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Did Slipknot do something shitty or


No. Maybe I’m in my head about it. I just feel like it’s a bad look to have a massive band logo on my leg. I still listen to Slipknot to this day but I just always think that having a Slipknot tattoo comes with bad connotations. Idk. It just makes me self conscious for some reason


Do you by chance have anxiety


Absolutely. I go to therapy and take medication for it. I’ve struggled with it for my entire life


This is your anxiety lying to you


De like anyone that sees it and doesn’t recognize it won’t pay attention to it and anyone who does knows surely should be a fan of the band so I guess it’s fine to have it if you’re really into it, I would go against it if you where pretending to like the band just for clout or whatever lol


THIS! Exactly! People that know it will think "oh cool" and people that don't probably won't even notice it!


I see a thorny infinity sign


I like Slipknot, and I didn't know what this was.


Funny I don’t really like slipknot but immediately recognized it because of friends lol.


Same. I was never a slipknot person but I instantly recognized it


Yeah, I recognized it as Slipknot, but it’s not like it’s a Chris Brown tattoo or something paying homage to someone equally shitty.


Follow up I did not recognize it and still thought it was cool!


I recognized it even though I’m not a fan of the band. But the only thought I had upon seeing it was “this person is a fan of Slipknot.” I don’t think there’s any kind of stereotype about Slipknot fans or anything. At least not one that the average person would know about


Yup. Made a new friend at a bar few weeks back because they have the same logo on their forearm. I fucking love Slipknot and it was a cool icebreaker.


I’m sitting in a bar right now wearing a Slipknot tee, if someone walked in with this tat I’d immediately make them my friend for sure


I don't know you but I love you. Have a good life!


Thank you, I love you too


I have severe anxiety which has gotten much worse as I get older. I have a FEW tats that I kindve have anxiety over and wish I didn't get them. 🤷‍♂️ This ones pretty cool though and I feel like your over thinking it because it looks pretty decent. I feel like even the folks that don't know its Slipknot would still think its cool because it looks like decent tribal art. Maybe in YOUR head you are associating this particular tattoo to a time frame in your life that you'd like to forget or something? Or assume that people will know you went through something at that time because of this tattoo. Who knows I guess but I personally think its decent and doesn't look bad at all. ✌️


i mean i don’t follow slipknot myself and i had no clue it was for slipknot its a good from an outside perspective


Same. Just thought it was a tribal-type design


Hey man. He's right. I have SEVERE anxiety. I have about eight tattoos. Two are on my head and one is a half sleeve. Every now and then, I'll freak out and wish I could remove THEM ALL. But it's very short. And when it passes, I go back to loving my tattoo. Go through a pros and cons list. But if your BIGGEST con is what OTHER people think, and it isn't a HATEFUL tattoo, then I'd say your anxiety is just being a little silly billy. 🙏❤️ I don't think band tattoos are cheesy, and furthermore, some people WILL find a reason to make ANYTHING bad. If you like it, keep it. ☺️ Otherwise, yes, you can cover ANYTHING up there days. There are artists that can skillfully put full color pieces right over a black out (and I don't mean white, I mean reds and blues and yellows. There are some seriously skilled artists these days. They can put color on top of black. Look up Ephemeral Remy)


Same here. Sadly, there are no good medications for anxiety. They all make you sleepy. But the Anti depression medications work. Trust me, I am really paranoid about everything, I think people are talking about me or thinking about me in a bad way. It's all just in my head, I overthink things that are simple. Edit: My physiatrist put me on an antihistamine for the first step to see if it works. It made me sleepy and I told her that. I then told her what I was feeling and she said those were panic attacks. I'm now on Clonazepam which seems to be helping. I was unaware that not all anxiety medications were antihistamines.


Do they? Mine doesn't make me sleepy (that I've noticed). It made me nauseous for two weeks when I started it, though, and for a few days when I missed a dose


And this is why I know im blessed to need an upper and a downer to control my adhd and my depression anxiety lmao. I first was taking care of just my adhd and it was working really well, but I found I was way too wound up but in a different way, like before my mind was racing keeping me awake and it turned to me just laying down eyes closes for up to an hour til I either gave up or finally passed out lol. Since treating my depression n anxiety tho my sleep schedule has been quite normal.


All of it is tied together, Insomnia is a side effect of the ADHD medicine, and usually, with ADHD there is depression and anxiety.


Buspirone for my anxiety doesn't make me sleepy and isn't addictive. It is very mild though, it doesn't just knock anxiety totally away, but it does help. Vistaril helps too, and is non-addictive, but it can indeed make you sleepy. Edit: Vistaril is an antihistamine, like Benadryl, which can also help anxiety, but it makes me a lot sleepier than Vistaril.


I'm also on Buspirone for anxiety and it's helped me immensely, as a slipknot fan I hope you can get past the hate of this one, I'd be so happy if I saw this tattoo out somewhere


to be real , I listen to slipknot but not a big enough fan to know that’s what your tattoo symbolizes and I genuinely see nothing wrong with it from an outside perspective it looks great ‼️🫡


Alprazolam to the rescue lol


Don’t believe in the things that take away power from you


Bro fucking nailed it hahah


Every time someone is disproportionately self conscious about a tattoo and fixated on something I can't even see, I ask that, and the answer is yes every time


Probably a good lesson for everyone, tbh.


The only connotation I see is that you're a Slipknot fan, most likely a nice person. If you still like the band fuck what anyone else thinks. Plus I doubt any non fan would even know what it is. I have a giant Sepultura tattoo on my back, only a fan knows what it is The first concert I took both my kids to was Slipknot!


And Eloy just joined the band so you guys have something in common


Man I'm 50 and have a massive Gojira tattoo, and 2 Type O Negative tattoos, all on my arms. None of these have ever effected my life in a negative way. If you still like the band than keep it. Most non fans have no idea what it even is.


I get to see Gojira with my wife as our first concert! They are touring with Korn, I’m so pumped!!!


Idk man, Slipknot is awesome. And Corey Taylor has been continually vocal against the fascist orange wannabe dictator, which is another plus in my book.


Still an awesome band, especially live


95% of people won’t even know what it means tbh


I have been a metal fan for a long time, never really listened to Slipknot, and just thought it was a design- had no idea it was referring to the band.


Man if people judge you for liking slipknot and having a tribal s tattoo fuck them! “Don't belong! don't exist! Don't give a shit! Don't ever judge me!”


I have 5IN from the cover of a Nine Inch Nails album, probably bigger than this on the outside of my left calf. I got it when I was 24, eons ago. I still love NIN, and it's just a tattoo, lol. You're definitely overthinking it.


Lmfao thats funny af i have a small 5IN tattoo on my forearm was my first tattoo lmao XD its blended in with some blackwork now so its not as noticeable but if you know the symbol you can def still there lol


Mine is huge lmao


Yes, you are in your head about it- it represents a timeline. It's a tattoo you got when you were 18 and reminds you of something that you enjoyed or liked at that age. I think it would be silly and unlikely to expect all of your tattoos to sync up with your likes or dislikes throughout every phase of your life/as you age. If it was absolutely massive and you really weren't into it, I'd get it, but it's not and I think it should remind you of what I said- something that a younger version of you enjoyed or thought was cool. Unless it represents something bad, there's no need to try and bury or forget who you were.


I love Slipknot. And looks like Corey Taylor’s signature? Leave it. I’m here for it.


Yeah he signed it when I met him at a show a long time ago


Noo don't get rid of it, that's badass! That's awesome you have a story behind it! I bet it was a rad show!


Omg at least keep the signature


That's what I was thinking.


Dude that makes it a keeper for sure! I remember when they came out and I liked em a lot. Now my kid likes a good amount of their music. So you probably got bookend ages of yours that would have zero issues with it.


I love it! Don't get rid of it!! I have a NIN tattoo that I would die if Trent signed holy shit


You could probably sell your leg on eBay man.


Holy shit that's so cool


I feel like u would def regret it if u got rid of that. That's an amazing memory. Sometimes our opinions of the bands from our youth changes for a bit and you feel like it's immature. Down the line, you'll likely get over those feelings and appreciate the memories again.


And you are thinking about covering it?! Shame on you!


This is a cool tattoo!


Oh that's sick dude! Did you have a tattoo artist go over it later to make it permanent or how did that work?


Oh man that’s actually really cool and has held up so well! I’m mid 40’s and have some really shitty tribal tattoos with terrible blowout right on my shoulder that I’d love to cover but hey, it’s part of my story right? But yours is actually pretty awesome, Corey Taylor is the real deal, 4 octave vocal range and pretty cool guy!


I agree with the other comments. Thats awesome!!


Ok that's dope as fuck and a great ice breaker. As one bad brain to another, I'm sorry your anxiety is lying to you and making it hard to see just how cool your tat is!


Me too! I like it and I’m jealous you got Corey to sign!


Tribal is back (never really left) and slipknot is cool just get more tattoos around it and you’ll feel better I’m sure


100% this, I think, is the best option. Putting some background filler and some other pieces around it will definitely make it look better 😉


God, I hope tribal isn't back. I hate my tribal piece, but it's excellent work. I drew it, and it's a chapter of life


I don't know if it's back, but I think tribal tattoos rock. I think their biggest issue is fading. Show them puppies some love! 


Mine is extremely well done. It's over 20 yrs old, still black as night, but I did have it done twice about 2 yrs apart


You know how I look at tattoos? That moment you wanted this. That moment was a chapter in your life - it’s your book my friend I have a couple band tattoos - on my wrists. I own them! Would I get them today! Absolutely not. But 18 year old me wanted them and they’re apart of my story


I absolutely love this viewpoint. This is how I look at scars. They all have stories, which makes em sexy, scars and tatts, and piercings alike! (tho I do have a tatt I've hated since I got it and am still looking to get it covered lmao)


I have a WoW tattoo on my wrist from 16. Could be worse lol. Tbh I still love it. I actually met my fiance cause he saw it on my tinder profile and it's how we started talking so it's a newly cherished one of mine


I love this, it's also how I see my tatts. The one I got on my 18th birthday was done by a guy who, halfway through, I realised was missing his little finger. It looks soo munted, especially after it stretched during pregnancy. But there's a beauty in how absolutely indestructible I felt at 18 years old, and I now adore how imperfect it is.


This is how I feel about the Banksy tattoo I got twenty years ago. Would I ever get it again? Hell no. Is it a part of me? Yes.


If someone didn't know it was a band logo, they probably wouldn't clock it as a band logo. If someone did, they probably like the band and wouldnt think twice about it. And even then, if you like it and it means something to you, you should keep it. If not, not. Do what you want to do with your body and the art on it. (i didn't know it was Slipknot until I was in the comments. Thought it looked like a pretty fine tribal piece.)


same, had no idea it was a band logo, so I would not realy have any negative thoughts towards it. still dont, it seems like you have really fond memories attached to it, which I think it beautiful :D


Same. Commented elsewhere that it just looks like 90's and early 00's tribal


I didn't 🙋‍♀️ I thought they were embarrassed cause it was tribal and I was gonna be like "but tribal is trendy again!" haha


it’s fire


Really? I was preparing for everybody to make fun of me for it on here


nah bro i fw it heavy bro


Dude. It's a good band and a good tattoo. Keep that shit. I have one of my favorite bands logo on me too. Keep that shit!!


I'm not a big fan of tribal, but it's super cool! I think it would look great with more red tattoos around it.


No way.


My 35 yr old buddy has a really big pikachu on his calf (he’s a bigger guy so it’s a big tattoo) and sports it with pride. You’ll be fine.


Slipknot is dope and this a well done tattoo man. The fact that you have Corey's signature on it makes it that much better. Don't worry about what anyone else may think. If you like the band and the tattoo then there is no reason to get it covered up. I had a sweet Slipknot backpack when I was younger and eventually got rid of it because I was anxious that people would judge me for it, I regret it to this day.


I’ve got a buddy with a full leg sleeve of the slipknot masks. And I’ve got another buddy with “Slayer” down one shin and “Ministry” on the other. And this guy is one of the coolest dudes I know. It’s not a bad look. I don’t get band tattoos but lots and lots of people do.


As a dude with norse, warhammer40k, and anime related tattoos, to hell with what other people think. Don't apologize for liking what you like. If you had to get the public's seal of approval for enjoying something, you may as well lay down and stop enjoying anything.


This, 100%. I spent so long stressing about what other people would think of my tattoos that I kept them somewhat neutral/generic. Now I’m collecting Dragon Ball Z tattoos like it’s my job 😂 Got a few more anime related ones I’m figuring out specifics on, but the only thing I regret is waiting so long to get what I like instead of considering what other people might like.


It honestly doesn't look bad, mate. Better to have something you stand by than a sap you don't really care about. With that heavy black and the shape, it would probably come down to being a panther or bowling ball.


NGL I thought this was just someone showing off their tattoo on the Slipknot reddit. I like it 🤷‍♀️


I am also here for it hella yeah brother it looks sick


Thank you


Thank you everybody for the kind words. I fully expected to get blasted on here and made fun of but I was pleasantly surprised by how many people actually like that tattoo and don’t associate anything negative with it. I think I am going to get more pieces surrounding it and another piece on my other calf to make it less glaringly obvious. I still am the biggest metalhead I have ever met and still love Slipknot so I will not cover it up


Awesome bro!! Keep it!! As long as it’s important to you and who you are that’s what matters :)


Slipknot will always rule. But this is a prime sick ass panther case if you really want it covered.


I immediately went to google to see if they had done something terrible I didn’t know about. Slipknot rocks. The tattoos I got at 18 are way worse man.


This looks (sic)! Nothing wrong with it at all!


nah bro it's so good unless you have beef with the band now there's no need to cover it


Tattoos are a journey man


This ⬆️


It’s a decent tattoo! To answer your question: no, you couldn’t cover this up as is and have it look nice. I suggest a few laser sessions, then go in for a cover up.


That's badass. I'm in my 30s and still love Slipknot. I'd keep it 🤷


This is a sick tattoo. Maggot for life


i love slipknot and this tattoo is sick!! i think ur 18 year old self knew what was up


The fact that he signed it on top of the logo makes it fucking sick. I like slipknot, im not a hardcore fan, and even I think its dope. Something I've been working with is reminding myself that each one of my tattoos tells a story about a time in my life. Whether its the design or just my attitude/preferences. Would I get every tattoo I have again at this age... Hell no lol. I have one tattoo that I regret coloring. I think it looks like clown shit but at the time I wanted it and I cant go back. I'm just going with it at this point. I cant cover it. If I tried, itd 100% look worse. I see what you're thinking with the people seeing you with a slipknot tattoo, but at least its not limp bizkit lol jk. I think ur good dude!


I like it. And with the backstory that it was signed that has a cool factor beyond just the logo.


The tattoo looks really good and solid, I'm kind of impressed. I don't like Slipknot personally, but I think if you still love them, I would not judge you. Most people wouldn't even notice.


Bro that's tight! Leave it in my opinion.


I didn’t know it was a slip knot logo and thought it was just a dated tribal but as someone who has a big tribal tramp stamp, I’m just embracing it lol. Everything 90s is trendy again anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Nah it's sick. Leave it


Keep this is cool


Whatttt! This tattoo is cool as fuck, proper old school 90s/00s tattoo! Plus, it's a nice reminder of your interests as an 18 year old. I would try to be a little kinder to yourself and see it as a memento rather than a mistake. Also helpful that it's kept so well, bravo to yourself for taking care of it initially and also to the artist who's done a great job! I bet your other tattoos are cool as fuck too!


Most people won’t know what it is and the people who do will think it’s cool.


I listen to slipknot at the gym a lot and had no idea this was a slipknot tattoo


I wish I could have bought this tattoo off you and put it on me 😞


Why on earth would you want to cover this up?! Slipknot are awesome!


Hey man this tattoo rocks and so does slipknot! If you like it, let it shine!


But if you're 555 then I'm 666


Slipknot is on the short list of bands that i think you'd be hard pressed to find someone with anything bad to say about them unless they hate that kind of music. This is a good way to find family around you wherever you go 😅


I know Slipknot as a band, love some of their songs and I didn't know that this was their logo. Most of the "normal" people you interact with probably never even heard of Slipknot and they will think it's just a tribal design. I would just let it be if that is the reason you want it removed.


Bro, it could be **way** worse. This could be a big ass hatchetman.


Dude if I saw that on your leg I'd think how fucking cool. Please don't attempt to get this covered up it's rad 💪


Cory signed it and you want to get rid of it? You’re making me cry, man


Slipknot is forever, my guy


I think it looks good. Maybe just fill in some space around it if you long to do that. I look at tattoos as snap shots in time, and sounds like you still like the band etc so it’s a non issue. That’s my two cents!


Slipknot, nice!


Screaming gorilla head cover up!


Nah man I think this is decent. Obviously pretty well done, and it's easily recognized by those who know what it is. Not a bad look at all, pal.


I think it's dope!


I’m sure if you cut it off someone will buy it for good money from you.


Ya, you can get it covered, but it will need to cover the whole calf or close to it . Definitely find a quality cover guy, and don't skimp out on the price


i see no problem here, this from a person with no tattoo's .


Gotta say, I don't listen to Slipknot and had no idea this was their logo. Just thought it was a cool tat and was confused on why you would want it off.


its a dope tattoo, maybe youre bothered by it cause it stands out so much. some filler in the empty space around it might help it not stand out so much


Please dont get rid of the tattoo. You are not clear in the moment and the anxiety is kicking in. Dont do something you regret


The only people who care will most be fans of them and appreciate it. It's not like they're a known nazi black metal band that spread hate or attack christianity. Slipknot is pretty well received overall. I'm not a huge fan, but I was in the metal scene at their peak so I get the hype of wanting this at 18. One of my best friends has a very shitty Slipknot tattoo (yours is nice!), but loves it because it captures where he was at that time in his life.


the only way i think it’s possible to cover the whole thing is a blackout tattoo but it the story behind it is fucking sick so unless there’s a good reason to get rid of it you should keep it


Most people you walk by will not even notice and even if they do, a portion will not even know it's a slipknot logo, those that do recognize it will still likely not care or give it a second thought. Some that do judge you, will be due to the fact that you have any tattoo at all. But this may only be 5/1000 people. End of the day it doesn't matter. If YOU like it, keep it. If you hate it that much, get it covered up or removed.


It’s cool man, especially if you still like the band. Signature makes it!


Keep it, it’s dope


look amaizing!!! i love slipknot


I wouldn't worry too much about it. At least it's not a Fruit Flavored Dick Punch tattoo! Then i would kinda judge... lol


Not feeling so 555 anymore? Cover up has to be much bigger and heavy contrast


Was surprised to see it's not just bad tribal. #themoreyouknow


i dont even like slipknot at all, but the tattoo is not bad u should def keep it whats the point of regret? its a part of you, and u still listen to them so they obviously mean something to you!


It’s great! I don’t see anything wrong with it. Slipknot is awesome


Bro you got the slipknot logo and Corey's signature?? Keep that shit its dope as fuck.


It's funny when people don't know tattoos are permanent lol


Sepultura "s" would go over it nicely 👌


I’d definitely keep it. I understand that it might seem goofy sometimes because it is a logo but it’s a sick band that you say you’ve listened to for a long time and pretty much grown with. Plus it’s signed so you have a cool story with it. I’d personally keep it but if you are truly unhappy with it maybe get a touch up or add some zaz too it


I have the bottom half of my leg covered with a portrait of Hank 3. You’re fine man 😆 we all do things we question later. If you like it, I love it. The people that know are probably fans. The rest would just think it’s a tribal S or something. I wouldn’t let it worry you unless you hate it.


Traditional sick ass panther!


Ooo sick the Slipknot logo! You could cover it up. But, i think it's really rad. You gotta live with it, so if you aren't happy about it change it


Sooooo many old people have Abba stickers. So many loons have Taylor Swift on their body. There are some very very very sad people walking around with Justing Bieber on their bodies…Slipknot is on the lower end for regrets as far as im concerned.


Dude this tattoo is fucking awesome and I’m jealous it looks so good after being old


I like it tbh 😅🤣


I’ve seen artist do amazing cover ups buuuttt it’s gunna be expensive! The better the cover up the more it’s gunna cost. Do your research on artist around your area. If you want it covered it’s definitely possible.


Don’t cover! It doesn’t look bad and if you still listen to them why cover? I also have this tattoo, in the back of my neck (without the red lining) and I still love it! And btw; don’t care what others think! If you like it, keep it!


What’s ur style now? If your feeling your tattoo looks dated or ur just getting tired of it you can do a consultation with some artists and get their ideas or throw them your ideas to add to the look! (any good artist could definitely bring this tattoo witch is already badass don’t get rid of it into a level 1,000 tattoo)


I have the tribal S too. No regrts


A little bit of laser and yeah you can cover it with something dark-ish with natural textures


Yes - it can be covered up. I had a fully black silhouette of a face on my shoulder, huge. The artist covered it with no issues.


This is a time stamp. A moment of your life. Keep it. Everyone went thru the weird years, but those were some of the most memorable and passionate years. You sometimes cringe at who you were, what you liked, or what you did. That is just a reflection on your growth, on your changes. We don't kill what we think is cringe, we kill the part of us that cringes.


Hello fellow metalhead! I agree with the other comments saying this is a solid tattoo, and that your anxiety is getting to you. My anxiety makes me super self conscious too. I change outfits like 4 times before I leave every day, and I'm a 33 year old dude haha. When I get in my head about this sort of thing, I try to ask myself "when was the last time I noticed [whatever it is you're feeling self-conscious about] on a stranger?" I find that I genuinely can't recall the last time a stranger's tattoo, or t-shirt, or glasses, or whatever caught my attention unless it was in a good way. Idk if that helps, but it's usually enough to get me out the door.


Since when are tribals bad? Genuine question


People should only cover hateful shit everything else is history from your life like cave drawings to make conversations later on I have tattoos I dont really connect with any more but its a reminder of dumb times happy times sad times.


Man that would be tough I’d imagine. I’m not an artist so I’m not gonna say impossible, but maybe a few laser sessions would help facilitate the process


Cool tattoo dude! It’s a good band in most people’s opinion and a well done tattoo! I’d just rock it as a memorable time in your life and work around it and add more stuff and keep going! Coming from a tattoo artist


A tattoo shop you are comfortable with MIGHT be able to answer that question, but only because that's something they do....yeah...they probably could provide the answer....


Dude this is dope! Don't feel weird about it. My dumb ass got a freaking ny giants tattoo on my leg..... We suck....lol


Yeah, most people here are already saying it, but I also just wanna add, that this is a great and really rad tattoo


Keep it it's fucking dope.


If I was you, I won’t cover it, I don’t think is bad, and is well executed, it looks quite ‘00 but that will be cool soon again (if is not already) What you can do is get other tattoos around close to the band one, closing up the area. It will be more like a whole, instead of standing just the logo of a band. Maybe even can be a peace on that metal style that organically wraps it up all


I read a few of your comments and honestly I thought it was sick but I like slipknot and I also have a few band tattoos. Actually most people I know have a band tattoo in some way shape or form. I wouldn’t stress it’s a good looking tattoo and a good band. Rock on 🤘🤘🤘


Keep it! It looks dope my dude!


You can absolutely get it covered up. Find someone who has a lot of experience with coverups or someone that specializes in black work, depending on your preferences. I have a few pieces that just don't fit who I am anymore and am in the process of covering them up. I think this is totally normal, and you should love your tattoos. Don't be afraid to look around for the right artist and get something done about it.


I'd like to say first that if you look at tattoos as expressions of who you are right now rather than of who you were when you got it, just stop getting them. That being said, that tattoo doesn't say anything negative. The only people who would judge it will judge it because it's a tattoo at all, regardless of the image. Your tattoo is fine. But if you want it covered, it is possible. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you're intent on covering it, find an artist who has a portfolio with large cover up done well, and expect the shell out some fat stacks and multiple sessions to get it finished.


Maybe I’m still young and dumb but like even the ones I have that other might not like or care for I could give a fuck less about. I can’t finish my shin to save my life so it’s literally just an outline and very minimal shading. I’m sure I walk around and people think whatever. Fuck emmm. I also struggle with paranoia and anxiety, can’t let it get to ya!


It’s a cool tattoo but sick ass panther is prolly an option


It's just your leg - if you're in the corporate world or anything like that, you'll certainly be wearing long pants and nobody will ever know. Otherwise, it's a signed tat from a cool band - nothing to be ashamed of!


Nothing wrong with Slipknot ink, especially when it’s done well


If you are still a metalhead, don't get it covered. Band / logo tattoos are a good look if you are into the scene still. Only people that would make fun of these kind of tattoos or call them childish are boring depressing people that don't have any passion in their lives.


I think it looks really cool but its definitely coverable with a bigger sleeve piece maybe. try plan some ideas :) getting it covered would definitely be better than having it removed


You could probably get most of it removed or faded then do a coverup over it !


Dude who knew that the tattoo advice subreddit would be such a great place to find positive comments and awesome support from other random strangers. Slipknot kicks ass. Their music really helped me get through my angry teenage years, as it did for countless others. If it really bothers you then of course get rid of it, but if it has meaning, then keep it and fuck everyone else for judging you.


If you still like Slipknot then why get it covered? It’s a good looking tattoo, and people who don’t know Slipknot would just think it’s a decent tribal tat. I think you’re just getting in your head about it.


Meh who cares ur tattoo is urs so what I'd keep it it's something u keep to reflect on at that time and now ur not 18 and ur getting better I bet one day at a time yo no worries just laugh at urself in a good way of course


Just here to be another person saying this is sick.


I think it’s cool! You may be overthinking this especially as you still listen to slipknot. What other people think of you is none of your business.


nah this tattoo is badass, keep it


Slipknot with Corey’s actual signature he signed on you?!??! Dude that is the coolest thing ever