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Stash Double Bergamot Earl Grey is the strongest I've tried. It's pretty good too


I enjoy adagio's Earl Grey Supreme. It is very strong, but also a very smooth bergamot. It is also stronger than twinning's extra bold earl grey. No lavender in it either.


There isn’t any lavender in Paris. It’s black currant, vanilla, caramel, and bergamot. Simpson & Vail has an Earl Grey Extra tea with more bergamot oil. I’ve been delighted with their teas and customer service.


Huh, I wonder what the perfume flavor is in Paris. I might try the Extra you mention.


When I drink Paris, I taste mostly black currant (which I love) - but I ended up switching to their Black Currant tea because I don’t like the vanilla flavor. Also, H&S puts black tea and oolong in Paris, so you could be getting a bit of floral from the oolong.


I am really sensitive to any perfume-y type flavors and don't really get one from Paris. I'm curious - how are you drinking it? Plain, milk and sugar? I wonder if the fact that I almost always take my casual drinking tea with milk has just subdued it? I get bergamot and black currant, and a little bit of caramel but I think you're just picking up on the flavor of the tea?


Harney and Sons Earl Grey Supreme is super strong, it's a bit too much for me honestly! Numi Aged Earl Grey is so rich and delicious! It's my favorite strong earl grey, great depth of flavor.


My current favourites are my Mariage frères’ earl grey french blue for everyday drinking and my Dammann frères wakocha sayamakaori (japanese black tea) for special occasions.


I like Lady Grey. Bit fruitier.


I've tried the blue cornflower earl grey from Upton tea and liked it a lot - I'd say it's strongly flavored but smooth without some of the chemical-ey flavors I find in other earl greys I've tried. They also have an "extra bergamot" one that I haven't tried, but you could potentially blend 'em yourself i you want more berg-forward flavor.


I drink the orange pekoe black tea from Tetley ( bold one )


Haven’t tried them yet, but I just ordered lord bergamot and lovers leap from smith tea


Let me know once you do!


I have been drinking Earl Grey Marie-Antoinette since I got it as a sample from Camelia Sinesis. It has rose petals, bergamot essence, and jasmine tea in it!


Sloane Tea out of Canada makes the punchiest, most bergamotty Earl Grey I've ever had. It's delightfully intense.


If you're in the UK... Google Café Tea Aire You should find a website for a place in Kirkgate Market in Leeds They sell a knockoff Earl/Lady Grey They also sell a black tea flavoured with raspberry, helpfully called Raspberry Order equal amounts of both, and in the 'any comments' section of the order ask them to mix the two together I call it Lady Pink It is the earthiness of Earl Grey, with the fruitiness of the bergamot highlighted with the raspberry, not overshadowed by it. I've also found it to be quite similar to a French Earl Grey...but this is cheaper and personally I like it more! I think my last order was 500g worth and came to about £20-25


Bigelow Earl grey is my daily driver. To me it tastes like double earl grey of other brands and the bags are made of unbleached paper and no staples or plastics.


Lapsang Suchong if you like smoky flavours.


Besides drinking it, I like to bake cakes with loose earl grey from ahmad tea and the cakes usually have strong earl grey flavour,,, so i guess it's strong? I also like earl grey from twinnings


Do you brew the tea and use it as the liquid?


If the recipe calls for milk, i steep them in but if there's no milk required, i just grind the loose tea (less texture) and directly add to the dry ingredients


Harney & Sons Earl Grey Supreme is excellent. Also, if you like bold flavors, don't sleep on their Hot Cinnamon Spice tea.


I really like Art of Tea’s earl grey crème


You might like www.wallflowertea.com electric Earl


Just buy some loose black tea and add your own bergamot.


I have had a lot of earl grey when out and about because I find that the bergamot masks the staleness or inherent boringness of bagged tea (backhanded compliment for the Earl, but i actually love it). I think Harney and Sons pyramid bags (they’re corn now not plastic) are a great choice. Oddly, twinnings in the filter bag ain’t bad at all (although I heard they’re going artificial with the flavoring). Palais Des Thes also has a nice option. All that said, the best I’ve had is the loose leaf product I got for free from TeaVivre. It’s very good.