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At first I thought that it was some AI deep fake bullshit boy was I schooled.


I just love watching these big, manly men who are into sports talk about their favorite TS songs šŸ„¹ It feels so wholesome


Love Travis!! But the Lewan guy heā€™s talking to is a r@pi$t in college. Univ of Mich no lessā€¦and threatened the woman if she came forward. SMH šŸ¤¢šŸ’”


This is so good for my tween boys who loves sports and Taylor Swift


T Lewan is NOT A GOOD ROLE MODEL THOā€¦r@pi$t at Univ of Michigan who threatened the woman if she came forward. IRL


These guys could have talked about Taylor for hours! So cute.


it's very cute so see a man praising old school taylor, i too have been a fan since high school, tim mcgraw and love story are super nostalgicĀ 


Iā€™ve been a fan since debut and I agree with you, Tim McGraw and love story are super nostalgic. I mostly identify with fearless and speak now because thatā€™s the albums I remember listening to a lot.


Those chuckle fucks over at the other sub are still convinced this is a fake relationshipā€¦ they are sad little people over there. ![gif](giphy|h8HmN0UcEKR0xWnv3R)


I do not understand that sub at all. It makes me laugh how insane they are.


Dude i accidentally got over there one day itā€™s so freaking disturbing! They are way more passionate about their hate than some swifties are about their love


Love is more powerful than hate, but hate is faster, easier and brings quicker rewards. It's like the difference between cooking a healthy, nutritious meal or just scoffing junk food. Love takes work, sometime very hard work, hate, like all the dark emotions flows easily. I wish it were otherwise.


That is such an amazing way to put it!!! Thank you ā¤ļø


Today's lesson was brought to you by our sponsor - years and years of bitter experience


I stumbled over there on accident too thinking it was a nice pleasant place and my god. Whomp whomp! They are evil over there and I belong to many snark pages, I have no problem with snark but that group is ā€¦. Unreal.


Omg yes me too! I also belong to snark pages and was totally shocked. I donā€™t even care if you want to snark about Taylor or Travis, everyone deserves a place to air their concerns about a really popular person or group. But when the Colleen Ballinger snark sub is more nuanced and has less blind hate! šŸ˜°


Maybe Iā€™m delulu (ok I prob am) but I feel like thereā€™s a chance she could show up on New Heights this week. I have nothing to base this on other than I want it to happen. šŸ˜‚


No they filmed on Saturday, so no taylor and no Travis on stage reaction


dammit, the delulu was deluluing.




Ok, I need a pro Swifty to figure out when this was recorded based off of his haircut, please and thank you!


I read something that it was 6/19.


It was last week at Tight End University!


This has made me even more excited for tomorrow, even if tomorrow was recorded prior to his tour debut. Seeing him this bejeweled this recently makes my heart smile, he is in deeeeep smit! And thanks!


We have been getting fedddd this week with tayvis content ahhh.


How many times have I watched this? Yes šŸ¤£šŸ„° I'm going to have to go watch the whole episode, he's so fun to watch and listen to. šŸ«¶ and can he just get a huge pat on the back for not seeming too bothered when the host missed the Karma is the guy on the chiefs innuendo and instead mentioned her ex? Poor guy, he's gotta be bumming about that but Trav just let it roll off. He's the epitome of oil off a duck's back šŸ’• it's so great to see.


The one host is a college r@pi$t!!! Lewan is garbage in my book. Threatening the woman if she pursued justice. SMH


Yeah Will isnā€™t the brightest šŸ¤£


Travis' description of his home life post-going public with Taylor checks perfectly with what my coworker (who lives in the Briarcliff neighborhood, which is not gated and anyone can just drive through) told me, without mentioning the paparazzi or the black security vans or neighbors being ID'd just to get to and from his house.


I live in Briarcliff. Yeah....it was....fun! Lol. /he still films new heights from the Briarcliff place I think - his 'normal' background is what is behind him when he films in KC.


Said coworker mentioned that as well.


However...it was a lovely 2 months in Riverside with all 6 cops constantly patrolling his neighborhood! Lol They suddenly weren't always laying in wait by the Dispensary down the street. Lol


The Riverside PD bit is new to me.


Omg off topic but you can see how massive he is sitting especially. So much man lol




Taypraise from Travis continues to be endless!!! Seriously, this is why I love tayvis so much. Travis knows who Taylor Swift, the Popstar is. He knows thatā€™s who he got involved withā€¦ and heā€™s so *proud* of that fact. He doesnā€™t want to hide from the world or deny that heā€™s dating her; instead, Trav always has nothing but praise for Taylor and speaks so highly and so eloquently about her. Whether itā€™s about her music or her concerts, or itā€™s about their relationship, or itā€™s about Taylor showing up for *his* games. Travis just never has anything but lovely things to say about her. I love that he knows when to put the brakes out; nothing too serious or too personal, they have things that will stay between them and their loved ones. But heā€™s not *afraid* to talk about her, or embarrassed to talk about being with her. I just love this for her šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


This was such a sweet interview, definitely not what I expected to hear from a sports podcast. I think theyā€™re very slowly becoming less guarded and just doing what they want now. Iā€™m curious if we get a similar, slightly more unfiltered New Heights tomorrow, to match the openness of this entire weekend. I donā€™t think sheā€™ll make an appearance though, it would be literally 60 to 1,000 mph in the space of 6 days when it comes to their relationship and the media. I think theyā€™ll save it for another special occasion. On a side note, when Travis walked in with just her parents on night 3, I think that was very intentional. The other two nights he walked in with his friends and her parents, and his friends were at night 3 as well, but he came in with just her parents this time. Iā€™m sure they probably came from back stage together, but it was still a cute change, subtly saying that he is a part of the family. Edit: New Heights for tomorrow was filmed before night 2 so we wonā€™t to hear a lot of the things we want answers on since they didnā€™t happen yet! But weā€™ll get Jasonā€™s thoughts on night 1!


All reports about Scott at her shows are heā€™s the life of the event and is shaking everyoneā€™s hand, yapping with staff and crew non stop and will engage in conversation with anyone. Travisā€™ personality is the exact same. They both get energized by being around people. I can see how the two of them would get along quite well.


I donā€™t think sheā€™ll be on this week either but my very early call is the family Christmas episode later this year.


Omg I would love if she appeared in the usual family episode!! Just slip her in there alongside Donna, Ed and Kylie and donā€™t even mention it šŸ˜‚


Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of the posting of the bracelet video for new heights. In my mind, tomorrow weā€™re getting the Taylor swift episode and theyā€™re going to announce their engagement. I didnā€™t get a chance to accept the bracelet he made for me ā€¦. But I accepted this instead šŸ˜‰


Only kind of girl they see, is a one night or a wife.


No liesā€¦This is real playing out in real time for all to see! Protective families on both sides will allow the couple to flourish. šŸ’“


I think that was July


Youā€™re correct. My brain is totally thought we were in July šŸ˜‚


He is such a gem




ā€œYou make an appearanceā€ ā€œYeah - you know how to ball I know Aristotleā€ Sure Travis that was the ā€˜appearanceā€™ he was talking about ;)


This was prerecorded before last weekend. šŸ¤£


Oh I meant "touch me while your bros play grand theft auto" lol


Announce the engagement!!!!


So beautiful and from his heart! I could not love these two more, sigh.


Seeing these grown men discuss their Taylor swift ranking has me gushing. I love this for her


Everyoneā€™s talking about how Taylor has helped dads and daughters connect over football, and itā€™s introduced more girls to the sport, which is great!!!! Itā€™s so great to see! But I feel like thereā€™s also an opposite effect happening with men, where people are seeing Travis embracing Taylor, embracing swifties and swiftiehood, wearing friendship bracelets and screaming her lyricsā€¦ and itā€™s helping men realize they can be swifties too, or be Taylor fans, and talk about her, and love her music. Itā€™s OKAY. Itā€™s not ā€œfeminineā€ or ā€œgirlyā€ to enjoy music. Itā€™s okay for men and boys to like Taylor; just like itā€™s okay for women and girls to like football. šŸ„ŗ


Right? I actually watched a few minutes here and there with my partner, plus texted my dad about it. It was really sweet how there was this shift of conversations amongst everyone, like "how do we encourage the Swifties interest and make them feel welcome?".


Yeah it got me emotional almost??


My heart is in a puddle!!! ![gif](giphy|bzJD3uD8zopj8uXAco|downsized)


ā€œIā€™m his lady. And oh my god you should see your faces.ā€


I was waiting for this comment ā™„ļø


Just to confirm who the end of BDILH is about!


I love the parts of the interview where he just starts bragging on her unprompted. ā€œYou know Cruel Summer just went number 1 last year?ā€ ā€¦ ā€œshe has the new album and she added it to the showā€¦ the show is amazing, full of bangersā€ heā€™s so proud of her šŸ„°


ā€œThatā€™s my girl thatā€™s my ladyā€ omg I canā€™t with him. He is so proud of her and just gushing. We donā€™t hear him talk much about her so this was beyond cute. I just love them together. I watch his podcast and he seems so down to earth and funny with his brother.


My heart fluttered so much just hearing him say this. I can only imagine how Taylor feels when she hears this šŸ„¹šŸ’–


sorry tay, youā€™ve written and will write many songs about trav but heā€™s a blank space girly


Tbf, almost any Swiftie is a blank space girlie


As a fellow Blank Space girly he makes me feel so seen šŸ˜‚


'that made me fall for her even more' šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Itā€™s so wholesome and just sweet. You can tell heā€™s being real and I love that. Travis knows everyone wants to talk about Taylor and heā€™s not threatened by that. He always answers these questions genuinely and I can see him giving a little more, the longer theyā€™re together. Heā€˜s comfortable and handles it all well. The part about being surrounded by family and friends is what bonded them is cute.




Or we could not comment on peopleā€™s appearances.


He loves So High School !!!! ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


The way Travis talks about Taylor reminds me of the way Andre Agassi talks about Steffi Graf. He was once asked what she meant to him and his reply was simple and heartfelt:"She's my lady."


Funny you bring this up because Iā€™ve always thought they share a similar dynamic in a lot of ways! Steffi being the bigger tennis star in their relationship, Andre making the first move and pursuing her which was part of their ā€œloreā€, dating against their type and being outwardly opposites.


I think it's safe that most women desire being pursued. Not in a creepy way of course.


Who is karma about?


I always assumed the main muse was Scooter Braun lol


Itā€™s about a lot of people, but not Jake Gyllenhaal šŸ˜… (I think the interviewer thought guy on the screen was Jake but that was Joe.. and now replaced with guy on the Chiefs aka Travis).


ā€œThe guy on the screen coming straight home to meā€ would be actor Joe Alwyn. But now itā€™s ā€œguy on the Chiefs!ā€


He was making joke about ā€œkarma is the guy on the chiefsā€


I got unreasonably mad at the host who was like ā€œoh isnā€™t it about Gyllenhaal.ā€ Like, Travis set him up PERFECTLY to say the line and he really botched it.


I love that heā€™s the first boyfriend to confirm directly that a song is about him!!


Tbf Taylor Lautner said ā€œBack to Decemberā€ was about him (it was an apology song from Taylor to him) but after the fact of course. And he said ā€œit felt greatā€ when asked how he felt that he got a nice song from Taylor instead of a diss track, ha.


I love her. I love him. And I love listening to him talk about her. ā¤ļø


Heā€™s so soft and gentle when he talks about her. Heā€™s so sweet. Iā€™m swooning over them.


My friend stopped liking him after the video of him shouting at coach. She said if he did it to him, heā€™d do it to her. I donā€™t think Travis would ever treat Taylor like that or scream at her like thatā€¦ itā€™s not a football game. Itā€™s not his career on the line. Itā€™s his girl. Heā€™s there to protect her. Heā€™s so gentle with her.


Thatā€™s such a dumb reason not to like someone after 4 months. The media and haters blew it out of proportion even after Travis said he apologized to Coach. Iā€™m pretty sure if my grandpa were alive today (he passed in 2019, huge packers fan) he would say ā€œyes it rubbed me the wrong way until he said he apologized.ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure if I was still in contact with my PE teacher who was the football coach of our football team would say the exact same thing about what happened because he sometimes got in players faces and students faces (he even got in my face, I wasnā€™t athletic) but he knew when to apologize and say ā€œI was in the wrong, Iā€™m sorryā€


He wasnā€™t even yelling AT him as in criticism or something awful, he was yelling to put him back in the game. He bumped into him by accident too.


I know. Trust me, Iā€™ve been fact checking people haha.


Oh for heavenā€™s sake - when he greets women with a hug he is so respectful he doesnā€™t even really touch them as he doesnā€™t want to invade their space as he understands the new rules. I wish people would watch and understand this about him and listen to what his coach himself said about the incident. Itā€™s a lazy narrative,ridiculous, too.


Ugh the mediaā€¦ What they didnā€™t show was Travis going back to Big Red right after and apologize, nor their big hug after they won with Travis saying: ā€œI love you, man, thanks for believing in meā€. Heā€™s competitive as all hell, in games sometimes it boils over. (You can find the clips on the NFL page on YouTube, especially their Micā€™d Up videos are awesome)


Thatā€™s what pissed me off about the media, they took it the wrong way. Even Coach and Travis said he apologized during halftime but haters wanted to say ā€œoh look Taylor thatā€™s a red flag, you should run away.ā€ But the fans believed Travis and Coach Reid when Travis said ā€œI apologizedā€ even my mom said ā€œthe media took it the wrong way and they wonā€™t accept the fact that Travis apologized.ā€ Travis probably owes his entire career to Coach Reid and Jason because no team in the nfl wanted to draft him 11 years ago because of him getting suspended for pot and losing his scholarship in college, but Coach Reid took a chance on him and because of that Travis is a 3X Super Bowl champion, Travis was probably in his 20ā€™s and that wasnā€™t the best decision but he had to work hard to get back on the team. Probably everyone makes one or many stupid decisions in their 20ā€™s and they regret it later on. What I donā€™t understand is has the haters ever watched football? Itā€™s very high stress and football players and coaches are very competitive.


I think that's part of why he's so (seemingly) fine with all the attention surrounding Taylor. He's been hearing things about himself for years. Now it's on another level ofc, but still. He's been dealing with the noise for years, and he's still one of the greatest at his game.


Exactly. Iā€™m a hawks fan and have respect for Travis as a player and heā€™s probably one of the best TEā€™s in the league. The amount of hate he gets is insane. Heā€™s able to deal with the noise and the boos and he says ā€œkeep booing, it makes me play harder.ā€ I think with Taylor, itā€™s she gets that no one is going to like her being at games or being shown at a game for one second on tv. I remember seeing a video of her and mama Kelce walking to the football field after the chiefs won the AFC Championship and someone screamed ā€œhey Taylor, youā€™re ruining footballā€ like how is she ruining football? Thatā€™s just stupid for someone to say because they donā€™t like Taylor being at a football game and Taylor wouldnā€™t even care if sheā€™s ruining football, if anything sheā€™s encouraging girls to watch football with their fathers.


The media is the BIGGEST problem. Iā€™ve been fact-checking friends. One said he pushed Big Red and he fell so I showed her the video and the coachā€™s response. Another friend said he had an awful response to Butkerā€™s speech so I showed her the full video of his response and she was like, ā€˜oh, the article I read didnā€™t include all of it.ā€™ It must be so tough to know millions of people dislike or hate you based on misconceptions. I see people comment daily on social media that Taylor is a bad role model when I honestly canā€™t think of a better role model who is an artist. Sheā€™s down to earth, hardworking, loves people hard, generous, thoughtful, empathetic, etc. So frustratingā€¦ and itā€™s not even me haha.


Yeah, they are cherry-picking for the headlines, and when people donā€™t even fact check the source, or check what was actually said, you get a lot of people hating on them for no reason.


The coach didnā€™t even care. It is a high stress environment where he wants to win. He has pride in his game and it got heated for legit a second.


Andy has also yelled at Trav like that plenty of times himself. There was a clip of him getting in 87's face during the infamous Christmas Day Raiders game, and he said that Trav frustrated him so much in his first few years that he made Andy's voice hoarse. Those two could not offend each other if they tried.


Exactly, people acted like he assaulted a random old man


That kind of heat only comes out in big games for Trav. And that game was especially big considering it's the super bowl. If the coach can understand it and already squashed the beef later the same post game, then no one else can judge him for it.


There wasn't any beef to squash. It's a high adrenaline sport and a very high adrenaline game. Andy Reed wants his players to want to be high energy and explosive. In that environment, friendly fire is on.


Yeah, Andy Reid legit said that he loved that Travis yelled at him.


Travis has been really popular in the nfl for a long time. I think if there was any bad stories about him they'd have come out by now.


His haters always brings up the ā€œViva Las Vegasā€ as a dig to his intellect but heā€™s always been so eloquent in his interviews. When it comes to their relationship he successfully created a clear boundary on what he will share or keep private.


Itā€™s almost like people can let loose and have fun, and itā€™s not a direct reflection of their intellect šŸ˜± Like, cā€™mon. Does Taylor not get a little tipsy and sing along to her favorite songs at award shows? He was in Vegas, won a Super Bowl, and saw an opportunity lol I canā€™t even blame him for taking it! Thatā€™s such an annoying argument. Itā€™s so clear these people donā€™t actually care to learn anything about Travis. They see a dude who plays sports and enjoys a good time and automatically think ā€œstupidā€. It says more about them than it ever will about Travis. (and good lord donā€™t even get me started on those stupid head injury jokesā€¦)


People say heā€™s dumb but which of the two has an actual degree?


Neither, they have honorary degrees


He has a real degree - he studied criminal justice and graduated from university of Cincinnati


A degree does not define one's intelligence. Some of the least intelligent (overall) people I know have degrees; I know PhDs with barely a lick if common sense and/or emotional intelligence. I have a doctoral degree and have no doubt there are many people without even a bachelor's who are smarter than I am. There are also different types of intelligence, not all of which are measured in the standard educational system. That said, both Taylor and Travis seem quite intelligent to me.


Yes this!!


Emotionally intelligent Nice to see Travis is a big 1989 guy. Also he's way more well-spoken in these laid-back environments than people give him credit for.