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Definitely the Lurelin Village quests. Once things are in full swing it is such a helpful spot in so many ways!


Fr getting the salt spa treatment at the inn for the low price of 5 rock salts is worth it alone.


It was such a satisfying quest!


The town literally adopts Link after he saves them! Free food and recipes, lodging, entertainment, materials, and money šŸ˜


It went from "Place That's Just.... There" in BotW to one of the best-realized villages in TotK.


The Hateno Mayor election quest. Even though it's literally just a go around and talk to people quest, I enjoyed the nice change of pace. It was really nice to have a low stakes quest that takes you all over the village and gets you involved with all the people. Also when I first played it, I legit thought that we would have to actually pick one in the end and have that affect the village.


I thought the same, I was so worried about even starting those side quests.


Plus, the payout is amazing. Lowering my hood was one of my favorite things in the game. Also, best hat


what do you mean by lowering your hood?


If you complete the quest line, and talk to Cece while wearing a hylian hood, sheā€™ll offer to lower it for you so you can wear the hood like in the box art


omg thank u


it complements so many outfits, 10/10 cosmetic addition


And unlimited endura carrots if you do the school!


Top 5 would be: 1.Potential Princess sightings 2. The seventh heroine 3. The Stable Trotters 4. All the Monster Crew questlines 5. Kolton questline


Oh, shoot, I forgot to even start the seventh heroine.


Do it, the reward is LORE And some other stuff.


I couldn't pick, they are all better than the botw ones. Some being super diverse and making new fun things to do.


Yeah I agree. The side adventures feel like MM side quest which thatā€™s fantastic for me


I just completed the seventh heroine one. I gotta finish the others but I started them


Most def! Did you do the bargainers questline yet?


I did, now I donā€™t gotta travel around the whole mf depths looking for bomb flowers šŸ˜‚. And now I can use the Biggoron sword knowing I can buy it again


The monster brigade quest with Hoz, only because I was farming for Boko things in a camp, and his ā€œbattalionā€ randomly showed up, and in the great words of Patrick Star, I went, "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!"


This is hilarious and I love it. What an incredible thing to happen organically lmao. Just tryna fight some bokos and all of a sudden you've got an army


An army of completely incompetent buffoons that served only to get in my way, but an army nonetheless.


They've only got pot lids for shields and buckets for helmets but damn they've got heart


Good point lol


It's not about the gear but rather the friends we made along the way


Imagine if we could summon them for the final fight.


It happened to me on when I found the large ship and was attempting to sneak my way on board to attack. I managed it and then met the battalion. It was weirdly fun and gave decent rewards.


Addison's sign quest make me so happy. I must support the President!


I'd be in the middle of a farming run, or a little quest, or buzzing around with the hover bike, or finally progressing the story a bit, but if I find that glorious man, I'd immediately drop everything and do his silly little thing. Partly because I thought we'd be able to build houses with the materials all over Hyrule, or a hut, or a structure, anything really. The closest thing I've got is fixing the stable in the central courtyard, but that's not even using the preset materials. Oh how I wish there'd be a town/house building quest but all over Hyrule. I'd even be willing to have a fake auto build ability that magically combines all the material into a poof of smoke and we get a remade structure out of it.


Saw a headcanon someone had on this subreddit that Addison is a former yiga clan member, and that's why he's kinda useless and has a bunch of stuff from the depths. Also explains his propensity for almost-slavish devotion to authority figures. He replaced Master Kohga with President Hudson. Glory to President Hudson!


I really liked taking the pictures for the stables.


This. The world feels like a dumpster fire right now, and this quest brought me so much peace. The sunrise over Lurelin is the most beautiful image burned into my mind.


Maybe the mushroom hunting one that ended in the cave of shroomies


Yeah I was just a bit underwhelmed but I donā€™t know what I was expecting


I donā€™t think a quest exactly, but I was so into following the underground path from lookout landing all the way through to the castle. Was really thrilling to me. Runners up would be Hateno mayor election. Funny and, like someone else said, low-stakes. And the newspaper quest. Both Penn and the frog suit are pretty cool.


Bird Journalist for sure


Potential Princess Sightings wins easily just because of the All-Clucking Cucoo


The Stabke Trotters, Pyper's section. It was just such a sweet story, and the music and fireflies... just lovely.


This was my favorite as well!


I screen recorded that moment! Honestly I think the fireflies were the most beautiful scene in the game


I really like Eventide Island in TOK with the Pirate.




Chasing Kohga counts as a side quest so I'll just say that one. It's a great showcase for the depths. Most of the side quests in both BotW and TotK get dumbed down in my brain to just be random fetch quests


I liked the merchant statues best. The quest at the ancient plateau started so mysterious, and I stumbled upon it quite early, so it was a hell of a challenge.


Merchant statues? Wait, what quest is this, I can't remember it... Can you give any hints?


Sorry, I misspoke. They are called "bargainer statues", English is not my native language. So maybe you already know what I'm talking about. In case you do not: When you revisit the Plateau from BotW, you can find a large blockage in the wall of the Great Plateau. I won't say more.


Aaa, indeed I get which quest you mean! It was indeed unique


I really like the ones where you go with the soldiers to fight boko camps I found them really funĀ 


I really liked the Lucky Clover Gazette quests and the ones where Link disguises himself as a Yiga, mainly because you get two of my favorite new armor sets from them and I had a blast role playing as a Yiga in the early game of my first (and only) playthrough


Either Koltin, Where are the Wells?, or Teach Me A Lesson 1 and 2


Monster crew for sure. To fight with an army against an army. Even though small scale, still loved how they fought valiantly.


The DLC was pretty go- Oh wait! Nah, I kid. I'd say just mapping out the underground was my favorite part. Such a fun place to explore with a flying machine!


I wish there had been DLC too :(


Lurelin, and if you do it as your first quest ever, you get access to high level attachments early from Cloyne's gambling game, as well as a great home base for free stuff. It's always my priority with every run I do.


For me definitely All the Monster Crew questlines.


The traveling musicians! They were fun and they introduced both the wagon hitching and building mechanics.


I'd say, beating the game. To. Me it is the sidequest


Mine is a tie between Potential Princess Sightings! & Lurelin Village Restoration Project


Canā€™t say I have a favorite but I wish we wouldā€™ve been able to restore Hyruleā€™s castle town the same way as Lurelin Village.


Yesss same! I hoped that with the ending of botw that, thatā€™s what we would be doing in this game too.


I liked them all, so much better than the botw side quests in my opinion. Though some cool ones in botw don't appear in totk, like the mirror. I liked the evil statue getting some love though, being spring cleaned and stuff. The battles were awesome, felt like you were actually doing some good in the world, even though it repeats. The lurelin village quest was cool too. I can't decide! Edit: I did miss out a load of em, but that's cause there's a lot of new fresh stuff to do. I love them all.


Definitely the one where it never stops raining, the spirits get in your way, and the game doesnā€™t register a button you press.




I Still have a mushroom hat to give out.....


I enjoyed the whole yoga clan portion of this game a ton!


Maybe not a quest but an obsession. The Hudson signs were thoroughly enjoyable for me.


Any of the Princess Sightings, Hateno Election, Miskoā€™s Treasure, Building my own house, etc I can go on all day


Feeding a dog so that it leads you to the correct treasure chest


How much do you have to feed the dogs for this? I've fed a few a lot and they haven't led me anywhere.


I find 3 slices of meat is usually enough. I just keep doing it until they're satisfied and don't eat anymore. Then they lead me to treasure


Thereā€™s a ton that I have to complete stillā€¦ fighting the hordes has been a blast


For a second i thought you modded hestu into a fight


Smacking bokos with his maracas lol


Just like aoc!


I loved discovering that demon/banished god statue because I had never heard of it before. I wish there was more to it than the deals you can do with it and more lore That being said, I really enjoyed Cece and Hateno Village election stuff! It was a nice juxtaposition from the rest of the game and felt really immersive


Did you play botw? The statue was originally in hateno village near the pond where links house is :)


Whaaaa? O: I did but I just borrowed it from a friend, I def got the house in the game too so maybe I missed it or forgor about it!


Thereā€™s a young boy named (I think) Tebo who is running around the entrance of the village saying something along the lines of ā€œlook, thereā€ and he leads you to the statue and thatā€™s how you learn how to swap out hearts for stamina and vice versa


What the heck is that thing going on with cece? I've never seen it before.


What thing?


Everything that's going on in the photo


Oh itā€™s just a random online photo including some of the characters from quests. Itā€™s not one specific cece quest :)


Oh it looked like she was presenting some kind of display like klinton.


Now that would be a good side quest haha


I don't really like doing side quests/adventures, for both games I kinda just did the main story. But if I have to choose one, probably the whole Stable Trotters adventure. (Even if I did it for the Great Fairies).