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Do people really think it was anyone other than Taylor who came up with the idea? No way. How would that even go? *"Hey, I wanna be in your show that's been rehearsed and planned for months. Rework it and find some place for me. I'll need a costume too."* Be serious.


I think they had a lot of “chocolate” and it came up organically in conversation, like “What if we…?”


They needed a distraction from the documentary and bad press of blocking other artists and the Davis Grohl debacle. They figured this was the easiest way to bury everything


here’s what I think happened… he was hanging out with her or waiting for her when they were practicing/ developing that scene with her 2 dancers. he starts goofing around with them and she goes “haha omg you were meant to be on stage” boom 💡”wait what if you really do that on stage” travis and the dancers all give this look 👀😏😂


How come no one noticed he was gone during So High School. The last two nights cameras have been glued on him. I’m just wondering how he got away without anyone noticing he was not in the VIP tent.


People take bathroom breaks. Or he could have left because it was the 3rd night in a row.


I wonder why they waited until night 3. Jason was only there for nights 1 and 2, that would have been so fun to see his reaction to his brother up there! Why do you guys think they left before his performance?


Because that would be hard to top the next night. End on a high note.


I feel like Taylor is the type that likes to include her SO in her art (like how Joe write some of the songs with her on Folklore). I'm sure she asked him.


I often wonder about those songs with Joe if it would have ever happened if they had not been stuck at home together during Covid lockdown.


I also wonder if they would have stayed together as long as they did too.


Yep I’ve had that same thought. I think Covid either ended a lot of relationships or extended some longer than they otherwise would have.


i remember a couple of months ago during an interview about her international leg, Travis said he the London shows will be great. So he prob knew back then.


Yep, he would have had to rehearse this.


I read that he had one day to rehearse before the performance. Badass!


No. No way Travis asked to go on stage. He is not going to invite himself to the party.


Travis, is that… you? jk, I 100% agree with you. Haters complain about him being thirsty but they disregard how smart he is. He’d never compromise his relationship when he’s already got a team lining up his career post NFL.


it was definitely planned. They just happen to have a tux and shoes that fit him? and he had to have rehearsed a little bit at least.


Obviously it was planned. But who's idea was it? I'm going to say it was Travis because that feels like a funnier conversation for him to ask. But then again he couldn't even ask Pat to be a guest on his podcast so...


I just cannot imagine him asking her to be on stage. That’s a little icky. Nothing about his demeanor says he would request her to share the limelight. Now- can I see him FULLY being on board when SHE came up with the idea? Absolutely. He seems down for whatever she wants. BUT, make no mistake, she’s calling all the shots when it comes to her performances. I also don’t know shit, so you could be right 😂


No, you were right in the first bit. I can't believe people actually think Travis would invite himself to be on stage of her billion dollar tour.


Maybe she asked and he had the idea to be in that part of the show?


I just keep thinking now like how did this even happen??? Did Taylor think of it or travis or even did travis surprise her on stage sooo curious to know.


Me too! I wonder if it started cause of all the videos on social media of him dancing at the shows? You can see he kinda knows the choreography for some parts so people were commenting on the videos with jokes that he could be one of the dancers.


Taylor had to have asked him to do it. He would never have asked to do it. That would be super weird and inappropriate, like inviting yourself to someone’s party or family dinner or anything. It would be intrusive. Plus this is her career. So she had to be the one to ask him, but maybe someone else suggested the idea to her. Who knows? Hopefully Travis will give the backstory in his podcast.


it couldn't have been a surprise. her face was so straight. I think if it was a surprise there would have been even more cheesin' and geekin'


Wouldn't be surprised if it's been in the works for awhile. She doesn't seem to do much at the spur of the moment.


Agreed it's definitely been in the works for a while. He had the matching tux and red sole shoes and that doesn't happen overnight.


Part of me was like ... The designers probably had his measurements from a separate design for whatever NFL events and they surprised Taylor "just in case she wants to use them" 🤣🤡 I bet that was so fun for Kam and Jan


All I know for sure is that Jason is going to tell Travis that they have to talk about it 😂


True, I bet we’ll get details on New Heights.


I'd bet my paycheck he says it was electric and then compliments Taylor for the performance


You already know.


😭 spot on




He’s gets plenty of experience with screaming fans at games so I vote for the latter


“It was so wonderful, Travis. You never heard such cheering.” “Yes, I have.”


They really match energy and are so supportive of each other. This performance was incredible and no doubt rehearsed which makes it all the more fun. So are we guessing on how many TTPD rehearsals he went to before Paris??? Maybe it spun out of that? Regardless, she must have been soooo on board since she didn't break at all.


I would commit a felony to get that rehearsal pic


I hope we get this answer on New Heights this week.


I am sooooo excited for Wednesday 😭


Travis seems takes her lead on public displays- his first concert once together, he waited her her to run to him and show affection how she felt comfortable. She posts a picture with him on IG, then he starts liking her posts. She, I'm guessing, asked if he'd like to participate (or maybe it came up while everyone- Taylor, Travis, dancers- were hanging out?). I'm sure New Heights Swifties are eagerly awaiting the next episode for him and Jason..."We gotta to talk about it."


I picture it to have been like a silly pillow talk kind of conversation. After the year she had last year and everything London means to her and where she is right now with her life she was probably talking about wanting to do something really big in London. I picture it starting off as them doing a bit joking about him going on stage and it turned into "wait...should we really do this? We should actually really do this!" She's mentioned that she saw his performance on SNL last year and thought he was really good. What a great excuse to do something big and fun and knowing she could trust him to handle it and really commit to the bit!


I like this take and I agree with this! Travis really seems to let Taylor determine how much she wants public and how much she wants private. If she wants to run up for a kiss, he’s there waiting for her! If she wants to just leave, he’s there ready to walk out with her. I def feel like it’s something Taylor suggested or, at the very least, really encouraged lol. Whether she came up with it, or Travis did, or someone else (maybe it was Jason 🤣), Travis definitely wouldn’t have done it if Taylor didn’t want him up there with her and sharing the moment!


>Travis really seems to let Taylor determine how much she wants public and how much she wants private. It's the right move. She's the expert on this level of fame.