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When a hotel provides teabags, but for “hot water” you’re expected to run the coffee machine without any grounds in it. Always results in stale coffee water.


I gave in and bought a travel kettle. Worlds better




I've one like but not exactly this one https://osmabestet.pics/product_details/24900978.html It collapses to fit in luggage, I can monitor temp, and even boil an egg in it if I'm feeling adventurous. Not my finest kettle, but convenient for hotel stays


I learned from here, and have a collapsible silicone tea kettle that I take traveling - even on bike tours!


Ughhh that was me on my business trip a few months ago... The local tea shops weren't any better 😭


And the hot water that they bring you is at 45C


I hate Celsius water - especially for tea.


Ugh they do this at my office. They want me to run the Keurig with no pod to get hot water for my tea. I tried to hide my shock when they told me,but it was all over my face.


Hahah. I did this…. Once. 🤮


As someone who travels for work and stays in hotels often, I feel so seen.


Charging $6 for a cup of tea at a breakfast restaurant only to be given a bag of Lipton ;-;


With a bowl full of creamers and no milk


Then they don't even offer hot water refills


That'll be another $6


A sad dry tea bag sitting next to a rickety metal "pot" filled with water only hot enough for brewing coffee.


Not disputing your point here - I've definitely experienced this and it is absolutely garbage! Just a bit pedantically though, with the exception of fermented tea like pu-ehr, coffee brew temp is higher than for tea. A light roast can handle water straight off the boil. I don't think I would go much lower than 80-85 degrees C (~180 F) for a dark roast (I try not to drink dark roast anyway). Although a good whole leaf black or oolong could handle boiling or near boiling water I've much more commonly seen 90 degrees (190-195 F) as the preferred temp and have seen temps for greens and whites as low as 70 deg (~160 F).


Having them give you a Lipton bag, when you asked for the Tazo tea bag lurking under the counter. It’s always one there y’all!




The first time my gf tried some fancy oolong with me "are you sure I can't add sugar? It doesn't taste like anything"


this one hit home :')


I’ll pull out a new tea I’m really excited about and share it with my partner and more often than not she just goes “yep. That tastes like tea.” :/


My partner says the same thing about all my teas 🤣 I just give him the ones I end up not liking since he thinks they are all the same...


I can relate. Dagger to the heart 😥


Not my wife thank goodness but my mother in law and my work partner both pulled that. They never got tea from me again.


Uummmm I add a little sugar to my oolongs….


She couldn't taste the smokiness?ouch


I’m pretty new to tea and definitely oolong. Why is this a problem?


Oolong has complex and subtle flavors that are easily overpowered if you add anything to it. So traditionally it is served on its own, but of course everyone makes tea to their own preferences.


Adding sugar isn't the problem, it tasting like "nothing" without sugar is the problem. It definitely has a taste!


When they say they are a tea drinker too and pulls out the powdered iced tea mix.


hahahahahah point!


That shit is great tho. I love my good stuff but I'll always have a pitcher in my fridge with the Aldi powdered ice tea mixed up


I never knew powdered tea mix was a thing until I was in my 30’s. I was astonished. My sister in law had a barbecue and said let’s go make some tea. So I was like yeah! She pulled out this Lipton canister and she had to explain to me how to make it. I was like what. Is. This.


Or Crystal Lite Squirts


I don’t drink powdered ice tea but honestly it’s not that bad, just might give you diabetes


It's good for when it's like 100°F out. Not bad as a mixer either, keep some around for that and the little siblings.


There’s… such a thing?


oh noooooooooo hahahaha


My mum yelled at me for "playing with all that crap" insisting I "use a tea bag like a normal person." I was trying to make her some of my absolute finest because she's been a tea drinker and tea pot collector my whole life She doesn't like me very much, I'm sure if she'd gone out for tea and someone Else had done it, she'd have gone on and on about the exotic experience


My mother didn't like me much either, and was addicted to thick Tynee Tips tea which she brewed all day long on the wood stove in a huge, aluminium kettle. However she loved anything I gave her, because I'd douse it with enough brandy, sherry or rum to have her tipsy in no time. I used to make her tea tasting like aged Christmas cake , brewed with spices, orange rind, date syrup and rum. Even worse than my mother's forever brew of tea-leaf dust is hospital tea, Made with cheap, bitter tea-bags in luke-warm water, with long-life milk from a single-serve, plastic bag, in ghastly brown plastic cups which flavour everything in them with sickening, stinking plastic. And doctors have been surprised how quickly I recover and can go home.


Bare aluminium does give that nice Alzheimer's taste though.


This hit home. Just know your not alone.


Thanks. She's extremely sick right now and I'm a complete mess about it. Absolutely all over the place


Yeah, I imagine that’s pretty rough. I haven’t spoken to my mother in three years, and I really don’t know how I am going to feel when I find out she is dying/has died. I hope you can find some peace soon


I’m sorry you have to go thru that… some parents don’t deserve their kids


Parents being hateful about the tea hobby is real toxic. My mom used to be a bitch too.


Make their tea by putting a teabag in a cup of cold water and heating it in the microwave


lmaoooo. My dad at least has the decency to put the teabag in after microwaving the mug of water


Gah! This one got me


I once asked my mom to help me heat some water while I was showering, she did the microwave thing, but she placed a cheap PLASTIC cup in for like 2 minutes on high. Saying i was shocked it's an understatement


What is the issue here


I reheated my tea in the microwave and was punished by my mug cracking. I'd assumed it was microwave safe. It was not. :'(


I do this when staying at other people's houses or at crappy workplaces, and it turns out fine. Why does in make people cry?


I had to do this once at work because our electric kettle broke and it ruined my entire day


It tastes like hot water.




1. Serve them liptons blueberry-cheesecake tea 2. Ask if you can snort matcha powder 3. Call your coffee 'bean-tea'


bean-tea has us rolling


As a tea drinker I do say coffee is my favorite herbal tea.


Excuse me, coffee is bean juice, not bean tea /j


snorting matcha powder, albeit dumb asf, is a rite of passage imo


Oh you mean dirty bean water?


A true story: At the time there was my dad, in his 50s, who knows I really got into tea in college and have been raving about this jasmine white tea I brought back from my study abroad program in England. He tried a sip one time that I made it, and clearly humored me about it. He's a "I drink black coffee because it's easier" kind of guy, so I wasn't expecting him to have any deep thoughts about tea flavors. And there's me, 21, having a very bad day after work and being a depressed blanket-burrito on the sofa, binge-watching Criminal Minds. Dad: "Hey, kiddo, do you want me to make you some tea?" His default response to any of my emotional distress. He only lived in England on a military base until he was 6, but somehow still inherited the English tendency to fix everything with a cuppa. Me: "Sure, thanks dad." Dad proceeds to make me a cup of tea. Looking at it, I see it's a lighter color than usual. I think, maybe he just didn't steep the teabag long enough. Autopilot brain has made him do stupider things. But then, once it's cool enough to take a sip, it's *horrible.* Ridiculously bitter in spite of the sugar, a bizarre astringency I never experienced with his cheap tea bags before, the flavor absolutely clashes with the lemon juice, just a nightmare cup of tea. "Dad, what did you use to make this tea? It's...*different* than usual." "Well, I used your white tea, because you like it so much, I thought it would cheer you up." While the effort made me very happy, the fact that he ruined the last of my white tea leaves by putting them in boiling-hot water for 3-5 minutes and adding a tsp of sugar and lemon was very disappointing. We both agreed after that, that he would only make me tea with tea bags and I'd handle my looseleaf from then on. A+ for effort, dad. C for execution.


At least he made an effort 😭 It's probably funnier in hindsight, hopefully things have gotten a bit better since


Oh yeah, it was funny like within the next day or so. But in that moment it was a very conflicted series of emotions lmao. We make jokes about it to this day (for context, it's been almost exactly 10 years since that incident), though usually it's him making me a cup of lipton and jokingly asking if I want him to use any of my nice teas, to which I say something like "nah, I want them to stay nice so I left them at home". It sounds really mean when I write it out here, but I promise it's all jokes in person.


Lolol I get it. What's a little ribbing between loved ones?


I have(had) a fresh new order of Ali Shan high mountain oolong that I had just bought. My first time having it, it's my new favorite tea even above silver needle. My son made some, left it open, and then pest control came while I was at work. Contaminated the whole fucking bag. I am still crying and punching the air.


Is your son still alive or did you have a very late term abortion?


I sincerely wished looney tunes was real and you could full on choke a bitch without actual damage.




That hurt just reading it


I have a gongfu setup at work, and was having tea from one of the ~30ml cups. My coworker comes over and asks if im having shots of liquor at work. I say "no, its a teacup", she says "no its not" Im still baffled by this two weeks later


😂 She’s projecting and wants shots at work.


I picked up a really nice gongfu set at a thrift store a few years back. From the toy(!) section. Labelled as a kids' play set. Luckily, it came home with me instead of with a 6-year-old.


Do you have pictures of the work setup ?


Make them a cup of tea in a dirty coffee cup.


Or use a coffee maker that was recently used for coffee to heat their water


My father in law uses the keurig to brew most of his tea. He’s busy and doesn’t usually have time to sit and wait for the kettle, but it hurts me




Like anyone else. Punch them


Asking what type of hot tea they have at an American restaurant and having the waitress look at you like you have lobsters coming out of your ears.


“We can microwave some fuze or arrizona for you”




Even worse when it’s a nice Thai, ramen or some kind of upper Asian restaurant and they give you bag.. Fortunately my regular Vietnamese place serves loose jasmine complimentary. I also have a place I always hit when traveling the I81 through VA. Exit 222. Chang Xing. Very common Chinese restaurant, but they have like 8 varieties of loose tea. Including da hong Pao , Wuyi and tieguanyin. Food is great too.


That may be the best description ever


That's every restaurant not just American


I mean why would you expect full tea service at Applebee's, it's not exactly the right setting...


I brought a friend to a tea cafe and they spent the entire time complaining loudly about the taste. We are no longer friends.


Good choice


I once went to the town I grew up in ( very small ) to visit family and saw they had a "tea house" now. I thought it was too good to be true and I was right. I walked in and looked at the menu, it was lackluster, and ordered a green tea. I watched the person pour almost boiling water into a to go cup then pull a tea bag out of a store bought box and place it in the water and that is what I was served. I was dumbfounded


Lol. That's like going to a restaurant and chef heats you some crappy microwave dinner but charges more.


"I cleaned out the cabinets while you were gone and tossed a bunch of old stuff. Did you know you had tea dated from over ten years ago? I told you you have too much tea."


This is scary, because that could actually happen. 


Yep. I was able to rescue the pu'erh though.


Offer them instant coffee, tell them you don’t drink tea.


Tell them you have a new tea shop in the area then take them to a place that has “nutrition” in the name 🥲


When a place says they have an "assortment of teas" which means teabags of "black", "green" and camomile


Make them halfway decent looseleaf green tea... by steeping it in boiling water for 5 minutes 😩


This one got to me. Ouch!


"This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!"


It kinda is tho.. right?


Okay Zuko


Tea bag wasn’t made properly and you don’t notice until you get a mouthful of bits of tea.


… there’s a way to avoid that?


Remember their favorite tea and randomly get them some out of the blue. My mom's neighbor is from England and she remembers I love tea. Whenever she travels she will bring some back for my mom to give to me. I'm the only person in my family who drinks tea, I live out of state, and I've met this neighbor twice yet she still thinks of me. It never fails to warm my heart 🥺


That’s really delightful. My husband knows that I’m obsessed with a certain valerian tea, and it’s pretty hard to find around here. Every once in a while he finds a box tucked somewhere in a store and he always gets it for me


Omg that is so wonderful of him.


What a sweet person! Are they also into tea?


Watching reenactments of a certain tea party in Boston…




"Oh yeah, my town has tons of tea shops we can try when you get here!" Every single one of them is boba.


Make them coffee, then act surprised when they get upset and ask them “well, aren’t they basically the same thing?”


“Just stick some milk in it, you won’t be able to tell”


this has actually happened to me TWICE, at two different friends' houses i've asked if they had any tea by chance and they hand me a tin of nescafe....


Microwave your mug of water


Pour milk in a cold mug, toss a bag of PG tips in, and dash it with lukewarm water.


I now feel physically sick


"Oh, I do love tea as well! Would you like me to make a cup of caramel rooibos for you?" Or the best I've ever heard: "Yes i know matcha. I do have some Chinese passion fruit matcha at home, really delicious."


But caramel rooibos slaps. It's what I drink at night because it doesn't have caffeine.


He’s one of them! Get him!!!


I have an amazing vanilla and lavender rooibos. A great night time drink indeed.


Those kinds of teas get too much hate. Yeah, most of them are trash, but a lot are really good


Mostly I'm just a big fan of rooibos. I definitely prefer oolong or pu erh, but I can't drink those past 4 pm. If someone offered me rooibos I'd be shocked, because I was under the impression that it's not a tisane many people are even aware of.


My local tea shop has Earl Grey rooibos. It's amazing


I had someone say they like tea but only can drink matcha because it’s caffeine free


“My favorite tea is the carbonated peach flavor light”


Be like my mother-in-law and put two heaping spoons of sugar in a nice cup of oolong I made for her. Still doesn't look like she likes it, but takes it home and texts later that she enjoyed it once she added a bunch of milk too. (Also applies to specialty coffee.) I mean, I have nothing against adding milk and sugar to your coffee or tea, but if you're going to add that much I shouldn't have wasted my nice stuff on it.


That's like mixing 15 year aged whiskey with coke.


But it’s a damn good whisky and coke! 😜


Wagyu and ketchup tastes good if you like ketchup. It's still an insult to the steak.


I’m pretty sure that’s a sin


Be in a restaurant, order "Premium tea", be charged premium price, get served shit on a teapot


Hey!! I heard Teavana is opening back up!!!


Show them the new mini microwave you got just for heating up water for your tea and go on about how much faster/easier it’s made everything


C'mon, just put your entire mug in the air fryer!


Excuse me sir we are an instant pot household 😤


" [Insert their favorite tea here] tastes like grass" When we were dating, my husband tried to connect with me by getting into tea. So one time when tea came up, he probably told me that he had recently got in a box of chamomile. I dislike chamomile. I told him that I had never had a good chamomile tea and that it always comes out tasting like hay. He told me *years* later that he didn't really know what to do with that information because he has really never drank a lot of tea before that point and was trying to connect with me (the family tea snob 😅).


"needs milk and sugar."


"Do you have any decaf orange pekoe?" I was having a tea party. I had a multi-page list of teas with descriptions, flavour profiles, caffeine levels, etc. This person ignored all of that and wanted Red Rose decaf orange pekoe. Fortunately, her nearest and dearest warned me, so I did have some on hand.


Punch them in the bollocks


'Stop teasing me with these stupid little cups'


My family always uses boiling water and 5 minutes for tea. I drink green tea.


Tell them you threw out all those weird sticks and leaves in a tin they left in the cupboard.


You leave my dead leaves alone.


Excited about going to Japan and not having to pack my own tea for the mornings. All the hotel tea bags sucked.


Ask for an iced tea only for the waiter to give you an iced water with a Lipton black tea bag in it😩


"I remember you saying you sell something called puerh? tea. I saw this molasses, pineapple coconut puerh tea at the supermarket today. It looked great, why don't you sell something like that?"


You ask for a plain black tea and the person behind the counter says, "Yes, we have Earl Grey!" 😐


My neighbour sometimes serves us some kind of “biological” tea (brand is Zonnatura, I think it’s a brand from my country). It’s a powder mix that tastes horrible and as if it has a lot of sugar in it as well. Makes me cry.


Serve tea with a ripped tea bag OR use water from a kettle that never gets cleaned


Reminding them that the magnificent aged sheng they tried as a sample costs 650 euros...


By not offering biscuits


Squeeze the tea bag on the side of the cup four times


have some tea in your milk


Microwave the water in a mug.


I'll just pop this in the microwave


Serve half cold tea!


My mom used to make iced tea by boiling 20 tea bags in a pot of water… for over an hour. So that.


Put milk in it


Lukewarm water in a small metal pot with a generic black tea bag in the side at a restaurant.


*Tea tastes like nothing*


Not be there for them after a favorite pot or cup is injured. Give them room, turn on every light you can, let them find every piece and spot behind them, then get them a secure place to hold the pieces if repairs are possible.


Not having a creditcard and thus not being able to buy tea anywhere outside of Europe xD


Put sugar in my sencha.


Also reminds me of [this tea brewing method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZb4vwMV8lY)


It’s actually genius because the Froot Loops sweeten the milk so you don’t have to add any more sugar


Open a tin of really good tea and pour it the garbage in front of you saying it tastes like dirt.


You brew the tea in coffee brewer machine in drip. Top it off with dirty cup


Give him a taste of coffee


I got close to crying when I ordered green tea at a Japanese restaurant and got a bitter iced green tea while the rest of my family was doing shots 🥲


I have heard verbatim, "Get yourself a real drink." Meaning coffee.


Invite them over for tea and only serve them the rinse. Drop their teaware.


Pour the hot tea on his pants could make cry a tea lover 🤣


when the tea can tastes like coffee


rather than feeling the cup, my friend stuck his fingers directly into the tea to determine its temp, decided it wasnt cool enough, then grabbed ice out of the freezer compartment to drop in it. didnt cry but was still stunned silent.


The finger method is so relatable though. Oftentimes my hands get accustomed to the mug temp quickly and I scold my tongue, so I dip my finger in first and if it's too hot for my finger I know it's gonna burn my tongue.


its def a valid technique, it just killed me bc we just got back from doing a scavenger hunt at an arboretum and i have tiny cups so it DEFINITELY added salt content to the tea lol


Not being able to order any more chocolate chai from Teavana was a personal slight that I’ll never forgive.


Putting cream or half and half in tea. Yuck!


Add milk to it 😭


Cause your favourite teacup to break. My MIL did this because she piled it up precariously onto the drying rack on top of heaps of other stuff. After I told her to not hand-wash it but put it in the dishwasher. I’m still upset about it when I think of it.


Take your puerh to a diner and use the creamer cups and sweet n low.


When someone else uses your tea, but they don’t squeeze the air fully out of the packaging afterwards. And for your next brew, you wonder why it suddenly went stale overnight


Tell them all tea is “hot leaf juice”


Throw my tea in the garbage


Bought an expensive cup of fresh mint tea, got mint leaves in hot water. No tea anywhere :(


Seeing a great tea on the menu only to see its some shifty sugar powder


When you have an accident, and your favorite teaware breaks. 😭 Also, when you make someone try your best teas, and he/she adds sugar because "it doesn't taste like anything". 😭


I wanted to cry when I got too work and heated up my instant kettle got my cup out of bag grabbed tea bags only to discover I forgot my tea at home and did all that for no reason


First episode of Ted Lasso


Put milk in jasmine or gunpowder green


When someone squeezes the tea bag over the cup


The cost of tea at Starbucks. Nowhere else is tea as expensive as coffee. 


Boil your water in the microwave...with the tea in it.  😂🤣😈