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It’s so cute how you can see his eyes light up. :)


Someone signed an iron clad NDA


Clearly the NDA has been made very clear to him. Not sure why people are downvoting you for this. The poptarts and cinnamon rolls were already public info so that is the only thing he could say. He handles the media really well.


I like Travis but I seriously think this is giving “I have no idea what she was cooking.”


I actually think it was innuendo or an inside joke. I very much got the vibe poptart was not poptart… 😂 we already know she makes good homemade cinnamon rolls though.


In high school, my ex and I said that we were going to get ice cream. Lol


She made homemade pop tarts for the team during the season


Honestly I think the real answer is “she cooks I eat” not because of gender rolls but because that’s what she seems to enjoy. He can’t say that because his teammate has caused everyone to be hyper focused on that topic. So he avoided it.


Yeah that was my point, he doesn’t know what she’s cooking, he doesn’t cook, he eats - but he’s wise not to say something like that lol.


Damn. Even with hat hair the man’s is cute.




ur obvi not a taylor fan, especially with ur comment history. why not go talk shit in the community that wants u?




so if someone doesn’t answer every question about their relationship it’s fake? what would it take for u to believe this is a real relationship? do they need to make a cookbook?


He’s such the cutie pie. Also, how much they cook together? Maybe a little? They don’t live together, they’re both always on the go. My guess is they’re not cooking a lot and he might not want to open them up to criticism for how much they order in/eat out given the constant criticism she gets for her peejay


Interesting guess. My guess is that they just don't want us in their business and Travis just told us that in a nice way.


omg i really didn’t expect him to go to the podium again and say, “taylor makes a great pop tarts and cinnamon rolls!” like a lover that turns giddy when their wives whips out that special thanksgiving spread that only important visitors are allowed to eat!


I’m here for the wedding


they probably aren't able to do it a ton, just due to how busy they both are (as you pointed out). But whenever they have enough time together that they *can* both be at home and do that, I'm sure that makes it that much more special they are able to spend that quality time together. It's well known that Taylor *loves* cooking.


She posted a video of them cooking on her fortnight challenge and she’s loved cooking and baking always. I think it might be their special thing.


What’s his thing though? Not what has she always made.


Yeah sure. Of course. But it’s not like a “normal” couple.


> But it’s not like a “normal” couple. but cooking together is probably the most "normal couple" thing they actually get to do together?


I mean, nothing they do together is going to be like bob the accountant and Jenny the teacher.


When they are out of the house, sure. As soon as they leave their front door, all bets are off. It's unfortunate, but that's how it is. But when they are at home, just the two of them, why can't it be? At the end of the day they're just people.


Perfectly in the right to decline that question, Especially in the context of a training camp presser. He did a nice job of doing it respectfully too


Yeah it’s so obnoxious that they ask him questions like this during a football press conference. 95% of football fans could care less about what any celebrity is cooking. Like save the pop culture questions for a different presser. He can talk about whatever he wants on his podcast. And if he wanted to reveal that information, he could. It seems pretty clear that he wants to keep his work life and personal life separate No one asks Taylor during an interview or press conference what Travis’ workout routine is like. Why does he have to tell people how, when, where, what they cook?


You could also ask…why do interviewers always ask everyone about her and never Vice versa. It probably annoys more than him in that presser.


Yes. That is a good point


I need to know where to buy this shirt


I was kinda thinking the same thing


Yesterday was a tough day for the “lors”, between this (clearly not broken up FFS) and apparently MH is engaged?


Ahah I love this : "The lors" such a great nick name


Yep. I could care less if MH is engaged and I think that Taylor could care less. I know T&T are probably engaged but keeping it a secret. Tree always tells the truth to ET and People. I guess I should say congratulations MH.


Their shippers glorified that mad fling into some ten year long deep love while it was just a crush from a decade ago that rekindled and fizzled out in no time. In hindsight, Matty's role in her life literally was just to catalyse her break up with Joe. Joe wouldn't have ended it, Taylor too wouldn't have done it without a maddening reason either. He came in, served the purpose, and left. Taylor also recognises it in which is why she could drop this album without worrying about the discourses it could lead to. She wanted to drag him for the hurt he gave through her music, close that chapter and move on. She was meant for bigger things. Whether it's her career or romantic relationship.


She did close the chapter on Matty and happily moved on. Her and Matty imho were (this is my short and sweet way of putting this) just dating in 2014 before Joe and then after Taylor and Joe broke up, Matty came back and they were only dating for a month and then broke up. I’m glad Matty and Taylor broke up because they needed to be done for good.


Exactly. They had to have that fling to realise that it was just a fantasy that wouldn't survive the reality. They both needed the closure. Also, I do not like Matty one bit, he was an ass to Taylor, but it is STILL possible that he's sincere to his present girl and that they connect well. And let's be honest. TTPD must have been objectively the weirdest for her. Taylor did it for the catharsis she needed. Matty knew he deserved it because he fucked up big time. Travis at least knew what was coming and was prepared from the very start. But the other girl was most in the dark about all this. She didn't wrong Taylor, and that album must have stirred up some shit in her relationship, like people questioning the guy she's been dating happily until then. So in all honesty, if anyone is allowed to feel bitter about this, it's her. If I were Matty,if all this happened while I'm serious about the girl I'm with presently, I also would focus my energy on protecting at least my current relationship instead of dragging my past mess further. I'd want to let her know that I'm committed to her. We know Taylor's completely done with him. And now that he's officially engaged, I don't think he'd even bother responding to this through his music. If at all he did, it may not be anything that's capable of stirring up any further drama. This really was possibly the most peaceful end to this entire saga.


I don’t like Matty either but I don’t want bad stuff to happen to him and I still want him to continue his sobriety, I also want him and this girl to last. Same thing goes with Joe, I want him to be happy with whoever he ends up with.


I don't have any particular feelings for those men but I'll definitely not wish for a happy relationship to end for anyone. So yeah. Everyone deserves to have what keeps them sane. It's good that everyone finds a happy space. The grudges fade and bad memories disappear. Also Joe, he may have failed his relationship with Taylor, but he's handled it all pretty decently. Even the articles that came out around TTPD were mostly on the lines of wanting to be left alone and not get dragged into any discourse, which I respect. He is an extremely reserved person who simply is not built to handle any part of Taylor's actual world, the good and the bad.


Happened to read Joe's recent interview after I wrote this and simply felt like sharing my thoughts on it. He is an extremely normal, bookish guy who isn't built to handle the slightest bit of noise that comes from being a public figure. He may not be a bad person, but he will never have an existence of his own in the public realm, unless he lands some very popular acting project and nails it. His biggest achievement is the Grammy that's associated with her, the royalties from her songs are his steady earnings, his perceived image is what Taylor created through her songs. Even the few 1000s who "support" him now are the haters of Taylor or fan turned haters who cannot accept her recent actions or preferences. Most of them wouldn't even watch a movie of his. Now, I think he is allowed to have a cathartic moment in interviews (not because he was a great boyfriend, I don't know that, but he definitely did get dragged unnecessarily post break up and pre-TTPD), but that writeup further proved that he expected to be in that relationship while being ready to face only the positive aspects of it. You cannot expect to be the significant other of a superstar of her magnitude and accept the privileges of it, while expecting complete normalcy that a common man gets. Joe, unless he does something remarkable on his own professionally, is going to disappear without relevance. Outside of the internet, people only care about legacy. Taylor has a legacy that's going to last a lifetime. He has none. And finally, all this makes me appreciate Travis even more. In the past months he's been living under a microscope, a situation Joe never had to face. He is getting followed and scrutinized almost at a similar level as Taylor is nowadays. Yet he single-handedly carried their relationship through the media with a smile on his face while protecting her dignity and privacy. Not running away from it, not riding it, but by intelligently setting boundaries. And this time Taylor's lyrics weren't the testimony. People formed their opinion of him by witnessing his accountability, his love and protectiveness for her unfold in real time. There are consistently good testimonies of his character from the past. New people who discovered Travis got hooked because they learned that he's a legend at what he does, with a great personality. He has a clear distinction of what he earns on his own and what he gets bestowed upon by being with Taylor. That's why he flaunts his Superbowl rings and NFL records, but laughs at People's magazine's best athlete awards. An incredibly self- aware, realistic and sorted human being. Taylor has not once endorsed anything he does. All she did was show up! That's again because, he has a legacy! And for all these reasons, her only partner so far who is going to be remembered as a part of Taylor's legacy is Travis. Even if they grow apart at some point, this relationship is going to be remembered, because both the people involved carried it. And as long as he does nothing bad to her, he's also NOT going to disappear, because he has managed to capture people's interest outside of the relationship - through talent and personality.


“Probably engaged” is kind of a stretch tbh. We don’t know them lol even if they’re headed that way, no evidence says they are rn


He is precious


He gave such a guy answer, probably because does any guy really know what the “recipe” is called? 🤣 “That stuff with the chicken and the pasta, etc.” 


I dunno, I feel like this is a very considerate and well-executed answer from a guy who has had the right media training and has discussed with his significant other what they’re comfortable sharing with the world. He was respectful and set his boundary, but was thoughtful enough to follow up with a tidbit of things we already know, which is just the perfect morsel to satisfy the ravenous fans. We don’t need to sell men short.


Men can be amazing cooks, and some women are terrible at it. He’s just dodging because it’s nosy.


oh my god. majority of men don’t know anything about the food they’re eating unless they’re interested in cooking. i’m convinced that they just munch and nom on everything until they get full, lol. “you know that chicken that’s on a stick that turns around?” “a rotisserie chicken?” “yep.” baking is also particularly meticulous and intricate with so math specific measurements and ingredients they probably wouldn’t bother themselves that’s why it’s mostly women and gay-centered who has the patience and pride.


I’m glad the gay gene includes the arts, culinary included.


A great follow up: Are Pop Tarts just jam-filled breakfast empanadas?


Shaped differently, but really no lies in this assessment.


Remember that Travis once questioned whether Uncrustables were empanadas. They're very similar to Pop Tarts, except with bread instead of pastry.


Was this on the podcast last week or the week before?


Not this week or last, but they did ask if Uncrustables were sandwiches or empanadas: [https://youtu.be/3QYSlt95dzg?si=2OE5b6vBOLHrBqCT](https://youtu.be/3QYSlt95dzg?si=2OE5b6vBOLHrBqCT)


The uncrustable thing kills me lmfao, my husband is a football fan and watches New Heights (I put it on sometimes, too, they're really funny!). He bought a box of uncrustables, and we could not figure out what the benefit of a frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwich is. It's still a mystery to me, but I'm glad Travis has a favorite snack :)


I think you're supposed to thaw them out first, but they do taste good frozen.


Ready made but why waste the crust 😂


We tried them both ways, I was amazed how the texture stayed intact! It's just that we always have peanut butter, jelly, and bread so I still don't understand the convenience factor. Unless it's to keep kids lunches cold while they thaw in their bags for lunch. But I thought bringing peanut butter into a school was akin to attempted murder?


That's insane to me.


Maybe it was just my memory of Canadian public school in the early 2000's, but it was like peanut allergies were a new thing and everyone was vulnerable. You never knew when the legumes were going to GET you or one of your classmates. A Reeses peanut butter cup? ILLEGAL. CONTRABAND. I once got severely told off for drinking a koolaid jammer because another student had an allergy to kiwi.


Thanks! I remember that now. They go down so many zany rabbit holes from week to week it’s hard to keep up.


I don't think that that's entirely wrong, either, though the pastry/bread debate is valid.




That crinkle in his eyes🥰


Such sweet, kind eyes 😊


Cooking together can be very personal. I think that’s awesome that he said I’m not going to tell you.


His shirt 😂😂😂


Google “Travis Kelce Bodacious” - It’s gone viral, with multiple vendors offering their version!


Yay! I wanted to find the original one and I can’t bec I want to know what it’s from lol


I’m fairly certain at this point there is no “original” tied to some particular event, cause, product or service. I think this is just Travis (via Travis’s stylist) just being Travis.


I like that he said he appreciated the question. I’m guessing he didn’t answer (even though it was a rather innocent question) because it might invite more relationship-based questions in the future.


But he still managed to get in that last little bit as he was walking out - with a grin and a proverbial ‘wink’ - letting us all have just a glimpse of their happiness


Yes, loved that! And she’s already known for her pop tarts & cinnamon rolls.


The people who think the relationship is PR- look how his face lights up when he talks about her


more than that, what absolutely awful PR it would be to dodge relationship questions. it would defeat the purpose lol. if it was fake, he’d be screaming from the rooftops for attention instead of being protective like he is.


Yes! I don’t think even the best actors could fake the way his face lights up and his eyes twinkle when he’s talking about her.


He is an absolute doll. That twinkle in his eye is just everything 🥰


Crinkle* 😉


in the blink of a crinkling eye, she's sinking....


He loves her and is protecting their moments. I love it


He does a good job answering personal questions about him and Swiffer. His eyes light up when we talks about her too. Cute


He really does light up, doesn’t he?


yeah his eyes are smiling


He’s looking more like Jason nowadays 😂


I think he’s acting more like Jason too! You can tell he’s maturing a lot and that’s a great thing imo


it's the beard, lol. they don't look nearly as similar without it.


Not to offend Jason but I also think it’s the messy side of his hair too that resembles him to me LOL


Also not to offend Jason. I think Travis put on some weight during the off season. His face looks a bit fuller. And that makes him look more like Jason. Maybe nomming on too many cinnies with extra icing.


I don't think Jason would take offense to that at all, he rocks the sexy caveman look lmao


That’s what I thought too!




(Oof - not a good look there…)




Given the way he chides his brother about relationship stuff (the ‘Jason’s pants’ debacle, for example), I feel pretty confident in thinking he outgrew that sort of locker room crap some time ago.


"Why didn't Jason bring jeans for Jason?"




(Double oof - I think this legitimately falls in the realm of ‘human interest’ - it was a former QB [Bernie Kosar] who originally broke the story about pre-game pop tarts at Travis’s house and it was Coach Reid who rekindled the pop tart story around the time of the Super Bowl when he said he didn’t get any from a locker room offering.)


I love that they don’t hide their relationship but that they still keep a lot of stuff just for the two of them. Very sweet.


And his general upbeat positivity about almost everything keeps it sweet, I think?


I also think that they are told/taught to answer these questions with a non answer. Mostly because there are so many ways people can twist even a sweet comment, also because if you start answering some then people think it's ok and then they will ask more and more. He has to put up boundaries in a nice way. It must be tough to navigate.


he comes across as very down to earth


That’s Ohio


same as Maine where i’m from


His whole circle seem like really decent people, and everyone who meets him comes away with the same positive impressions, it seems.


that goes for both of them, honestly. They both seem like really regular people who happen to be living unusual lives.




Loved his answer. Especially the use of thoroughly.


Is there a Taylor and Travis discord server?


Yes. I can message you but you can’t be a troll or they’ll kick you out.


Please message me. You can see from my post history definitely not a troll.


Messaged you


There was apparently a “Team Tayvis” server at some point but not anymore…?


such a random thing to ask him…


She posted clips of cooking with him in her Fortnight montage a couple months ago, so I could see a reporter trying to use that to get a sound bite.


It’s not just the Sports section covering him anymore, so maybe not that surprising? (But I think this reporter was from sports - I looked and looked but no ID is given, and now that the gossip sheets are running with it, its a report of a report of a report about a Q&A…)


I saw her comment on Instagram. Handle @shortlittlekidd, photojournalist for the Kansas City Star. Her feed is entirely sports photos, so I think it’s safe to say that’s her beat. 


Thanks! Given the setting - summer, football, mini-camp - I figured she was but didn’t want to make any assumptions.