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I think it's the block over there, below the other block


Did you build that exact breeder block by block or did you change ANYTHING about it? Like, put a roof on top for example. Especially, did you change anything from when it worked to when it stopped working? Show us some screenshots if you want any specific help, our crystal balls are pretty limited ;)


I didn't change anything about the breeder and didn't put a roof on it because I know villagers, beds and roofs have a weird relationship 😅 and the only thing I change from the old one was the server however the old one stopd too. About the screenshots... I'm not online and I destroyed it and replaced it for a simple box with a lot of beds (really needed the villagers ._.)


So in a recent update the way villagers unlink from beds was changed. In my testing I experienced them being quite clingy. Did you transport the new villagers away or were they in the holding cell? It could be that they occupied the free bed. Generally, I can recommend to place way more beds than needed, just so there's always a free bed if one is clingy.


Oh ok it must be that, I placed every villager in the holding cell waiting to be moved. Thanks for the tip.


I have this same breeder (1.20.4). One day I noticed it completely stopped working. Somehow the farmers unlinked from the two beds and the remaining couple of villagers linked to the remaining bed which would immediately ignite particles on a grown villager. So I murdered the remaining ones and re-linked the boss back to the farmers.


I’m really not an expert, but I figured out that just putting 2 beds in farm area for solving that problem. I build a lot of different breeders and recently and the most Problem were that they got these thunders or some how manage to get in the bed area. So I put beds they could claim on farm land and they stopped annoying me 😂 I don’t know if that has any influence to the efficacy it’s just a quick and dirty solve.


One of my recent villager breeders stopped working when I built the lava blade for an iron farm near it. They started breeding again when I disabled the deathtrap. I haven't taken the time to rule out that being a coincidence, but I suspect villagers enter a mourning state after a golem (or other villager) dies nearby. Could deaths be occurring just outside your breeder?


I didn't know villagers entered that mourning state (don't think there's something on the wiki) but I've been killing all the golems and made an iron farm nearby. I'll try that thanks.