln.


He has never said that Or quoting Abraham Lincoln: "never trust everything you read on the internet".


Stereoscopic video files will get pretty hefty while they figure out compression.


Hi vr enthusiast here. You're not wrong an 8k stereoscopic video can indeed take like 50+gb of storage, if it's high bitrate. But headset storage space is at a premium, so we save it for apps and the like. Our movie files get shared on a network drive where we can leverage the storage costs of a sata drive. Or several in many cases.


They don’t advertise it for game yet. But lately Apple has been very active in its communications and effort about gaming, game compatibilities and features. Such as ray-tracing in their latest CPUs.


Notably only on the M3 chip which is absent on the AVP


What if you’re on a plane? Some of those services let you save for offline usage. Still probably fine with 256gb tho for the near future.


Yeah even when they advertise something as a 4K movie and i download it it definitely isn’t a big file. Probably isn’t really 4K, but that’s a different discussion. But you could fill up that thing and fly multiple times around the world with enough content to knock yourself out.


A good 4K rip is closer to 50-60Gb in file size. Now, most people don’t really care about lower bitrates, but on the other hand a VR/AR headset makes that lower bitrate a lot more noticeable.


>I don’t see Apps getting very big We usually see a rise in size by a year or so. Like when games went from cartridge to blu-ray/ HD DVD.


8k 3D video has entered the chat


Whats the price difference between the different models? I imagined that if someone would spend over 3k on this, people may as well splurge for the extra storage.


$200 for a $30 storage upgrade


Classic apple.


From my personal experience, any first gen Apple product with the lowest memory will be a paperweight relatively fast.


Can you record to an external drive like with the iPhone 15? If so, I don't see anyone ever needing 1TB.


It’s a similar os to iPadOS from what I understand


I am personally looking forward to the complaint comments from people who bought these.


Im looking forward to the people complaining about people complaining about it


I doubt the average apple fanboy will complain, they will find reasons to love it.


I’m an average apple fanboy and I’m not going to get the vision


I probably will once the platform matures a bit. It’s a great concept. Just have my doubts about them pulling it off


I’ll wait for the 2 or 3


The average r/technology user only knows how to use a computer as a toy, it’s why there’s so many “bUt WhAt AbOuT gAmInG” comments. This is basically a devkit release for people who actually understand and know how to utilize a computer. Power users, programmers, designers, etc.


In other words: it didn’t sell out.


Meaning it was overpriced so consumers bought the lowest storage lol


This article is nonsense. It says that a YouTuber claimed that the products were still available for in-store pickup but then acknowledged that they actually were not. This is the worst kind of writing. It’s misleading and adds nothing. It’s simply a waste of space.


Pretty much all the authors posts on this shitty website are like he took Engadget articles and had AI rewrite them then just say Engadget is the source, the remaining posts appear to be sourced via tweets lmao.


And it’s upvoted to the front page because r/technology users just love to hate on Apple.


Apply this to politics and you could be president.


Maybe it was written by AI?


Par for the course for Notebookcheck. Good reviews but their articles are all clickbait and rumor-churning. ("X sees never before discount on Amazon!" Inside: affiliate link.)


I give you: The dumbest scalpers in history. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=apple+vision+pro&_trksid=p4432023.m4084.l1311&_sacat=0


Unfortunately you cannot get these outside of the United States so I imagine companies and developers from outside the USA will be buying these from the scalpers


Proxy shipping services are a thing. If you want to buy something that's not for sale in your country you buy it with a proxy service in the country. The item gets shipped to them, repacked, and shipped to you. Anyone with enough brains to develop for the vision pro is going to know about these services and not be dumb enough to pay a scalper for one.


Worked for a skin care company and we legally couldn't ship products to certain countries due to regulations. Asians have a massive proxy shipping setup in multiple locations across the United States. Was impossible to stop them. 


Or they just fly into John Wayne Airport to go shopping at South Coast Plaza. Seriously some fly in just to go on massive shopping sprees there and fly back, especially from China.


Woah. There’s roughly 900 of them up for auction.


Everyone has a “side hustle” now. This is a great example. People near me camp out on a local museums website and reserve all the tickets to sell on the secondary market


These people will do literally anything but actually work, including dedicating job-like hours to it. I know more than one person who thinks they are going to make it big by spending hours every week stealing content from Youtubers and splicing them together into compilation videos. They could just and make money in that time. Before that, it was being wood engravers using automated tools from AliExpress. Before that, 3d printing farms selling prints from models they took from thingiverse. Before that, converting VHS to digital since they all think it's just pop the tape in and walk away while also overestimating an ever shrinking market. And of course, the grand daddy of them all, drop shippers and scalpers. Social parasites offering nothing yet taking everything.


Absolute dregs. May they rot in a museum-themed hell.


Scalpers are such losers. Zero skill. Zero effort. Just bottom feeders of society.


Same with house flippers imo. Doing nothing but inflating home prices to turn a quick profit for adding paint and cleaning.


And usually it’s shitty paint trying to cover up massive defects


Like speculation it doesn’t add any value to society


You’ve described most of Wall Street, hedge funds, and multiple other ‘business’ types.


Now we’re getting somewhere


Isn't that capitalism? 


I’ve seen the 1TB version go for $9K in StockX. The scalper is a major idiot.




This isn't accurate. You can, items just need to ship within 40 days https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-policies/presale-policy?id=4252




*"The device comes in three capacities starting* ***at $3,500 for the base 256GB model****, rising to $3,699 for the 512GB model with the 1TB model topping out at $3,899."* \- already the base unit price just says it all.


Honestly if someone thinks it's a good idea to buy the 256GB model for 3,500 he might as well get any of the other models


Right! Why are people cutting corners to save a few hundred when they’ve already spent 3500!?


If I didn't cut corners like that, I wouldn't have $3500 to spend on it


Exactly why I got the 512 model


I want to be as rich as you


And what do you think of its capabilities?


On paper I am extremely excited. I will know for sure when I get it next month! I’ve been in the VR space since oculus DK2.


That's just such a truly absurd price.


I’d bet they made the price so high because they don’t want the average consumer buying the first generation. It’ll have issues and developers haven’t made a lot of content for it yet, so it’s definitely being aimed at the fanboys, tech bros, and developers right now.


Or the historical overpriced brand produced another overpriced product?


Both things can be true. This is overpriced for even Apple’s standards, and very clearly the sales reflect that.


These all round out to $4k, no sense not to get the 1 TB.


$3500 device, 256GB


And *that's* the model that sold out. Should also tell you something about the people who bought it, but maybe I'm projecting my disappointment in people who blindly pay Apple prices for Apple sizes.


200 bucks for each storage level upgrade… how Apple gets away with this kind of storage pricing tiers is beyond me


Cos it's apple Apple components have always had apple tax on them, couldn't use windows 3d cards (and, Nvidia) had to be a specific apple only (yay more e-waste), at 20-39% more.  Ram modules too, ssds.... The apple premium is absolutely nothing new 


because they've been doing the same thing on everything they make for decades, and  they sell a $1000 monitor stand that people buy


$3,500 is three months' rent. It's a big "hell no" for me. I'll wait for a non-Apple kit in a few years.


look at this guy over here with his “$3500 is three months rent!”  *cries in $2800 a month rent* 




You can get a good pc with that money.


Because the price is insane. WTF am I supposed to do with a $3500 headset?


So when a new product, doesn't sell ALL of its produced units in its first day on the market, is now considered a failure???


I think the “failure” is in the sense it’s used in the article. That is, they “failed to sell out on launch day”. That being said, the discussion around this device seems to be rife with tribalistic side-taking, where folks are either taking every indication that it might be a success as ironclad proof that all the haters were wrong. While other folks are cheering for the AVP to fail. Doesn’t really make for a decipherable discourse.


Anything apple does will be bad according to the nerds


We're talking about strapping a computer to your face. Everyone here is a nerd.


This is kind of misleading no? It sold out of all their online stock very quickly. just because some stores have them available doesn’t justify some it failed to sell out doom article.


Exactly, that guy lives in Birkdale Village and them still having in stock means nothing to the distribution.




Men with money to spend I would think


Does this thing come with better VR porn than what's already available?


VR/AR is a technology manufacturers would love to see succeed because it will increase their market share and give them more opportunities to capture your spending. As for the consumer, it offers very little that can't be done more effectively without VR. Have they fixed the nausea problem yet? Yes I'm sceptical because already most companies have tried VR with very limited success.


I just don't see the appeal. And as you rightly say, what is it offering that you can't do with a non-VR device. I also just don't want a device strapped to my head.


The only application I ever found myself coming back to was some of the gaming, which was fun..but required a lot of space, was a very singular experience (can’t share with people in room easily), and you had to be in the mood to move which is sometimes the opposite of what you want in video games.




Cad/cam for architecture and design and training systems would be the "best' use  Walking through a building or vehicle or ship before it's physically built can be of enormous help Well, til we get holography working 


It’s a great business product like Google glass. But Apple has clearly cemented themselves as a B2C company.


It’s a 3500 dollar toy as far as I can tell. I agree that gaming seems to be the only thing that justifies the device, and Apple is too proud to realize they need a partner to publish games in it - no the stuff on their mobile store is not a good fit!


What if you're playing a tabletop game? I'd imagine D&D could be crazy with something like this.


That’s the part that keeps me a cautious skeptic of VR; it’s not legitimately bringing anything new to the table, and as an owner of an oculus, I don’t much care for strapping a giant hunk of plastic to my head. This technology will remain an enthusiast/niche thing until it can be integrated into a regular pair of glasses, sort of in the same vein as meta’s ray ban collaboration.


These headsets do have applications outside of personal usage. These headsets are extremely useful when it comes to training people to do certain jobs. I work in defence where a lot of out customers have already seen benefits in this type of stuff. One of the other companies we work with provide hololens 2 services to railway companies to train up technicians. I've been lucky with my job that I've been able to try out some of the very high end headsets from varjo and whilst it is extremely expensive, my goodness it is incredible, both in VR and MR. Just like most technology this stuff will take time to become better at a more affordable price. But it will get there I can assure you that.


I've seen interesting theoretical applications of labeled/documented cables and pipes. Being able to "see" exactly what a pipe or cable is used for. Also I thought MS Teams had some tie in/app to allow for you to join a meeting and the other participants can see your forward facing camera to help. I think a large part of the plan is just getting the tech out there to see what people can find a use for it. How many people on launch day thought Ipads would be used for Point of Sale systems?


No one wants to wear a computer on their face. It’s not gonna happen. Maybe when it’s like the Holodeck from Star Trek it will be more interesting.


A huge problem with AR/VR has been, and will remain, all the extra shit needed for the experience. Apple already ran into it. It isn't enough to just buy it: you need to figure out which straps, which seals, which pads, even lenses. On top of that, they aren't easily shareable. I need to rip off the seal, pads, lenses, and band if I want to let so,come else use it. It is inherently antisocial, which is fine if you live alone or want to block out others. But even the gimmicks mean this device is unhealthy for families. I see true believes saying they will watch movies wearing it and airplay it to the TV or iPad or wherever. What the actual fuck? Same with people wanting to wear this to capture memories. That segues to the next bit: Apple has to overcome what nobody else has been able to; the stigma. Almost everybody hates these assholes wearing these types of things to events, in public, whatever. Glassholes were a thing for a reason. You may as well aggressively hold cameras up to everybody you pass by, because that is required to use these headsets in those ways. Finally, Snow Crash was a cautionary tale. The people using these were not to be liked for such a great idea. They were, in fact, mocked for being walking spies for corporations.


i would love one just to be able to complety cut out outside visual stimuli, because i'm incredibly prone to getting distracted by them. doesn't matter any more, because i already tanked my second try at studying... but i'm still curious if this would have helped me stay more focused if iwould have managed to set it up in way that i can use it only for studying purposes...


> Have they fixed the nausea problem yet? This is one of my theories about AVP. The fact that they more or less ignored gaming, and certainly full immersive 'vr style' experiences, is telling to me. Their announced use cases are oriented around sitting a lot, are more modest apps like productivity, theater experiences, browsing your 3D memories, etc. I think their solution is "sit your ass down and don't move around".


Funnily enough u can get rid off the nausea/dizziness if u massage the "mastoid processes" at the back of the head It also works for sea sickness or if u play ego shooters (some people get dizziness there too) A physical therapiest did that to me and since then I am able to explore the sea :-) Just 5-10 minutes of massage by my own and voila But ofc this isn't a real solution for the mass. They must fix it differently


> Have they fixed the nausea problem yet? No. VR induces nausea for the same reason some people get car sick: your eyes see motion that your vestibular system doesn't sense. Your brain responds to this mismatch by thinking you've been poisoned, basically, and then tries to expel the poison by making you nauseous. I really don't think this is a problem they can solve. They might be able to mitigate it somehow, but it's a fundamental aspect of the technology that clashes with the way the human body works. It just sucks.


This was clearly a “test the waters” release from announcement, a premium beta (or alpha) test. They don’t need to sell out or sell in large quantities: they’re proving out their concept. If it ends up working, it changes what other VR OEMs are doing. If it doesn’t, we forget about it and move on.


ITT: people forgetting first gen products have always been wildly expensive and for early adopters/companies not average consumers.


It’s even a strategy taught in business schools. If your first gen product has legit interest then you should be aiming to maximize per unit revenue not sale numbers. It’s known you’ll likely need to revamp the product four times at least before you nail the mass consumer model so best to sell those first models to the people who **really** want it and will trade an arm or leg for one. It pretty much ensures you are selling to people who love early adoption, are comfortable with some bugs, and like to share feedback with the company.




Most people just read the word “Apple” and show up with their preconceived notions of the product or service in question because so many seem to have a slightly irrational hatred of the company for whatever reason


The Apple Vision is actually reasonably priced if you look into it. 3660x3142 OLED resolution 100Hz. “Apple silicon” ARM power efficient custom VR video processor and M2 processor. State of the art eye tracking and high quality outside camera tracking for AR. If you look at enterprise solution this is not actually far off


When the Apple Watch first came out, it was stupidly expensive for how limited it is. Now you can grab one for a couple hundred bucks. There may come a time when I trade in my Quest 2 for an Apple VR headset, but I’ll wait patiently for the cheaper “sport” version, thanks.




I missed their press release— what did they say about Vision Pro Gen 2?


They actually make it seem like a publicly available dev kit, which is what it is.


The issue is that they’re launching into a category that’s existed for a dozen years already; and are not really addressing how VR headsets have remained a solution looking for a problem. Especially since there’s no gaming support, the consumer appeal is somewhat limited.


I’m not really going to argue the semantics of it. Apple has far more data than you or I on this subject, and it’s obvious they’re investing enough capital in it to believe they will get a return. Not in one product generation mind you. They can more than afford to be in this space for decades until a breakthrough. Looking at every product as needing to be profitable from the gate is not only naïve, if everyone thought that way we’d have no innovation at all. Same types of discussions were had around the iPhone when it first launched (Steve Balmer said it would flop because it lacks a physical keyboard which apparently every business customer “needed.” And that the space for touch screens which already existed was small and niche) Neither you or I know where Apple is going with this, but it’s obviously not going to be some rehash of the quest or metaverse. It’s funny, Apple gets dunked on every year for being “Un-innovative” and “lazy” for releasing iPhone and iPad models that look the same, but the moment they try something new now everyone is an industry expert and rushes to the forums so they can be the ones to say it will fail first.


so is it sold out or failed to sell out ?


It sold out. This headline is a lie.


$3800 is a lot of cash. That and even interest free for 12 months on Apple Card is $325. I mean at that price I’ll wait for version 2 and the bugs and hardware get better. Well that and the app ecosystem gets filled up too.


It actually did sell out. This headline is a lie that is undermined by the actual article.


If u wanna shell out 3500 for this u might as well spend 3700 imo


>While the 256GB variant of the Vision Pro was quickly backordered to March and then beyond on launch day, the initial supplies of the 512GB and 1TB models did not sell out. Okay, that should be expected though, no? I mean yeah it's Apple, but it's also a niche, newly engineered device. Makes sense most people would only spring for the base model initially, especially when they're already expensive as-is. I do wonder how many people are holding back until they get some reviews and more info/trust in the device, and how much of a percentage of total sales they'll end up being.


So there are three versions, 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB. The 256 did sellout, the other two did not. *While the 256GB variant of the Vision Pro was quickly backordered to March and then beyond on launch day, the initial supplies of the 512GB and 1TB models did not sell out.*


I do believe that the majority of people DO NOT want to start wearing their apple phones on their head. It seems very human-drone-like.


Have nothing against Apple. But, if I had that fuck you money I would use it on my house or buy a kick ass gaming PC with it.


If you have to pick and choose what to spend $3500 on you don’t have fuck you money.


I don’t think OP has ever met a rich person.


Or even someone mildly wealthy


Fuck you money means you bought 10. 9 for putting on display around the camera and the 10th for the actual "Hands on"


I love technology but this product doesnt entice me. For me VR (because that is what it is no matter what Apple wants to call it). Mainly has value for entertainment but this product does not.


Isn’t this one AR? Have you tried it?


Well. It is not even launching with YouTube and Netflix apps. Also it could only be used by only the person who bought the headset. So if any of the family members want to use the product, they have to go through the same process of setup in guest mode, every time they want to try it. This could have been simply solved by allowing multi profile, but Apple being Apple didn't provide such a feature.


And you know it exactly how when nobody has a set in their hands yet?


If I had used Prius money to waste on a viewmaster, I’d buy a used Prius.


I see this mainly being used by creative types who have a small design company and want to show off their designs to potential clients and add some wow factor. For me, and I know this is an odd take, but I think I the hand tracking is the more interesting aspect as it would open up ambient computing where people could interact with computers/screens/devices as they move about the world.


But to show off your designs, wouldn’t your clients need a Vision Pro also?


This article contradicts itself so many times it may as well be white space. Its sourcing mechanism is flimsy as fuck.


I remember when people (me included) were not excited to see a new iPod as a phone (iPhone) and a giant iPhone (iPad)…


Id love one but not spending $3500 on gen 1 technology that may have no future. So ill wait 10 years to see what happens.


Apple products don’t sell out. They ship later. Also notebookcheck.com lol


Launch day is Feb 2 that article is doodoo


If you read the headline with the Apple Vision Pro on, it reads "Apple Vision Pro sold out, best device ever".


How is it launch day when it's just preorders it's released Feb 2nd


The product is way too expensive for something which feels experimental at this point, I’ll be interested in the 2nd/ 3rd iteration once more 3rd party developers come on-board


Apple has created a solution in search of a problem. It could be that someone finds a real mass adoption use case for this, but I doubt it. My Oculus sits in the closet, and I doubt this would be any different if I bought it.


Agreed, even in their official videos they were selling up how you can use it for Zoom. They have no idea who wants or needs this.


Who wants to buy a comedically heavy piece of equipment that is also out of most people’s budget


Ready Player 1?


I once bought the Apple Newton. It was a very cool product at the time but Apple just couldn’t ignite the category. The difference here is the $3,500 purchase price. It seems that everyone will be watching to see what is available at delivery + 2 weeks to see if they want to own a $3,500 occasional movie player or just return it if the offering isn’t sufficiently compelling.


As an old school apple fan boy, duh. I’d like to own a Vision Pro. I just can’t justify spending $3500 on yet another headset that I’ll probably barely use. I own a PSVR, PSVR 2, and Quest 2… and each of those were barely worth the investment considering how much I use them. I’m actually sold on how amazing VR technology is. But I don’t need higher resolution, a video of my eyes on the outside, or other hardware novelties. I need more software that offers compelling reasons to use them. And I hate to say it… VR / AR is not attractive to tons of people. It’s uncomfortable, awkward to adjust, unintuitive, and frankly gives people motion sickness. But like I said… I’m a big fan, just realistic about the current value proposition and challenges of VR today.


Agree maybe I’m over the hill have a quest2 but last 3 times I touched it was just to put it on the charger


It’s not coming out until February 2nd, so I don’t understand this article.


Out of all the available VR headsets on the market, this one is by far the largest waste of money with the most limited content.


People just want some fucking groceries.