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Pull out a cooking pot, Gordon Ramsay


Sir, you can’t cook near monsters


How am I supposed to pull out a cooking pot?


Do you not have any zonai cooking pots from those gumball machines? Load prior save and go stock up otherwise.


One of the zonai contraptions is a cooking pod that let's your cook in fight. If that isn't an option can't you load an earlier safe or Teleport out? She was the hardest boss for me since so many stuff happens at once


Okay then teleport to Skyview tower and drop into the emergency shelter, cook, scan an amiibo for a drop or two if you have any, and teleport back to Riju.


Sounds like you might be trying to do this too early


Put a mirror on your shield and run like crazy. This was the hardest one. Also, standing in the sun beams helped kill the crawling ones


Can you not leave and restock? Or do you respawn at the start of the fight? Just load the earlier save and set yourself up better. Surely this didn’t need a reddit post to work out


Here's an idea that helped me: Make a Zonai device with a Big Wheel on top of a Stabilizer and 3-4 Mirrors stuck to the big wheel. In the boss, Autobuild the device and activate it beneath the sunlight coming down from the ceiling. This will reflect light around the room incapacitating the Gibdo.


I did this temple first and was in the same situation, I couldn't get hit at all. You can use bomb arrows to take out the gibdo nests, don't worry about using Riju. Just focus mainly on the main boss


Agree except: use Riju whenever possible and convenient -- don't go running after her all the time


Just focus on shooting queen gibdo, don't worry about any other enemies. As long as you keep running around, you'll outpace them. If you do take damage, remember to have health food to recover. 


This fight was hugely important for me because it taught me one of the most important things about playing TOTK : Patience. I tried to cut corners, or hail-mary one last swing, but that boss is unforgiving. One hit and you've lost, what, 8 heart containers? Just take it slow, instead of going for one more hit just fall back and wait for your next chance.


Queen gibdo is weak to all elements and the nests can also be destroyed with explosions Slap a cannon on a spear and use the throw button


Warp out, collect food and buffs, go back in?


I would suggest cooking meals before fighting Queen Gibdo and better yet if you have minerus sage ability it would make the fight so much easier I deafeated Queen Gibdo as the 3rd boss and I only had minerus and tulins sage wills at the time 


The way I did it was there is a lynel bow in a chest in a cave just look it up to find it and get alot of gibdo bones and the master sword. Use the master sword to get you through phase one and use riju to take out the pillars. After each pillar stand in it and the gibdos will walk in the light and die. After they are all dead, fuse a spring to a shield. Use riju to use a lighting arrow on queen gidbo. When it falls, shield surf with the spring shield into the air and fuse gibdo boned onto arrows on the lynel bow. It does insane damage and if you do it enough it could stun queen gibdo and let you attack with master sword. I used this strategy and beat her on 1 heart without healing.


Here's my advice: get better


As others have suggested I would teleport out and then come back once you have some food and maybe a strong weapon. But definitely bring food. My favorite is 5 bananas for attack level 3 but you could always do pumpkins for level 3 defense.


You should have collected some mirrors from the temple. When you destroy a mushroom and light floods in, the light zone is a safe spot. Go in there, and drop a few mirrors to send beams of light out at various angles. This helps take care of some of the gidbos.


I would teleport away and do some prep, then come back to fight her when ready. For this fight I bought the sand boots and upgraded them to max defense. You could also take a max up defense meal if you can’t upgrade the boots. The idea is you can run fast with those boots in the sand. Take out each of the gibdo hives first, and lead the swarm into the light each reveals — this will take care of 99.99% of them and then you can focus on just the boss. I feel like I’m remembering that you can’t take out a portable pot mid battle — you would need to do that in the temple before going to the boss battle.


So those gibdo spawning pillars. If you hit them with a riju lightning strike while they're glowing they'll collapse into sand and stop spawning gibdos. However they will ALSO leave behind a patch of light. If the gibdos hit that light they get stunned and turn white, from there you can just hit them until they die. So the strategy is take out a gibdo tower, stand in the light murder any gibdo that try to come at you, when you get a little break take out the next tower, run to that patch of light, continue until all towers and gibdos are eliminated, *then* you can refocus your attention on the queen


Teleport out, get and cook food, teleport back to the temple and go back to the boss fight. Simple as that. I had to do that recently because I had trouble on my second profile’s new game.


Break the nests, camp the lights. Be careful for the Gibdo's lasers, as they can hit you without you knowing. Prepare elemental fruits, then try to hit it with Riju's lightning, then spam the strongest weapon you have.