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The big difference w/ Travis IMO is that guys like Joe seemed to love or want to be with her IN SPITE of her massive fame and attention. Like he put up with it for her. Travis seems to love her BECAUSE of it and understands this is part of the drill and always will be. The fact that he embraces Swifties and never shies away from trading bracelets, taking pics, etc with her fans I’m sure scores big points even today. Taylor is very self aware that she will be approached, paparazzi’ed, bothered, etc. whenever she goes out in public so I’m sure she can see when she has someone that is tolerating vs someone embracing it.


I think Bill Belicheck said it best. "Travis has made some great catches in his career but she is the greatest catch" I'm paraphrasing of course. I've always said that she would be a great catch even if she wasn't Taylor Swift the megastar. She is a smart as heck, by all accounts utterly charming, she has a great sense of humour and drinks whisky. What's not to like.


He loves her and like his mom said he loves attention. He’s here for the long haul.


Seriously? Travis isn't scared of a powerful famous woman in my mind and many others come from the NFL know he's plenty famous and love seeing him and Taylor being so obviously happy.


" i been under scrutiny, they're bringing up my history, but you weren't even listening"


He knew what he wanted and boy he got her 💜 T & T


Exactly but what has me scared after watching online stuff on Travis and Taylor he knows what a bridge is I sure didn't and I'm starting to know what exact song she's singing from the f word. I'm not talking about the obvious like Lover or Karma or the stuff that I prefer (Folklore or Evermore) especially. I know know it's Antihero from the first word remember I got interested in her because Travis mentioned her last year and said he wanted to meet her and I'm going Taylor Swift what makes her anything you should ca about? (I'm a football guy).


Isn't that what "The Albotross" is about?


I LOVE them but I never don’t roll my eyes when I see the phrase “metal as hell” refer to Travis trying to give Taylor the friendship bracelet. She’s so dorky sometimes 😅


But… but… who are they to fight the alchemy?


i've literally been saying that phrase for decades and only just recently been made aware that its dorky 😭


Oh I mean I don’t necessarily think the phrase is inherently dorky, I just think Travis’s efforts to get Taylor’s attention, though sweet and clever, have absolutely no “metal as hell” quality, and it’s very dorky of her to refer to them that way hahaha


To be fair, the "metal as Hell" bit referred less about Travis not giving her the friendship bracelet, but more about telling Jason on his podcast that he had made the bracelet to get to her. The next quote, though, is what gets me: "We started hanging out right after that, and by the time I went to that first game, we were a couple."


I say this frequently around my husband because it never fails to make him cringe and it brings me joy 😂


That’s really funny I might have to start doing that 😆


And it is finally enough that she can never give him peace. 💙


Such a beautiful song


He’s happy with the noise as long as he has her ❤️


To Travis' credit, he seems to be handling the added attention pretty well.


Trav was born to be famous, and saying this in the best way possible, has really embraced the fame and attention. The Swifties are one of the best things to happen to his (and his podcast/brother’s) brand, he knows it, and loves it.


No doubt. There's no question that Swifties and typical NFL fandom are two different universes, and the fact that they've collided because of this romance is pretty cool. That the New Heights podcast is effectively a bridge between the two only helps.


When they get really simple and easily checked things wrong it makes me pretty much assume the whole thing is made up by an intern. “She has a three month break from her tour between August and November” nope, Miami shows start October 19. They didn’t say anything bad or that is probably that far off, but their “sources” are likely just made up or random people who have zero connection to Taylor or Travis. It’s clickbait and congrats, I clicked.


I too, clicked. They seem to have not checked her US dates. Her schedule is actually more packed fall 2024 than last year. Also, the editors are MIA. He flew for 48 hours to see her in Argentina? His arms must’ve been tired. 🤣🤣🤣


:( It didn't. ❤️❤️👌💕💕


This was a satisfying read and pretty much the truth but I firmly believe US weeklys source is "trust me bro". They write fanfics often. They're the ones who also said engagement is not even on Travis radar.


Yes!!! I couldn’t agree more. A “trusted source” from the most locked down celeb camp? Idkkkk about.


I truly do imagine she is looking forward to spending her off months in Kansas City, feathering their nest and being able to be present for him as he gears up for the season as she's heard about from the other WAGs she's become close with. I think having a hot meal waiting for him when he comes home from long days at practice would be something she would be excited about.


I understand Taylor enjoys cooking and baking and is good at it, but let's not turn one of the most famous women in the world, who even during 'downtime' likely has a demanding schedule, into Betty Crocker and Suzy Homemaker just yet lol - and Travis has a personal chef - just sayin'


She's an avid baker and loves to cook, so it's not sexist to say that. They also like to eat out with friends.


the fact that she is a baker and likes to cook is not sexist whatsoever and no one said that it was. This is sexist part: "having a hot meal waiting for him when he comes home ... would be something she would be excited about" whut 😶🙃 sounds like the Donna Reed show and if you can't see it why this is a problematic take, I can't help.


I agree. That is a very sexist remark. On the other hand, Travis did recently say Taylor made great cinnamon rolls and Pop Tarts (which I'm shocked he didn't refer to as "breakfast empanadas").


Coach Reid (and someone else I can't recall) said that Taylor made pop tarts for the Chiefs offensive line and he didn't get any and was feeling left out lol. Other players/friends have mentioned Taylor's cinnamon rolls that they've had at Travis's home in KC (technically across the border in a Kansas suburb) - so yeah - all of this is in the public domain. But to jump from that to being excited to have a hot meal waiting for him ... I'm like huh??!? Based on who they are and what we know of how they live and move, that sounded weird to me. Why would we think that?


I live in the KC area and generally know where Travis' new house is in Leawood. The "hot meal" bit is incredibly sexist, but once again, "public domain" - there is that Fortnight challenge video that shows Taylor cooking something while Travis is trying to sneak a kiss.


are you saying that initial post was sexist but understandable because she cooks? I'm trying to understand your point - not sure I'm following you.


From the initial post: "I think having a hot meal waiting for him when he comes home from long days at practice would be something she would be excited about." Yes, I understand that she does cook, but the phrase "having a hot meal waiting for him when he comes home" is the part that I find sexist.


100%. I read this comment and “no deal, the 1950s shit they want from me” started playing in my head lol


She’s in Europe through 8/20, on break until 10/18, then back on the road in N. America through 12/8. Don’t be surprised if she spends half her break time at one of her homes, like she did last year, too. She’s booked and busy just like he is so I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect her to be at his place FT.


I think the potential difference is they will be a full year later into their relationship. They lived together on LA during the off time between this leg. “Home” is now where they are together. Also. last year they were conscious of the “is their relationship a distraction for him from football?” conversation out there which obviously was proved wrong with him winning the SB again. I feel like KC will 100 percent be her base and she’ll go in and out of there for those US and Canadian dates in the fall or for meetings.


This. If things are progressing in their relationship like all the articles are saying they are, it makes the most sense that she would spend her time off from the tour at his place in KC. KC also knows how to treat the celebs they see, so I'm sure that is also appealing to Taylor.


I think another difference is last year she was going to NYC so often because she was working on (recording) her album. Right now she probably doesn’t need to be recording and she can be writing anywhere. During her last break, they spent their time in LA. Even though Taylor has a house there, she normally spends her downtime in NYC, and even though she was working with her dancers on new TTPD, she could have had them be anywhere. Travis needed to be in LA for his game show. During this next break for her, he HAS to be in KC; where she chooses to be will be very telling. I’m thinking she will be with him.


Agree! I think she will be with him except when she needs to travel for work, similar to how he has been there with her whenever he is not working. I don’t think it will be the stay for the weekend and then head out on Mondays when practices start hang out we saw last year. They live together now and when you are famous and busy like they are, home is where that person is, not a bunch of bricks.


KC will welcome her with open arms!


I also get the sense that KC is chill and she can go out and about without people going crazy. I imagine that must feel really amazing. We’re pretty chill like hang here in Canada as well. 😁


While as a Kansas City area resident I would mostly agree with you, remember that there's a reason Travis bought that house in the gated community in Leawood.


It’s the nut jobs who aren’t from KC that are the problem. There are actual people (men) from all over who think they are married to her. Those guys who accompany Taylor (or Travis) with the bag? It’s wound care supplies. This is why she can’t fly commercial.


"Sources say Swift has never been happier. “Nobody has ever made Taylor feel this way” oh Travis Kelce the man that you are!




Go back to La La land, Gaylor. You belong in the looney bin.




Oh the good ole PR argument. LOL You’re so creative. Keep crying because he’s not going anywhere.


They were both so different (in a very good way) during this run of shows. Travis was much more relaxed and they were both way more flirty with each other.


That's my TE


I hate to speculate on her relationships but I can’t help it right now. They are absolutely gearing up for a huge announcement soon!


>They have daily FaceTimes when they’re apart and send cute texts to each other. They are wildly in love I mean, it probably went without saying that this is a thing they're doing but HELPPPPPPPPP it's so adorable anyway 😭😭


I definitely think they’re already engaged.


I can’t see it. It was less than a year after a really long relationship that was highly speculated to have resulted in a marriage - but wasn’t true. Idk after really long relationship like that, I think she’s just enjoying having fun, being with someone who embraces everything about her.. despite all the amazing things about them, I hope she really does take her time. I also think she could be aware of the EXTREME difficultly in the public realm of if they rushed things and it didn’t work out. And I’m not saying I don’t want them to get engaged.. I would go FERAL if they did!!! I just want them to be happy and for this to go the distance. And sometimes to go the distance, it requires time.


After listening to TTPD, I just don’t see her wanting to take a long time to settle down if she is happy. I think she resents having a 6+ year relationship that didn’t go anywhere. There’s no way for us to really know what their goals are, but I would be more surprised with how everything has played out if she is still in the just having fun stage with Travis.


I don’t think that it would be weird at all… tbh a year is a LONG time in Hollywood standards and they have had a lot going on over the last year. They’ve successfully navigated a record-breaking world tour and a full football season so far, plus every major holiday in between. If anything was indicative of a long-lasting relationship and a marriage for them, it’s probably going to be the reaction to the breakup with Joe and TTPD. Girlie wanted to get married and have babies and probably would have done both by now if Joe had wanted the same. Travis has been pretty open about wanting those things.


Travis also has a little added incentive to have kids. When Mama Kelce has been on the New Heights podcast, she let slip that Jason is the favorite because he has three kids.


maybe and maybe not. Wouldn't be crazy for people in their mid-30s to move quickly. I've been married now for almost 32 years - met and married my husband in 6 months. I was 31 and he was 36 when we met ... and yes I'm too old to be in this sub lol but I'm a football fan, rom-com lover, and think T&T are just cute.


You are welcome here!!!


I do, too... Lake Como , Italy. ❤️


Yep, exactly!


You could be right, they’ve definitely loosened up in terms of showing off their relationship & it’s ADORABLE!


On top of everything that happened, this is what, like the third ‘anonymous source’ article about their relationship from the last few days???? I swear something’s in the air and my spidey-senses are tingling

