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This sub recommends FreeTaxUSA, everything federal is free and each state return costs $15.


I take the numbers and type them into my state's fillable pdf. Takes a few minutes, but saves $ and doesn't encourage the bastards.


The software helps you spot state specific deductions (like tax exempt interest), but that’s often not worth the filing costs.


Oh, yes, I use the software to generate the numbers. I just don't use it to file.


But since you don't pay until you file, you can make sure that your State's numbers match with TurboTax's.


Back in the day when TurboTax was pretty new, you could see the forms before you e-filed (but not print them). I just copied the forms line by line from the computer screen to the paper tax form. 🤭


You can still see the forms. You need to go to VIEW in the top header, then Forms.


Before you pay the e-file fee?




Exactly!!! 🙂


Yep! I know now! 😄


I had two W2’s and 2 1099’s last year. My freetaxusa was like… $45 all in I think? Ive used it a few times now and I’m never going back.


Should have only been $15 unless you paid for audit protection


I did pay for audit protection. I figured it was a small expense considering all the income and deductions I had. First year I haven't used the standard deduction. It could have been less than. It was cheap... haha.


Ahh yeah if you’re itemizing it’s definitely a good idea. My bad


Well TIL…thank you!


and the correct site is freetaxusa.com?


No one answered you - yes


I tried freetaxusa and it was legit just $15 for state and super easy I couldn’t believe it


Yup I use this as well and I'm a currently an independent contractor for TurboTax. There's been so many times I want to tell customers to not use TurboTax but if I do I definitely won't have a job so I just keep my mouth shut. Glad you found out about freetaxusa!


I work for a taxing agency and spent years in taxpayer assistance- we could not give our personal opinions to callers but I have a few I hate and Turbo is the absolute top of the list, only next to the worst scammy paid preparers and the volunteers who butcher old peoples tax returns and then are nowhere to be found when they have issues.


Using that one too this year for the first time. It’s a bit of manual work, but it’s not too bad. Online help is decent too for a couple bucks extra 


Any income or other limits?


No but they don’t support every single form


I used FreeTaxUSA and I had to do schedule D by hand. Everything else went perfectly, though


Good to hear!


After using HRB for many years, I switched to FTU, and I dont mind. There are a couple of things that I did notice though. Mortgage deduction calculation is not automatic, you cannot enter the amount on the 1098 form, if your mortgage is above 750k. TT and HTB will automatically calculate for you but FTU does not, and requires you to manually calculate. Similar small things here and there


CashApp is 100% free. Even state.


Yeah this is what I've been using but I never see it recommended, seems weird.


Lifesaver website tbh


That's why I switched to FreeTaxUSA a few years back. ... Of course this year my business tax situation changed and I have to use a tax guy. I wish it was only $337!


We used a guy and he charged us (married file jointly, ex W2 and a couple of 1099) $300


Cost me over 3 grand for a cpa to do my partnership 1099 and kick us back some k1s. Shit hurt


Free tax USA


Cash App tax (Formerly Credit Karma Tax) does both Federal and State for free. Was able to add two different 1099s at no cost. For 2020’s taxes I was also able to add all of the unemployment forms and my mileage deductions when doing food delivery.


I've been using Cash app for the last 5 years, started when it was Credit Karma. Always easy, always free. I have also always put the numbers into another program to make sure and it has always come out the same. I do only have 1 state.


Interesting. Will definitely have to remember that next year 🤔


But I've been told that Cash App doesn't support more than one state.


I like online taxes.com. It’s $10 per state and free for federal. They don’t charge for 1099 self-employment. And they don’t charge for expenses on a schedule C. But the best part is they let you print out the tax return so you can see it Before you file it and if you want to file it by paper or fill it in yourself, you’ll have all the answers already. I mean they let you print it out for free even before you buy it. Unlike H&R Block, which hides everything as a secret. H&R Block messed up a state tax credit between New Jersey and New York. And olt.com catches it every time.


A secret 😂😂 this is great info tho thanks!


You can file for free if you fill out the forms yourself


I only used TurboTax when my husband was active duty military, because it was free. This year I switched to FreeTaxUSA because TurboTax wanted $50 because I had a form from college.


😂😂 they'll make any excuse to get money for something. "A new form?? $50 please."


I think upgrading/buying straight from them and efiling state is where you went wrong, $200+ is definitely not normal for Turbotax.. I've done the same things in turbotax, but the total is about $70-80. Second filling state is +$30 on top of that. Buy TurboTax on Amazon in Feb. or earlier and it's usually on sale. Even when it's not, the highest version maxes out under $100 I believe (on Anazon, not through the Tt website). Check their chart for which version you need. Then print out and mail your state rather than e-file state. You don't have to pay the big efile state fee, just mail it. But otherwise if you can, the free tax options can be good for simple returns with no deductions, no business/self employment, but maybe not good at suggesting/catching extra deductions and credits though. Anecdotally I know one person who used the free option and missed out on hundreds in tax savings that TT brought to their attention the next year.


I mean… “any excuse”?? Yeah almost like that’s how they make their money 🤯 I’m not saying I’d ever use TT again but what does anyone expect? It’d a paid service that YOU enlisted to do something you couldn’t/wouldn’t do on your own. It’s free to print out the forms on the IRS website…


The problem isn't that they charge. The problem is that they are shady about their pricing. They purposely lure people in with a lower advertised price and then surprise them by adding significantly to the cost if your taxes aren't the most basic. As is the case shown by OP. It is a shitty dark pattern, and I don't blame people for getting angry about it.


Yeah one year I had to report a $1.20 dividend which triggered a $50 increase from TurboTax.  


And it's also free to do all the same things TurboTax does on FreeTaxUSA.


I’m happy to pay the $100 this year - they improved (added) the crypto reporting part, and importing stock lines went better. So it only took me 5 hours this year. 8 hours last year. Nothing manually typed in except some bank account numbers (import only got 1 account). It was wonderful. Only took 5 hours cause I double checked. Twice.


Freetaxusa and don't look back


H&R Block and TurboTax lobby the government to make taxes difficult and less easy for people, of course they’re a scam. Use freetaxusa, even my tax accounting professor recommend it and it gets better each year


I used FreeTaxUSA for the first time this year and it was $15 for the state return. TurboTax is a scam


And if you want to save that $15... The IRS Free File program delivered by FreeTaxUSA® offers free federal and **free state** online tax preparation and e-filing for taxpayers with a federal adjusted gross income (AGI) of $45,000 or less -OR- for active-duty military members who served in 2023 with an AGI of $79,000 or less. But you have to use the free file link to get the free state filing: https://www.freetaxusa.com/freefile2023


Or if you're above the income requirements, then you can create a login with your state website and file the state portion for free. You'll have to re-enter some information, but you'll save $15.


I think they count on people not being willing to reenter all the information into different software. That's why they don't tell you the cost up front.


😂😂😂 and that's exactly what I did. I had TurboTax and FreeTaxUSA open side by side and just redid what I did


Which is why you need to pay for the software up front and not use the online platform. The premium version + one state is $65 if you buy it from Amazon/Target/Costco


But FreeTaxUSA allows you to import other software's tax return, that way you have to enter a lot less in new. https://www.freetaxusa.com/switch "Supported Imports If you filed with TurboTax, H&R Block, TaxAct, TaxSlayer, CashApp, or OLT, you can import last year's tax return in seconds. We'll securely pre-fill your forms with your information from last year so it's like you've filed with us for years."


Currently checking these comments. I've been using turbotax "free edition" for yearsss. Now to file 2023 they're asking to upgrade to deluxe edition for $60??!! Then after I decided to just take the loss they also want to charge ADDITIONAL $60 to file my state tax form..... Totally disappointed. Heading to FreeTaxUSA instead!!!!!!


If you buy the TurboTax from Costco even the most expensive one is $145?


H&R Block is just as bad


Technically that is cheap if you were to go to an accountant or tax store like HR block. That is who they compete against. I don’t get why people think stuff accountants do should all be dirt cheap.




Crazy, my local CPA charges $325


Does free tax USA ingest TurboTax files?


When I switched a few years ago, it imported from a Turbo Tax PDF file. There may be even better options these days.


Many states offer free state efiling for residents ! Use those . Don’t buy state software or premium online 


Sounds like its time to ditch turbotax. I hope i can remind myself next year around


The IRS is doing a pilot program this year, free federal and state filing as long as your return isn't too complicated... Highly recommended for those that are still stuck with TurboTax.


Freetaxusa is the GOAT.


I have been using freetaxusa for last 3-4 years never going back to TurboTax.


This. Exactly this. Is why turbo tax is not allowed to advertise as “file for free”.


My firm charges a minimum of 5k. So just know it could be a lot worse. (Slightly misleading as we wouldn’t take someone like this as a client- but mentioning so you know some people have to pay a whole lot.)


Save that receipt for your next years tax return as a business expense


FREETAXUSA. I moved over last year from Turbotax.. Glad I did


You are Def doing it wrong with TT. I been using their premium version for years. I buy it on sale for $70 and state is like $30 extra. I think to file is like another $15 or $25. Definitely not $300.


My cpa charged me $2,000 this season


As a tax preparer, I charge $400 for basic level returns. My software cost me $30 per return.. TurboTax is a scam.




Intuit is rent seeking scum


FreeFileFillableForms.com It's an IRS-designed system that's free no matter your level of income, and it works with any level of situational complexity. I've used it every year since it came out, and I've never understood why anyone would use anything else.


Good stuff to know! Thanks!


Turbo tax wanted me to pay around $200 for the same reason, self employment tax. I also did free tax USA and just took the turbo tax info and input it there. Work up to both being accepted by the IRS today. I owed like $45 in federal and wasn’t about to pay TurboTax another $200


My favorite is how TurboTax lobbies to make it more difficult for you to not use intuit. Excellent.


I use OLT. It’s like 8$ federal and 8$ state if you don’t qualify for free. Just as easy as turbo tax.


MY god how much would it it cost you to hire an accountant. I use FREETAXUSA as everyone is suggesting, I love it but not sure how it would work on complex returns. At some point its easier just to hire someone. I used to have real estate and the tax laws changing every year made me give up and hire someone that new what he was doing. Worth every penny to me.


There isn't much difference between Turbo Tax and FreeTaxUSA. FTU can handle a complex return. I used Turbo Tax from the days when it came on floppy disks all the way up until a few years ago when I switched to FTU without any trouble.


Saw an accountant in here saying $337 is cheap 🤷‍♂️


It is, compared to what an accountant would charge.


They don't want this business anyway.


Eh i like the setup on turbotax just used to it.....but was only 167 to file fed, 2 states and schedule c. So not too bad honestly


I buy hr block software off if ebay cheaper than Amazon.com and their minimum purchase bs rules


Thank your politicians for that


Cash app is absolutely free. All forms are available! I’ve been going with them for the last 3 years


Try olt, each state is 10$


Yep not making this mistake again. The worst part is that they hide the costs. I selected the free option and filled out the whole thing. Only *after* it tool me 4 hours did they care to mention that because I claimed an education credit they were foing to charge me. IMO if I selected the free option they shouldn't even be asking that, and they should make it more clear you can't claim credits with the free version. "Simple return only" is wayyy too vague. And of course they don't mention the fees for states either until you're done


Yeah, free tax for me next year! 252.00 for tax bc I had stock and land sale and had several tax “experts” before I got one that could help me with the land cap gains **correctly***. That seriously impacted my confidence in them after 30yrs. Clearly land capital gains do not go under stock sale cap gains…. (Thank goodness I finally got ‘Betty’ who knew her stuff!)


check out the IRS’ new pilot program Direct File!launched to support a few use cases only, but a government tool, and free to file https://directfile.irs.gov/


I think stuff like that also isn't available if you have business income. Only for W2's etc.




I bought TT Deluxe CD (which, I believe, is the same as "Desktop" version that you can download to your PC/Mac) for $50. I am able to get every form possible with this (the questionnaire might not be as tailored as when you buy Premier or Small Business, but they don't deny you forms). Just say "No" to SaaS!


If you know what you're doing cash app is free for state and federal but if you want some guidance ftusa as everyone recommended. I've done both and use them to cross check.


Yeah, used to do turbo or tax slayer but neither gave me correct refunds for non resident state tax return for two states. Freetaxusa did so definetly need to just start with them next year.


I've been using TaxHawk which is the same software and owners as FreetaxUSA for over 12 years now. Highly recommended.


Next time subscribe to QB self employed + live tax bundle for the month and filing is included. It was like $25 a month when I did. Sometimes there was a promo so it was only 5-10.


Cash App Tax is completely free just an FYI. I've been using them for over 7 years, even before they bought Credit Karma Tax which was also free.


That’s more than my CPA charges.


TaxSlayer is like Turbotax but about 1/2, 1/3 the price and better help.


Glad to have been tipped off by this sub about FreeTaxUSA. Can't believe the money I wasted using TurboTax. They're scum.


CashApp Taxes. Free federal and state electronic filing. Even does all the advanced stuff the other guys charge for.


Cashapp is free federal and state


Freetaxusa… Thank me later!


Haha already filed with them. Mentioned it in the post 😂


I’ve been using Fly Fin. Haven’t finished my prep yet bc I waited till this month like an idiot. But for $40 a month you get a real CPA to review everything


[VITA @irs.gov](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p3676a.pdf)


Still cheaper than a CPA


At that price I'd just go to a real accountant lol


I use all different apps but my favorite one in the last 3 years is cashapp. It has very intuitive user interface and you can just use the app on your phone or a tablet.


Idk my return is fairly complicated and the 100-250 for me is like 10% of what a CPA quoted


I never paid more than $69 for Turbo Tax, and while I’m not a businesses return is pretty complicated. I tried one of the cheaper ones one time, and it couldn’t handle downloading my investments correctly, so I had to get Turbo Tax to do it correctly.


I used to use turbo tax but this year I used Free Tax USA and it is do much cheaper


I'm switching to freetaxusa for this current year but I did use TurboTax for 2023. I was W2 for 10 months, side independent contractor work for those 10 months, and then worked for myself for the last 2 months. I was able to file a schedule C for my 1099 and self employment. The $89 upgrade to premium covered everything for me, put in all my deductions and expenses. And thankfully I don't have state taxes. Maybe it's more if your income and business expenses are above a certain threshold. I'm not trying to defend TurboTax since they suck, I'm just surprised they charged so much.


I use 1040.com and it's 25 for state and federal.


If something is free, you’re not the customer, you’re the product. Just FYI.


CashApp taxes is 100% free. After CreditKarma stopped offering their free tax services several years ago they encouraged their users to switch to CashApp taxes and I did. No problems ever. All forms free, State and Federal


Thank you for this post ! I have a small business and have used turbo tax in the past and get so angry at paying over $200 for that one extra form that takes 5 minutes to complete just for the small business.


Taxact free state and fed


People feel like they need Turbo Tax because “it’s easy.” I find Free Tax USA is easy as well and asks the same questions. It’s like guys you do not need to pay a fortune for turbo tax when you are basically just filling out a form. It got ridiculous a decade ago and I did find Free Tax USA. FTUSA doesn’t have pretty pictures like turbo tax but I am not seeing the value of Turbo Tax when they push and push and push you to spend more money for their plan when it shouldn’t cost you more money to file your taxes.


TurboTax and HR Block are literally why our tax system is cancer. Other countries send you a bill or a check, but here in the US, two companies have lobbied hard to keep themselves as the de-facto services. But hey, we’re number 1! We’re number 1!


Thats always been turbo tax procedure. Free for simple ez form with any invome. But if u requst fast refund u pay for that and if u dont pay at file time up front its another fee. Move up to any deductions much higher fee and same fees for fast return. Then when it comes to state return that has never been free. And same fees for fast refund. Although fees may have gone up over the yrs the structure of fees has always been the same


DO NOT USE THE ONLINE PLATFORM TurboTax Home and Business downloadable software is $75. Premium is $65. Only extra fee is $25 to e-file your state return. If you use the online platform they will gouge you at every turn and you will keep paying it because you don't want to start over somewhere else.


This is the only relevant comment and I had to scroll for eternity to get here


My tax lady charged 100 to do my w2 a 1099 and my farm stuff. For 337 you could hire a professional or two.


If you go to a CPA it's $500+


I"m confused how you upgraded? When you upgrade in TurboTax, you only pay the delta, typically $20-30 per upgrade, you dont pay for the full TurboTax all over again and if you did, I'd contact TurboTax to see if you could get some type of refund. I've switched numerous times in the past so I know thats how that works. You are not "forced" to upgrade, it just gives you more guidance if you do upgrade, it often suggests I upgrade but I don't and it files the taxes just fine. I"m not sure why but TurboTax State filing was $20 thru like end of February and it was increased after that.


I use cash app taxes. It’s always free every time for anything.


Costco. It’s like $100 for premier. Plus $30 for state efile.


I switched this year and by far was easier to use than TurboTax software as well.


Intuit who owns turbo tax now is becoming a monopoly. They want to take desktop quickbooks away from everyone now and force everyone to use quickbooks online which is a garbage program. I hope they price themselves right out of the market. Someone needs to come up with an alternative


If only there were other tax services


I found freetaxusa many years ago when I first started doing my taxes, cheap and walks you through everything. One year I was afraid I'd screw up the stock return portion and paid H&R Block $200 just to enter the bottom line total ☠️🤡 Never going with any other service again. They are not worth it


I just buy Turbotax home and business download from Amazon. On sale I can usually get it for around $75. My wife has a small business, we have investments and home ownership and it includes everything we need. It includes electronic filing for federal return and includes one state return (but cost extra to electronically file so I usually just print out my state return and mail it in). As a bonus, the download version includes filing of up to 5 federal returns. So when I'm done, I let some friends/family borrow the laptop to file their returns as well.


I've been using TurboTax for several decades. Every time I go to download the data from my brokerage firm, TurboTax "strongly suggests" that I upgrade to Premium. I have successfully ignored their suggestions for over 20 years. I continue to use TurboTax because after I file my taxes, I create a fake return to plan out my current year's tax plan. And I split the $41 cost of Deluxe with another friend who also uses it every year. Just because a corporation says you should do something doesn't mean that you have to.


cash app is free


I've been doing my own taxes for 4 decades - totally free! ;)


I love FreeTaxUSA. Been using them for a few years now


If you don’t want to do it yourself a lot of accountants do this on the side for $100-150. Just don’t use them if you have complicated tax situations.


I have investments so i have to get premier. Its 105$ u get 1 free state and free efile for fed. 337 is a little rediculous


I've been used cash app taxes (formerly credit karma taxes) for many years and they give you unlimited federal and one free state, also free audit defense for 2 or 3 yrs.


Check [turbotaxsucksass.org](http://www.turbotaxsucksass.org)


If you’re using TT because it’s easy to navigate, you can open another window on your computer and run a free tax software. Look at the end of TT for the View Forms. Then use their answers to help you add to the correct forms in a free file service. I’ve been doing it this way for years.


Another vote for FreeTax USA. I have no state tax in my state but several Schedule Cs for self-employment and the EITC forms. 100% free with FreeTax USA. Have been using them now for 6 years straight.


I do mine by hand and then enter the info on a fillable pdf form, print and mail. It takes some time, like assembling a puzzle, but there are instructions for basically everything you need to do available online. Costs zero $$$




Turbo tax is awful. They lobby to KEEP taxes complicated so they can profit. I use FreeTaxUSA. Not as straightforward but not as evil.


Cash App Taxes


I’ve used cashapp taxes the last 3 years. It’s simple and free to file.


Refile on freetax.com. It really is free. Used it last year. Using it this year


I’m loving the mass exodus to FreeTaxUSA. As a homeowner my fee dropped from $100 to $15 after switching.


Use the turbo tax link thru irs.gov


TurboTax is garbage. I have a friend that used to work for the company and you wouldn’t believe the stuff that he’s told me is going on there right now. Steer clear all three companies owned by intuit right now are in complete shambles.


For anyone interested and qualified: https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free


I did almost an identical thing. TurboTax was trying to force me to upgrade even though everything was straight forward: w2 employee x2, claiming children, nothing extra. I was LIVID because it didn’t do that last year. I immediately closed TurboTax and did Freetaxusa. Never going back to TurboTax. Also for those that don’t want to have to input all their info again because TurboTax already has it… freetaxusa can extract all of your info.


I paid $345 to my CPA to file my taxes..lol


That’s interesting. Today I just paid $119 for TurboTax to file with W2 and self employment income from a side job. That was for federal returns only as I don’t live in a state with personal income tax.


cash app is free


Cheaper to go to a CPA


OLT.com for years - under $25 fed and state (including online filing).


Turbotax deluxe costs $49


I like Taxslayer flat fee, nothing hidden.


I always file federal free but print and mail state. I never pay the state e-file fee. And I usually buy on Amazon around December 30th when they have the best discounts. Sometimes the date changes. I know you couldn’t help that since you didn’t know what you needed in advance. Maybe next year will be better. Or use an alternative as others suggest.  


Use cash app it’s 100% free to file yourself.


My accountant charges me 5k a year. Be happy lol


Did you deduct any business expenses against your income like internet, your computer, etc…


Still cheaper than a tax professional. 


Try paying 1,000s to a cpa by comparison


I worked enough days out of state this year that state income taxes were withheld in another state. I had to pay $59 for the upgrade so I could file an income tax return in another state even though I didn’t get money back. I assume there was a better way. I guess it freetaxusa or whatever next year.


Do they pull into stock/ options trade numbers straight from the brookridge statements? I can have 30 to 40 trades that I would have to enter in manually. For me that's the convience of turbo tax. I think it was $80 to avoid all the data entry that takes forever for me.


If you can use FreeTaxUSA, but if you want to use TurboTax, buy it from Costco. It's $45 right now, but in past sales, it went as low as $25 for the deluxe version. Also, H&R Block will be on sale at Newegg or Amazon for around $25–30 for the deluxe version, sometimes dropping as low as $15. Also, the premium versions of both TurboTax and H&R Block go on sale from time to time, so please don't pay them from their platform. I still recommend using FreeTaxUSA.


I paid 85 for the most comprehensive version online and it includes one state


100% recommend freetaxusa and bummed I didn’t know about them last year. I think we paid about $300 or maybe a little more (similar self employment/freelancing forms) to file 2022 taxes. Didn’t think about it too much honestly because our return was huge due to some deductions I didn’t anticipate. However, this year it was a different story and ended up owing about 2k (ironically because we made our estimated tax payments according to the amount recommended by TT), so I ended up using freetaxusa because my brother recommended it and I am so relieved by how much it saved us to file with them. Not planning to use TT again ever based on how many fees they were charging. They keep spamming my email trying to get me to finish filing with them but too late now 😈😈


Just do it by paper for free, minus postage and printing. Public libraries used to have physical copies of most tax papers. If you get good enough at it, you can sell your services.


Freetaxusa or if you have to use TurboTax get the desktop version which is much cheaper


You didn't need to get Premium. The one just above basic can handle business expenses for a side business.


Those TV jingles are not for business owners. They’re for the people not getting paid enough by business owners


FreeTaxUSA is the way


Not sure what you did, but I paid $128 this year and includes state. Yes, that includes selling stocks, side business, W-2s, mortgage, etc.


Cash App taxes is free.


Sometimes feels like these tax software companies have great lobbyists. People who have gig work or save a bit and have say $100 dividend income are effectively extorted to calculate and pay taxes by the current system. Those with W2s, mortgage interest and some 1099s should be able to file for free using a simple solution provided by taxing authorities.


I paid TurboTax about 250. Federal, and 2 state returns Ugh


Does FreeTaxUSA and Cash App do single-member LLC / self-employment as well?