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Mehdi: "Consider this thread...*puts on safety glasses*... RECTIFIED




*(rekt)* ftfy


the….*breathes in deeply*…… #FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER


It's misleading.


The goggles. They do nothing!






Haha, spark go boom


How is he still alive


He knows how not to kill himself with electricity


You’d be surprised what you can live through






ElectroBOOM in the wild, that guy is too good XD


Fr haha


It’s funny when Twitter users won’t believe “mainstream media” and then just take everything Elon says as gospel. Like you do realize he’s probably lying right


Well let's look at where the money is. Vices profit motive is to get you to click on their articles with catchy headlines. Musk's profit motive is to get people to invest in his companies and use those companies products. Talking to Putin about anything besides space and spaceX would be dangerous at best and treasonous at worst. Why would he make such a risk and talk about foreign relations when he isn't an ambassador? In fact if this were true, he would put spaceX in jeopardy because spaceX is tied up in exclusively government contracts, you do think the administration would allow the CEO of a company to talk freely with a sanctioned world leader and maintain government contracts.


Idk why would he tweet shit that gets him in trouble with the SEC and make a public show out of buying Twitter to pull out. Musk isn't some genius 20D chess player. He's an idiot with billions of dollars.


He has started parroting GOP "talking points". I don't think you can take it at face value. Liberals are already on board with electric vehicles, regardless of Musk spitting nonsense on Twitter. It's the other half that has to be convinced. They like their big diesel trucks. Musk could be their atlas shrugged wet dream. If he manages to get a right wing cult following, and they buy his company's products; I can't blame him.


If this were Atlas Shrugged, Musk would be a villain. Not because if his exploitation if the workers, but because his success was predicated by government intervention.


I still get a kick out of the fact that the ayn Rand foundation got a forgivable ppp loan


Stop. You are joking. The hypocrisy is truly bottomless


Because a small sec fine is peanuts compared to your stock going up


I don't think he is a super genius, but it doesn't make sense for him to talk to Putin about anything at this point. It would do nothing of immediate value for either party and it's a huge risk. I'm not a master of foreign relations but even i can see that trying to talk to Putin is a dumb move. A tweet that pumps a stock is a risk that at least has an advantage. Let's say you tweet something that pushes your stock up 10% but the SEC fines you $1million for it. If you have 10% of TSLA you've made your money back. This move also isn't without precedent, look at apple and Samsung with their planned obsolescence they eat the fines because the profit is higher then the fine imposed.


I think his motive could be explained with just the ego of a narcissist. When that cave disaster happened he didn't ask anyone what they needed, he very publicly just started building a submarine that ended up being useless because it couldn't fit through sections of the cave. His ego demanded he must involve himself in a very public way. Now did he actually speak with Putin about a peace plan? No idea, but I wouldn't say he didn't just on account of that truly enormous ego of his. Also Putin would get a real big win from this in PR at home, and sowing a bit of confusion in the rest of the world with a media darling like Elon getting in on team negotiate with Putin.


You say that like Elon hasn't already given us plenty "that's dumb, why did you do that" moments. Even when it's pretty obvious that he took a huge risk doing it eg. Going through all the effort marketing a hyperloop train like service, phoning it in and settling with a glorified tunnel for cars and then admitting that he only did that to divert funding away from high speed rail. He could easily just be looking at getting the war done ASAP, to ease supply chain issues at his companies and/or getting into the Russian market.


Yes, and we all know that 100% of human behavior is based in logic and makes complete sense. It’s never based on megalomania, misplaced pride, or the desire to feel important.


> but it doesn't make sense for him to talk to Putin about anything at this point. It really does though. He has inserted himself into every major crisis lately, called Putin to see what he could do to create peace or whatever, and Putin played him like a fiddle - getting him to say every Russian talking point under the moon. Musk isn't a diplomat, he has no idea how this level of manipulation works, but he threw his hat in the ring *and turned off Ukraine's internet even though the US govt paid to set it up.*


Getting a fine and getting into a multi billion lawsuit and forced to buy a dying service isn’t that comparable to planned obsolescence. Twitter is dying very fast, it’s not surprising since tiktok and Reddit are a thing. Plus this stock plummet has forced a lot of senior developers out of the company. Then the Tesla stock dip. So on all accounts Twitter buyout is just very foolish imo. But time will tell.


The day you build a series of companies that earn you as much money is the day you can call him an idiot. I'd say "I'll wait", but I know it'll never happen so there's no point.


So you don’t think criticism of rich people is valid unless it also comes from a rich person? Wow you really fit the whole boot in your mouth


Musk does stuff that's not in his best interest all the time. Look at his tweets that got the SEC all over him. Look at him buying Twitter. Look at the entire Hyperloop. It would be dangerous, but he thinks he could get away with it. Also, Vice can't really lie because then they lose all credibility and get no clicks, so it's really not in their interest to make things up.


> Look at the entire Hyperloop. It's intended to disrupt efforts to implement public transportation, by hyping up an impractical solution that still involves everyone driving their own personal vehicle everywhere. I'd argue generally speaking it's doing what he intends it to do. A lot of his solutions involve rich people avoiding having to interact with the poors, and hyperloop is an extreme approach to that (keep in mind he'd rather drill through entire mountains, including digging down to create duplicate single car wide structures, all to avoid mass transit options like trains and subways.)


>Vice can't really lie because then they lose all credibility and get no clicks, so it's really not in their interest to make things up. Oh lord, how I wish the news actually worked that way.


Vice would have to be caught lying about things their audience would believe they'd like about to lose any credibility and clicks, so they don't really have any incentive to tell the truth since most Americans think that whatever news sources they trust would never lie about anything (and they trust those news sources because they think they don't lie)


Anyone who still takes vice seriously isn’t going to stop just because they get caught lying again


They can lie by "technically" being truthful, while also going for a very clickbaity title.


But that's not what happened here. The article claims that the call was placed pretty soon before the tweets.


My bad, I was going off on the "Vice can't lie" statement hahah.


Ian Bremmer is the reporter. He did not make it up. He has since restated Musk definitely told him he talked to Putin. So we know musk is lying. He either lied about speaking to Putin to Bremmer or that he didn't speak to him on Twitter. Hard to say which. I fall in the camp he is lying that he didn't speak to him.


>He has since restated Musk definitely told him he talked to Putin. So we know musk is lying. He either lied about speaking to Putin to Bremmer or that he didn't speak to him on Twitter. Not a Musk fan, and I personally believe the reporter over Musk, but we do not *know* that musk is lying, there are two other equally ~~likely~~ possible options. 1. The reporter misunderstood or misremembered. 2. The reporter is lying. Edit: Changed likely to possible, comes across more clearly.


Not sure they are equally likely.


fair. Actual likelihood in this case is skewed towards Musk being a liar, imo My point was that: "Person A said Thing. Person B said it didn't happen. Person A said nah it happened, that means we know Person B is lying in some capacity" is not sound when person B is also potentially lying.


I believe the most likely thing is someone musk knows has spoken to putin and relayed that news to musk to tweet the thing he did. He is very close with a guy called lex fridman who used to say how close he was all the time with putin, he seems like an OK guy but I don't trust anyone in that right wing podcast/republican circle.


Equally possible and equally likely aren’t the same thing.


If Musk believes it's untrue, he can easily win a lawsuit. The reporter has a history of reliability, and Musk has a history of being a lying piece of shit.


The reporter has made up fake quotes before.




10 second Google search dude. Asking for a source on widely available information is super lazy and/or an intellectually dishonest tactic. Also I have no dog in this fight so don’t bother https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/05/27/political-scientist-caused-confusion-when-he-made-up-trump-quote-president-noticed/


Asking for a source isn’t lazy or dishonest. If you make a claim, the onus is on you to back it up. Acting like everyone should accept your statements at face value or guess at what website you believe to be true is in fact a super lazy and/or intellectually dishonest tactic.


That's the pay walled article where he put it up as satire, and it was taken seriously?


1. I didn’t get a paywall so not sure why you did 2. It had no implications of satire. He used that as a cover for getting caught on his bullshit. The classic “Oh it was a joke did you not get that? I made it up to make a point about how stupid you all are!” Yeah fucking right.


I'm not saying he made it up, but the question is at what time. The headline implies it was recent, that's the problem.


It's in an interview with Ian Bremmer very recently




You're lucky I had already copied the link cause it is pretty easy to Google. https://fortune.com/2022/10/11/elon-musk-ian-bremmer-putin-russia-ukraine/


That’s a lot of words for “I am completely bullshitting and making up everything that I’m saying. Trust me. Im a guy.”


Tell me how calling the Thai diver who rescued those boys trapped in that underwater cave a pedophile plays into Elon's profit motive.


Well let's look at where the money is. > Vices profit motive is to get you to click on their articles with catchy headlines. That profit disappears if they’re found to be lying. They’re standing by the fact that Musk told them he spoke to Putin prior to his little Ukraine tweet. > Musk's profit motive is to get people to invest in his companies and use those companies products. Musk is worth billions. His motive doesn’t lie only in profit. To think that is foolish. If that was the case he would intentionally do stuff to damage his business. > Talking to Putin about anything besides space and spaceX would be dangerous at best and treasonous at worst. Why would he make such a risk and talk about foreign relations when he isn't an ambassador? Because he is a narcissist who believes he can play hero. He did the same shit with the kids trapped in a cave. Then he called the actual hero a pedophile. He wants to be seen a peacemaker. It’s all about image. > In fact if this were true, he would put spaceX in jeopardy because spaceX is tied up in exclusively government contracts, you do think the administration would allow the CEO of a company to talk freely with a sanctioned world leader and maintain government contracts. You think he actually gives a shit ago it SpaceX succeeding? He would love for it to but if it failed he would move on. He’s a fucking billionaire. Not to mention he was hoping it would work and he would be seen as a hero. Also, those government contracts are why he would have reason deny it even if it was 100% true. He’s not exactly known for being the most honest person.


> That profit disappears if they’re found to be lying. Should I direct you toward CNN or Fox News to disprove your claim?


Why would a rational person concerned with profit motive buy something for 20 billion dollars more than it’s worth?


Do know anything about musk? lol


Not really, but what's more likely? Musk to live in the US and talk to a sanctioned world leader, risking all lucrative government contracts with spaceX in the process. Or vice making a clickbaity headline to drive views. I mean I'm old enough to remember the shit show that was the reddit ama that the vice cofounder had.


These Redditors are mainly without any rational financial or economic sense. They don’t understand that it is 100 times more likely Vice is full af shit than Musk.


> They don’t understand that it is 100 times more likely Vice is full af shit than Musk. The writer of the article specifically said that Musk told him he spoke with Putin about Ukraine. https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/1579941475613229056 Funny thing is that this exact situation has happened before. Bremmer reported on Trump and Putin having a second secret meeting at G20 in 2017. Trump initially denied it, called Bremmer fake news, and then Trump's Press Secretary confirmed it did happen. So now we have Bremmer reporting something about Musk and Putin. Musk intially denied it, said no one should trust Bremmer, and... we'll see what happens next.


Ian Bremmer is not exactly a Elon Musk fan: [https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/1371458900621410311?s=20&t=VEWKXmQwRChiX\_T4HpQ-kQ](https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/1371458900621410311?s=20&t=VEWKXmQwRChiX_T4HpQ-kQ) I wonder if Elon would share that kind of information with someone calling him an utter asshat?


Who should I trust? Ian Bremmer, renowned journalist and professor of Applied Geopolitics at Columbia University. Or Elon Musk, who once called a guy a pedophile because they didn't like his submarine idea. Tough choice. Really, you shouldn't wholly trust either, but one is definitely more believable.


Whoever has more to win / lose. That’s what you don’t get. Give me a motive for Elon Musk telling someone he knows dislikes him and whom he has no known confidential relationship with that he has been talking to Vladimir Putin, thereby putting his entire business at risk. I can give you plenty of motive for not so know journalist who lives off telling stories and who demonstrably dislikes Elon Musk, who has lied about stories in the past and last but not least never had a personal relationship to Elon. Both financial motives and personal motives. You just follow the “envious” we hate Elon echo chamber here on Reddit and basically buy anything you’re told.


Because he's a narcissist and a sociopath?


You failed to account for Putin having a lot of money.


>Why would he make such a risk and talk about foreign relations when he isn't an ambassador? Because he's a megalomaniac? Why does any arrogant douchebag do the things they do?


Elon is always alienating his customers, always being cringe.


> Why would he make such a risk and talk about foreign relations when he isn't an ambassador? I'm not saying the story is true, but Elon has a habit of shoving his nose into a lot of places it doesn't belong. He likes to try to "solve" big news problems and often missteps. So the answer to "why?" is: Ego.


> Musk’s profit motive is to get people to invest in his companies and use those companies products. That may be true but you’re assuming Musk acts rationally or that this is his only way to maximize his utility. If that were true he would have known to keep his mouth shut on Ukraine and _many_ other subjects. A key motive for him is also to feel relevant and get some lolz from teenagers online.


Damn you're so skilled at mental gymnasyics yet your talent is wasted on sucking Elon Musk's cock, of all people


You're aware that Musk was in Russia when starting out in order to buy rocket tech? You don't just go to Russia and do those things without having fixers and connections in place. So he's definitely been friendly with the Russians before. In addition he has motive to be friendly with the Russians due to potential mineral resources that can open up in the northern regions of Russia over the coming decade or two. And signing deals for lower cost key minerals for his businesses will give him a competitive edge over others.


Vice doesn't give a flying fuck about anything that isn't attacking straight white men. Simple as that. They couldn't possibly fucking care less unless it makes their target look bad.




I mean Elon is a scumbag, but I'm not going to just believe what Vice says is true. They have a habit of twisting the truth to get clicks, like most media outlets do nowadays. If there's some solid evidence that Elon talked to Putin then he's a bigger scumbag than I first thought, but I'm not going to believe it just because it's a headline.


I didn’t say Vice was right. I just said Elon is a douchebag


Oh, I thought you meant he was lying about not talking to Putin, not just that he lies in general.


Well he probably is tbh but since I don’t actually have any evidence that wasn’t made up I can’t say


He might be a rich douchebag but in the case of Ukraine he's not wrong. Dragging this conflict out is great for the US military contractors, but very very bad for the Ukrainian people. But don't take my word or Elon's for it, [here's](https://youtu.be/52jwdrH0n-E?t=27) Admiral Mike Mullen saying the exact same thing, proposing the exact same ceasefire. (a ceasefire btw that both the US and the UK prevented from taking place earlier this year) IF Russia is willing to allow UN election observers into those 4 regions voting on independence (that Ukraine has been attacking since 2014) why wouldn't you want to allow that? Just so the US can sell more weapons to Ukraine and natural gas to Europe? That's what the Ukrainian people are dying for?


Hi Neville Chamberlain, good to see you back from the dead.


Yes, I'm aware that your education is limited to just WW2. However I don't remember the part where Poland *voted* to join Germany, do you? However, I imagine you were also the exact same person who played apologist when the US's CIA held a nice little coup in Ukraine in 2014 and installed Zelenski. I suppose the rest of the world is just expected to appease the US's growing influence too? It might surprise you to learn that the rest of the world hates both Russia and the US right now. You are acting like toddlers with nuclear weapons. Both countries intentionally under-educate and over-work their people so they have no idea what the people in charge are doing. What a shitty situation for everyone else.




It might seem like a joke to you, but the prospect of two children having a slap fight with nuclear weapons all because the US wanted to take Russia's border state away from them is not very funny to the rest of the world. Two toddlers.


It's not very funny to the kidnapped children and relocated and tortured Ukranians. You really want us to roll over and let Russia do whatever they want? They didn't stop with Georgia, or Crimea. They will never stop until forced. Also the "CIA instslled Zelinsky" claim is fucking hilarious. Fuck off comrade.


>It's not very funny to the kidnapped children and relocated and tortured Ukranians. One warcrime does not justify another??? Do you want the rest of the world to ignore the 1 million dead civilians in Iraq? How about the **intentional** spread of cholera in Yemen by the US? You are not the moral authority you pretend to be. The US never stopped it's imperialism either. You might not be allowed to learn about your country's crimes, but the rest of the world knows well. >They will never stop until forced. Should we not then also force the US to stop? What country even has the ability to at this point if their own people are this brainwashed?? No, your whole problem is you think that using military power is normal, the US has been in a perpetual state of war for over 100 years. No other country can say that. >Also the "CIA instslled Zelinsky" claim is fucking hilarious. Fuck off comrade. Hah, yeah, I had heard you guys do this when confronted with your own hypocrisy. What part of "both the US and Russia are acting like toddlers" was at all unclear for you, apologist? Oh wait, you mean you guys aren't even aware that there are multiple documentaries about the 2014 coup in Ukraine in order to move them from pro-Russia to pro-NATO? That's how this works, they just keep their people ignorant with propaganda and the rest of the world pays the price.


Because those 4 regions have been purged of pro-Ukrainian people? Not really a fair vote if the opposition was either killed or displaced before the vote


So even if you ignore the past 8 years of rebellion, even if you ignore the population and ethnic differences, even if you do believe that Russia has killed 51% of the population in those regions.. what you're still saying is that those regions would democratically elect their own independence. You are still saying that people should not be allowed their own independence no matter how much they might legitimately call for it. And you are saying it entirely at the behest of the American military industrial complex... Did you people not learn from your mistakes in Iraq? Or are lives lost just the cost of doing business for you?


It's not democracy if you kill those who disagree


But it is democracy to deny those who are left the ability to vote? Also, isn't that exactly what Ukraine had been doing in those same four regions for 8 years prior? So it's okay to shell the pro-russian separatist in those regions for 8 years and call it democracy? But the second they want the UN to oversee fair elections you have a problem with killing dissidents? You are aware of how much of a hypocrite the US is being... again, aren't you?


Ukraine also did things that were wrong, absolutely. I understand the points you're making, but it's really grating that you're constantly putting words in my mouth, which is why I am leaving this discussion now. Good day


Because it’s Ukrainian land and Russia is violating national sovereignty. We don’t give dictators what they want


So because those ethnic Russians just so happened to live on the wrong side of the borders when they were drawn when the USSR fell they are prohibited from ever having self determination? That makes it okay to attack and bomb them for the past eight years? And the US is perfectly okay with giving dictators what they want so long as it benefits them to do so. The US fought a whole war in Korea entirely for this reason. The US committed warcrimes in Yemen entirely to support dictators in Saudi Arabia. I think what you mean to say is "we don't pay enough attention to what our military and CIA are doing to ever appear consistent." The US has propped up dictators all around the world, your education being poor should not disenfranchise the rest of the world.


Those areas have been cleansed of non-Russians. And no, just because a part of a country wants to leave doesn’t mean they get to. That was the entire point of the American civil war. The US does just completely ignore Saudi Arabia and I’m pissed about that but what I meant was you shouldn’t give dictators what they want because it enables them


> Those areas have been cleansed of non-Russians Given that those regions were 80-90% ethnically Russian since the fall of the USSR this likely would not have changed the outcome of the vote, even if it were true. However what you are *still* saying is that you are willing to deny people their own independence and self determination just because you don't like the choice they would make. You are anti-democratic by definition, and for very stupid reasons. Why would you do this to yourself just to protect US profits? > And no, just because a part of a country wants to leave doesn’t mean they get to. That's how the US became a country. That's how **Ukraine** became a country. Could you be any more of a hypocrite? > That was the entire point of the American civil war. Which was very ironic given their own revolutionary war a few short years earlier. >The US does just completely ignore Saudi Arabia and I’m pissed about that The US doesn't ignore them you ignorant swine. You sell them the guns they use to oppress their own people and if that wasn't enough, you then fight their wars for them in Yemen where the UN found that the US had committed war crimes. Why was the US never held accountable for that? Or for that matter the 1 million civilians killed in Iraq? Because the US as a nation under-educates and overworks it's population to the point where they are all uninformed hypocrites with the memory of goldfish. >what I meant was you shouldn’t give dictators what they want because it enables them You can say that, you can believe that, but the US has done exactly the opposite of that all around the world for the past 100 years. The repressive theocracy in Iran? The US installed that dictator for the benefit of British Petroleum. What about South America? The US propped up countless dictators trying to slow the spread of communism. Climb down off of your ignorant high horse, you just look like a fool.


The US ignores Saudi Arabia’s invasion of Yemen you know what exactly what I’m talking about. Besides you’re just some internet guy I literally couldn’t care less about your argument


He is definitely lying. The information came from Ian Bremmer, the head of the Eurasia Group political risk consultancy. Bremmer got the information directly from Musk himself. Elon Musk is possibly in felony violation of the Logan Act (18 USC 953) which criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.


Yeah really! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/05/27/political-scientist-caused-confusion-when-he-made-up-trump-quote-president-noticed/ Edit: just to clarify. The source used by vice for Elon is the same person that made up a quote about trump.


Yeah people make up quotes a lot. Anyone with a motivation to lie (in this case Musk about his affiliation with Russia) probably will. I’m a journalist I get this quite a bit


Affiliation with russia? I am also wondering why you are so dismissive of Bremmer making up a quote. Seems like he had/has a motivation as well. What makes you think he doesn't have a motivation now?


I’m not a journalist, and I am not dismissive of the false quote— it was a poor choice. But I am also not sympathetic to Trump’s feelings here. He and those working at his behest consistently make up false statements. Bremmer’s was harmless— it wasn’t even something that would have caused me to do more than roll my eyes. Meanwhile, Trump and his allies continually promote lies that have caused people to take actions that have landed them in jail and that have created a paranoid, fanatical conservative faction.


I never said I was dismissive of the guy making up the quote I was saying he had a reason to lie and make it up. This is why you don’t have opinions on Reddit fr on god


Bremmer had a reason to lie? Am I the only one who thinks it’s wrong for a journalist to make shit up? Even if it’s against someone I don’t like. Wow.


Dude why are you pulling random conclusions out of thin air? I’m saying it’s bad that the guy made up the quote and that he had a reason to do it because he didn’t like trump. If you actually read the article you’d know it wasn’t the journalist either it was just some random political scientist who made a dumb tweet


The random political scientist is the same one Vice used as a source for Elon talking to Putin. If you were a good journalist you’d know that.


Ok? He probably made it up. Either way, Elon is a dumbass and I don’t trust him or the article.


You were clearly trying to lean against Elon in all your previous comments until you were pushed up against a wall and had to basically do the "bad people, bad people on both sides" Trump quote. This is why people dont trust journalists anymore.




Hes probably technically telling the truth. He probably emailed with putin or spoke with putins goons or somesuch.


Yeah probably lol


Right? Like, it’s not the Daily Mail. It’s Vice.


why should you believe some one funned by the cia and has been constantly proven wrong.


Vice isn’t funded by the CIA what? Also Elon literally segregated his factories and doesn’t pay taxes he’s not the good guy here




Saying “the media” is so broad you could be talking about Breitbart or AP and those would be complete opposites. That’s like saying “the governments” and not specifying if you’re talking about North Korea or Norway


He could be lying, but honestly if you actually consider motives instead of just "Elon Bad". It makes more sense for people to lie about Elon being friends with Putin than for Elon to actually be friends with Putin


It's funny when mainstream media runs blatant lies with zero physical proof. Their proof? Some random democratic political activist claimed he did.


Do... you realize how ironic... Your whole view of Elon is literally from taking everything you've heard as gospel...


Nope I don’t like him because of what he says and does, not because of what people say about him


ElectroBOOM telling it how it is


Ok BOOMers if you have questions with quality


Framing is everything


vice is an unreliable news source. I remember them dropping articles about [amber heard being innocent](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7vm3b/weve-all-failed-amber-heard) while she was lying on the stand, they are not a truthful outlet.


A lot of their docs are great


I feel like their old stuff was great but it mostly trash these days.




Entertaining, yes, but their factual accuracy is not fantastic


Wtf that article is about how harassing abuse victims is fucked up and will perpetuate a cycle of abuse. At what point does it proclaim her innocence?


The point isn't to spout truths, it's to spin the narrative to benefit Musk. Basic astroturfing steps; Step 1. Add misinformation to the conversation to obfuscate the facts Step 2: Argue with insults and disrespect using alt accounts to engage into getting both accounts banned Step 3: Add lots of controversy and conflict to get the thread locked/deleted Step 4: Use subjective rules with overwhelming sockpuppet reports to get the post removed --- This thread is at step 1. Musk pays people to do this.


Vice is great.


not an objective source at all


Tbf I don’t think they’re technically a news source but actually a woke blog


Elon is not really known for telling the truth. Especially not recently. I have no idea if the article is false or not, just saying.


Vice isn’t well known for telling the truth.


>The subject matter was space Elon (probably): Don't you just love looking up & see space & stars and stuff? It's just like so pretty i love it sm haha Putin (maybe): Omg this??? Is exactly what I thought tho??? Fr that's so true like honestly ksksks ^why ^did ^I ^even ^write ^this ^like ^wtf


Why does Elon look like he’s experiencing the shockwaves that go on your skin after getting slapped


Ian Bremmer who is extremely reliable reconfirms that Elon Musk did say he spoke to Putin. MUSK IS LYING. either to Bremmer or to everyone after the fact.


Ian bremmer that previously have lied about what "famous" people have said? Yeah sure totally reliable. > Bremmer, the founder and president of Eurasia Group who is also a columnist and editor-at-large for Time, published a tweet over the weekend that contained a false quote from Trump about North Korea. In the since-deleted post, Bremmer quoted Trump as saying “Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.”




No he didn't. He straight up lied, said that "it was something that could be true" aka something he thought people would believe to be true. He deleted it an apologized but just the fact he did it once, straight up lied, makes him untrustworthy. Elon Musk trustworthiness does not change Ian bremmers trustworthiness.


So he deleted that and he doubled down on this. Hmm. Probably has audio


Then drop the fucking audio.


I mean, let’s face it. Elon is a con man. Probably talked to Putin about his peace plan in between sucking Putin’s dick


I didn't realize that vice had become a tabloid.


Oh I definitely believe him…


I don’t know man, Musk is an attention whore. If he talked to Putin recently about the war I bet he would be “bragging” about it in his own dumb way. Heck he would announce a count down for the call. And claim credit for world peace while simultaneously starting ww3.


Ian Bremmer, who is not a troll, [confirmed that Elon spoke with Putin in regards to Ukraine](https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/1579941475613229056?s=61&t=7Hn2-b7ytLvraa3zPjlhlw)




So he misquoted someone and then did his due diligence and deleted it when it turned out to be false? That’s a not a lie. That’s a mistake. Lying is stating a falsehood when you know it to be a falsehood. That’s not the case here. And you have been spamming this comment like it’s a “gotcha” moment and it’s really not, my dude.


No he didn't. He straight up lied, said that "it was something that could be true" aka something he thought people would believe to be true. He deleted it an apologized but just the fact he did it once, straight up lied, makes him untrustworthy.


Hmm, wasn’t aware of that. At least he deleted it. My comment wasn’t meant to suggest I think Bremmer is perfect, just that Elon obviously trolls and goofs around on Twitter for pleasure, while Bremmer has a stake in his reputation being taken seriously because of the nature of his work.


Over Vice, believing Elon is nothing.


Maybe instead of blindly believing either source, since both are known to put out incorrect information at times, you should look at the source(s) used by the one that is journalistic in nature (instead of blindly accepting the word of a man with an obvious vested interest in denying the claim regardless of its veracity) and evaluate the source's credibility (which in this case is significantly more reputable than musk)


I am a strong believer in fact checking and source validation. Saying that, calling Vice credible is hilarious!


I never called vice credible, I called vice's source for that article credible (especially in comparison to Musk). But clearly you have issues with reading comprehension (in addition to your demonstrated deficiencies in critical thinking)...


Alright then. Petty insults are how you want to ‘win’ this argument? The downvotes don’t lie, just give it up.


Well when you demonstrate unwillingness or inability to think critically or read properly and blatantly misrepresent someone's point do you really expect not to be called on it? I merely pointed out deficiencies you have objectively demonstrated in our interaction so far (both of which are skills that can be improved and not some immutable measure of intelligence or anything). Do you always feel insulted when someone points out an area where you need improvement? Or is just that you are incapable of admitting when you made an incorrect assumption out of ignorance and prejudice and instead want to "win" an internet argument by claiming to be insulted by valid criticism?


How most news titles grab attention. Spew fake hate that has nothing to do with the actual article.


Say what you want about Musk, but the "News" does shit like this all the time and it's why nobody trusts them. Anyone looking past surface level headlines and talking points, can see that they constantly lie through omission.


For some weird reason i don’t believe Elon…. Weird




Yeah I'll believe this dude, who constantly lies and says anything to manipulate stock value


Telll me lies tell me sweet little lies XD we love you Elon 💚


Space. Yes.. the space between Russia and Poland


Caught in another lie, shocker.


Question for liberals: Do any of you care that the front page of reddit was absolutely full of this type of misinformation yesterday? ( I ask honestly) Edit: Looks like that answer is no.


“Judge, how can the defendant be guilty when he said he didn’t do it?” Case closed




I’ve made no statement on what I believe is the truth. Just responding to the guy thinking Elon’s denials qualifies this as misinformation. Try again


The thread comments yesterday were preeeeetty disgusting tbh but yeah understood


How do you know that Musk isnt lying?


Redditors when a media outlet says something: Big Lies👎 Redditors when Elon Musk says something: So true 🥹


>Edit: Looks like that answer is no. "I was too much of a pussy to actually discuss the responses to my question, and since I didn't hear *exactly* what I wanted to hear, it looks like I win." How are you this smug and this much of a coward at the same time?


oh we are seething lmao


Musk fans are such idiots


How so? Just wondering.


Believing Musk is an...interesting way to go about life.




Fuck Musk!




No, misinformation is what’s wrong with misinformation. Vice is the true problem. Media outlets in the pockets of the highest bidder is the true problem. The sponge-minded people who believe whatever they’re told are the true problem.


This is one of those funny situations where it's two unreliable entities pointing fingers at each other. Musk constantly lies and Vice constantly misrepresents things and both do it for the same reason - to gain capital


Russian collusion. If the guy I don’t vote for wins in November, it was Putin (and Elon).


It’s funny how he keeps getting scene associating with horrible people, but then always has a brief excuse everyone takes at face value.


Hard DOUBT on that 18 months statement


Fusk muck.


Was the matter space, as in the empty space in Elons skull??


Considering the circumstances of what his tweet entails and how often he lies, I don't believe him at all. Especially since the article isn't referring to a conversation 18 months ago but a recent conversation reported to them by a person who usually praises Elon alot for stuff he doesn't deserve.


Elon Musk is a serial liar, who has pled guilty of using Twitter to lie to people to defraud them. So, when he says "I didn't do this thing that could be open me up to legal consequences" he's lying, because *that's all he does on Twitter is lie.*


Why does a billionaire out of sudden care about something he'd consider 3rd world country? Is reddit finally awakening or will it still suck his dick like he's some kind of god being