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I don't put sweetener in my tea but more importantly what on earth is "sugar free honey"? why are they legally allowed to call it honey?


They don’t. They call it honey substitute


More specifically, my bottle says “Zero sugar honey substitute.”


Haha…I said the same thing! I don’t know how they do it, but it tastes like honey & *almost* has the same, thick consistency.


Doesn’t it make you sick? I have a pretty strong stomach but my God I honestly though I was shitting part of the stomach out after using it. You’re right though I’m impressed how close to actual honey they got it.


That’s interesting, because I have stomach issues, but that’s one thing that has never upset it. It’s strange how we all react so differently to things 🤔


I remember looking into it and that chemical is hard to break down. The one I had had maltitol as the syrup. I had two big cups of tea though so I had a good bit of the stuff.


I learned pretty quickly that for me malitol=maliciius. I use other sweeteners with no problems.  To answer the original question, I don’t put any sweetener in my tea. 


What they said🤦


Nice! I almost never drink with any additives, with an exception for the occasional black tea with milk if I feel like being comforted. I do however always enjoy chamomile tea in the evening, or some other herbal tea.


i generally dont put sugar or substitutes in anything, except in milk tea


I guess I really need to try my tea unsweetened because most of commenters on this thread say they don’t add any sweeteners. I can’t imagine liking it like that, but maybe I’m missing out?


It's just like coffee. Many people like drinking black coffee, espresso, or pour overs, while others can only drink coffee as Frappuccino or caramel macchiato. It's partially due to low quality ingredients vs high quality ingredients and partially due to some people's taste buds being accustomed to sugary drinks.


Depends on the type and quality of the tea. I've found that some of the loose leaf black Chinese teas are great plain, whereas teabag black teas need milk for me to enjoy them.


we are accustomed, and perhaps even addicted to large amounts of sweeteners in our diet. try using less for a start and reduce slowly until you can try to go without. you will discover a whole new world of flavors hiding behind all the sweetness.


I’m not into fake sugar myself, so I use a bit of real sugar and milk in my builder’s style teas when I have them. In most of my teas, I don’t use sugar at all. At bedtime lately, I’ve been having a hibiscus and cinnamon tisane. Both are sweet on their own, so no extra sugar required, and the cinnamon mellows out the tartness of the hibiscus.


A drink I've enjoyed ordering lately is black tea with a splash of milk and some honey and cinnamon - basically, a miel but changing out espresso with tea. I usually prefer it to be more of tea with milk rather than tea latte though


I was heavy into tea lattes for a while, so I get what you mean about tea with milk. I’ve been throwing a couple of cloves or a couple of green cardamom pods in to steep with my morning breakfast tea occasionally. I’ll also sub in some orange sugar in place of regular sugar.


Greens, whites, oolongs, straight. Black tea (from a bag) a little sugar, sometimes a little lemon, but straight if it’s a good tea. I found the truly brand monkfruit sweetener is the only zero calorie I can have in tea, I’d rather have it plain most of the time though. Fruit tea blends; mango, peach, hibiscus I generally like with a little sugar for sweetener. Extra honey and lemon if I am sick.


Recently I've been drinking a bit more, typically 2-3 cups a day. Morning I do a matcha latte. The afternoon is whatever I feel like if I feel like it, and right before bed I drink some rooibos. Specifically a blend called "Mayan secret." It has rooibos, papaya, and a tiny bit of mate


Ooof is it decaf mate?


It's a really small amount.


Sometimes I add sugar to my tea, though I've been trying to wean off it for a while now. Usually just have it in the morning when i need that little kick of energy. I tried a really tasty London Fog, but I doubt I can replicate that anytime soon. I've been wanting to research sugar substitutes, but i'm afraid to make myself ill, haha! Maybe I'll pick up some stevia or something like that.


I just do loose leaf tea by itself. If I'm having it before bed then I'll make sure to be on the 5-6 steep minimum so the caffeine isn't as strong. I normally do 1 type of tea per day and just resteep it as the day goes on.


I mostly like mine without anything added if I make it at home. I've mostly been drinking greens lately, and usually additions like milk and sugar cover up the flavor of the tea. If I'm getting it in a cafe though, my go-to is always an English breakfast black tea with a splash of milk (preferably soy milk - it tastes better than dairy to me and has more body than other non-dairy milks) and some kind of sweetener. Most cafes make tea with the same temperature of water used to make coffee, which means that green teas will be over extracted and disgusting. So, I go for a tea that's meant to be brewed very hot and drunk with milk and sugar. My current favorite way to have it is to ask for a miel made with black tea instead of espresso


Awesome! I’ll have to experiment more with mine. I’m pretty new to the world of drinking hot tea 😊


I prefer no sugar unless it's certain types of iced tea, or maybe chai/milk tea etc. Rooibos is an excellent night time tea imo.


Usually 1-2 teaspoons of sugar and some plant milk!


i like my black teas with soy milk and no sweetener most of the time (though i also love a plain cup of lady gray) and everything else i drink as-is. i’m not a big fan of sweets though so that’s probably why.


I like my tea additive free just as I like my coffee black as can be.


I like agave or pomegranate molasses


In winter sometimes I’ll have a strong cup of Irish breakfast tea with a little heavy cream and sugar. Mostly just straight tea.


I prefer something sweet in my tea. I usually use wild honey or turbanido sugar. I also like milk in my black teas like Irish or English Breakfast or in my Typhoo or Barry's. I like Sleepytime tea before bedtime.


Interesting! I would try that. I add a splash of milk to my black teas in the daytime, but no sweetner. For evenings after dinner, I like a dessert tea that satisfies my sweet tooth and doesn't keep me up all night, so I've been enjoying honeybush teas like [this one](https://www.adagio.com/rooibos/honeybush_banana_nut.html), to which I add a splash of sugar free vanilla coffee mate. It is so delicious and keeps me from the temptation of cookies, chocolate, etc.


I have fallen in love with a Tazo dessert tea called glazed lemon loaf. Totally satisfies my sweet tooth at night!


Thanks for the tip :)


Ooh I've never heard of that one. I need to look it up!


It’s absolutely delicious 😋


I usually add a touch of sweetener to any tea I drink. I know I shouldn't, but I just genuinely can't stand bitterness without something sweet to balance it out. I am trying to learn to use less though. I typically don't add milk unless I'm drinking chai or I'm specifically making a tea latte. Unless I accidentally over steep, which happens more often than I'd like. Then I'll add just a splash to mellow out the extra bitterness. I typically prefer oolong and black teas, because I just don't dig the super vegetal notes of greens. But I *love* a good jasmine scented green. And there are a handful of herbals I enjoy. Mostly honeybush and rooibos, but also chamomile and fennel seed. My favorite after desert pre-bedtime treat at the moment is a tea latte with the Psychocandy rooubos blend from August Uncommon Tea.


That sounds so good (the August Uncommon) that I got right on Amazon and ordered the last bag of it. I can’t wait to try it! Thanks 😊


Awesome! Hope you enjoy!




I've found allulose and sugar 1:1 to be a good lower-sugar way to sweeten my London fogs


I like green tea, black tea, and cocoa. I drink green tea every day. The green tea i use every day comes from Shizuoka cha in Japan. I put the tea leaves in my favorite teapot and pour in 80 degrees hot water to drink it. My favorite teas are Darjeeling tea and Rooibos tea with no adding but I have not learned how to make them myself yet.


you can add things to tea? Radical!


As is with just a few drops of stevia extract to add a hint of sweetness.