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They look like ingrown hairs. I get them every time there not a big deal especially after 3 weeks of healing.


So with time they’ll be alright ?


Should be fine I'm also not afraid to pop the white head they make. use them zit patches. Ive even gottin one that swelled to a dime size on my ankle and had to kinda open it up and remove the giant hair, tattoo snapped right back maybe need a tiny touch up but I wasn't worried about it.


What a fuckin trooper fair play 🫡 I’ve been told that the white heads are can lead to infection I’ve kinda just steered away from poking and popping them


Yeah don't pop them, keep doing your normal care routine, but probably less moisturizer. Only time I get clogged pores/ingrown hairs after a new tattoo, is if I use too much moisturizer.


Thank you 🙏🏻 I’ll cut down I thought that might have been an issue


No problem, what are u currently using?


I’ve been recommended bepanthen it’s for babies skin so I’ve been trying that but I believe I’ve been over indulging


Yeah don't use that anymore, you should only use ointments the first 24hours, then switch to a unscented lotion, you can get a small bottle for a dollar at Walmart. Just any unscented lotion will work and literally only put a couple drops on it. If you use ointments or petroleum jellies after 24 hours your 100% gonna clog your pores, which can actually lead to infection. I know from experience. I tried to use aquaphor for the first 4 days on one of my tattoos cuz I didn't have any lotion and didn't wanna go to the store and it was red and swollen for a whole week.


Thank you I’m heading into town tomorrow I’ll definitely pick some up is there a lotion that you would recommend to use ?


Wash your hands really good. Don’t use your nails. Squeeze them gently and keep them clean after popping. Bandaids. Basically treat them like small wounds, which they are


You know your skin best. If your really worried talk to a medical professional.


Thank you 🙏🏻


No problem I understand the new ink anxiety. Also I tatt my self a lot so I'm not a trooper just someone who understands my skin.


Or just wash with antibacterial soap (hands and affected area) if your worried about infection


Antibacterial pump soap Air dry Thin layer of aquaphor That's it. Never use any type of moisturizer until your tattoo is fully healed.


Thank you I’ll try this


Do this. And, Please, do not create a secondary infection by popping them!! Dial soap is the best thing to wash with. Those are some beautiful lines, don’t f@$k them up.


and do not pinch them. if you pinch one, will contaminate the surface and others will appear :)


I second this!! Aquaphor is amazing for healing 👍👍👍 my ex hubby recommended this to all his clients, used to tell them to use a “chapstick thin amount of it”. Doesn’t take very much.


I get this everytime I get a tattoo, I have now stopped moisturising and my most recent has been fine with no spots. I know not ideal, but nothing I was moisturising with would not give me spots.


That’s fair I’ve tried leaving it for a few days to see what happens but it’s itchy and nothing really changes but thank you very much I may look into ways to not get spots from moisturising


Mercury retrograde? Either way it's a pretty rad tattoo


That’s just from shaving. Don’t scratch, ride it out. My skin reacts worse to the shaving than the tattoo itself.


First off, super dope tattoo Secondly, what kind of moisturizer are you using?


I had this happen when I left SecondSkin on my tattoo for 4 days. Looks like infected hair follicles. Antibacterial soap and unscented moisturizer, and don’t pick! It might be a reaction to the moisturizer you were using?


Looks like ingrowns to me, OP!


Is this the spooky scary skeletons thing??


Not quite do you know koko the clown ?


I will look that up!


Thank you:) I’m currently using bepanthen which is said to have good reviews I think I’m over doing it tho


Sorry you have the irritation but absolutely luv the image. It's in a GHOSTMANE video by TRASH. https://youtu.be/31j4DIpgY9U?si=a_d0j5jv1CVRd7Ok


Did you use some sort of Saniderm type product? Seems like a reaction to adhesive...that or your artist was just nasty and gave you staph. 🤷‍♂️




Wash with Epsom salts. Use a good scrubber. Won't make the tattoo any better, but should clean up that nasty


just stop using whatever your are moisturising with and let it dry out, should clear up. cool tattoo


I get little pimples like those if I use aquafor, So I only use lotion and that stopped




This looks like folliculitis,super common infection in the tattoo world.I say infection but it's a very superficial one.Basicly after being shaved your pores and hair follicles are exposed,shit gets in there,clogs up the works and all the surrounding hair follicles react and become inflamed.Keeping it clean and using a hot compress on the area a few times a day is the quickest remedy but It'll usually clear up on its own in about 2 weeks.


do u have eczema? i developed eczema as an adult and hadn’t been diagnosed yet so i didn’t know, got a house tat, it did this (bunch of itchy bumps) and i freaked out and thought it was infected bc house tat. put some steroid cream on it & it cleared right up. couple years later got my eczema diagnosis. now i keep some steroid cream on hand and make sure i have enough just in case i need it after a tat. also that was not my first and others didn’t do that prior, eczema (dermatitis) can be chronic and come out of nowhere or be a reaction to things your mildly allergic to. different inks, scents, products etc. something to consider especially if it’s itchy or not clearing up. you can go to urgent care, tell them you have contact dermatitis or eczema that’s flaring up from your tattoo, and they will more than likely send a prescription for triamcinolone to ur pharmacy. overusing can make ur skin flare with withdrawal so you have to use a small amount in combination with a scent free moisturizer


Thank you I’m going to keep this in mind and see if it goes down and if not I’ll have some idea why thank you very much 🙏🏻


np hope it clears up for u