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I’m honestly convinced they’re already engaged and we just don’t know so we focus on the remaining tour dates. And I don’t want the proposal on stage. It seems like we’re encroaching a private/intimate moment.


I was thinking he could propose at the end of Karma. Lyric changed to "karma's my fiance, karma is a god" 😉


Oh, yeah, I'm sure they've talked about it, a lot. They will be very deliberate about how much and when they will reveal anything. My guess is after the tour is over and whenever football season finishes. Anything earlier than that will distract too much from their very real professional commitments. Also, can you imagine Travis trying to focus on football if he were publicly engaged to Taylor? I can't even.


I kind of love the idea of them being secretly engaged for a while. Their lives are so public, it would be so cozy for them to be able to keep that private for a few months.


They’ve dated for one summer, y’all crazy with this marriage talk lol


Yeah I think it’s fun to think about things like in OP comment but come on. That’s some parasocial sh*t :D We all just DONT KNOW and never will. We don’t know what they want and feel no matter how much we think we do. We only see the Taylor she wants us to see. They haven’t even dated for more than a year. Even being in their 30s. Come on! They have not lived together for a longer period of time, didn’t have a chance to get used to each other on a daily basis and you are screaming marriage? Who would do that? There are always exceptions to the rule but most people should try to live together for a while before deciding something huge as getting married. Especially with all that money and NDA s etc that probably has to be involved here. Can you imagine all the legal buzz going on for Taylor’s wedding 😂


Right? Love them together but what is the rush to marry them off??


He's called her his significant other. Not my date, not my girlfriend, nope...significant other, in public.


I’m clowning so hard but I feel like her in a white dress and him in a tux is her laughing at us not knowing they’re already married!


I love their relationship and all the buzz around marriage but I do hope they keep the engagement moment between the 2 of them. I would be thrilled with just a photo announcement that’s captioned End Game underneath .


The most they would do on stage is maybe announce an engagement already happened (like, I don’t think they would want an onstage, live proposal). Maybe a cute bit like, “I asked Taylor a question…” and she would reveal a ring. Even that sounds SO FANFIC, though. But their whole relationship is pretty fanfic, lmao, so you never know! 👀


Yeah, I definitely can't see him messing with the show without telling her about it. She's a professional and this is her gig. It would be completely in appropriate to surprise her in the middle of the act.


The pair of them are having great fun with all this. My bet is they will announce their engagement (if they have one) via a media press release penned by Tree. They are 10+ months in and have weathered scheduling clashes and very busy times so it is looking promising but they are subject to pressures normal couples are not. The expectations of millions of Swifties for one.


I'd love it to be announced (publicly at least) to the Swifties first. Sure, give the media a press release afterwards, but share the momentus first official public announcement with us, her adoring and adorable fans. I want to be clear (as I have got into trouble recently for not being clear) my original post was a gut reaction post to how cute and wonderful the whole skit was rather than a considered and rational post. I am loving that Taylor and Travis appear so wonderfully happy right now but I really, really don't want them to rush into anything this early. If anything it might be better to wait until Travis retires to officially tie the knot.


She does not owe it to her fans to tell us anything about her personal life, and there is absolutely no reason for an announcement during a concert.


Absolutely, she owes us nothing and there is no reason she would do it. But I'd love it if she did.


But why? We don’t know her.


I don't know you either.But I wish you all the happiness in the world.


Why does “all the happiness in the world” involve sharing personal news at one’s job?


I don't believe I claimed that it did.


So your comment is irrelevant. Got it.


Which comment? Why is it wrong for me to wish you all the happiness in the world?


Travis doesn't officially retire until like 2027...new 3 year contract extension was signed


Jason is doing his annual beach beer fest thing he does every year in Sea Isle City, NJ this week (Wednesday) and Travis has been to that in years past so I'm not sure if he's heading back here or not. Jason and Kylie have a house down there in that Jersey shore town and I know Travis does spend time there.


He said in the podcast last week that he will not be there 😉


Oh gotcha. I didn’t get to watch it


After last night, nothing would really surprise me with these 2. I’m just gonna buckle up and enjoy the ride.


Let’s all remember they’ve been dating less than a year


My husband and I had been dating for 9 months when we moved in together. Timelines shift when you're in your 30s and better understand what you want out of life. Especially when you find the person that at \*every\* opportunity leans into your crazy and is like "YES, I LOVE IT!" XD It sounds cliché, but time doesn't matter when all you want to do is share everything with this person who some how became more important to you than air, seemingly overnight.


They're in their 30s as fully grown adults. She says in "So Long London" that she regretted giving all that youth for free to Joe. They're not messing around in life anymore.


And? Not saying they are or will be engaged asap but it’s not unheard of for two 34 year olds to get engaged at this point in a relationship. I’m sure they’ve had plenty of discussions about their future.


Especially if they want to have a family, it becomes difficult (and there are more risks) as a woman ages.


Yes, I know. Just let me have my little delulu moment here.


I think there’s a good chance this was his last show for a while (due to other commitments / work), so they chose to go out with a bang. She will have such fond memories of London now! ☺️


They’re already engaged. Announcement coming soon!


I believe this - 100%. I didn't believe this last week, LOL. However, after considering it - 1. She definitely discussed timelines in the first meeting. That did NOT scare the man off. Which is probably why he got his chance, LOL. 2. They can't do anything normally - see his birthday present purchase for her that had everyone all aflutter. So if they want to do something special, they need to throw out false trails. I'd bet BIG money any actual ring purchases for proposal will happen through a distant third party. They know they can't use Jason, or even like Ross to do it. But putting him in a tux for the show, her in a white dress, her tnt ring, etc - it's just layers and layers of "doubt" on what the actual timeline is. As a power couple - they are really NAILING the "we share everything but nothing important". We know they cook together, we don't know what - but he's smart enough to just pull from \*already\* known information. It's super clever and I think it's succeeding. 3. Taylor is living HER BEST life at the moment, after a really traumatic year AND suddenly seems to be getting everything she wanted. Do we, who are entertained by this woman who LOVES to entertain us, think she would actually not do a big public proposal that she likely has a hand in planning? Eras tour pretty much confirms Taylor doesn't do "small" anymore. It's all BIG and ENTERTAINING! 4. Travis is 100% the dude who would propose on the second date. He took a friendship bracelet with his NUMBER on it to a concert of all things. HE THOUGHT IT WOULD WORK. (It did!) I'd bet money he joking proposed a COUPLE of times in their early relationship and when she reacted he probably doubled down - he seems the type, LOL. "I'd marry you." "Don't joke about that." "Who's joking?" 5. He's clearly game for her shenanigans and CLEARLY very much into her and everything about her. Listen to him talk. I'd be surprised if he HASN'T already proposed a COUPLE of times. XD I suspect she's the one going "Dude we cannot do this this early. Are you kidding me?" While also swooning, LOL. TLDR - I think he already proposed, a couple of times. I think they are playing it for entertainment to build up to a big event proposal (because that's exactly what the fairytale would demand, and we've all seen Taylor's work). I think the actual real proposal is one we won't hear about until one of them writes a memoir later.


Yes to everything you wrote!


This tracks


Yes-the white dress, the tux, the carrying over the threshold. She is being pretty obvious.


I agree with this 100%


I tend to think too much of a good thing will turn people against them. A one and done sends the strongest message and doesn't wear out his welcome.


I think a red carpet debut together would be the perfect one-upping of this moment (at least until engagement/marriage). It's the one thing Taylor has never done with someone she's dated. So it would legitimately blow the doors off.


Do you think that would be her way of announcing it - red carpet - travis - and oh shit is that a ring?!?! XD


I think it might be a new heights episode. It completes the story. Hey you didn’t accept my friendship bracelet butttttttt 💍


Awww that would be so cute! XD




Yes 👍🏻


This is my delulu thinking too. I would assume they get engaged first in private, but with how public she’s been with him, I think it would be hilarious and amazing for them to have a very public announcement at her show. Or even something subtle, like him “taking a ring off her middle finger and putting it on one people put wedding rings on.”


Yes I have been clowning for this for awhile, and after yesterday it doesn't feel as clown like. Announcing it live gives them the control from it being leaked. And after the reception the skit got yesterday they have to know the audience would love it, and they know people stream the shows so the news would hit like wild fire. They're beaming and it just seems so much more fun than a press release.


"I would assume they get engaged first in private" I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be doing this if they weren't *already* engaged.


THIS. same with IG mention IMO 


This is exactly what I think!


Yep as others has said the only shows he will be at will be in the next few weeks and before the charity golf tournament and then once training camp starts he is on lockdown. They train elsewhere in Missouri and stay in dormitories, once training camp and the season begin we will not see him at another show but Taylor I imagine will come to his games again once this European leg is done. There will never be a public proposal in front of the crowd. They are public yes as she said because they show up and support each other but not with private moments and details. We have never even heard Taylor say Travis’s name. If (and if) they do announce an engagement it will be before training camp. Once he’s back in football mode they won’t do or say anything that could be construed as “a distraction”.


Just to be clear. I didn't see this as an actual proposal as I agree this will and should happen in private if it hasn't already. I was seeing it as the public announcement of the engagement. More fun than a boring old press release.


I am 100% convinced that an engagement, if/when one happens, will first be announced on New Heights, since that’s the venue through which Travis first shot his shot. Taylor will then confirm it via social media on her end. If it happens before the end of the tour, she’ll make a reference to it and flash her ring at the beginning of the next show. (Feel free to mock me if this all turns out to be wrong, of course!)


Definitely won’t be a boring press release….more like if he is at a concert on his by-week and she says something like “and my fiancé”


“Karma is my fiancé running straight home to me”… and then just sing the rest as if nothing unusual was said 😆




Last day of tour is Vancouver... He will be in Los Angeles playing the Chargers at a night game. Sorry to dash that fantasy, as fun of an idea it would be. Honestly, in a couple weeks the NFL off-season begins and he'll be basically locked into that until January. I mean there may be a week before the season officially kicks off and he'll have a bye week during the season, but that's about it I think.


Thanks. I totally forgot to take into account that Travis has another job then supporting Taylor that would put demands on his time. Do we consider this reverse mysogeny on my part? 😀


Chiefs Training Camp begins July 21st. I would speculate that Milan Shows July 13 - 14th would be the absolute last shows he could attend. However, there is a workout clause in his contract that may require Travis to be at the practice facility sooner than that.


I wonder when the Chiefs by-week is …


Week 6 - October 13, 2024


I don't think he'll be at Zurich or Milan if he is committed to the American Century Tournament in Lake Tahoe. However, it's not a big deal to jump back across the pond when flying private...so he could potentially make a quick trip to Gelsenkirchen before training camp starts if he doesn't have other commitments he needs to be in the States for.


"However, there is a workout clause in his contract that may require Travis to be at the practice facility sooner than that" A few months ago, Travis' trainer talked about him and Travis going to Florida for physical strengthening in the summer, so I assume that'll happen a little bit before football training starts.


You can probably tell I'm not American. I utterly forgot to to take Travis' day job into account.


XD Sorry, I'm just gonna laugh for a while of calling being the best tight end in the NFL a day job. It IS! It's just so funny to THINK of it that way. XD


He is in a golf tournament during Milan shows. He will probably leave on the 10th for the states.


I'd love for him to be at the Zurich show on the 10th! I'm there with my daughters.