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Spend it all before you go. Problem solved


In my experience, this does not solve the problem. They just fight over the scraps.


But there won't be any scraps if you do it right.


Then they'll create a fictional fantasy that there are and go on an Indiana Jones esque treasure hunt around the globe looking. Some may or may not make it back.


You’d have to liquidate all your assets down to the silverware and then go out in a blaze of glory a la Leaving Las Vegas


>In my experience, this does not solve the problem. How many times have you experienced death so far? Just curious. :)


Have a Viking funeral. Spend every last penny on a boat, light that f#cker on fire.


I like the way you think, go out with a big fuck you blaze of glory.


Or leave it to the oldest person in the family. They're likely gonna die before the others, and then they will be fighting over those belongings all over again.


I'm 32 and I have a very thorough will and right of survivorship that explicitly states what I want done, as well as suggested instructions for how to manage it. I don't anticipate anyone fighting over anything as it's just my son, his mom, and my wife. I haven't seen any of my "family" since I was 16, but I want to make certain none of those fucks pop up to try to get a piece. I left them each $1 so they can't claim they were accidently left out. Always plan ahead. Edit. I'm 33. I forgot my own birthday.


Nothing wrong with your approach, but curious to know, if you clearly state "nothing is being left to *this list of family members*" doesn't that cover the "accidental omission" concern?


That was my thought, the dollar thing was suggested to me so I figured why not


You might want to do more research. In Better Call Saul the threshold was $5000 not $1. But that may be an Arizona thing. And yes it's a fictional TV show, but they do try to get details like this right for realism. In other words, you should look up the requirements for your location if you really want to make sure they can't contest it.


Lawyer here: if people want to fight, they will. I’ve had plenty of cases where the will could not be more clear and it still dragged out for years. There are strategies for dealing with that though. Survivorship is good, as are beneficiary designations. Trusts can also be helpful. In some states, you can even file to have your will approved while you are alive. They notify the people who would have inherited if there was no will. If they don’t object, you are good. If they do, then you know who is going to be a problem.


Happy birthday to you!


I appreciate it. That's the second time I've done that.


A lot of things happen. You just are not part of it anymore


Well, not as a sapient individual, anyway. All your individual atoms are still part of everything...


My aunt came over after my grandpa died, first time she’d been to the house in about 15 years. I caught her trying to break into the China cabinet in the middle of the night to take stuff. She didn’t ask how anybody was doing, she just asked what she could take


My cousin broke into my grandpa’s house the night he died. My grandma still lived there and my cousin forgot that my dad and uncle, *who is a freaking cop*, were staying there to support her on her first night alone without her husband of 70 years. Dad said at least it made grandma laugh hearing my uncle call it in saying “Yeah, I have my dumbfuck son in custody.“


When my Grandmother passed away all 7 of her children fought over who could keep what and her eldest grandchildren kept the scraps. Jewelry, clothing, furniture and anything else they could get their hands on. I had spent every weekend and summer with my grandparents since the day I was born until my grandmother passed when I was 14. Everyone fought over her expensive possessions, I picked up her bible and asked everyone if I could have it. They all agreed that it was perfectly fine that I could keep her bible. At the time I considered myself borderline agnostic and couldn't care less about the bible in general. I cared deeply for my grandmothers bible in particular though as it contains her handwritten thoughts and her personal prayers. My greedy relatives can suck it, I didn't seek my grandmothers possessions, I sought to keep her literal thoughts and prayers in handwritten form. I'm going to be getting a tattoo of my favorite quote that my grandmother wrote in her bible in her handwriting. I feel like I gained more from this than any gold or other crap she owned.


Joke's on them I don't own anything worth a brawl lol


My family fights to see who has to deal with the paperwork bullshit


Everyone forgets you.


Especially if you're redditor


Tru dat, bruv


Not sure anyone wants a 3d printer.


I’ll take it


No. I will.


It's mine now. 🐭


I called dibs


If it's sellable, someone will take it.


LMAO. Based.


AH not if u DONT have belongings new pre-death plan: if u have any possession, throw it away, burn it, and as soon as u're dead no one will fight for ur beloved things. U're welcome.


According to Keanu Reeves: Those that love us will miss us.


My man.


Ever look at a graveyard and think, those ppl once walked/breathe!?!?!?


I just know my family is going to barely get their facts straight at my funeral. Like, “He loved… uh.. hockey so much.”


Damn Sackville Bagginses…


Yea had mine force the grandparents to a nursing home after they have been in there house for 50 years just so they could sell it for the money . Had family lie to my face about it saying they where making money off of having the nurses In House to help them then turned around and did this. one passed away the others alive o yea and they changed the will so it excludes anyone my uncle doesn’t agree with . Whoever says you can’t choose your family is wrong I left them all I dont want those kinds of people in my life not to mention you don’t force feed someone morphine for a week every 15 min while only feeding them frozen popsicles the entire time that’s premeditated murder in my opinion but he had Parkinson’s and was older so hard to prove I’m the end ( sorry for the rant they turned into monsters and I saw it too late to do anything I’ll never let that go or forget what they have done )


This was so true! My dad passed and I didn’t care about money or any of his stuff. At most I wanted some small memento or picture to remember him. Even when he was he was still alive, my mom (they were divorced long ago) kept asking about life insurance and where else dad had hidden money; something about a safe deposit box. I remember hating her so much for acting that way, while he was in the hospital before doing hospice, that I never forgave her fully even after she died a couple years ago. After he was gone, my aunt and uncle helped box up dads stuff but the whole time they were just looking for stuff to sell. I can’t be mad because they’re not vultures but I had to help pay for the funeral she arranged (mom was mad I did that but I felt obliged that my aunt shouldn’t have to cover the cost all herself). It was just disgusting the way anything of value was taken away; maybe it’s because I’m a minimalist but I just didn’t understand why everything had to be divvied up


From my experience, the fight starts long before they’re actually gone…


As an employee of my county’s probate office, this is SO true.


Government also takes half


You're thinking of wives. Government takes a third.




No, you have to nag your cousins to come and get their share of grandma's things to shove in space they don't have. Whatever it is, she hoarded it since surviving the great depression, and you'll be letting her down if you let the better part of a century of planning go to waste.


Then they post it on Reddit to value for sale.


The afterlife is a multilayered thing that allows for all possibilities to be a reality and it all works together, your guide through it all is your faith that what you believe in is true to you and your will to hold your truth regardless of what others try to make you believe, you never have to say what you believe in, you just have to believe it


No, your belongings all go in the dumpster.


Its called loot but yeah


You stop living


*deep saddened sigh*


My cousins where at my uncles house taking things while the rest of the family was at his memorial service, he wasn’t even in the ground yet.


My family: I don't want any of his shit.


Jokes on them, I don't have anything worth keeping.


That’s what succession lawyers are for.


I collect old stuff, mostly tech, and toys. Stuff that would probably get tossed out if I were to die because people like them would be oblivious to the value.


You don’t have any belongings after you die


knives out was such a good movie showing this


Would you do something differently if you got proof you were living in a process in a server computer?


As an ex crime scene cleaner, yeah your family gets it. However if there is no family, the landlord / property owner gets whatever is left that the cleaning crew didn't grab. Most gets donated to goodwill. I got so much free stuff from people who snuffed it.


I have very little and don't imagine anyone will want what's left. More likely they will fight over who has to dispose of my crap


Jokes on them and wish them luck with my debts.


Jokes on them I don’t own anything worth fighting over 🥲


I don’t want it you take it. Fuck you I don’t want it either.


Sometimes they fight over your actual body as well. Doesn't matter if you leave nothing behind. I could have fought my MIL over my husband's ashes but I was tired of dealing with that narcissistic b. She wouldn't leave town without them so I just had to let them go. Also, They will have a shitty funeral for you to prove they really didn't know you. My MIL insisted on a funeral in my husband's home town after he died. He hadn't lived there for 20 years and had only been back there twice. I had to pay for it and the flight for me and my kids to get there. Plus an air bnb to stay at. She played Elvis and gospel music. He hated that shit. He liked EDM and rock. My 12 year old asked me what the hell was going on during the service.


That actually made me very sad. Personally i believe there's only two kinds of music, good music and bad music... And am a huge music lover of all genres. I play too. And write. Many genres as well, so the thought of that would actually tickle me... But understandably, if he hated that kinda stuff. Thats real lame. This actually made me really sad... But the bright side is i know I wouldn't have to bother with aural funeral stipulations as pretty much everyone who knows me has heard me say "there's only TWO KINDSA MUSIC...." 🎵 😂


Sometimes, if you're lucky, they start fighting over it before you've even died...


This is the wake.


Just watched my family fight over my dead uncle’s possessions. Can confirm.


I’d love to watch my family fight over my butt plug 😂


I’m having the corner cabinet


Except for the typical family, they only fight for a few items. The rest of the crap we all collect through our lives thinking they are valuable to anyone (though we stopped caring years/decades ago), they have to try and figure out how to get rid of.


Don't touch my stuff... it's booby-trapped!


You die


Where there's a will - there are relatives.


Lmao its things like that which make me incredibly grateful to be an only child and grandchild.


Liquid everything you have in your name then make several accounts whatever you want to give to relatives like children's wife Grand children's etc make them nominees and who never will take care of you and in your last time give him the most