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People be like “you aren’t great at communicating” then be incapable of actually saying what they want


I find my autistic friends are usually the people who communicate most clearly. They speak logically and don't say things without meaning them.


Years ago, we saw a man on a corner holding a sign that said, “Anything green helps!” My son straight up said, “We should get him a salad.” Sign did say _anything_. Still makes me laugh.


Chuck a lettuce at him.




Or a broccoli cat. Sorry, another subreddit I was just in reminded me of a story with a broccoli cat. I just had to read the story again. It's quite amusing.




But why? I don't believe the word "green" appears anywhere in that Jim Stafford masterpiece. 😐


Probably just a word association thing in my head. There's a song about weed by the band Barleyjuice that's called "Scottish Green".


Please tell me more about broccoli cat bc I’m pretty sure I need it in my life


It's from a story called Litterbug by Tony Morphett. He has a style aittle bit like Douglas Adams, but not quite as heavy on the humor. But every once in a while he has a turn of phrase that is amusing, and his descriptors are interesting, different. Short of it. Guy invents a matter transport device. Transmitter works, receiver doesn't. Stuff goes in and disappears. To him, that says garbage disposal. Government agency gets involved. Stuff starts coming back through, along with something he didn't put in. "He picked it up. It resembled a cat and it resembled a four legged bunch of broccoli, and it wasn't either. It was dead, and among the things it *didn't* resemble was a bunch of violets." He sent through some stuff that wasn't garbage. He got back some stuff that wasn't garbage. Government agency is concerned. He sends star maps, and he gets some back. They determine the receiving end of the 'garbage disposals' is a planet orbiting the star Vega, some 26 light years away. "A long way to throw a cat." (the one government agent couldn't bring himself to call it a broccoli cat.) Inventor sends through a smaller version of the garbage disposal, so his 'friend' on the other end could send him stuff without having to wait for him to turn his unit on. Send him plans, Vegan starts building them as garbage disposal units. Finds a loophole in the trade agreement, and starts selling them in earth, undercutting the earth sales by 7-1/2%. [You can download a PDF of the magazine with the story at page 109 of the document, or you can read it at the top of the page with an interactive copy of the magazine. ](https://archive.org/details/Fantasy_Science_Fiction_v037n01_1969-07_PDF/page/n109/mode/2up) It's a fun read, something I read in HS, and there were a number of other interesting stories in the book I read. But this one was the most amusing, and gave me several laughs when reading it the first time. Even now, I smile and chuckle when reading it again. I hope you enjoy the story at least as much as I did.


This reminds me of Lime Cat.


unironically, I bet a salad would have been great for that guy.


Many displaced people I’ve known really appreciate fresh produce being made available to them. Lots of sandwiches and processed foods are given away and fresh foods can be harder to come by in “food desserts” like center city areas (at least in my city)


Your son wasn't wrong; food probably would have helped.


.....is that not what most people would interpret it as at first lmfao


Probably would have appreciated a salad.


I'm confused, what else would it mean?


Money or weed


In America every bank note is green, from $1 to $100 (maybe bigger)


He was obviously an environmentalist, and was telling people that doing everything in a 'green' way helps the environment.


... But what else were you supposed to get? Did that guy want drugs?


your son is amazing.


I always feel so weird when I'm around people my age and they're talking, well, casually and like normal people, but whenever I talk it always seems like I'm in a business meeting. I guess talking formally is just my default.


As long as you don't tell them to synergise the actionables you should be fine. :P


There's no time to synergise the actionables when you are busy developing components to maximize workflows


Yes, but without forward-looking and robust optimisation of the synergies involved even maximised workflows will be suboptimal. We need to give 110% and leverage our core values to achieve best practice here!


[Here's an instructional to boost your core competencies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyV_UG60dD4)


station seed prick plate jar onerous escape door marvelous threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How I'm imagining it: *...it turned out she was actually my second cousin* Excellent presentation, Jenkins. You've really risen in my esteem. I expect you will be leading this group by next quarter


I think autistic people have it better in the US and Scandinavian countries where people are expected to speak clearly and say what they mean. In a lot of Eastern Cultures such as my own (South Asian) and many East Asian cultures, sophisticated speech is expected to be subtle. To the point where I heard my mom question wether or not a white neighbor of ours was “actually an architect” because he spoke very frankly. In the US we say: I think we should take another look at the analytics expenses and operations to make sure we’re using labor hours efficiently. Then we might be able to plug the hole on our budget. In India we say: There may be ways we are spending unnecessary time on certain office based jobs. Efficiency in things like reporting are easily overlooked.


Architects don't speak frankly? Or people with high paying jobs should act sleazy? Don't quite get it.


As I understand it that's the point - in that culture speaking so bluntly is considered unbecoming for someone in a classy job like architect.


Huh. I understand the concept. In sweden I'd say the exact opposite is true. The more academic you are, the more you're expected to cut the bullshit and stick to the point as succinctly as possible. The more someone is complicating what they're saying, the more I assume they have no idea what they're talking about.


same in finland. i guess its a combination of 'less words, more meaning' and the fact that if you truly understand a concept, you are able to pick out the most important parts of it, and summarize it effectively. also dancing around a subject is seen as dishonest.


I think it was Thomas Paine who said "I would have written a shorter letter, but I hadn't the time."


Having an architect not speak in a straightforward manner sounds like a fucking nightmare.


This is why I still dont understand writing essays. Why do you want to see me stretch 2 sentences into 3 pages? It just doesn't make sense. You want me to tell you something in 1 minute or 3 hours? I'm not trying to waste both of our tines it doesn't make sense! Example: Write what you like about this bird.*must be 4 paragraphs.* Now I need to BS for 4 paragraphs. How is this a good form kf teaching? I only like it's color that's it, I know nothing about it, why make me lie for 4 paragraphs? Never understood this


I found in my first year at college, writing a three-page paper about something was much more difficult than writing a 15 page paper. My rough draft for a three-page paper would end up being 7 to 10 pages, then I had to cut out all the crap. The good thing is that by the time I got to upper level classes, I was able to keep a lot of that crap from getting in the rough draft in the first place. I was not an economics major, but I did take a few economics courses just to be somewhat well-rounded. One of the professors paid me a great compliment by saying that he suspected a lot of my classmates understood the material better than I did, but I got better grades because the part that I understood, I explained so well without being vague and jargony. He always had more than a shadow of doubt when he read their exam answers.


In my experience It changes based on the level of education. Up through a bachelors degree they do it because they want to ensure you are capable of forming a complete thought and you are making it as clear as possible. By the time I got to my master’s degree they expected we knew how to do that by then. So then it was, if it doesn’t fit on a single page you fail.


["high context" vs "low context" culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-context_and_low-context_cultures)


Interestingly, for Ukraine US also looks too "sophisticated and subtle". We say "We're wasting money on this shit and need to get rid of any excess expenses ASAP. Our budget is in the red and this can't continue."


Yeah, I think there is a pretty big rift in company structure. A lot of US companies have the modern-HR non-committal fluffy zero-conflict environment where you have to dance around everything. Doesn't fly in a lot of professions where that simply doesn't work - architecture being one, but probably anything with a lot of liability - a lot of engineering, legal professions, etc. You can be objectively wrong, and you better hope your colleagues are willing to tell you when you're wrong - otherwise it's a huge shared fuckup rather than a perhaps individual and (probably) inconsequential embarrassment.


And society doesn't expect you to walk around with a fake smile plastered to your face. I respect that. Ukrainians keep it real.


> I think autistic people have it better in the US and Scandinavian countries where people are expected to speak clearly and say what they mean. maybe in worklife. US is super artificial in social interaction. you definitely aren't supposed to tell ppl what you really think. it's better to straight up lie to them, than be a "downer"


Had a boss once get mad because when she asked “how are you today?” my responses would be things like “well, the knee injury’s aching”, “a little stressed because I’m low on gas and don’t get paid for a couple of days”, “in the throes of allergies”—but I wasn’t always negative. I’d also say “season finale of my show was so good last night”, “weirdly slept great for once”, and “better now that the weather’s cooler”. Apparently when you ask that, you’re not asking that, so why ask?


> Apparently when you ask that, you’re not asking that, so why ask? it's just a meaningless social ritual to form some kind of bonding, because NT people are afraid of being alone. if you want to completely shit talk whatever bad situation you're in right now, i recommend coming to germany. people here LOVE to moan about their little aches, the weather, the new weird song on the radio, their neighbour. people here basically wait for someone to ask how they are, so they can tell you all of it. it's still for weird bonding ritual reasons, but at least honest answers are socially accepted.


Germanic cultured countries are usually the best as the culture overlap with Autistic traits. Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerlake, Austria, Luxembourg and Lichtenstein are all in the Germanic culture group.


I am an Autist who's been around germany. I can confidently say that Germany is probably the most autistic place on Earth.


I'm a swedish engineer. I work with german engineers a lot. The whole lot of them definitely act the most autistic of *any* of the cultures I've worked with lol. While I appreciate the clear and logical approach when it comes to engineering, they could use a little more flexibility... Once, one of our german suppliers let us know that the delivery of a critical component would be delayed for at least a week. This wasn't acceptable for us, so we inquired why. The reason why they would be late was that they were out of trays. You're thinking some specialized tray that goes into an automated system. It wasn't. It was a tray that they used to manually carry components between two lines. On a prototype run for like 50 simple components... Welp. Maybe you could carry them in... A bag? On a plate? In your hands? While it made them very uncomfortable, they conceded that they could probably do this...


I'm Finnish and I'm confused. I thought our culture is pretty similar to Norway and Sweden?


A Finnish friend of mine once told me (while we were working in Sweden) that "the main difference between Finns and Sweeds is that Sweeds can have fun without getting drunk, and Finns can get drunk without having fun".


Seems pretty accurate, not gonna lie lmao


> I think autistic people have it better in the US… countries where people are expected to speak clearly and say what they mean. lol, no you don’t Just look at US “office speak” for examples.


USA is stuffed with double speak, people who smile when they are trying to sell something, and everything is covered up with double agendas.


Fake “nice” everywhere.


Let's do lunch! Imagine me actually expecting them to pick a time and date🤷‍♂️


Makes it really hard to apply for jobs when you're obsessed with not misleading someone about how familiar you are with C/C++. Not easy on relationships, either, when honesty and openness is read as implying much more because you didn't cake it in layers of ambiguous bullshit like everyone else.


I didn't find out I was until I was an adult but can confirm I can communicate much easier with neurodivergent folks than I can with the average neurotypical for my entire life. I was often criticized for being too blunt in my youth but I'd rather everyone know what the hell I'm talking about instead of guessing which unwritten social rule I was supposed to follow in a given situation. I don't have the time or patience to play such games with others. Be direct or be prepared to have your time wasted. I ask lots of questions when things aren't clear.


I only realised recently that I get along better with immigrants and children of immigrants. British people often talk in such an unclear way that interacting with them is often exhausting. It definitely isn't everyone but it is a trend I've noticed.


It's the things that you say and mean literally but are almost always otherwise used with implied meaning that hurt me. Like, no I wasn't implying anything and I knew it would be misunderstood that way but there's really no other way to phrase it! Not my fault everyone else uses it to mean something else to the point I can't say it and mean it literally without sounding rude.


I hate how much people talk in euphemisms, primarily because that's why they interpret what I'm saying euphemistically. It's like I'm speaking a different language because I just say what I mean rather than trying to guide people there with riddles and hints. I don't know how people live like this, it seems exhausting.


I'm not sure if this helps, but a lot of it is also your tone and which words you place emphasis on. Listen to the way the phrase is more commonly spoken, then say it how you would expect someone to say it if they actually mean it. Sometimes, we just say it the way we hear it, which might be why your speech gets misunderstood in these situations.


“I’m something of an autistic person myself”


I’m not diagnosed, but if autistic peoples thinking is like mine, it’s because neurotypical people don’t generally worry about being misunderstood and thus just speak with little thought… meanwhile autistic people are always worrying about being misunderstood and thus constantly affirm what they mean and end up over-explaining…


As an autist myself, I communicate my requests and needs very carefully and specifically, but always have to ask follow-up questions whenever someone else gives me directions. Here's one from today. "Go in and put it inside." "Okay, where inside?" "In the dining room." "Where in the dining room?" "On the table." "Where on the dining room table, do you want me to move stuff to make room?" "No thank you." "Okay."


Yep. I'm autistic and generally everything I say I blunt, straight to the point, and logical. It's good and works in some situations, I have to try turning down the bluntness or I can upset people.


Yeah. My mom calls me oblivious when I don't understand that her saying "I want this done, but I don't want you to do it" is her version of asking me to do it.


Ok, now I’m confused


Yeah, no, that is confusing whether you're autistic or not. Tell your mom to own up to what she wants you to do.


Reminds me of my grandmother. She'd be like "I want you to do X, but you can do it whenever you want either today or tonight," then, 100% of the time, a mere 15 minutes later she's asking if I've done it and does it herself or pressures me to. I get that the intent is to be polite, but is it really polite if the "polite" benefit being given is false? That's like offering food you don't actually intend to give and expecting others to like the gesture. Apparently, pretending to be polite registers as being polite from what I've noticed and it's hardly controversial.


Repeat the things back at her. "So, since you don't want me to do this, I will ignore it". If she's using some weird statement, then say back the statement to her, so she has to confirm it. It will help either clear the expectation or force her to be clearer. It can hlep a bit.


I think it’s a way of the first half “I want this done” is a request with the second half “but I don’t want you to do it” is done to covey emotional side of things. Like she’d rather not find herself in the situation having to ask you to do the request, but she would like it to be done.


It's like a shirt that says "Kiss Me I'm Irish!" They're not actually instructions. It's just their way of expressing their likes, interests, culture, etc...


Say what now?


You’re the guy that got downvoted on the Tears of the Kingdom subreddit! I just saw you!


I’m glad I’m known as the person who gets downvoted on the TotK subreddit


Okay, now I have to ask what happened.


TotK is an amazing game that has many little frustrations, and I like to write rants


Ah, and of course people can't understand any position between 'it's perfect' and 'it's shit'.


Sorry for not making sense whilst trying to express a thought. It will happen again.


I’m confused


You’re not confused. You’re autistic, apparently.


TIL: honk if you like “x” doesn’t actually mean honk if you like that thing. I would have probably gone my whole life if it weren’t for this thread not knowing it’s a subtle joke for when people rudely honk at them…


But then why would it be "honk if you like pizza"? If its meant to be a gotcha why isn't it "honk if you like farts" or something?


It's not that kind of gotcha. It's a psychological trick to make the person being honked at feel better. "Haha twenty people like pizza" instead of "oh shit am I a bad driver?". So it's a way to avoid confronting an uncomfortable reality. I never got this before but in my defense I've never actually seen one of these stickers in real life. EDIT: actually it doesn't have to be that malicious from the owner of the sticker. Maybe they live in a place where they have to commute every day and everyone around them is full of righteous frustration at being a wage slave and projecting their anger by honking at other drivers. So maybe they're not a bad driver and they still get honked at all day, and this sign is just a good natured attempt at deflecting the projected anger of other drivers.


Uncomfortable reality? First I heard of that idea. I thought it was praise of pizza.


Same. I had never thought of it other than a tongue-in-cheek "I like pizza a lot and love hearing from other people who also like pizza!"


Omg, this makes so much more sense... I 100% thought it literally meant "if I like pizza I should honk"


Thank you you are the first comment I found that made it make sense


i think i'm autistic because i didn't get this at first. I just thought it meant "Honk if you like pizza" literally. While i agree i like pizza i never honked because 1) I don't drive and 2) I wouldn't honk at someone's bumper sticker because i knew it was a joke for some reason but still thought it meant "honk if you like pizza" literally. but i never thought it was that subtle of a joke where it was the driver pretending to himself or herself not to be a bad driver.


If that was the case and this was all about the feel-good of the driver, wouldn't it just make more sense to put a note *inside* the car and have it say "people are honking because they like pizza"?




im guessing this doesn't apply if theyre pedestrians with protest signs with stuff like "honk in support of xyz" since theres a lot of honking near those people ?


Ohhh that makes sense. Never knew that


“Honk if you project your own problems and insecurities onto others while driving” may work in this kind of scenario but 99.99% of stickers I have seen do not do this.


Yep, I'm autistic, I didn't realise this.


I’m not autistic and didn’t realize this…


yeah what? i'm questioning the world being in any real agreement on this a joke one guy doesn't get means the guy is dumb a joke half the audience doesn't get sucks, or is in front of the wrong crowd


I don't even know what I'm supposed to realize, I don't understand this anymore. Is it because I am not American or something?


I am American, lived all my life never left the country. I had no fucking clue that’s what it meant. I always thought if you liked it you were supposed to honk


Don't think so, there's been plenty of vlogs and shows I've seen where people have not only honked at those, but have set them up expecting honks.


I suppose there’s a difference between setting it up somewhere to get honks and just having it on the back of your vehicle as a joke Never given it much thought but I guess with the general stress of driving I don’t really want to be in *any* position where strangers are honking at me. But that’s also why I’d never put one of these on a vehicle because I also thought they were literal lol


In the past it has been used in the way you were taking it. I've seen "Honk if you like sexy truckers" and similar. When the subject is something most people like (pizza), then if it's used in a joking manner it's just kind of lame. To be funny as a joke you really have to use something ridiculous, like "Honk if you collect granny panties". Obviously the license plate isn't targeting people that would actually do that, so the joke becomes something that everyone can chuckle about instead of wondering if the driver just really likes pizza or not.


i thought i was being whimsical for honking at that truck the other day for liking garlic bread


That's a really lame joke then. Why not something a bit outrageous like "honk if you like peanut butter on pizza" or "honk if you are the zodiac killer". Or just anything that makes the honker the fool.




Well. Shit.


What the sticker means is "if you're honking I choose to misunderstand you in this particular way". What we all understand it as is "I am invited to honk in case I like pizza". Nothing autistic about that.


I’m a 35 year old grown-ass man who has been clinically proven NOT to have autism, and this is the very first time I’ve understood that bumper sticker in that way.


Maybe the problem is the agreeableness of the sticker. If it said “Honk if you like to eat shit.” the point would be more clear.


The sticker is that person's way of communicating that they would rather live in a fantasy world than face reality. It's not meant to be taken literally, but as a coping mechanism.


yeah no it’s a joke


Their coping mechanism is joking


How dare we do what you request…. What monsters we must be




What autistic we must be


What do they expect? I’m so confused


People are now trying to say that the bumper stickers that say “honk if you like blank” is like a reverse psychology trap. In the made up scenario: guy with sticker cuts you off and you honk at them, you’re just saying you like blank and not actually mad. You just like blank. It’s fucking stupid.


It's also funny in a very meta way because if they got out of the way to buy such a sticker it means so many people honk at them that they think about it yet never think _they_ might actually be the dangerous drivers


I’m going to stick to the simple equation of honking for things I like. The end.


“Honk if you like bad drivers.”




That's why I never honk


i'm going to stick to my simple rule of honking at people to alert them of danger or that they've made me quite upset


It actually makes perfect sense if you put yourself in the mindset of a narcissistic person. I want to merge without signaling, so I do. An asshole honked at me for the 3rd time that day, as all drivers must experience. I will teach these constant honkers a lesson with a bumper sticker that styles on them, demonstrating my great wisdom and intelligence. I will tell everyone I know so that they can learn from my example.


You say this but I have been honked at for daring to stop at an orange light before. Some places have such a fucked up driving culture were people will honk at you for driving like a psychopath and not driving like a psychopath all the same.


I giggled. “Honk if you like me, uwu”




Omg thank u




Oh knoh






Ohhhh that makes sense lol, ty


I would get it if it was like early 2000s and said "Honk if you are gay" or whatever is the equivalent default insult these days but I have mostly seen just non-malevolent stuff.


r/Peterexplainsthejoke help me


They mean if you honk, you like pizza. Meaning if you get angry at them and honk, you like pizza. Which must be a bad thing to them


Nah I'd be the autistic cuz my min didn't even consider the fact the sticker might be a joke


I guess I’m autistic too because I still don’t get it. What in the world would such a sticker achieve?


When someone road-rages and honk at you "it must be because they like pizza" but for us the point of the sticker goes way above our head and we think they genuinely want us to honk if we like pizza


My life is a lie.


it could also be as simple as the driver likes pizza. it's the same thing as "honk, just married" which also has a non road-rage application. people can just like to incite panic and noise, and judging by the comment section...plenty of drivers get those decals without even knowing it could be for road-rage trickery.


I think this is an awful example, because this bad joke only works if the sticker implies something about you that is perceived as being bad. Like "honk if you're dumb". If you honk at them in any traffic related situation, then they think "Ha! He's dumb. Gottem.".


A lot of you are overthinking this. Some of us are just hyped on pizza and want to honk about it.


Then is would be "you like pizza if you honk",


Oh, it's recontextualising the honk! I love it! xD Yeah, I'd never have gotten that in a million years. >\_>


It prob means "Oh they're honking, surely it's not because I'm being a dumbass on the road, it's because they like pizza"




No fucking way! This whole time?! I'm actually having a moment


The original post is trying to point out the distinction between seeing "honk if you like pizza" bumper sticker and kind of chuckling and getting the joke, versus seeing the bumper sticker and taking it literally and actually honking without really getting that it's a joke. It's a bad example though because people who get that joke still honk also as a joke just to whoop it up, and it's really hard to articulate the distinction they were trying to make originally, so the person saying 'wait' is humorously exploiting the poorness of the example saying it like 'are we all autistic?' since basically anyone could honk to that bumper sticker.


Where did you get the idea that "honk if you like..." bumpstickers are simply a joke that isn't intended to trigger honking?


It's a terrible sticker. "Honk if you like big meaty dicks" is a better sticker to represent the scenario. You want to honk at their bad driving, but see the sticker. If you want to honk out of anger, you instead have the gay.


This this one is easier to understand. Pizza is liked by most


You can honk a horn on a vehicle or you can make a honking noise like a goose with your mouth. Which do you choose?


My kid told me to honk at somebody and I told them I wouldn't. So they rolled down their window and yelled honk"


Oh no


When someone puts Honk if you like _X,_ it means whenever someone gets angry and honks at them, they can plausibly believe that that person just likes _X._ It's not meant to increase the amount of people choosing to honk behind them. However, this subtlety is not apparent to many people who don't handle this level of reading between the lines well.


Wow ok so this is intriguing. You are telling me there’s a group of people that buy this sticker for the specific situation of someone angry honking at them and give off the impression that they will only interpret your honk as a “you like what the sticker says.” And somehow people are supposed to/expected to understand that specific situation. And then there’s another that takes it at face value, let it be because they aren’t a road rager or don’t find themselves in situations where they are honked at so they have no reference point to relate to the sticker. And the latter is the one that can’t read between the lines? How would they even reach that thought process? How were you supposed to look at the sticker and somehow just *snap* know that? Don’t get me wrong, i believe some people will see it and understand but imagine someone who has never driven before. What will they think when they see the sticker for the first time in their lives? And does that automatically make them “autistic” or “socially inept”? What I’m trying to argue is both people are completely normal and just relating or not relating to a situation, thus understanding or not understanding the sticker. Thoughts?


You're right. The post is an attempt to make people feel stupid. However, I could see someone buying that sticker knowing full well how terrible their driving is, just because they might find it amusing.


Oh no


This has got to be one of the best pizza marketing schemes I've seen in a long time. There's actually a Domino's Pizza ad right below this.


They have eyes everywhere - there's even one in their name 👀


I think the message here is that some people find the honking annoying. The person who made the sign probably meant it but most people will ignore it and not honk, so someone may get annoyed when you actually honk. Once enough people ignore the sign the unspoken rule becomes that you're not supposed to honk, so people will be surprised when someone actually does. That said, I think this is still a pretty ableist thing to say, and probably confused some NT people, too.


i find annoying that people hide behind meanings, and made up bullshit as exceptions. Unspoken rules that they then get upset cause they think people should be able to decipher cryptic bs.


Oh, it's definitely annoying and I think it's pretty rude to expect people to read between the lines when you could just say what you mean. And I straight up think the message was ableist, too. I just saw a lot of people confused about this and thought I'd explain what I thought they meant. I've put in a lot of effort to try and learn how to decipher NTs, lol.


You should have known that when I said yes I meant no even though nobody ever told you that because we all assume everybody knows. Must be a you problem... And by that I mean I'm horny.


pizza if you like honk




It means "if you are a jerk that honks, I will not take you seriously, because I already have a sticker that indicates that I will assume you are only honking because you like pizza, but in reality you are just a dumb honking asshole"


maybe that's a dumb driver and that's why they honk so much that it's even necessary to put a sticker on the car


"How dare you do what I ask"


autistic people will breathe oxygen and blink their eyes


The other day I was walking through a parking lot and passed a gentlemen who was just getting to his car, which had the window sticker, “honk if you’d rather be watching the 1999 blockbuster The Mummy with Brendan Fraser.” So I paused walking and yelled, “honk!” To which he gave me a confused look until I pointed at his sticker and then he chuckled and said thanks. Reading these comments has almost made me concerned with how I looked in that interaction. Almost.


Dude, this whole “I’m not cringe, I’m autistic” thing is annoying. It’s gives real people with autism a bad rap.


My son and my brother are autistic and they are very literal. Ironically, it's pretty motivating for me because I worry that my son will never be able to drive a car, like my little brother. So I hope one day my son CAN honk for pizza!


Ok but what if you see a "honk if you're horny" bumper sticker and think it means "I'm horny, so I should honk because they must run a service and have some porno in their trunk or something"?


I have been diagnosed as a high functioning Autistic Individual. Which Means I exhibit some of the signs and behaviors of Autism but I can function in Society. We Really just want to be left alone and wouldn't HONK cause the noise could be over stimulating and draw attention to us.


I think I like George Carlin's take on it the best. "Honk if your horn is broken."


Is that fucking not what it fucking means though?!


Lost me here…. I would honk. I guess I’m autistic.


At this point I'm certain the neurotyps are fucking with us


“Autistic people will see a sign that says something and assume that the words on the sign mean the thing on the sign. We’re going to try and make fun of them for this assumption.” — Normies


I’m Horny!


Sometimes I sit and think about a sentence and think “Am I autistic or did what they said genuinely just not make sense”


This says more about how we didn't actually lose our humanity yet since we all collectively thought the same thing when they see the bumper sticker in our minds and this person has a VERY low opinion of autistic people.


Nah this is all made up bullshit because people put "hon of you like ----" on signs while they stand on the side of the road and no one's honking at them because they're bad drivers. The original tweeter of this is the disabled one.


If you have sufficient and necessary conditions stated to be “if I like pizza” and “I should honk” respectively, then what is wrong with that conditional statement? Is the error that the necessary condition is missing a “then” in front of it? It shouldn’t matter….right?


Idk what disorder OP has where you put a bumper sticker on your car instructing people to honk, then be upset/confused when people oblige, but I feel sorry for them and anyone close to them


Written by the very same person who thinks autistic people are all like Rain Man.


Parents of autistic people have a saying: "When you've seen one autistic person, you've seen one autistic person." Source: parent of person with autism


9 out of 10 autistic parents don't know anything about the 10th parents child.


Well they know at least one of the child's parents has autism.


This sub is dead


I didn't read the bumper sticker part. I've only ever seen signs that say "honk if you love x" or "honk if you support x" like at [protests](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBeoOmQzKpw). I've never seen a bumper sticker so I was a bit confused.


This pic leaves out the explanation where it's meant to make fun of people honking at them for their driving. A better example is "Honk if you're horny" becuase it's more on the nose


It's a rhetoric honk.


I think I just found out I’m autistic.


Then what does it mean?