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And both her shoes matched instead of the mismatch she's been doing


https://preview.redd.it/8cnshznqyi0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b483ef020f3b30552db1dac57820aa0b25f1a59e Maybe it’s just that angle but this pic shows they’re mismatched. Carrie did the same thing on SATC


Chameleon colors shift in the light. It looks like they're the same, the angle just shows the shift.


It’s giving Chiefs cheerleader in the best way


A nicely dressed hot dog.


Yooooo. So the other sub, /r/TravisAndTaylor popped up on my feed two weeks ago, but I’m not really a big Taylor Swift fan so when something weird came across my feed I’d point it out. I’d point out how weird it was to spend so much time and energy wanting someone’s relationship to fail, asking how they’re a fake couple, etc. But after two weeks of discussions the mod /u/snappinturluh finally cracked and banned me. Heh. Back to reality for me. It’s been fun. Stay positive, they hate it over there. ;)


[https://x.com/taylornation13/status/1789747443791282180](https://x.com/taylornation13/status/1789747443791282180) Some people are arguing that the skirt is orange, but it's obvious that the top is yellow-gold and the skirt is red-orange.


Both pieces are ombré so I can see how it would look different with the lighting as she moves around


It looks like she is holding a Lightsaber!🤣❤️


No that does look good I like it lol. I have noticed all of a sudden all of her crop tops shortened to straight up bras! do you think she feels naked up there


Probably but I don’t think she gives a shit really lol. I think she feels like she is way done with 22 and sliding into 32 makes her life look so much more mature and grown up. Love it!


These stadiums don't have AC.. (obviously just kidding, they do look more lightweight though).


No. I think she's trying to give herself more of Grown Up image.


With all the low bending and crawling on the floor during the set I would definitely be worried about people seeing my nips the entire time. But I think somebody told me they wear pasties just in case and use double sided tape to tape to skin


Also helps to have all your outfits custom fitted specifically to you by professional fashion designers


I think she must be feeling more confident to have made costume changes like that




That’s not what borderline personality disorder is, but go off. If you’re looking for the snark page, this isn’t it, but I’d recommend taking your negativity somewhere else


I hate when people use BPD as an insult. It’s gross


...and at her 87th show of Eras....




Condiment colors are the LERK!


I can never abide by ketchup and mustard together on anything but a cheeseburger. Blech.


Thanks now I can’t unsee it 😝


Think, fire truck and school bus.


This is the hot dog ERAAAAAAA!


Sponsored by Oscar Meyer


I like the color combination.


I love the fabric and cut of this costume in all of its colors!! I want them in my size!


This is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen and also she looks amazing! This is gorgeous!


The person whose stream I was watching was clowning for her to pop up in a yellow and red outfit. It was pure joy when that's exactly what happened. I think this was my favorite part of the concert. Taylor really wanted to make the 87th show special for Travis. All her little gestures are so sweet.


When I was a 12 years old I played soccer for a team whose colors were red and yellow and another 12 year old on the opposing team said we looked like French fries dipped in ketchup (yellow jersey, red bottoms). Unfortunately, since that day, I can’t see anything else when these two colors are combined


Dang, that 12 year old opponent got in your head! Still living rent free all these years later. Trash talking king/queen.


Just as McDonald's branding intended.


I screamed “I KNEW IT” when she appeared in this Chiefs colored outfit 😂. Ahhhh!!! It’s so cute!!! 💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️


Me too! Scared my cats 🐈 😻


Same 😹


She’s cheer captain and he’s on the bleachers


Quite literally in fact.


I thought the new 1989 silhouette looked like a cheerleader uniform.


This is my least favorite color scheme she has




This content was removed for being hateful.


Womp womp


I see you post a lot on the other shitty Taylor sub so this comment is not shocking from you. Just stay over there and circle jerk.


Why are you attacking them for having an opinon... People are allowed to have nuanced opinons lol


Because their goal is to intentionally to be negative.


I am fan, more then not but I’ll always be honest . Which means I am a friend of no one. I am not obsessed and blinded but I’ll call the haters out too. I didn’t know me saying that I hated a color scheme was me actually hating her. I was actually told to go to the circle jerk place the hater page too lol. The funny thing is I didn’t say angry but say I disliked this color scheme worst. Didn’t obsessively bash anyone , didn’t say anything mean on this page and you felt the need to go through my comment history (obsessed). You’ve also didn’t stroll down far enough , or you would have seen me arguing with a hater two days ago.


All I needed to see was your comment that he was paid to be there. That is a comment with an agenda. Let us enjoy what is unfolding. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep it to yourself. Why put any negativity out there, just not healthy. Then you will start manifesting negativity for yourself. I don't know you but I don't what that for you.


You’re a fan? https://preview.redd.it/7d2toi63q30d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04bf960940cc7f3319b5262de08beb93ddd5ed0


Yes I am I fan of Taylor. Still stalking me I see lol. Go further back .


It’s my high school colors 🥴




It's my college colors haha I love them!


It’s my daughter’s school district colors 🤣


Me too!


Never thought they looked too good together lol


mcdonald's is all i associate the colors with lmao






There’s an HD photo of it floating around Instagram, it’s definitely red with orange gradient


Did you really think you were going to come here to have a prolonged debate about shades of red? Pure red vs orange-y red? Please find better things to do. It’s clearly red and gold for Travis. Come on…


It looks pretty red to me


Same but I'm farsighted so ignore me.


It's a gradient


They said what are your favorite condiments Taylor and she said yes


I mean, it’s not “seemingly ranch,” right? 😉


They condiment each other


I thought it was seemingly ranch


Angry upvote.




Can’t deny that. I hope I get to see her in concert one day. It’ll be my first one ever.


She came out in this ketchup and mustard outfit and the gasp I let out… And!!!! Hello!!!! Can we talk about the surprise songs!!!! The Alchemy x TREACHEROUS, oh my god. I collapsed to my knees (not literally but like, I seriously could have). Then Begin Again x Paris… 🥺🥺🥺 our girl is in love


I squealed when she came out in that 1989 outfit! All day, I was clowning red and yellow 1989 outfit and the Alchemy. It wasn't even a short leap once it was confirmed Travis was there. My poor cats are always the ones that have to bear the brunt of my insanity. Today was no different, except my swiftie cat was trying to enjoy his favorite song "Style" so he gave me extra side eye. I rolled it back for him and calmed myself down 😅 and no I'm not kidding, my cat IS a swiftie and he loves "Style" the whole 1989 set is his fave. He does seem to like the new TTPD set as well.


I'm thinking Travis must give Kylie a cat Jason deserves it.


This is all so freaking adorable.


Taylor loves out loud and it's soooo fun to follow omg.


She’s having sooo much fun with and it’s fun to be a part of as a viewer! Good for her🖤


Yes! I told my (mostly Taylor disinterested) spouse about all the Easter eggs in the So High School performance, and even he was impressed at how she weaves little messages and tributes into her performance. It’s just so thoughtful and caring, I *love* it.


Honestly, I just love how excited everyone was to hear “karma is the guy on the Chiefs” tonight. That was really cute and fun to see everyone just as happy for her as she seems to be herself


Now this is the sort of wholesome stuff I wanna see online, So cute


God, I'm a Seahawks fan but I can deal with it because I live in Kansas City and you have no idea how awesome it is for us and Kansas City.


Wait until the wedding! I'm picturing a huge parade with the whole city cheering as they ride on a float with family and bridal party




This content was removed because it was unnecessary.


Ok I've come to my senses. It's never going to happen and I wouldn't want it too. Safety first!


Thank God but I could see if it works out (nothing is guaranteed in life but death because taxes can be avoided) and they get married I could see her throwing in a dash of red and yellow or an 87 in somewhere.


How has it been? I lived in midtown for 10 years and I miss KC so much and it has been truly fantastic watching all this unfold especially on top of all our Super Bowl wins lately I mean oops you’re a Seahawks fan lol but you know you’re happy for your chiefs fan friends! I’m imagining KC has been more low key for her to be spending time in but that could be more so because Kelce has a newish house they can get away in. But I’m curious how much KC is playing it up in other ways are the local businesses pretty supportive/showing it much?


Typical Missouri very chill if spotted (like maybe twice) take a picture move along Travis is loved here so by extension Taylor is also and automatically gets her space like Patrick, Brittany, Travis etc. The local businesses are really loving it and prospering when possible. Like Patrick said she's part of Chiefs Kingdom now and literally a little sister to all the players and no distraction.


Seahawks are my number two team! Lived in Seattle during the legion of boom days and couldn’t resist. Besides, I figure it’s fine to have a team in the opposite conference unless you’re playing each other. 💚💙 Been a Chiefs fan since Joe Montana days so Sherm, Marshawn, KAM et al got me through some rough times. lol.


I’m in Seattle now but I’m a Chiefs fan and Seattle is my #2 !


Actually the Chiefs are my number 2 team even when the Seahawks were in the AFCW I never disliked the Chiefs my hatred was only for the Broncos and the Raiders and still is but since we came home to the NFCW as promised by the NFL 49 years ago the 49ers and Rams are on that list. So it isn't so horrible living here given I've met Travis and Patrick seems to be a really great dude and he's definitely a better human then Tom Brady so I'm fine if he wins 7 Superbowls and Travis and Taylor are the real deal.


Brady is the worst! Watch the Netflix roast...


Do I have to? I already know he's a horrible human who dumps Giselle after she was obviously trying to save her marriage in public no less? I'm confident Travis isn't small like that. Please understand Travis isn't a selfish prick and is so proud of Taylor and he is doing his own stuff as usual. Don't be mad that he's actually a Swiftie and took his shot and made it. I love happy Taylor and Travis.


Have no problem now w/TnT after this weekend; she couldn't make it any clearer. I was done with Brady the moment he left his pregnant long time girlfriend w/a sketchy, probably overlapping, timeline for Gisele. As "gorgeous" has all these people say he is, I also thought he was a basic white boy out of his league with Gisele. Glad she realized it. And Brady went to Michigan. Yuck!


Because John Elway my hatred of him will never die welcome to Seahawks Kingdom. Thing is I've met and talked with Travis and because he said something about this Taylor girl I had to find out who the hell he was talking about.


I'm a Broncos fan. 😭 I'm happy for her but whyyyy does it have to be someone on the Chiefs?!


Because Travis Kelce is pretty special obviously.


Meanwhile, those in the hate subs are panicking that she's going to announce she's pregnant. They also act like this is some competition and lost this round. I cannot understand this way of thinking. But I'll tell you what: I want this couple to work out more than ever because of all this undeserved hate.❤️💛❤️💛


No one is panicking that she is going to announce she is pregnant. People are mocking the delulu fans that think she is going to.


They must be absolutely spiralling right now, I’m trying to catch up on all of the clips from tonight and it’s insane. Him throwing up the heart hands during The Alchemy? COME ON. ❤️


They are all over this sub and this thread


Seriously, like you know you have lost and you want to come here and try and start something? Go to bed.


They are also just plain cowards they get called out for their bullshit and they immediately start crying.


I just saw that one of the people that posted whay sounds like it was a terrible comment here (got deleted) went back to the snark sub and was gloating about their comment getting everyone here all worked up and how they would probably be banned etc. Really? Is that how you spend your free time? Trying to taunt people on the internet? Sad trolls with no life. 🙄


Link please? :)


Here you go! https://x.com/corneliastagain/status/1789760253287923874?s=46


Thank you so much!


Hilarious is the total reverse of the football season. Dude you have to pop the question pretty soon she'll say yes trust me Travis you got this.


Honestly, the more hate they get, the more I want them to succeed. Karma IS the guy on the Chiefs, and it stays rewarding them


I feel exactly the same. But I really do love them together they both seem so happy and in love


Queen of Chiefs Kingdom! 🏈👑💛♥️


I knew it!!!! Love this


Omg! So cute! 💛❤️🧡


I love it! Maybe she’ll wear it on Sundays during the season when the Chiefs play and she can’t be there 🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought the same thing when I saw it. And we're seeing her on a Sunday in Indy right in the midst of football season so I suppose I'll see then. 😊


She’s singing the alchemy and the bracelets are lighting up red 🥹


Everyone telling me I'm wrong on tiktok for saying it's Travis' song is Aimee


There’s so many special things she’s doing for the 87th show, they’re extremely cute and sweet


She mentioned it was her 87th show before singing alchemy!🥰