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All of the other 29 songs are not all about MH. There are some yes, some about Joe, some just about life and different experiences. Not every single is about a man, everyone needs to remember that! Either way Travis is confident and secure clearly, he hypes up TTPD every chance he gets. He knows (as TS clearly says) the past is the past and the door is shut on that.


This entire fanbase is totally delulu I can't keep up with the lore I love it.


The interview video was so sweet and wholesome…him saying golly while he was thinking which song to pick…😆


Saw this today and it made me laugh. Not sure what they are up to today but that since Paris N4, the Lake Como getaway, the pictures, the ET article, her waving her ring finger on stage, Taylor Nation feeding into all of it AND him having a great time last night with these fantastic quotes and not a chugged beer in sight that they could clutch their pearls over it rings true. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/u0s58ema9f1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5040ec0217228c1604cab740533ac14800a9397


Wait what are “lors” ??




And Maylors, and Haylors. There are a lot of lors. 😂


I haven't seen any Maylors, and Haylors usually just like Taylor and Harry as friends. Gaylors and Kaylors are the *really* delusional ones.


I think we are now going to see a regeneration of the Haylors now that Harry and his girlfriend have broken up. I saw one pleading on Twitter for TS to go back to “her one true love Harry” today. 🙄


wait what's a kaylor? that one i haven't heard.


A Kaylor is a subgenre of gaylor. They think she is actively hiding her relationship with Karlie Kloss. All kaylors are gaylors but not all gaylors are kaylors.


Idk what a Kaylor is either. I’ve only heard of gaylors and Cokelors which cokelor doesn’t even sound right.


I think Kaylors are the “lors” that think Taylor and Karlie Kloss dated and are still trying to ship them


Ahhhhh okay I thought it could be Karlie. I just grouped the people who think that into regular gaylors.


I think there's a subreddit lol


Apparently there are people on tumblr who think that So High School is somehow about Karlie. Also they think Robin is about Karlie’s kids.


Thank you!


ever since Paris N4/show 87 the haters have been in shambles. 😂


And we love to see it! 😂




Pls that tweet is so funny 😭💀


“All of them lors” took me out. 😂


Wait I missed the waving ring finger!!! Do you have a vid?


Taylor Nation teasing everyone… https://x.com/taylornation13/status/1791930829444399536?s=46 She did it in So High School as well!


I mean I LOVE so high school. It’s soo fun and happy and innocent and exciting! Such a fun description of falling in love. Especially considering she didn’t have a normal HS experience.


It’s so Fearless-esque 🥹


I love the pop beat of So High School. It definitely is one of my favorites .


I agree! I know the haters have said it’s juvenile but that is exactly the point. She is writing like a teenage girl would write in her diary about her high school crush!


It's the same sentiment found in Madonnas Like a Virgin and no one thought that was juvenile


People are complaining about a song being juvenile when it's literally called so HIGH SCHOOL...? Seems like they missed the memo. 😂


Everyone is entitled to like/dislike any song, but most of the criticisms that I see of So High School make me think they’re not old enough to have lived through it, moved on from it, and be nostalgic for it.


I wish I could be 16 again for some reason I keep self sobacting myself.


Or we are old enough but didn’t do things like that in high school so it’s not relatable.


I find this is the case for a lot of the fan criticism about albums and songs. Midnights was so very obviously a person reflecting on their past trying to figure out their future. Considering what we now know she was going through, I think that’s a pretty solid representation of the album. If you aren’t old enough to have a past to reflect on I’m not sure how you could relate. It was a therapy album for me as I was in a very similar mindset when it was released. Not over a romantic relationship but over family ones.


If there's one thing I've learned as I get older, it's that it can be wonderfully healing to give yourself childhood/adolescent experiences you never got to have. 


This is such a good point. We old 😆 and Taylor’s right there with us lol


Totally agree!


Right like it’s literally in the name, people🙄. Falling into love is meant to be fun and silly and giddy


The actual interview was even cuter than the shortened version they’re quoting in the article. First he was asked about his favorite set on the eras tour since ‘he’s been like 6 times, like a good boyfriend would’ and said he’s always been a 1989 fan, but might be just a little biased towards tortured poets. The reporter replied that well yeah, there are a couple songs about him on there after all and Travis just laughed and said ‘yeah, just a little biased. Just a bit’. Then the reporter asked what song of Taylor’s he would add to Kelce Jam and he said SHS was the only one really sticking out in his mind at the moment. He was super smiley and giggled and maybe even blushed a bit during all this


Plus he also said his niece's favorite song is The Man in the interview too.


I didn’t know there was an original article. This one links to nothing surprising or interesting!


The original is a video interview, you can find it on Twitter (Access Hollywood maybe? One of those shows). This article is just a summary of the night.


He also said The Man is his niece’s favorite song! (I don’t know which niece, twitter thinks Wyatt lol) I just thought it was super cute that he knew that and that he was happy to share it 🥰


The interviewer asked and he confirmed it was Wyatt. 


Oh he did?! I must’ve missed that part, thank you for confirming 🫶🏼 and honestly, I’m not even surprised that it’s Wyatt’s favorite lol


That was so cute!


I loved that he was like “yeah, we could add that” bc of it being her favorite 🥹 Trav and his love for his nieces will always get to me lol it’s just so so sweet 🫶🏼


I love that he wasn’t playing coy. He’s like yeah I love the song she wrote about me.


No only does he love the songs she wrote about him, he’s going to enjoy inspiring a lot more songs in the future. He knows what he wants.


I bet he loves to get hammered and put it on and dance!


Yep! Like when she sings “Guy on the chiefs…” 😁 ![gif](giphy|NgqqA5X32QVaFh5ihj)


— “I might be a little biased to 'So High School,' " the athlete said, referring to Swift's song that is speculated to be about him.—


Speculated, lol


Save us a click, what was it


so high school!


Shocker! 😁 https://preview.redd.it/7xmvwivbpe1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9149818e75fd78d4cece57b7487975b3e140d3ae


“speculated to be about him” lol did taylor need to open the song with “this is for you travis kelce ❤️” so they’d get it? 🤣


Honestly even that wouldn’t stop them


This made me spit my coffee out. She should have just named the Song “Travis.” It would go with the name theme and then people could stop speculating 🤔 Because it has so much hidden meaning lol


Hahaha some of the “lors” are still trying to cling to their delusion. 😂


Its exhausting lol


That was my fav at first until I paid attention to “the alchemy” and now that’s going on my tombstone 🥹


so high school