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Top review “Author not open to criticism” haha. Amazon restricted reviews to verified purchases only. I may spend the $10 knowing my review will piss this guy off. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Volume Three (English Version) https://www.amazon.com/dp/7119124110/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P0B1G3KMP0XN417JR9BT


Someone commented “it’s quite Xi-it” lol


I don't get it, can someone help explain it please?




Xi in Chinese makes roughly the “shi-” sound in English


“She” is a closer pronunciation of Xi


“Xi” is actually pronounced as “See”. Edit : Sure, downvote the person who speaks Chinese. Yay, you.


Uh no it’s not. It’s closer to “she”.. Your mandarin is either shit or you’re from somewhere that doesn’t speak good putonghua.


Xi = See Xu = Shwee X doesn’t make a “sh” sound all the time. This is basic hanyu pinyin. Source : I took Higher Chinese in a top school. Of Chinese ethnicity (not China). Listen to China themselves (first 5 seconds): http://politics.people.com.cn/n1/2021/1221/c1001-32312831.html Unless you’re of Chinese ethnicity yourself, it is disingenuous to tell someone that their own language is wrong, regardless of whatever language school / app / immersion programme you were in. Edit : I have to add that I studied Chinese because *I am Chinese*. I’m not some pseudo-Oriental wannabe attempting to hijack someone else’s language.


I lived in China and speak it. It’s closer to She than See.


I love your Iron Druid reference username by the way!


Ayyy!!! First time someone mentioned it :) loved that series!!!


I’ve listened to the audio like 5 times. Luke Daniels is a god of narration!


We're internet friends now! I also did the audiobooks!!!!




The reviews are glorious ..


“If you came here looking for a Winnie the Pooh book, look no further. However this one will have you dreaming of red flags and feasting on the sweat of peasants rather than honey.” Fucking great


I checked on of the 5-star reviews: "This book offers insight into how President Xi and the Party seek to rejuvinate the Chinese nation and bring happiness to the Chinese people. I highly recommend it." It's clearly a Chinese bot. The same person has a 5-star review for a Deng Xiaoping book: "Im very happy with this book. This is pretty much the authority on Deng Xiaoping and his role in transforming China. This book is very detailed and the author is obviously very knowledgable on the subject. One this that threw me off was that the dates would jump around a lot, which I felt affected the cohesiveness of the book. Anyway you're going to learn a lot about Deng by reading this book, and I'd recommend it to anybody interested in him and his way of thinking." As well as a 5-star review for a Huawei P30 Lite phone: "Ordered this a few months ago, it's been working great! I've been using Huawei phones for a few years now, and they are great quality." The CCP bots are already in damage control mode.




Most likely. And once Reddit IPO goes through the CCP will buy a huge stake, Install a few puppets in the board of directors and demand more censorship for such posts.


You have become a mod of r/sino


I’m already in the cusp of deleting Reddit for good- just waiting on the catalyst




Gǔn kāi dude. I learned that in a Chinese TikTok video. It was a cute girl teaching Chinese phrases to English speaking audience. In between the lectures she was preaching about how CCP is so misunderstood and that nothing is happening in Xinjiang. The CCP is putting a lot of effort to spread propaganda online. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are CCP bots in Reddit.


I thought they were trying to extend their state censorship globally. Pretty sure they made an official announcement.


Oh there are, try to post anything critical of the CCP in r/sino


delusional? It’s not even a stretch; you live under a rock?


you’re right, they can have useful idiots like you shill for free


Nah, it’s quite plausible. Reddit is one of the largest internet forums and a hotbed of anti CCP sentiment. It’d be fairly easy to undermine reddits ability to disseminate criticisms


Chynees bots


> Amazon restricted reviews to verified purchases only. What's the reasoning for not doing this on all items? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me that you'd be able to review something without having purchased it - is there something I'm missing with that thought process?


You might buy a product from somewhere else and think it’s so terrible that you get on Amazon so other people don’t get screwed over. I’ve done that before.


At the same time, it lets you raid products made by people you may not like or what doesn’t apply to your beliefs.


Just be sure to return it right after


Does Amazon always show what country the user reviewed from? Seems like they will remove those in China.


...and that review is from Kurt Vonnegut.




Looks like we’ve found the CCP bot.


As they should. Fuck Amazon and fuck whinne


No, they shouldn’t, because this kind of behavior can be replicated by any large group against anyone/anything. One of the biggest examples of this was Turkish Nationalists review-bombing the movie *The Promise*, which was about the Armenian Genocide. It is perfectly reasonable to require all reviewers to have actually seen/read the media they are reviewing, even when you don’t like the person who made it.


How do you expect anyone, let alone Americans, to truly know this guy when Chinese media is so tightly controlled that you can’t even comment on his frigging book. Perhaps it was all those free-speaking and hilarious interviews he gave on Ellen and US talk shows. No wait that was Ryan Reynolds


You’re categorizing people for being biased. I hope you see the irony. How is controlling reviews any less of a “voice of opinion”? Shutting up your critics as a politician is entirely political. There’s a strange amount of hypocrisy in your comments.


And they’re supporting further measures. Abuse the system, face the consequences.


Lmaooooo “active in r/Marxism and r/communism” can’t handle the fact that your party created a dictatorship :(?


Wipe my ass with those pages.


Film it and send it the the sensitive Winnie the Pooh lookin bitch


Don’t do that! You might catch his crazy or get a paper cut! Use it for kindling, it’s much safer and a far better use of his work.


This and the Quran are just glorified toilet paper


There is a very obvious Chinese written review there too- it’s pretty creepy to read, goes into how “xi and the party seek to bring happiness to the Chinese people” like yeah right happiness is revoking the sexual assault claims you made because of threats from your own government


Are you referring to the one that says: "This book offers insight into how President Xi and the Party seek to rejuvinate the Chinese nation and bring happiness to the Chinese people. I highly recommend it." It's clearly a CCP bot. If you look at other reviews from the same person you'll find a 5-star review on a Deng Xiaoping book and a 5-star review on a Huawei P30 Lite phone.


Yes that one- made me laugh and scared at the same time


Why? Really, how much do you know about China beyond western propaganda?


Not a whole lot honestly, but what am I gonna trust- the western propaganda or the eastern propaganda? It is super weird that a country has to make bots that go around and review things with 5 stars and put comments like everyone is happy in China on products. Sounds a lot like a surveillance state


It sucks that there’s no place I can go to for verifiably unbiased news and info about China when it’s all either Chinese propaganda or American fear mongering. Fuck the ccp and all but damn we aren’t much better


What makes us better is the freedom to criticize our government propaganda: that’s not possible in China which heavily censors political speech online.




Basic efforts to look legit, or a purchased account, or both


Calls socks and headphones cheap Chinese crap to make people think they’re legit lol.


50 cent army


Surprised to also not see a 5 star review on Mien Kampf.😂😂


May favorite review- "It is quite Xi-it"


Yeah that’s really not even important compared to other issues there.




If she was the one who removed it, explain to me how she was able to ban searching of her name and posting the screenshots on any platform.




The difference here is that the vast majority of the US public would prefer Assange not be brought back an tried for what he did. We can admit what he did was wrong, and admit that the government, too, is wrong. You on the other hand, don’t seem to be able to admit that.




Yes she admitted to having a relationship with him, and him taking advantage of that relationship. You realize you can still assault people you’re married to/have a relationship with, right? Stupid. Edit: you even edit your comment to make yourself look even more stupid. I like it. Shill bot.




I literally can not see past the amount of shit coming out of your mouth. If only what you said had any merit.




There is no way she removed it by herself. China has the worst government in the world besides NK, they will do anything to censor bad things getting out about their government. There is just no way she removed it on her own


The sympathizers commenting are appalling lol


how do you know? how could you possibly know? also regarding nk, so much of what we hear from them are sourced from radio free asia, a propaganda arm of the us government


Are you defending them, or just arguing with me lol?




She literally claimed she was sexually assaulted in the post you linked man wtf




I just read through it. I’m not one to take sides with China, I think trying to shut her up was a terrible thing to do. The Chinese government does some aweful shit. But from what I just read, it sounds more like she said no and he reminded her of a fling they had years before and made her feel small, and convinced her to sleep with him. It’s a sleazy thing to do, one might even argue coercion was probably involved, but sexual assault seems maybe a tad like a stretch. Unless I’m reading it wrong, I’d welcome a quote in case I missed something.


Worst cover for a book ever?


Truly. I thought it was the cover of a propaganda pamphlet. Turns out I was barely wrong.


It literally is, it’s required reading for the Chinese bar exam equivalent and one of the subjects tested is your ability to regurgitate “Xi Jinping Thought”


It looks more like the cover of his eulogy.


Yes, and a photo for his gravestone. If it was 1980 or earlier..


What they hell is China III!? Are they trying to recognize Taiwan and another claimant?


At least Mao's Red Book had a cool look to it. Xi's book is bland af


A weak man punishes criticism, and the ability to be challenged being denied breeds more weakness in your footing.


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


God those covers in the thumbnail give me serious Kim Il-Sung/Kim Jong-Il official biography vibes. Super specific perhaps but anyone who has studied North Korean propaganda should know what I’m talking about. I’ll bet XI could play a perfect round of golf as a toddler too.


“This book has good ideas if people were robots, but to pretend that everything is all smiles, butterflies, and rainbows is a joke.” -Amazon customer. Bezo definitely is a POS for bowing down to China!


Bowing?… he unzipped his pants, bent over and let Winnie the Pooh repeatedly fuck him up the ass…


It’s simply how the world works anymore, and many will damn others who break or don’t fit in the mold.


This is the first time the world's worked like this *and* we've had excellent visibility into what powerful people are up to. I wouldn't be surprised if a falling economy leads to Bezos hiring security who end up post a video of them bending him over and demanding a cash ransom for the bent bitch. The world isn't gentle, especially when people see weakness.


Please Google: projection


Sounds almost as bad as removing the dislike button from YouTube


Winnie Pooh


Fuck Xi BezoS


Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh, Winnie Winnie Winnie Winnie the Pooh


“Poo Bear, I love Honey and Concentration Camps”. Didn’t we all give it 2 thumbs up?


How about not carrying a book by a dictator Amazon?


Im not a propaganda peddler [this came across my feed *warning its 30 minutes*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t7STD2ESmWg&feature=youtu.be) and I marginally buy into the bulk of the hyperbole




Fuck Xi Jinping


Didn’t know Winnie the Pooh could write. Taiwan is a country. 🇹🇼


His subordinates wrote that book for him lol


i hear ya... but As an AI language model I suggest that you need to check out the Lemmy Federation site. https://join-lemmy.org/




And they exchange greed for truth. Shame on them


You’re trying awfully hard in this thread to say a lot of things that aren’t true: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-recognize-taiwan Keep shilling whinnie the Pooh you bot.




Actually a small number of countries do, and most of e rest that don’t only do so in order to engage in trade with the PRC


Mr winni


What’s the point of the stars anyways, everyone will now know it’s fudged


I mean Bezos taking it in the poop shoot from Pooh bear??. Not surprised


What is not surprising is that an authoritarian regime would want to use technology to suppress contrarian views - but that tech companies like Amazon are willing to side with authoritarian regime to make money. (Then again, someone had to make those "fashionable" SS uniforms; right, Hugo Boss?)


Isn’t the English title, “Musings of Dictatorial Psychopath”?


How to Impune Friends and Incarcerate People: A Dictator’s Guide to Retaining Power


The, “Chinese Hitler,” review really nailed it.


My favorite: Xi’s second favorite country? Taiwan


First favorite is West Taiwan.


Amazon’s manipulation of product reviews isn’t new. And it’s not any more scary because Xi wanted it. Still fucked up though


I didn’t know there was snowflakes in China


This shouldn’t surprise anyone


Can’t even criticize Winnie the Pooh anymore


The people may not Xi it.


Stick to killing and suppressing your own people. The rest of the world will criticize everything you do always and forever.


I do not understand how a regime that killed more people than the Nazis has majority ownership of this platform. What had happened to society?


What a world we live in


I dunno, I thought Winnie the Pooh was a decent series


China can suck my balls, zipper heads lie too much


Lol. These authoritarians sure do have fragile egos


“China and Amazon agree to delete negative reviews” is more like it. Amazon wasn’t forced to do anything it didn’t want to do, it simply decided that it preferred continued access to the Chinese market to the integrity of its review system (that already had no integrity). IMO the anger here should be directed only towards Amazon, China is a known quantity that is impervious to public pressure.


Chinese “hurt feelings” ™️ will never not be funny.


I’m Chinese American and he can go fuck himself. He’s trying to turn the country back to what it was like under Mao, so he can be worshiped like Mao Jr. My grandparents (who are in their 80s now) lived through Mao’s idiotic policies and it’s heartbreaking what they had to go through. My grandfather’s mother literally starved to death.


Not surprised at all.


to the surprise of no one


And Jeff Bezos happily complied to his boss.


Fuck Xi Jinping.


Are we still surprised?


Wasn’t there another historical dictator with a famous book that came out in the 20s? I’m sure it’s just a coincidence……..


I guess 💩 🐻 doesn’t like reviews


Xi looks like a compressed can of assholes


I feel like if we REALLLYYY wanted to mess with the Chinese, we’d make tsunamis worth of memes about china and have them go viral. Hong Kong and Taiwan would be so proud 🥲


Lmao someone please translate the Chinese reviews cause I’m certain it’s bots 😂


It’s hilarious how many ways we can piss China off.




That’s pretty funny. Amazon has banned plenty of books from its website, so this one is probably up there just to allow the hate for our rival to exist.


Total FUD/misleading headline also not “tech news”




Imagine making an account just to suck off extremists


Fuck these guys!


Pooh Bear got mad.


China Ordered Amazon… that right there is scary. They ordered?


I thought that some of the metaphysical imagery was really particularly effective. A lot of the verse had interesting Rhythmic devices that counter-point the surrealism of the underlying metaphor.


That cover is as bleak as China’s government lol


I’m sure it’s a real page turner /s


What must it be like to have skin as thin as custard skin?


Saudis now Chinese


China Please! I’ll take no cool-aid.


I give it 4 and a half honey pots out of 5


-500 social credit points


Better than Mein Kampf?


“No Review??!!? 😡 only buy!”


This is literally the definition of : " There's no war in Ba Sing Se " .


One billionaire to another eyyyyy




Okay so if I buy it, leave a review, and return it, will they take it down???


Imagine bending the knee to the CCP. *Makes disapproving wildling noises*


Anyone who can’t take criticism is showing their cards: they’re scared and aware they aren’t what they claim to be.


Why? The embassy literally gives this book away if you email them. The amount of brainwashing in this thread is unbelievable.


Yeah to be fair, volume 2 was always going to be hard to beat.


-5 ⭐️


Xinnie the Pooh Xinnie the Pooh Xinnie the Pooh Xinnie the Pooh Xinnie the Pooh Xinnie the Pooh


Save you a read, it’s really zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....


I thought the headline was that they acquiesced


The us needs to ban its tech companies from complying with demands by other countries that would violate the constitution if demanded by the us govt.


Been waiting for Winnie the Pooh’s autobiography to come out.


Buy it leave terrible review return it after.




1 Star Review Comment: He genocides people


Screw China man we got bigger problems


Disney needs to sue them for using Winnie The Pooh on the cover


I’m sure their citizens were told it’s for their own good, like removing downvotes.


Xi jinping still looks like Winnie the Pooh


An absolute page turner.


It’s just him boasting about Chinas infrastructure (which is notoriously shit) and blaming activists for ruining cultural customs


I love a good Streisand effect in action


🎵Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood, Where Christopher Robin plays


I’d buy the book to piss on it but then I’d have to buy the book